View Full Version : General talk No money no honey?

25-11-2013, 07:26 AM
I think we have all heard a variation of this saying before, and I just wanted to create a thread to discuss it amongst us boys.

Maybe I grew up watching too many fairytales, but I always thought we could all find someone to love and to love us back despite whatever financial circumstances we might be in. I mean, it comes down to, can I find a girl who doesn't care how much money I have? Whether I have too little, or thinking I have a lot?

The other thing that feeds this thought is I always hear women say money doesn't matter. But then all you have to do is look around the city or newspapers and see that all the well off guys have beautiful wives. Coincidence?

Do you think it's only reasonable and practical for women to assess us based on how much money we have, because it shows our ability to provide? Is it unreasonable of me to expect my girlfriend/partner to stay with me even if I lose my job? Even if I cannot provide?

If you accept that money matters, how do you accept the possibility that she may only like you for your money? I don't think any of us here would like to be with gold diggers. It is a really shallow relationship.

Feel free to discuss all.

25-11-2013, 07:46 AM
Fairy tales were written along time ago. Times have changed

25-11-2013, 07:54 AM
Money is important to everyone and women like to have a partner that can provide for them.

These days women are a lot more independent than they were years ago and so they can be more choose.

Asian girls or at least the ones we see out here are used to looking after themselves and if they become ML/WL then they are used to having money to splash around and so are even less likely to want a guy that cant keep them in the style they are used to.

Only got to look at how many single Asian girls that are around now days.

25-11-2013, 08:53 AM
I would never date a girl who earns less than $150,000 a year.
And if she owns her own home too, then I will marry her!
Oh, and she has to have nice tits and give good head too ;)

25-11-2013, 09:03 AM
In general I think women want a man that can ... oh fuck who really knows what women ever want !!!
Sometimes I think they don't even know ...

25-11-2013, 10:42 AM
There are many different ways to look at the questions raised by the OP !

It started from a one night fling, casual dating to short term then long term affairs then finally the marriage commitments !

And I think both men and women will behave and react and have different perspectives and expectations in different stages :

How much time do we have ?

25-11-2013, 11:22 AM
Well, how about think of it another way.

Would you prefer a wife who keeps asking for pocket money?

Same way women feels, they would prefer to have a men who can give them money without being asked.

25-11-2013, 12:35 PM
In general I think women want a man that can ... oh fuck who really knows what women ever want !!!
Sometimes I think they don't even know ...
Best comment so far ! ;) ;) ;)

Action Pump
25-11-2013, 05:24 PM
I would never date a girl who earns less than $150,000 a year.
And if she owns her own home too, then I will marry her!
Oh, and she has to have nice tits and give good head too ;)

Why such low expectations? :grimace:

27-11-2013, 07:29 AM
Well, how about think of it another way.

Would you prefer a wife who keeps asking for pocket money?

Same way women feels, they would prefer to have a men who can give them money without being asked.

But why should we give them money in the first place?

I just made a comment on the other thread which equally applies here I think......

This statement is meant and intended to be very positive from the male perspective, look after yourself and other things will take care of themselves.

Good analogy, very excellent. Does this mean I can never expect to play the pokies if I don't put any money in?

27-11-2013, 07:31 AM
Also, why do women say money doesn't matter?

So are you guys ok with women liking you for your money?

27-11-2013, 07:54 AM
Why such low expectations? :grimace:

With my Neanderthal looks I can't afford to be too fussy.
And besides I'm not a gold digger ;)

08-12-2013, 05:52 PM
http://youtu.be/qbJOLq5wXwk ;)

lol just saw this, hilarious!

Still thinking about this topic, may come back to it later...

08-12-2013, 05:57 PM
My goodness what a day dreamer love it.

06-10-2014, 11:07 PM
Sorry bros, thinking about this again.

If a girl breaks up with a guy because he loses his job, do you think that is reasonable? Reality?

06-10-2014, 11:32 PM
Sorry bros, thinking about this again.

If a girl breaks up with a guy because he loses his job, do you think that is reasonable? Reality?

That isn't reasonable. If people talk about love how they do, technically the girl should be with you in good and bad times.

06-10-2014, 11:54 PM
money makes the world go round.

and with that quote saying "money can't buy happiness".

I'm pretty sure that came from a broke guy.

07-10-2014, 12:46 AM
Inexperienced women want money but the experienced want your Alumni without you.

It depends a little but if you are poor, then don't go for a professional chic (say a lawyer) earning $200000 per year. Stay within your socioeconomic class.

07-10-2014, 07:22 AM
Inexperienced women want money but the experienced want your Alumni without you.

It depends a little but if you are poor, then don't go for a professional chic (say a lawyer) earning $200000 per year. Stay within your socioeconomic class.

Alumni??? What do you mean?

07-10-2014, 07:44 PM
Alumni??? What do you mean?

Think he meant to say Alimony which is where she marries you or goes de facto and takes all or half your stuff when she leaves you

TMC (free cage girl)
07-10-2014, 09:30 PM
I think we have all heard a variation of this saying before, and I just wanted to create a thread to discuss it amongst us boys.

Maybe I grew up watching too many fairytales, but I always thought we could all find someone to love and to love us back despite whatever financial circumstances we might be in. I mean, it comes down to, can I find a girl who doesn't care how much money I have? Whether I have too little, or thinking I have a lot?

The other thing that feeds this thought is I always hear women say money doesn't matter. But then all you have to do is look around the city or newspapers and see that all the well off guys have beautiful wives. Coincidence?

Do you think it's only reasonable and practical for women to assess us based on how much money we have, because it shows our ability to provide? Is it unreasonable of me to expect my girlfriend/partner to stay with me even if I lose my job? Even if I cannot provide?

If you accept that money matters, how do you accept the possibility that she may only like you for your money? I don't think any of us here would like to be with gold diggers. It is a really shallow relationship.

Feel free to discuss all.


08-10-2014, 09:42 PM
That isn't reasonable. If people talk about love how they do, technically the girl should be with you in good and bad times.

Have you ever seen one of those sprite ads? The one where someone opens up a can of sprite, takes a pull, and then somehow the world explodes into awesome around him? Now if a hypothetical person were to sue the sprite company for false advertising after not experiencing the same situation as the ad after drinking sprite, would you not think the person an idiot?

Sadly, all those promises and words spoken during the throes of passion are just like that sprite ad( note that i am not referring specifically to pillow talk or sex talk). There should be an asterisk after every love vow: expiry date of 3 months.

And Greg, as for your original question, please let me answer it with a question of my own. If you were to be married with a wife in the future and she became horribly disfigured, would you stay with her? Please keep in mind that this is not for one day, two days, or even three days. But the rest of your life, every moment you spend with her. Now imagine, not just talking to it, but having sex, you will NEED to make love. Again, not just once, or twice, but for another 20 to 30 years. Can you really look me in the eye and say you can do that? (for the sake of argument, in this scenario you are both too poor to afford any kind of plastic surgery or other means of medical aid)

Now having said that, there are men out there in the world who can do that. And there are also women who can indeed love a man without any care about his finances. However they are both rare groups. in the end, Humans are a incredibly shallow race.

08-10-2014, 10:15 PM
Have you ever seen one of those sprite ads? The one where someone opens up a can of sprite, takes a pull, and then somehow the world explodes into awesome around him? Now if a hypothetical person were to sue the sprite company for false advertising after not experiencing the same situation as the ad after drinking sprite, would you not think the person an idiot?

Sadly, all those promises and words spoken during the throes of passion are just like that sprite ad( note that i am not referring specifically to pillow talk or sex talk). There should be an asterisk after every love vow: expiry date of 3 months.

And Greg, as for your original question, please let me answer it with a question of my own. If you were to be married with a wife in the future, and somehow she had her ..., would you still love her? Would you stay with her? Please keep in mind that this is not for one day, two days, or even three days. But the rest of your life, every moment you spend with her, you will be staring into ...... only because it can still make sounds we can speech. Now imagine, not just talking to it, but having sex with it, you will NEED to make love to it. Again, not just once, or twice, but for another 20 to 30 years. Can you really look me in the eye and say you can do that? (for the sake of argument, in this scenario you are both too poor to afford any kind of ...)

Now having said that, there are men out there in the world who can do that. And there are also women who can indeed love a man without any care about his finances. However they are both rare groups. in the end, Humans are a incredibly shallow race.

Ceath, thanks for your very thoughtful post, hard to believe you only have 11 posts.

As for your ...analogy, that is one I have been asking myself for a long time. I think to be fair, if I expect a girl to stay with me when I have no money, then she should expect that I stay with her after she.... Yes, I will stay with her. Not sure about the sex part, but if she is my wife, I will spend the rest of my life caring for her. Maybe easier said than done, and maybe you call me a liar until it happens, but I have genuinely thought long and hard about it and I would say yes I can do that.

09-10-2014, 05:42 PM
I am not sure what caucasian girls is like but for asian girls, I am very sure that most of these "materialistic" girls are not as financially demanding on us as you think they are. Most of them are contented to be with you if you passed their minimum requirement such as having a stable job - even an average income yearly income is nothing to be ashamed about; a roof over the head is ideal but if at least they can see that you are saving up to buy a house for the future, I am sure she can understand. She just want to see a stable future with you, no girl want to enter into a long term relationship if it's going to be a turbulent one.
As for losing a job and they abandoning you, it's probably because you are not determined enough to find a new job. If you got no job but you find every means to earn even a little on the side even if it's just temporary, I am sure she will stick around.
What girls want to see in us is that we are disciplined, can make mature decisions and have plans for the future. Combined with a sense of humour, you will be more than well equipped to handle most girls.
Like guys, not all girls are good though. You need to cut separate the wheat from the chaff and filter the best girls to keep for the long term. Better to find it slow than to find it wrong and regret for a long time.

09-10-2014, 05:48 PM
Like a song , No woman no cry ;) :)

09-10-2014, 07:12 PM
You are too needy and emotionally clingy Good Guy Greg. Women don't want that. They prefer emotionally assured men. A strong fatherly figure to protect them.

TMC (free cage girl)
09-10-2014, 09:18 PM
Like a song , No woman no cry ;) :)

yes! but still pussy crying on the bed!12752

no money no woman, no money no shoes. no money no condom......