View Full Version : General talk What about Girls that cant turn up on time.

15-11-2013, 11:53 AM
I like to punt early in the day what I hate is girls that always turn up late.

I used to see this girl first job of the day I used to message her what time are you starting to day. She used to call me or message me a time but she was always late.

I used to even pick her up and give her a lift into work but even when I got to pick her up sometimes she was still in bed or still having breakfast never ready.

After seeing her a lot it all got to the stage I decided she was too much trouble and so stopped seeing her, that was 18 months ago.

Last week I went to Liverpool and walked from there so decided to go to a shop in Guidford.

Into the waiting room and who should walk in but this girl, well I always liked her and she shure looked hot so I saw her, got conned into two hours.

Went back and saw her the next week after making a booking and messaging her as above.

Takes me 50 minutes to get to the shop so she messaged me starting in 60 minutes so I rush off get there she rings me traffic bad be another 20 minutes.

45 minutes later she rings me again don't worry I will see someone else, NO NO etc you know the stuff.

So between one hour 45 and two hours of booking time she arrives.

Point of the story is I am not going back to see her but not only that I wont go to the shop just incase I bump into her.

Result she misses out but so does the shop I spend my money elsewhere.

So to all you shop owners out there manage your girls make sure they turn up on time if you don't you could be loosing out and not even know why!

If I do this then I am sure I am not Robinson Crusoe!

15-11-2013, 12:45 PM
Hi brother OOO,

I can totally see what you mean. I used to see Sophie at 501 on Saturday morning, first off the rank at 10am. and I made my booking the night before with Miko. Full credit to Sophie, she was always on time - so I could have her nice and fresh.

Before that, I used to see Yuki at 288 Wattle Street also on Saturday but they opened at 10.30am and Yuki was the one with the key, I used to ring her from 10.25am and she was usually there already or just walked in.

Lisa from Silver Fox started at 10am and she was the one to open the shop too so she was always on time as well, Sherry from Snow Lotus was another very prompt ML.

Yes, I think it all comes down to management, if the shop owner/mamasan wants to run a tight schedule they always can. Some mamasan will work around some MLs knowing that they are not early morning raisers so they actually rostered those mls a bit later like after 12pm, Cici and sister Tiff will be those ladies !!

Just my two cents


15-11-2013, 12:48 PM
Totally agree. If a lady is unreliable, just roster her on at 12pm
If she cant turn up on time at 12pm, then she goes on roster with 'time to be confirmed'
Management cant take bookings for this lady the day before if they are being ethical

I would not be helping anyone to get to work on time
I sincerely believe that if you help a lady too much in her private life, she will take you for granted
Particularly if there is an age differential

The main times I drive a woman around, are the women in my social life who Im driving so we can go out for the day, or when the drive is to a restaurant, and then to my unit ; )

15-11-2013, 01:45 PM
I think this is a problem with a lot of people in general. A lot of people in my social circles now seem to think it is perfectly acceptable to rock up 20 minutes late to whatever we're doing. It bugs me way more than it should.

15-11-2013, 01:52 PM
I bet if your friends in your social circle, were told by their employer, to turn up at a specified time, booked the day before, and they will be paid >$100 for this hour, they would turn up more or less on time

However some working ladies, presumably the young ones, forgo the money and prefer to be disorganised &/or disinterested with their employer

Working ladies cant be booked the day before by management if they have a record of turning up to work late