View Full Version : General talk Isis Signing off The forum Now

29-11-2013, 02:02 PM
Hello Lovely Gentle Men,

After much thought I have decided it is time for me to deactivate my forum account and my thread, which I've kindly asked Kyoto to do for me this afternoon.

I did not want to sign off with out saying good bye, and thank you to those that have been so supportive of my time on here.

I have thoroughly enjoyed the laughter and cheekiness, and hope that I have been able to add a little sunshine in your days as some of you have done to mine.

Reading through the 20 something pages on my Isis thread, I really need to say a massive thank you from the bottom of my heart to a very small handful who have been there from the very beginning:-

Eureka - it has been so wonderful and uplifting reading the poetry and song lyrics you have shared on here. You have been so so supportive and kind to me, both in person and through the forum. You've seen many of my ups and downs, and you're understanding and patience has shown me what a truly kind hearted man you are.

Sextus - such a huge part of this forum, it is no secret how honored I was of your input on my threads. You have made me laugh on here, and through Pm's thank you so much for being an ear when I was in need of a friend, whether it be my Isis persona, or just a hippy girl from the hills needing some advise, or just to share. Utmost respect to you!!!!

Brotha Ahlungor - hahahaha and WOWSA's!! I can't thank you enough to opening my eyes to some of the raunchiest and (most of the time) tasteful girlie pics I have seen! A few hit & misses there, but you got there in the end as you got to know my personal likes and dislikes through my writing. Blessings to you! A great supporter, adding cheekiness and fun to it all.

Oneonone - one of my very first customers at Kyoto, and always a sharer of kind words and support on my thread, thank you thank you! An absolute pleasure to have met you.

X11 - ha! you're a gem. Thank you for your input, the puppy balloons and that great use of your tongue! Women all over Sydney will agree - you've got a real gift!!! Keep using it :-)

Massageguy - so many belly laughs with you! Your quick wit and playful affection is just adorable. A real pleasure and you live true to yr name! Big smiles when you come to mind :-) .. U knows it!!

Wilisno - you have been a great support for me, and especially in the latter part of conversing with you, I felt comfort and safety with your presence on my thread, thank you so so much!

Max impact - nice to get the chance to converse with you on my thread. You seem very honest and it's been a pleasure to have your input.

Punter Poontang! - (somehow I forgot to add you!!! But I've come back on to do so). Thank you for adding a bit of your lovable yet proudly cynical persona on my thread. Brought a smile to my face :-)

Licker - hehe some cheekiness there!! I never did get to find out if u lived up to yr namesake!!

Oinkonk - such a massive thank you for your AR earlier on in the peace which may have played a huge part in kicking it all off for me!!!! You really touched my heart, and after my sessions with you I have never been the same again. Peace xox

Others I would like to show my appreciation, whether we spoke on my thread or just your input with fellow punters on here:-

Grant, Rooter, Syphon, wizard, Boney :-), filodude, pepefirstlove, Asia fever, amos33 :-), rub n tug, cleetusvandamme :-), Lockhart, black knight, ampletwo, pro seeker, verbatimz, Jordan Sigley, Surgeon.

The the many many viewers who never contributed, but who often came on to have a read, a laugh, and take a little something away with them.

To the many Pm's and bookings I had with forum members and lurkers who would prefer to be anonymous, yet who thanked me for the positivity I was able to express on here, and who shared their own personal stories, poems and songs. :-))))

And last but not least, to Kyoto, who without, this forum would never have been a part of my life. You guys opened the doors to something which I never dreamt could happen. An avenue to not only meet new people, but more importantly an opportunity to share through written communication...big love to you guys.

Thanks fellas for everything. This journey has had its ups n downs, especially when my personality (moody at times) cannot be hidden when writing so often on here! You've been so cool, accepting and open to my expressions of thoughts and feelings on here. I have loved being able to be free to share my spiritual side - without having the safe space to do that I may not have lasted this long on here! Thank you for allowing me to be me!!!!

A few prides have been injured along the way on here as we know. All intentions from me were good, so now it's time for you to let go and move on. Forgive and to grow... Life is about having fun, and getting back up when we fall..

Love you guys from a very special place in my heart. It's been something I will never forget.

Much love and light,



" The most incredible architecture is the architecture of self, which is ever changing, evolving, revolving, and has unlimited beauty and light inside which radiates outwards for everyone to see and feel"
- Allen Rufus, The Masters Sacred Knowledge

29-11-2013, 02:27 PM
By sister Isis sorry to see you go we will miss you lots!

29-11-2013, 02:50 PM
Very sad indeed.
Another beautiful post Isis...

29-11-2013, 02:59 PM
Realizing again that WLs that I truly want to see won't be around forever...

29-11-2013, 03:05 PM
Wonderful, powerful, heartfelt words as usual from you Isis.
Yes you have a way about you !!!

I am richer for having known you :)
Such a unique, fascinating & caring person !!!
Thankyou for the times together and here in this place ....

Absolutely beguiled ..... definitejy captivated ..... somewhat smitten :)

Fair winds on your continuing journey dear Goddess

Mwah xxoo

29-11-2013, 03:35 PM
isis may the winds always blow home for you.

your soul supported by angels.

and a smile always on your face.

namaste dear isis.

my sincerest wish is for u (and everyone else) to find their peace and happiness.

and perhaps one day for our paths to cross again in the future. for if there is one thing I'm sure of is that u enrich the lives of those around you. for this I say thank you from the bottom of my heart.

29-11-2013, 03:59 PM
Realizing again that WLs that I truly want to see won't be around forever...

I'm not sure all hope is lost GS!!

I could be wrong but the post heading just says Isis has decided to farewell the Forum.
I wouldn't jump to the conclusion that her desirable self will no longer be at Edgecliff.

If i am right .. It should go without saying for those that know what a gentle sweet soul Isis is .. Respectful & Gentlemen Callers only :)

29-11-2013, 04:18 PM
May the road rise to meet you May the wind be always at your back May the sun shine warm upon your face, the rain fall softly upon your fields. And until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand. Cheerio Isis, I'm one of the unfortunate few to have never seen you in a booking but plenty of friends on here that have. Take care, Jelly

29-11-2013, 04:58 PM
Brotha Ahlungor - hahahaha and WOWSA's!! I can't thank you enough to opening my eyes to some of the raunchiest and (most of the time) tasteful girlie pics I have seen! A few hit & misses there, but you got there in the end as you got to know my personal likes and dislikes through my writing. Blessings to you! A great supporter, adding cheekiness and fun to it all.

Hi Sister Isis,

I respect your decision of calling it a day. You seem to be someone who knows what she wants, always in control, enjoying life to its fullness, and most importantly, knows what you are doing ! On that sense, you are miles ahead of me, and probably to a lot of people too.

I will be at a bit of a lost as I won't have that opportunity and challenges to post those more tasteful and classy photos in your thread and wondering if the little sister will like them or not ??

Well, even if you are to retire the user name of Isis, you can always come back just as a guest and check up on us.

All the best.

And let the mystery of Isis (for me anyway) lives on.



"Everything is okay in the end, if it's not ok, then it's not the end."

"When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the first place."

"Never give up on something that you can't go a day without thinking about."

29-11-2013, 05:24 PM
Our Lovely Isis,

What can I say, not being able to wake in the morning and
Jump on here to look up the famous Isis thread is going to leave
A hole in my day.
You have been a pioneer on this forum as far as what you have brought to us.
You will be missed on these pages in more ways than you probably realise.

Having said that.
Just cause I can't enjoy that part of you , you will still need that body of yours
To be pampered, so I guess I will have to continue my duties in person.


30-11-2013, 01:39 AM
so now it's time for you to let go and move on.

Aah, how wistful those words are.

Thank you for allowing me to be me!!!!

Who would want you to be any other way? We appreciate the thanks Isis, but they are misplaced as it is we who are thankful for you being you. Here are some of my favourite posts and sayings of yours:

I would rather have a mind opened by wonder than one closed by belief

Ahlungor I think perhaps you need to spend some time with the goddess and learn there is more to a beautiful woman than a big pair of tits.

To Ahlungor - I love that you like big breasted girls.... If I had big knockers you would be first on my hit list to smother....hehehe

I start my mornings singing to my plants as I water and feed them, nurture and admire them. So simple yet so rewarding, so energizing!! My cat sits their on his balcony chair with just as much adoration, and I am reminded how easily the vibration of Love is spread.

I'm taking the weekend off work to relax & most importantly spend some much needed quality time with my pussy!

I love my solo dinners....after all, I can always talk to my pussy... cat..

For a good hard spanking .. Come and see me...

* To give a good hard spanking.. Come and see me

( sorry to those customers who I spanked today and who then reacted in shock!! Hehe..the Goddess is in fine form :-)). )

Haha I like to think I'm a good girrrrl........but in a baaad way (wink wink) should be ).

I'm a soppy romantic at heart, and thank god I have my cat beside me right now because he's going to to be smothered with cuddles now as I go to sleep.

I love how so many are making use of this lil box (and I don't mean my box!!)..:p*

I will share with you all that sometimes even Goddess's have their low points, where things can get over-whelming, the body and mind can feel run-down, and even the most optimistic of thoughts can become poisoned with self doubt and self criticism.. :prettiness:

I'm sure you don't even realise how warmly received your words are to this Goddess, but believe me when I say thank you, sometimes.they are like invisible wings that carry me through my day

Peace, Love & Mungbeans :miao:

Sitting on my balcony basking in the sun, the taste of earl grey tea on my lips, my adorable pussy purring away happily by my side, and some of my fav. Enigma tracks drowning out the traffic below...

Eureka: "Gotta love this girl !!!"

Enjoy your days fella's, if I'm not rubbing up against you then have a rub for me

Much Love,

Miss Cheeky Isis

Well brotha A, this Goddess (or should I say cowgirl) loves a good ride, however I've tried to fine tune mine down to a slower more sensual pace...lots of eye contact, hands on the gentlemen's chest and nipples (a bit of choking if I'm really turned on)..admiring and adoring his body while I slowly work up and down while giving him perfect view of the "action" as my legs and stomach muscles get a nice work out......

...just sayin

I like to squat - adds to better viewing and more control from me whether I want to go deep or just tease the tip....

Don't be afraid to be open minded. Your brain isn't going to fall out.

Advise From A Tree

Stand tall and proud
Sink your roots deep into the earth
Be content with your natural beauty
Go out on a limb
Drink plenty of water
Remember your roots
Enjoy the view

Walk as if you are kissing the earth ~

My Religion is Very Simple. My Religion is Kindness...

Somedays (due to all the advertisement and consumer brainwashing) I do fall into the trap of 'thinking' I need more $$, more materialistic pleasures etc...but in my heart of hearts I realize I am not and never will be one of those females who judge self-worth with financial accomplishments. If that was the case I might think I was a failure!

..as long as I can pay my bills,rent and look after my cat, be completely independent and not have to rely on another for financial support I am happy. I'll never be 'rich' in money or have the best of the best brands and drive a fancy car, however I'll be rich in experience and in giving to others which enables me to sleep well at night

Rooter: And I thought I was the most positive, optimistic and upbeat person on this forum.
Isis makes me look grumpy by comparison.

Good Moaning Gorgeous People

An old Cherokee told his grandson, "My son, there is a battle between two wolves inside us all. One is evil. It is anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, inferiority, lies & ego.

The other is good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, humility, kindness, empathy and truth".

The boy thought about it, and asked, "Grandfather, which wolf wins?"

The old man quietly replied, " The one you feed."



ps: I don't know why this emoticon is called 'grimace' as its one of my favorites with his cheeky little tongue poking out

Never apologize for being crude !

The boundaries of the mind are the walls of your prison. You hold the key.

Eureka: Let me just say this and only this:

Isis is an absolutely unique and amazing girl - in my opinion she is all that epitomises what an intelligent, articulate, spiritual and sensual, sexy woman can be !!!

I have met her on only two occasions - but such is the personality of the lady that the experience in her company was exciting as was it enchanting.

Sound a bit smitten don't I ?? Mmm probably am - haha ---- Lucky me to have those feelings for a genuine great girl
(I'm sure I am not alone in this reaction)

If she has moved on from this thread then like all things I suspect Isis does ... it was with good reason and careful thought ..... after all Isis put so much of herself into entertaining and educating us all.

I've missed my morning mantras on here and always think what an amazing learning experience I've had during my time on the forum, getting to share and converse with many even those whom I will never meet but who have added a little bit of magic to it all the same..

Don't let someone dim your light, simply because it's shining in their eyes.

as long as these posts can add some sunshine to people's days and open them up to thinking outside their normal comfort zone, that's the most important thing...... my job is almost done


Wilisno: Her job is never done ! People will starve from the deprivation

Black Knight: keep posting Isis

Eureka: Do you remember me when the west wind blows amongst the fields of barley ..?

People who think the mind & body are not connected have obviously never had a sexual fantasy.

I truly believe that positivity is contagious - and in my case spreading Love can be more rewarding than spreading my legs :startle: hehehe ... Although don't get me wrong - both can be a very rewarding experience!!!!

Reason: Oooopsy....... Note that Isis is HOPELESS at maths

This whole forum experience is new for me as you know, and I never dreamt it would be like this. When I first started I thought it was my job to get on and flirt with people (and yes, I do enjoy that) but as things take their own natural course it served me better to just be myself (moody at times, a little defensive at times, cheeky but ultimately to be real

Thank you for the above posts and the Pm's I've recieved reaching 20'000 views :miao: woohoo! Who would have thought:super_man::amazing:







Please no fighting or negativity shared on here . It's probably one of the main things that gets me sad, as I put my heart n soul into allowing a space for some cheeky fun, humor and positivity.

A little quote I love:-

" I think it's very healthy to spend time alone. You need to know how to be alone and not be defined by another person"

I'd probably wake up grumpy too but my first sight in the morning is my beautiful cat lying next to me. Then I just feel a whole lotta love. Hmmmm...maybe I need to get a few cat napping tips off him coz he sleeps about 19hrs a day!!

Attention Sextus!
Clear out your inbox as I'm trying to pm you!

We are all like the bright moon, we still have our darker side.

There are moments in life when you miss someone so much you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real

Even I get a little sentimental & melancholy sometimes :shame: I just woke up having a "moment" this morning.

How tall am I? With or without heels? Hehe..
I'm actually tiny, although I prefer the term "fun size"

Grrrrrr.....iPad problems. I'll try this again ~!

Ah well, each to their own. And better left to the ball kicking experts coz that ones waaaaaay outta my ball park (excuse the pun's hehe)

To answer you're question...a few of my secrets (other than my Asian genes ) would be living mostly on a diet of either fresh home grown veggies or organics from the local markets, a diet of free range chicken or fish, YOGA and meditation, a positive outlook on life (a commitment that even I must work on a daily basis!), self-love and compassion, a sense of humor, love for my fellow sentient beings, connecting with animals, breathing in nature and of course those slow n sensual forwards/backwards facing cowgirl squats during my daily sex-er-size sessions ...


So yes, peace, Isis, it is obviously all of us that has to do the thanking of you. You have been a unique and special part of the forum and we won't see your likes again here. But yes, with great and appropriate timing, your work is done. If everyone managed to take on board and adopt even a tenth of what you have written in all of your sayings and wisdoms - let alone the laughs - world peace would surely come about!

http://i1301.photobucket.com/albums/ag116/waveflow/Pigface-in-window_zps5384f0bd.jpg (http://s1301.photobucket.com/user/waveflow/media/Pigface-in-window_zps5384f0bd.jpg.html)

30-11-2013, 07:31 AM
Beautifully done Sextus !!
Want to give you a big HUG for this !!

OMG !! OMG !!! ... What the *** has she done to me !! :surprise::surprise::grimace:

30-11-2013, 07:37 AM
Isis has touched us all and we are all better off for having known her she truly is the Godess of Love!

30-11-2013, 09:47 AM
I didn't get a mention.

Though....I don't think I wrote anything....

30-11-2013, 12:39 PM
Well what can I say that has not been said before in this thread, We will miss you. As a goodbye gift I give you this song by Pearls before Swine, not that it is mine to give. For some reason I thought that you may like it.

"City Of Gold" By Tom Rapp

I have crawled across the burning sands
To the city of gold
When I scratched upon the gates
Oh, Lord I felt so old
My talking, it was only words
My smile was only teeth
I had so many friends there,
I knew I was alone

Oh, Lord I felt like a thief
I saw a man all wrapped in chains
Wracked with pain all through
I said, "I saw your face once in a pane of glass."
And he said, "I saw you."
Then he handed me a book
I asked him what it was
But just then all the townspeople gathered around
To look at all the blood
The people, they all jeered at him
And circled him all 'round
And an old man pulled a gun from his pants
And laughed and shot him down
They called for gas, they pulled out knives
What they did, I will not say
Then the old man turned to me, said,"We don't like your kind."
And I knew that I was saved

30-11-2013, 03:37 PM
Boney, there is terrible and savage imagery in those "lyrics." I have no idea at all what they are doing in this thread! ? :grimace:

Punter Poontang
01-12-2013, 03:33 AM
Punter Poontang! - (somehow I forgot to add you!!! But I've come back on to do so). Thank you for adding a bit of your lovable yet proudly cynical persona on my thread. Brought a smile to my face :-)

I wouldn't have even noticed you forgot me if you didn't say so! ;-) I should also add it's one of the big downfalls of using the app for this forum in that I've been unable to view your now legendary edits throughout .... :-(

Anyhoo, can't say this comes as a surprise, but the inevitability of it doesn't detract from the sadness one iota. :-( Thank you for everything you have shared with us Miss Isis .... some truly wonderful insights from the WL's perspective, always delivered with such openness and that infectious positivity that even rubbed off on a few of us grumpy bastards. ;-)

Your little rays of sunshine brightened up many a dreary day, and you will be missed greatly by the contributors and lurkers in your thread alike. I can only once again wish you well on your journey, please take care of yourself along the way.

Peace, Love, Mungbeans and Namaste!

01-12-2013, 07:08 AM
Boney, there is terrible and savage imagery in those "lyrics." I have no idea at all what they are doing in this thread! ? :grimace:

Perhaps you are right Sextus and if I have offended anyone, especially Isis I apologise, sumi masen. As I said before you guys have all done such an eloquent job of fare welling Isis that there was nothing that I could add, except my little gift of a poem. I greatly respect Isis intelligence and integrity but like all of us she probably has had to wrestle with her own internal demons. The poem/song is not literal in my view, the savage imagery is redeemed by the last line "And I knew that I was saved". The writer has chosen the word specifically, "saved" to imply that he has transcended the turmoil of the lines that go before, this is a biblical allusion. Like most good art the song provokes you to think and wonder as to it's meaning, I have always found this song has a strange mystical beauty which has stayed with me for a long time.

I hope that Isis can appreciate it, the sentiment behind my giving it is genuine. If however, she doesn't appreciate it, they are only words in cyberspace and can be thrown out with all the other dross that floats around, just like that ugly vase that your well meaning aunt gave you.