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View Full Version : Ginza - Pricing

22-12-2012, 12:39 AM
This discussion originated in an after-report on Ginza's Hoshi, where it didn't belong. Boater made the sensible suggestion that a new thread would be appropriate and I'm happy to start one.

Rooter makes some interesting points, but they are not beyond dispute. There are so many points he made in his post that I'm going to deal with a number of them separately.

… I think it would be a much better place if they charged more though.
The market rate for Japanese girls is $350 - $400. Japanese girls as we all know are the rarest, most sought after, and expensive of the Asian WLs. Even if they raised their prices to $250 it would still be $100 below the market rate. …
That the market rate for Japanese girls is $350 - $400 is an unsubstantiated assertion. What do you mean by THE market rate, anyway? Are you talking about what a private worker might charge, what a council-approved high-end brothel might charge, what a council-approved low-end brothel might charge or what a non-council-approved brothel (such as Ginza) might charge?

But let's assume that prior to Tokyo Cats and Ginza's entry into the market it was indeed the case that THE market price was $350 - $400. As you yourself said, that price is reflective of scarcity. Wilson and Yuki have done an excellent job of bringing to our city a wonderful range of young Japanese and other Asian country girls happy to remove their panties, open their legs wide and suck our cocks. Wilson and Yuki's laudable efforts have helped ameliorate whatever scarcity might previously have existed thereby changing the market and lowering the market price.

Their girls are willing to work for the money they get from $160(or higher)/hour bookings. We know that because if they weren't happy to work for those rates, you would see those girls staying at Ginza only a short time before leaving for other shops in town paying better money. As far as I'm concerned Ginza's prices are the market prices.

22-12-2012, 12:40 AM
$160 is way too cheap. … The problem with charging so much below the market rate is that punters are cashing in and going several times a week and therefore devaluing the service. …ROFL - are you serious that anyone who punts more frequently than weekly at an establishment is devaluing the service? Any business, whether in the sex industry or not, loves to have repeat customers, especially those who spend money there more frequently than weekly. Perhaps you could enlighten us on whether you spoke to Wilson about this and he told you that he disapproves of customers who visit several times a week? :-)

22-12-2012, 12:41 AM
… If they charged say $250 then punters who are going 3 times a week and paying 3 x $160 ($480) might go only 2 times a week 2 x $250($500). So the girls would earn the same money and not have to work as hard and punters would get an even better service as the girls would be fresher, less rushed etc, and the girl they want to see will be available …Another unsubstantiated assertion, this time on the price-sensitivity of demand. What about those punters who go there occasionally on account of the value-for-money and with the prices you are proposing would go there never?

22-12-2012, 12:42 AM
… And if some of those empty time slots are filled by new customers prepared to pay for quality then thats a win for the girls too as they will be earning more money. And if they are earning more they will happier at their jobs.Can you explain to us why these customers aren't coming to Ginza now?

22-12-2012, 12:43 AM
Ginza would not lose a single customer as their rates would still be $100 below the competition. But what is the competition? You seem to be fixated on clients who are seeking Japanese WL. But I am very confident that included in Ginza's clientèle would be a good many who are seeking to get the best value service for under $200/hour, regardless of nationality. If Ginza removed itself from that group of establishments those clients would simply cast their punting nets amongst the remaining establishments. And if Ginza did so do that then there would be nothing to stop another enterprising couple repeating the Ginza business model at the current pricing structure.

22-12-2012, 12:45 AM
And if they think the girls are not worh paying more than $160 for and go away then good riddance. They will be replaced by punters that appreciate quality and are prepared to pay for it. You still need to explain to us why punters who would not go there at $160/hour would suddenly decide to visit if the price was pushed up by $100 - $200/hour.

And regarding your comment of "good riddance", personally, I don't think it's a good look for any of us contributors to the forums here to go around insulting others who might hold different views, but that's your choice.

22-12-2012, 12:46 AM
At the moment Ginza is charging way below the market rate for the quality service they are providing: punters are getting Ferraris for the price of a Holden Commodore and this situation is clearly not sustainable.Explain to use why it is not sustainable. Unsustainability arises when outgo exceeds income. Throughout history, the most successful businesses have been those that responded to increasing demand by increasing their production rather than putting up their prices. Granted, this too is an unsubstantiated assertion. But if you want there are plenty of examples to substantiate it with.

22-12-2012, 01:00 AM
You still need to explain to us why punters who would not go there at $160/hour would suddenly decide to visit if the price was pushed up by $100 - $200/hour.

And regarding your comment of "good riddance", personally, I don't think it's a good look for any of us contributors to the forums here to go around insulting others who might hold different views, but that's your choice.

"good riddance" of those poor buggers who can't afford the higher premium

22-12-2012, 01:05 AM
Haha, this turns out to be a dissection of brother rooter's post bit by bit by brother Bracket!!

It's none of my business really but I am always a believer of true supply and demand modules and free market forces. In the simplest English speaking way. I think the current prices of Ginza is very good value, if they rise the price, it will bring a few other competition closer but also provide the shop and the WLs a higher yield. In the end, the shop owner seems to be a very smart businessman, so I guess he must know the market better than us and he surely knows what he is doing.

I wonder if one day Newtown 501/532 rises its prices to $40/30min and $60/60 min or remove the free HJ offer - how much would that affect his overall business.

I have no idea......lol



22-12-2012, 07:19 AM
Thanks for shifting this discussion over to thie general section. It's a much more appropriate place fir this discussion.
I asked Admin to move my thread from AR to the General section too yesterday buy am still waitng on them to do it.
You make some good points and I don't want to engage you and others in a lengthty debate.
There is no doubt that Ginza provides
excellent value. I am new to Ginza.
- but definiely not new to punting ;) and I was struck by the quality of girls that $160 gets you at Ginza I think we are all agreed that you won't find better quality for that price in Sydney. So my reaction was. Why charge only $160? They could easliy charge more and they and the girls could make more money.
Now my attitude is hey if that's what they are charging then fair enough. I will happily pay the going rate ( and as anither poster suggested I can always tip the girl if I am really happy with the service).
I maintain that Ginza would be justified in raising their prices given the quality of the girls and if they dud punters would not have much grounds for complaint. But whether they increase prices or not is totally up to them.
So you will be glad to know you won't here a whisper out of me any more saying they should increase prices. And if my post was seen as an attack on other punters then I certainly apologise for that. We are all in the same boat here - a buch of horny guys who pay to have sex with different women - how any man can NOT punt I can never understand. As you know from all my other posts i am always rooting for the punters and exposing false advertising, claims, and pics by shops and agents.
But let me just warn you in advance. If Ginza does increase prices at some stage and I hear punters whinging about the
girls aren't worth paying an extra $50 I will come down on them like a ton of bricks - I am rooting for the girls too ;)
So you can continue this discussion amongst yourselves if you like but I really don't have anything more to add to it.
If most post caused offence to my fellow punters then I humbly apologise - that was not my intention. But if my post has reminded punters that Ginza provides excelent value and they can't just take their low prices for granted or assume they will last forever then it's all been worth it.
Noone will convince me that $160 will get you better value anywhere in Sydney - that I will debate you on all day!
On a personal note, there were some posters who were saying I must be a wealthy man to afford to pay $300 plus for
sex. This could not be further from the truth.
I am probably the poorest punter on this forum. I don't earn alot and I have bugger all assets. Basically I just spend every cent I earn (and then some more) on women and other vices and I don't regret a single cent spent. As soccer star George Best said "I spent most of my money on women, booze, and fast cars; the rest I wasted" ;)
Happy punting ( at whatever price is right for you) ;)

the wizard
22-12-2012, 07:50 AM
A good disection by Bracket and thanks for your reply Rooter.

Speaking to Wilson yesterday I confirmed my support to him in regards to the future of Ginza and pricing.
It is all speculation at this stage, and hey it's xmas , let us all chill out.
Let's remember the good times and value we have had at Ginza, as they break for their well earned holiday

22-12-2012, 08:43 AM
I just wanted to address one more thing.
I have no regrets about raising the debate over pricing - that's a healthy debate we should have and I thank everyone for taking the time to read the post think about it and reply.
The only thing I do regret is if there was a perception of hostility towards fellow punters and the use of "good riddance".
I guess I owe an explanation. I wrote that post just a few days after a session at another agency with a girl where I spend the whole booking comforting after a really bad punt. Some guys are just pigs!
She basically sobbed right through poured out her heart and little trooper that she is still offered me sex which I of course refused and wouldn't accept payment because she hadn't "earnt" it so I just slipped the money into her bag.
Now you don't walk away from something like that unaffected no matter how hard you are. Now there is of course no logical connection between this episode and what I was discussing in the post. A girl can have a bad experience whether she is charging $100 or $1,000 and some of the biggest arseholes in the world are rich people. But we are not talking about logic here but emotions and emotion not about logic. But it was weighing on my mind and influenced the post.
So I guess I wrote that post with a "fuck you" attitude toward punters (including myself of course). So if I came across as hostile toward fellow punters I humbly apologise.
Anyway that's the last seroius post you will get from me. I am now going back to my usual sarcastic, flippant self.
Happy Xmas punting.

22-12-2012, 09:12 AM
First of all I haven't been to Ginza yet so my these comments are totally unbiased.
Whatever the quality of girls at Ginza is, let all things put aside & Ginza prices go up, the general consumer behaviour & common sense will tell you that Ginza client numbers would go down for sure. yes quality of girls is high & customer satisfaction rate is very high too but the punters who prefer high quality sex whether the girl is Japanese or not will find the same quality of sex somewhere else as there are plenty of shops around. Remember there is always a section of price sensitive customers in any market looking for competitive prices with acceptable quality.
I think Ginza should keep operating at these prices (though Ginza management is free to make their own decision) to keep their loyal customers & potential loyal clients.
If Ginza girls' quality doesn't drop then it would put downward pressure on the high end market shops like 5* eventually.

22-12-2012, 09:59 AM
Actually in the absence of other information (such as these forums) price can become the only real signal of 'quality' and there is often a tendency to assume higher price means higher quality. We know that relationship to be very weak (I give you the example of Ginza, 64 Taren, 533 Willoughby) but the assumption is there. There is another thread here where one chap insists that high price must mean higher quality.

So it is possible that some clients will be attracted BY a higher price as it reassures them that they are going to get this higher quality.

At the same time other clients will be repelled and move over to the competitors.

I would also expect someone else will move in to fill the void - so the question then becomes 'Do you want to surrender that part of the market you dominate, and try and establish yourself again in a segment where there are more players'.

There is a very interesting discussion of the how perception is influenced by price over at Punter's Planet (you have to be a member to read it), here (http://forums.punterplanet.com/topic/2026-why-do-some-punters-see-cheap-rates-and-think-bad-service/)

Some escort agencies exploit this perception by offering the SAME lady under different names at different price points.


22-12-2012, 11:05 AM
But let's assume that prior to Tokyo Cats and Ginza's entry into the market it was indeed the case that THE market price was $350 - $400. As you yourself said, that price is reflective of scarcity. Wilson and Yuki have done an excellent job of bringing to our city a wonderful range of young Japanese and other Asian country girls happy to remove their panties, open their legs wide and suck our cocks. Wilson and Yuki's laudable efforts have helped ameliorate whatever scarcity might previously have existed thereby changing the market and lowering the market price.


Do both of these businesses really offer the same quality of girl though? It wouldn't make much sense to pay the extra premium IF they actually do.

22-12-2012, 11:57 AM
There is no doubt about the quality of the Ginza girls - that's one thing we all agree on.
They are top quality girls! A quick check of the forum confirms this.
I have seen 3 Ginza girls and they were all beautiful, friendly and offered top service.

22-12-2012, 12:03 PM
I would like to visit Ginza, but I still not able to find their shop address

22-12-2012, 12:09 PM
I would like to visit Ginza, but I still not able to find their shop address

Go to the roster section of the forum. Click on the Ginza post. Then call the number. Once you make a booking they will give you the address. It's in the CBD. Today is there last day before Xmas break. But if you call them now you might get lucky and the new girl Hoshi will be available today. I highly recommend her.

22-12-2012, 12:42 PM
Do both of these businesses really offer the same quality of girl though? It wouldn't make much sense to pay the extra premium IF they actually do.

Paying more for the same thing is what is known as 'market failure' and its also something advertising is intended to achieve. (Buy X as it is better! Even if its not)

It used to be the case that you really only had personal experience and price to go on, but with the rise of boards like this you find a lot more information - and the ability to exploit that information to find real quality at a good price. You would expect that this will - over time - bring prices in line with quality but something to remember is that people to come to these boards make up just a tiny percentage of the people who pay for sex. So we have essentially 'insider' information that lets us make better choices


22-12-2012, 01:33 PM
Go to the roster section of the forum. Click on the Ginza post. Then call the number. Once you make a booking they will give you the address. It's in the CBD. Today is there last day before Xmas break. But if you call them now you might get lucky and the new girl Hoshi will be available today. I highly recommend her.

Booking for time slot or booking a girl? Call the booking for the girls I don't see?

I would like to do a walk in a pick a girl

22-12-2012, 01:48 PM
Booking for time slot or booking a girl? Call the booking for the girls I don't see?

I would like to do a walk in a pick a girl
Doesn't work that way at Ginza.
I guess you will have to trust all us regular punters that the girls are all hot.
You won't be disappointed mate.

22-12-2012, 01:56 PM
Doesn't work that way at Ginza.
I guess you will have to trust all us regular punters that the girls are all hot.
You won't be disappointed mate.
same as booking a 5* penhouse gal.

22-12-2012, 01:57 PM
Doesn't work that way at Ginza.
I guess you will have to trust all us regular punters that the girls are all hot.
You won't be disappointed mate.

Actually a few guys have reported being disappointed and I have been surprised a few times myself.

What I would suggest you do is ring and talk to Wilson, explain exactly what you are looking for (appearance wise at least) and he will match you up with someone.

In each case where someone has been disappointed (and reported it) doing this would have prevented that. Also have a look at the roster and the physical descriptions contained in there. I would generally ignore the service type descriptions - Prada (who is an out and out PSE) is described after all as 'inexperienced'.


22-12-2012, 02:01 PM
Advice to rooter !!!
Mind your own business and let Wilson mind his. The world will be a better place.

the wizard
22-12-2012, 02:03 PM
I must admit I have yet to be dissapointed there.

22-12-2012, 02:03 PM
... So I guess I wrote that post with a "fuck you" attitude toward punters (including myself of course). So if I came across as hostile toward fellow punters I humbly apologise.
Anyway that's the last seroius post you will get from me. I am now going back to my usual sarcastic, flippant self.
Happy Xmas punting.A very decent response, Rooter. I'm sure there are words I've written that I've later come to regret. It's good to have a civilised discussion with fellow punters.

22-12-2012, 02:29 PM
... I would like to do a walk in a pick a girlYou can sometimes get lucky, Gundam. When you rock up for your booking, ask Wilson if there are any other girls free at the moment who can give you a "say hello" before your booking. If there are, he will, since it increases the chances of you making repeat visits. And there's nothing to stop you making a similar request at the end of your booking either, just before you leave. But if you're not lucky, all the girls might be busy and he won't be able to oblige.

22-12-2012, 11:35 PM
I guess the proposal by rooter started with his frustration over not being able to get a booking at the time he wants. He would like the price to be raised so the majority of us will be priced out of the market. That way, GINZA girls will be just waiting for him and Gucci.

But can they make enough visits to the girls so the girls do not earn less? Obvisouly, they do not seem to have that much money, otherwise, they wouldn't come to GINZA in the first place. So rooter is really looking for a price tailored to him.

the wizard
22-12-2012, 11:59 PM
Clinton one word - Tmc
Just think about it

23-12-2012, 12:32 PM
Clinton one word - Tmc
Just think about it

What will happen to Wilson if the price is raised to Rooter's "market rate"? Wilson would have to be like yamada advertising his girls all day long begging punters to come.

23-12-2012, 01:37 PM
Clinton one word - Tmc
Just think about it

Hey that's 3 words lol, I still think a price increase...whoa whoa whoa let me re-word this because I know there are alot of sensitive brothers here (some of whom made no contribution to Ginza's online reputation via AR's or even comments and are probably regulars but choose to stay silent which is their right, but soon as the subject of price increase starts they all start coming out of the shadows to voice their anger that a Ginza price increase was being openly discussed in a public forum. So let me say this..

"I still think a price increase is valid" thats it you can stop reading this is my main point in one sentence. Absolutely no regular can disagree... unless you really want to thars ok 2. Ive been to every shop in the cbd and none come close to Ginza, their $200 below the competition, everyone says there's lots of options but for Ginzas price, consistant selection of young girls, and DFK BBBJ as standard I can't see any options for the same price.

The world didn't end 21/12/12 nor will it end from the discussion of a Ginza price rise.

the wizard
23-12-2012, 02:24 PM
Wilson is well aware of the current pricing thread and he indicated to me he will make his decisions independant to any people's/comment's/views/recommendations.
He is also aware of it's sensitivity.

I am sure he has a marketing and pricing strategy, like any good business plan, to ensure it's long term survival and to retain/increase it's market dominance and clientele.

23-12-2012, 03:00 PM
I thought the whole purpose of Ginza was to set low pricing so that customers could afford to go their often.

23-12-2012, 03:22 PM
I think that Wilson is a sensible business man and will strike a price which gives him the profitablity he needs.
He will also take into account the service provided by the girls at other shops reknown for their girls and consistently good service (64 Taren Point, 533 Willoughby, 104 Roseville, 90 Hotham and other shops in Artarmon etc) and others which charge $150-$160 per hour range.

He will also look at the competition and the failing economy where most people are more likely to be reducing spending rather than looking to pay more for a service. Considering all these factors he will determine his pricing policy so that he does not lose existing customers.

Bro rooter seems to have been a customer of the Tokyo Model Co price range but others of us stay with standard excellent service shops but have used Ginza at their current price.

23-12-2012, 03:55 PM
What will happen to Wilson if the price is raised to Rooter's "market rate"? Wilson would have to be like yamada advertising his girls all day long begging punters to come.

That's true, and yamada's girls only do 3-4 jobs a day !

Max Impact
23-12-2012, 04:27 PM
There is no good and bad shop here. TMC offers the same standard of girls as Ginza, but the business model is different and this is reflected in the pricing.

Some punters would prefer to pay $160-200 to see a girl in a fairly busy environment (choosing my words wisely so as not to inflame the Ginza fans). Others would prefer to see the same style of Japanese girls in there own apartment or Hotel, knowing that they could well be the only customer of that girl all day.

Some choose to be a customer of both styles of agency.

What I can't understand is the fans of one style ridiculing the alternative.

Of course, Ginza would not survive if it charged $350 an hour (and I support the price not increasing) and TMC would not survive if the girls only got paid $80 an hour for outcalls.

In other words, "its all good, Bro".

23-12-2012, 06:49 PM
There is no good and bad shop here. TMC offers the same standard of girls as Ginza, but the business model is different and this is reflected in the pricing.

Some punters would prefer to pay $160-200 to see a girl in a fairly busy environment (choosing my words wisely so as not to inflame the Ginza fans). Others would prefer to see the same style of Japanese girls in there own apartment or Hotel, knowing that they could well be the only customer of that girl all day.

Some choose to be a customer of both styles of agency.

What I can't understand is the fans of one style ridiculing the alternative.

Of course, Ginza would not survive if it charged $350 an hour (and I support the price not increasing) and TMC would not survive if the girls only got paid $80 an hour for outcalls.

In other words, "its all good, Bro".

Good point, bro.

I guess at the end, it's all dictated by economics. The price will be dictated by supply and demand. If we are flooded with more JP WL, the price will drop. Or if we get too much punters making the shops too busy, the price may rise.

I am a punter that choose all styles, from massage palours, brothels, outcalls, etc. I enjoy the variety and seeing different types of girls and services.

Actually time is more a problem for me, I just don't have enough time to sample all of the girls available on the market.

23-12-2012, 06:59 PM
That's true, and yamada's girls only do 3-4 jobs a day !

So how much do they earn a shift? At some of the shops the girls are doing 15 to 20 or more jobs a shift they earn good money doing this but it is hard work.

23-12-2012, 07:02 PM
So how much do they earn a shift? At some of the shops the girls are doing 15 to 20 or more jobs a shift they earn good money doing this but it is hard work.

How much they earn is not my concern, but obviously they are happy, that's why thay can provide good service.

If they're doing 10 to 20 jobs a day, I'm sure they can't charge that kind of money !

23-12-2012, 07:12 PM
So how much do they earn a shift? At some of the shops the girls are doing 15 to 20 or more jobs a shift they earn good money doing this but it is hard work.

I think it is all more or less the same but the work is slightly different. A WL in a brothel may work with more men to earn the same amount, but there's more demand on an outcall girl, sometimes you may need to do it in the middle of a night, go to hotels and people's places. And then a ML chooses not to provide FS, so they just end up in MP places.

23-12-2012, 08:09 PM
I guess the proposal by rooter started with his frustration over not being able to get a booking at the time he wants. He would like the price to be raised so the majority of us will be priced out of the market. That way, GINZA girls will be just waiting for him and Gucci.

But can they make enough visits to the girls so the girls do not earn less? Obvisouly, they do not seem to have that much money, otherwise, they wouldn't come to GINZA in the first place. So rooter is really looking for a price tailored to him.

Ahahaha I'm still laughing that you said I'm getting paid by the competition to destroy Ginza, true ramblings of a dunce without a clue your comments were pretty valid until you said that, you saying I'm getting paid by the competition tells me you don't know sh#t....ignorant people throughout history have always feared "change".

Woman were not allowed in politics, indigenous people had no rights, interracial marriages were against the law, same sex marriage was only a fantasy, that has all changed...sort of. This change is only being discussed, it has not yet and may not come to pass. If it does happen... don't worry big brother Clinton I'll get some coupons for you so you can still afford to punt there(true statement).

Hey remember when you said I was getting paid by the competition to "destroy" Ginza...ahahaha I'm still laughing...are you that English guy from the television show Idiot abroad?

And I'll ask you again hypothetically - Ginza raised price would you stop going...no you wouldn't...so stop "pretending" funny guy.

I've never had a problem making bookings, and if the girl I wanted wasn't available I didn't do what you did and go online and start crying like a baby because I didn't get what I wanted.

23-12-2012, 10:27 PM
How much they earn is not my concern, but obviously they are happy, that's why thay can provide good service.

If they're doing 10 to 20 jobs a day, I'm sure they can't charge that kind of money !

20 jobs a day??? are you sure?
It is simply not sustainable....

23-12-2012, 10:35 PM
20 jobs a day??? are you sure?
It is simply not sustainable....

Why are you asking me ? It's not my words, I just quoted someone else's words.

23-12-2012, 10:41 PM
Why are you asking me ? It's not my words, I just quoted someone else's words.

Not asking you ... just supporting the argument ...

24-12-2012, 12:04 AM
Mr Gucci ?? As a consumer, is it so bad that we want the best value for our hard earn money ??

24-12-2012, 06:27 AM
Mr Gucci ?? As a consumer, is it so bad that we want the best value for our hard earn money ??

Brother mikemekong your 100% right consumers should get the best value... but what about the service providers ( Ginza wl's)?? Don't they deserve the best value for the outstanding service that they provide??

In Sydney cbd meaning any operation that is in the postcode 2000 you can't find a WL in her 20's who does DFK,BBBJ for $160 per hour, however if you're willing to pay $350 per hour wl's in their 20's who DFK,BBBJ are alot easier to find in the cbd. So a little extra seems fair but that's just me...

24-12-2012, 08:50 AM
20 jobs a day??? are you sure?
It is simply not sustainable....

The girls at 533, 64, Kelly's, Blacktown 40 etc all want to do around 15 jobs a shift thats how they make their money and it is sustainable mind you most of them don't or can' work more than about 4 shifts a week. Thats a lot of work and money admitadly they are not all one hour jobs quite a few are 30 minute.

If the shop is busy and the girls are also busy then 20 jobs in a shift is not uncommon, the most I know of was 22 by one girl.

Now you know why I always like to punt early at these shops.

24-12-2012, 10:21 AM
Ginza can't afford to raise prices. There might NEED to be an increase when they move to their new location to cover costs etc. but the real story in this industry is that prices have been stagnant, or have decreased since the GFC. The vast majority of Asian shops in Sydney are charging $150-$180 per hour.

I know I'm relatively new here, but I haven't had anything particularly different with a Japanese girl from Ginza that I haven't had from other nationalities. Really, looks, attitude, and service are all individual. I was going to say that most Japanese girls seem to have shorter legs than other Asians, but I've seen exceptions there too. In that regard the ONLY shop offering Japanese girls at $350 per hour is TMC. I don't know how you might consider this to be the standard price.

24-12-2012, 10:53 AM
I know I'm relatively new here, but I haven't had anything particularly different with a Japanese girl from Ginza that I haven't had from other nationalities. Really, looks, attitude, and service are all individual. I was going to say that most Japanese girls seem to have shorter legs than other Asians, but I've seen exceptions there too. In that regard the ONLY shop offering Japanese girls at $350 per hour is TMC. I don't know how you might consider this to be the standard price.
I have to agree with you on this. Japanese girls are just as adorable as any other nationalities, but I can't see how they're more valuable as others suggest. I'm not waging in this pricing debate though !

24-12-2012, 11:25 AM
The prices at the premium shops seem to be increasing. The brand girls are now costing like $400 now, and there seem to be more brand girls than ever. And its not what the shop want to charge, its what the girls expectations are. Its good that the girls can make as much as they want, but as a consumer u have lots of choices so u are not forced to take the $400 girls. its a free market out there.
all to do with supply and demand. there arent that many 19 yo WL out there so of course they want to be paid a lot. but theres heaps of WL over 30 yo so they probably wont be able to charge $400 an hour but it dont mean their services is worse than the 19 yo. if anything the 30 yo WL service is way better than a pretty 19 yo fresh juicy girl who is not very good at handling your cargo.

24-12-2012, 12:31 PM
The prices at the premium shops seem to be increasing. The brand girls are now costing like $400 now, and there seem to be more brand girls than ever. And its not what the shop want to charge, its what the girls expectations are. Its good that the girls can make as much as they want, but as a consumer u have lots of choices so u are not forced to take the $400 girls. its a free market out there.
all to do with supply and demand. there arent that many 19 yo WL out there so of course they want to be paid a lot. but theres heaps of WL over 30 yo so they probably wont be able to charge $400 an hour but it dont mean their services is worse than the 19 yo. if anything the 30 yo WL service is way better than a pretty 19 yo fresh juicy girl who is not very good at handling your cargo.

It does not really matter .

Some WL working in local joint like $100 30 min FS shop also work as brand girl.

Those customer paying $400 will think they are paying for brand girl anyway.... as long as they are beautiful and good actor ...

I need few of them..

It really does not matter.

It is all about customer satisfaction.

24-12-2012, 01:12 PM
It does not really matter .

Some WL working in local joint like $100 30 min FS shop also work as brand girl.

Where do I find those ???

24-12-2012, 01:34 PM
It does not really matter .

Some WL working in local joint like $100 30 min FS shop also work as brand girl.

Those customer paying $400 will think they are paying for brand girl anyway.... as long as they are beautiful and good actor ...

I need few of them..

It really does not matter.

It is all about customer satisfaction.

Its true. I've given up going to brothels because one is treated with contempt and they are too expensive. There are a number of massage shops, that are never discussed on this forum, where you can find gorgeous 18 year old students willing to fuck for much less than what is being charged in brothels. The normal set up is you pay $50 or $60 for an hour and then sling the girl $50 or more depending on what you negotiate. This absurdity of paying $250 or more for an hour is simply for lazy punters could can't be bothered doing their research.

24-12-2012, 01:39 PM
Its true. I've given up going to brothels because one is treated with contempt and they are too expensive. There are a number of massage shops, that are never discussed on this forum, where you can find gorgeous 18 year old students willing to fuck for much less than what is being charged in brothels. The normal set up is you pay $50 or $60 for an hour and then sling the girl $50 or more depending on what you negotiate. This absurdity of paying $250 or more for an hour is simply for lazy punters could can't be bothered doing their research.
care to share?

24-12-2012, 02:52 PM
care to share?
No, for two good reasons. One, council officers, DIMIA, the police and journalists monitor this site. I'm not going to give any of these a hand-up, or any documentary evidence, into chasing down what is simply a transaction between two consenting adults.
Two, because the brothel owners who own and sponsor this site don't want a discussion about their business models and how punters are being played as mugs.

24-12-2012, 04:46 PM
No, for two good reasons. One, council officers, DIMIA, the police and journalists monitor this site. I'm not going to give any of these a hand-up, or any documentary evidence, into chasing down what is simply a transaction between two consenting adults.
Two, because the brothel owners who own and sponsor this site don't want a discussion about their business models and how punters are being played as mugs.

Yawn .........

24-12-2012, 04:54 PM
I have to agree with you on this. Japanese girls are just as adorable as any other nationalities, but I can't see how they're more valuable as others suggest. I'm not waging in this pricing debate though !

The short answer is, they're not. They're only here because they can earn more here than they can in Japan and the other Asian countries they're from.

27-12-2012, 05:51 AM
Please share, which massage shop and which ml offers fs. If they are pork chops, pls forget it. Looking for 18- 25 max, size 6, pretty face.

27-12-2012, 03:03 PM
why would you want fs from a ML? if the ML does FS she would be in fs shop right? and if the ml does offer fs it might be to customers she like or it will probably cost a lot more than a fs shop's rate.

just my 6 inches...

27-12-2012, 03:46 PM
why would you want fs from a ML? if the ML does FS she would be in fs shop right? and if the ml does offer fs it might be to customers she like or it will probably cost a lot more than a fs shop's rate.

just my 6 inches...

It's all psychological I guess !!

You walk into a FS shop, you know you can fuck all the girls presented to you, and they will suck your cock or lick your ass or CIM or CIMSW or anal, all depends on the menu and prices. but you know for sure you can do what you want to them.........within reasons and the shop's boundary etc.

With Massage Shop, all you can count on is the 30 min or 60 min massage, most shops will give HJ with a tip, top off or totally nude for more tips and from there, nothing for sure, even some of the MLs may offer some more extras to clients, they don't have to offer it to you, they have a choice, I think it is this uncertainty that are keeping punters interested. will she or won't she, can I or I can't ??

All part of the fun.................

And sometimes people are willing to pay more and have the FS in a more inferior facilities just because of that uncertainty feeling, or when they get it, a sense of achievement - becasue Not everyone get to fuck this particular girl......................lol

Just my two cents



27-12-2012, 04:54 PM
It's all psychological I guess !!

You walk into a FS shop, you know you can fuck all the girls presented to you, and they will suck your cock or lick your ass or CIM or CIMSW or anal, all depends on the menu and prices. but you know for sure you can do what you want to them.........within reasons and the shop's boundary etc.

With Massage Shop, all you can count on is the 30 min or 60 min massage, most shops will give HJ with a tip, top off or totally nude for more tips and from there, nothing for sure, even some of the MLs may offer some more extras to clients, they don't have to offer it to you, they have a choice, I think it is this uncertainty that are keeping punters interested. will she or won't she, can I or I can't ??

All part of the fun.................

And sometimes people are willing to pay more and have the FS in a more inferior facilities just because of that uncertainty feeling, or when they get it, a sense of achievement - becasue Not everyone get to fuck this particular girl......................lol

Just my two cents


As I remember, you always jumped on people who ask this sort of question, but now you seem to be proud that this is asked ! ;)

One thing you forgot to mention, many MLs can't make the grade to be successful as a WL, so they have to settle for less money kind of work.

27-12-2012, 05:11 PM
agree psychological thing plays the major part. however, my observation finds something a bit more than that. There is physical thing as well. I am talking about these ladies working in a true massage shop.

27-12-2012, 10:47 PM
One thing you forgot to mention, many MLs can't make the grade to be successful as a WL, so they have to settle for less money kind of work.

thats too much generalisation. i've see plenty of hot kimchis in soapy massage places that are hotter than their FS sisters in korean shops. some of the thai ML are also young & pretty. i think its a choice the girl make as to what they want to do. not all girls can put up with a cock pounding their tight little pussy 10 hours a day.

27-12-2012, 10:52 PM
thats too much generalisation. i've see plenty of hot kimchis in soapy massage places that are hotter than their FS sisters in korean shops. some of the thai ML are also young & pretty. i think its a choice the girl make as to what they want to do. not all girls can put up with a cock pounding their tight little pussy 10 hours a day.

There's no generalization in my statement. I said many, not all, not even most, how can that be generalization ? I said that because I know that for a fact, I know quite a few of them, and I also know quite a few who realize they can make more money by going all the way !

27-12-2012, 10:57 PM
There's no generalization in my statement. I said many, not all, not even most, how can that be generalization ? I said that because I know that for a fact, I know quite a few of them, and I also know quite a few who realize they can make more money by going all the way !

Brother Wil, don't be too serious ...

27-12-2012, 11:16 PM
As I remember, you always jumped on people who ask this sort of question, but now you seem to be proud that this is asked ! ;)

Hi Brother Wil,

I think sometimes you could have understood me more than I understand myself.

True, as i have said it for the 28 or 29 times, if some one wants FS, he better off going to a FS shop!! but that doesn't stop people from trying, so my comments earlier was just trying to understand why??

And you know what, sometime I asked myself the same question!!.................LOL

As you know I am not a frequent FS goers and my budget is usually the $110 or $120 mark with 60 min massage and $50 extras, mind you, at these prices, I could have had FS for 30 min in most shops may be except 5 Star. But then again, for a selected few MLs, I would and I had paid the $100 tips for the full extras ($60/$65 massage + $100 tips) and that made the session even more expensive than 5 Star...............haha, silly right !!

I don't have the answer either.......

28-12-2012, 12:44 AM
Let's all drink to the day that the tents dissapear... ;)

29-12-2012, 02:07 PM
Now you've lost me.

30-12-2012, 12:10 AM
Let's all drink to the day that the tents dissapear... ;)
Now you've lost me.
I think I can help you here, Kickass. A year ago Creeper gave Tokyo Cats (the precursor to Ginza) the nickname "Tent City" in this review (http://forum.aus99.com.au/cgi/forum/Blah.pl?m-18080/) (it's in the second paragraph of the first post). So BabelX was making an in-joke, which made me smile.

lonely heart
30-12-2012, 04:35 AM
Haha, this turns out to be a dissection of brother rooter's post bit by bit by brother Bracket!!

It's none of my business really but I am always a believer of true supply and demand modules and free market forces. In the simplest English speaking way. I think the current prices of Ginza is very good value, if they rise the price, it will bring a few other competition closer but also provide the shop and the WLs a higher yield. In the end, the shop owner seems to be a very smart businessman, so I guess he must know the market better than us and he surely knows what he is doing.

I wonder if one day Newtown 501/532 rises its prices to $40/30min and $60/60 min or remove the free HJ offer - how much would that affect his overall business.

I have no idea......lol



This is side tracked from the topic but just want to reply Alunghor. David is not likely to move the price or change the services for now. In fact he and Miko is back on the back of the girls if they are asking too much for extra. David is a shanghai business man and very persistent on running his shop as a business and not a quick build and sell style. That is why he has so many rules in his shop and girls who stay know that they have to work a bit harder but very rare they get less than three hundred (with tips)bucks a day. Now other massage shop and the other girls will argue why I want to do so much work when I can half the jobs and make same money. They never tell you there are days that they only have total of 5 jobs between two girls, which will never happen in Newtown.

This is exactly the same situation with Ginza and TMC, and BTW Jap girls has never standard priced at $300 to $400. My mate is very fond of Jap girl and I think he never pay more than $200. This bring me to another side tracked opinion, with Ginza in the market, see why I say Chinese massage is ripping people off. With Ginza in the market will you pay $150 (100+50) to fuck a Chinese ML when I can have a Jap for an hour for extra $10.

30-12-2012, 05:01 AM
This is exactly the same situation with Ginza and TMC, and BTW Jap girls has never standard priced at $300 to $400. My mate is very fond of Jap girl and I think he never pay more than $200. This bring me to another side tracked opinion, with Ginza in the market, see why I say Chinese massage is ripping people off. With Ginza in the market will you pay $150 (100+50) to fuck a Chinese ML when I can have a Jap for an hour for extra $10.

Obviously there is no shortage of punters who are doing just that whether you like it or not ! :miao:

30-12-2012, 05:27 AM
Ginga & TMC is the same company or different ? It seems they both providing japanese private girls.

30-12-2012, 05:58 AM
Ginga & TMC is the same company or different ? It seems they both providing japanese private girls.

Definitely two different companies.

30-12-2012, 06:01 AM
which one is cheaper & better ?:slobber:

30-12-2012, 06:02 AM
sorry for my stupid question.

30-12-2012, 07:29 AM
which one is cheaper & better ?:slobber:

Ginza is definitely cheaper. Which one is better? That you will have to decide for yourself.
Try both out and see how you go.
Ginza is closed for holidays at the moment so it's not an option.
TMC is not cheap at $350 per hour but the girls are all top quality in terms of looks and service.
If you are OK with spending $350 you definitely won't be disappointed - they have got some really stunning young girls at the moment.
You can always check out Ginza when it reopens.

lonely heart
30-12-2012, 09:38 AM
Some girls work for both, hence why I say on the other thread that outcall is not doing as good as u all think.

31-12-2012, 10:50 AM
I think I can help you here, Kickass. A year ago Creeper gave Tokyo Cats (the precursor to Ginza) the nickname "Tent City" in this review (http://forum.aus99.com.au/cgi/forum/Blah.pl?m-18080/) (it's in the second paragraph of the first post). So BabelX was making an in-joke, which made me smile.

Got it. Thanks Bracket.

lonely heart
04-01-2013, 11:17 AM
Can someone please confirm how much Ginza charge now?? I heard they raise their price

04-01-2013, 12:03 PM
where did u hear about the price raise ? but u didn't hear how much they raised it by?

lonely heart
04-01-2013, 12:15 PM
I though it is $100 half an hour and $160 for an hour. Seone said the price is now $130 half an hour?? Anyway just want to know the updated price tks

the wizard
04-01-2013, 12:43 PM
Nothing official yet, could happen next week or when they finally move.
Current tiered pricing applies ie Gold A, Gold, and silver....

04-01-2013, 02:39 PM
There are so many excited guys about Ginza re-opening. There might be a queue outside their apartment building next week!!!

04-01-2013, 02:43 PM
they should move to a bigger and better place. and ask the girls to do more shifts, its hard to get hold (or in) some of them.

04-01-2013, 02:46 PM
they should move to a bigger and better place. and ask the girls to do more shifts, its hard to get hold (or in) some of them.

That might be part of their attraction though, if punters feel lucky to have got hold of one of the good girls there.

27-02-2013, 04:35 AM
What will happen to Wilson if the price is raised to Rooter's "market rate"? Wilson would have to be like yamada advertising his girls all day long begging punters to come.

With all this talk about shops bumping up threads this post always makes me laugh.

Prices have increased at Ginza, but they never have to bump up threads "begging punters" to come.