View Full Version : General talk WL/ MLs getting married to customers

15-12-2013, 06:44 AM
Guys, I was always a lurker. Never contributed anything so far.

Mostly i have been to RnTs and stick with the one (girl) I like. I have seen how their attitude changes once they get to know you deeper. They play and try different games with you when they see you as a potential partner. At some point in this game play, I lose interest and move on because I can see them through (mostly lies about themselves or greed for money) very easily.

Have this happened to you guys? I was wondering how many happy marriages are still remaining out of this customer-ML/WL couples!

15-12-2013, 08:54 AM
I am sure there is the occasional time when marrying a working lady works out but unfortunately from what I have heard and read you would have to be lucky if it works out on in 20 times so your odds are not good.

15-12-2013, 09:56 AM
There are plenty of success stories !!

If my mail is correct, one couple just got married last week !!

All the best to them


15-12-2013, 10:06 AM
There are plenty of success stories !!

If my mail is correct, one couple just got married last week !!

All the best to them


That is most heartening, good to hear there are plenty of success stories and good luck to the couple that just tied the knot.

15-12-2013, 12:12 PM
I personally do not know anyone who has married a wl/ml, however I believe the rate of divorce in Australia has been on the rise. I can only imagine this rate is comparable, if not higher, for marriages involving wl/ml.

I just hope both parties involved know what they're signing up for, and it works out for them in the long run.

15-12-2013, 12:16 PM
I personally would not waste one single second fantasizing that a working lady is a marriage candidate

Each working lady is amazing in their own way, but mistaking the physical sensations of lust for love is a mistake

Single women make that mistake every day...
They have sex with a guy, get carried away with the lust, think its love, and they fall in love....when all it really was for the guy was sex

Just my thoughts

15-12-2013, 02:44 PM
One of the more interesting aspects of this is a number of cases where Ii have heard a guy marries a working girl and wants her to continue to work so he can live off her. For some reason, I find these stories creepy.

15-12-2013, 03:08 PM
My best wishes to this couple and others who have entered into a relationship or marriage under these circumstances.
My hope is that it will be a happy and long lasting one.

Whilst I am friendly and respectful to all WLs and MLs that I have encountered, and I usually receive the same respect and friendship from them,
I view this purely as a business transaction. What happens in the shop, stays in the shop.

Just my opinion. (2d worth)


15-12-2013, 03:49 PM
One of the more interesting aspects of this is a number of cases where Ii have heard a guy marries a working girl and wants her to continue to work so he can live off her. For some reason, I find these stories creepy.
That is about as low as you can get!

15-12-2013, 03:51 PM
Mostly i have been to RnTs and stick with the one (girl) I like. I have seen how their attitude changes once they get to know you deeper. They play and try different games with you when they see you as a potential partner. !

What you don't know is that you are probably just one of many her regulars who are led to think that she wants to marry them or be their partner . It is just a way for WL/MLs to get returned customers. Sometimes, I think these WL/MLs may themselves be confused about their relations with their regulars, something in between a lover and a customer. But the difference is that they have many such regulars while you may only have her alone. Once you stop paying the money, they stop seeing you. Run away before you get hurt.

15-12-2013, 04:01 PM
I view this purely as a business transaction. What happens in the shop, stays in the shop.

I doubt this can stay in the shop. We are all human beings. It is difficult to not develop any feeling while having intimate sex. It is difficult to maintain the boundary. I wonder how many punters actually fall for their WL/MLs or the other way around.

15-12-2013, 04:52 PM
Well its unfortunate and a fact of life that wl tend to have a lot of customers and so they don't know how to act in a one on one relationship.

They find it hard to get married and if they do its usually for money or to gain citizenship.

They also have expensive life styles and so take a lot of money to maintain.

In short not an ideal situation to start a relationship.

15-12-2013, 04:52 PM
Sometimes, I think these WL/MLs may themselves be confused about their relations with their regulars, something in between a lover and a customer.

Good insight.

15-12-2013, 05:01 PM
There are plenty of success stories !!

If my mail is correct, one couple just got married last week !!

All the best to them


Just to clarify, everything I know are from massage shops and MLs , I know or heard nothing from any FS shops or WLs !

Some of you may say there ain't no different between a WL vs a ML but there definitely is !

Just my two cents


15-12-2013, 05:02 PM
Marriage is fragile in this modern society, regardless of what their backgrounds are.

My view on this is, a few generations ago, marriage lasted a lot longer because a couple relied on each other to survive in the society. the wife used to rely on the husband to put bread on the table, and the husband used to rely on the wife to keep the house in good order. So a couple had to learn to appreciate the other's merit, and tolerate the other's vice, so as to make it work,

But in the modern society, people are getting more independent now, they have more choices if the marriage fails, they want freedom !

Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose, so said Janis Joplin ! :miao:

If they don't fear the loss, they don't cherish the possession !

Most WLs will get married and have a family, yes, some even with a customer, but that doesn't mean it won't work, just as a normal marriage is not guaranteed to work !

A break up of a marriage can be due to uncountable reasons, but if a customer husband used the wife's employment history as the reason for a breakup, it's his fault !

15-12-2013, 05:06 PM
Just to clarify, everything I know are from massage shops and MLs , I know or heard nothing from any FS shops or WLs !

Some of you may say there ain't no different between a WL vs a ML but there definitely is !

Just my two cents


Yeah ! Just like the theory that going to RnT is not cheating !

15-12-2013, 05:14 PM
Years ago I went out with some WLs and it didn't take long to see why they were WLs ...

For some nationalities, particlularly Thai, the girls seem to have a contest about:
- how many regulars they have
- how many fake boyfriends they have
- how many presents they get

15-12-2013, 05:25 PM
Marriage is fragile in this modern society, regardless of what their backgrounds are.

My view on this is, a few generations ago, marriage lasted a lot longer because a couple relied on each other to survive in the society. the wife used to rely on the husband to put bread on the table, and the husband used to rely on the wife to keep the house in good order. So a couple had to learn to appreciate the other's merit, and tolerate the other's vice, so as to make it work,

But in the modern society, people are getting more independent now, they have more choices if the marriage fails, they want freedom !

Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose, so said Janis Joplin ! :miao:

If they don't fear the loss, they don't cherish the possession !

Most WLs will get married and have a family, yes, some even with a customer, but that doesn't mean it won't work, just as a normal marriage is not guaranteed to work !

A break up of a marriage can be due to uncountable reasons, but if a customer husband used the wife's employment history as the reason for a breakup, it's his fault !

That's a pretty insightful post wilisno.


15-12-2013, 05:46 PM
That's a pretty insightful post wilisno.


Thanks, a bit sad though !

15-12-2013, 06:22 PM
"If they don't fear the loss, they don't cherish the possession!"

Very chilling expression

15-12-2013, 06:25 PM
These days everything is instant gratification

Within a few minutes, in front of my computer, I can download a movie, purchase a book, and search for a new girlfriend

I think this is the reason relationships have become even more disposable

Dont like the movie/book/relationship you currently have ? Plenty of options online

Life doesnt quite work out so easily, you cant just trash relationships as easily as downloading a movie, but people have just so many more options now

In the old days, the only way you met someone new was usually through a community of neighbours, family and friends. Or go to the local bar

Now I can meet a lady who lives in Darwin tonight on my computer

15-12-2013, 10:36 PM
These days everything is instant gratification

Within a few minutes, in front of my computer, I can download a movie, purchase a book, and search for a new girlfriend

I think this is the reason relationships have become even more disposable

Dont like the movie/book/relationship you currently have ? Plenty of options online

Life doesnt quite work out so easily, you cant just trash relationships as easily as downloading a movie, but people have just so many more options now

In the old days, the only way you met someone new was usually through a community of neighbours, family and friends. Or go to the local bar

Now I can meet a lady who lives in Darwin tonight on my computer

Life certainly does not work out so easily (and it never has for me). It is "easier to destroy, than to create", which I think is doubly true for relationships. Building a lasting relationship requires lots of time, communication, understanding, tolerance, and a mutual desire to build it. Relationships are trashed all too easily and quickly. I'm an old fart now, but I am still looking and hoping for the 'one' - I now fear that it will never happen - my chance has come and gone. I guess I am a bit of a romantic, but I think a WL / Customer marriage can work

15-12-2013, 10:44 PM
"It is easier to destroy, than to create" is another great quote in a great thread

I was going out with a very beautiful but moody Chinese lady, a few years ago know
She dumped me without much notice
It turned out her friend, who had dinner with us at a restaurant, told her later that I "wasnt affectionate enough with her at the dinner table"

Sometimes women can be so fickle

The truth was that I felt self conscious putting my arm around my gf and showing public affection with her friend sitting directly opposite

This lady then rang me out of the blue again to ask to be with me. And she said she was often moody and angry

My point is that women (and probably men do) can have a disposal mentality about men - in this age of Facebook and internet dating

My moral to this story though is to drop such a lady who has no respect for you, and never look back ; )

15-12-2013, 10:44 PM
I can only speak for ML's which is the main part of my experience.I have to agree wholeheartedly with Willisno. There are no guarantees that a "normal" marriage will work or a relationship for that matter.

I do believe that some things are instant gratification but relationships that are based on instant gratification are almost always doomed to failure. Over the last year, I've had met some great ML's and they a few have become close friends, a few the occasional DFK buddy, a few the occasional FB and a very few that I saw regularly outside the walls of the shop.

Nothing comes without work. Sure, there are plenty of options but it's funny, as with women out in the wild, or the big bad world outside of the shop, the ones that you truly click with are quite rare. Funnily enough, my current little dove was recommended to me by one of her friends in store and yes, immediate fireworks.

Our first 2 months of bookings were mainly chatting, drinking and getting to know each other. She even said to me that she might start to feel weird giving me a handjob since she and I were fast becoming good friends. During this time we were emailing twice or more times a day - big, long, get to know someone e-mails and often she would sneak off during a booking and text me every 30 mins or so.

So a few months in, I thought to myself. F*ck the "friend zone". She was way too hot for that. I pretty much fell for her the moment I laid eyes on her. So I took a risk and crooked my finger at her one day and planted one on her lips. When she opened her eyes, she looked at me with more than a little lust. "Why haven't we done that sooner," she grinned.

And so it began... Week by week, escalating and escalating until all of her close friends are involved and cheering us on.

It's not impossible to maintain a strong relationship with an ML but you have to do it from a place of non-judgement.

15-12-2013, 10:46 PM
Thanks for the story Jellyshots
Wishing you all the best with your lady

15-12-2013, 10:49 PM
I can easily see myself in a r'ship or even marriage w/some of the WL/MLs I've really clicked with. However, I am still of the strong notion that marriage is about families coming together as much as the couple. In that sense, I can't see that deeper r'ship taking unless it was a younger uni student, who eventually started a respectable career in Oz or if I became a divorced man or sorts...

15-12-2013, 10:49 PM
@ jellyshots

Love the term : A place of non-judgement !

15-12-2013, 10:59 PM
What is the difference if EXTRAS are offered in the SHOPS... Head in the Sand?

Just to clarify, everything I know are from massage shops and MLs , I know or heard nothing from any FS shops or WLs !

Some of you may say there ain't no different between a WL vs a ML but there definitely is !

Just my two cents


Yeah ! Just like the theory that going to RnT is not cheating !

15-12-2013, 11:47 PM
Even if extras are offered, the ML can pick and choose. It may be a nice client or a big tipper or whatever. WL's have fewer choices in that regard. But it essence, you are right, if an ML is regularly offering extras to any and all, she's really a WL.

Thanks mate. I think it's a really important concept when dating an ML or WL. If we don't judge (and they don't judge either) then you can just luxuriate in each others company. She's told me that she's literally pulled hundreds of dicks. Out of all of those guys, she chose to be with me. I joke with her that the other guys are just practice. She does give a great handjob :slobber:

Thanks mate. I've only been punting for a little over a year. I can still remember asking Bro Ahlungor that even though I was visiting SF and they had an all-inclusive price, how much do guys usually tip on top of that. I didn't want to bump prices up for other guys and didn't want to be stingy if I'd had a good time. Ahlungor was so funny, graciously answering my noob question and letting me know that if I kept it up, I'd be popular pretty quickly. He was right about that... But then, I also read Bro Willisno's reports to see how the girls liked to be treated too.

16-12-2013, 12:50 AM
Even if extras are offered, the ML can pick and choose. It may be a nice client or a big tipper or whatever. WL's have fewer choices in that regard. But it essence, you are right, if an ML is regularly offering extras to any and all, she's really a WL.

A popular ML might do more FS than a non popular WL, so to say these two professions are different in mental or whatever value is ridiculous !

It's just like the Chinese saying of " 100 paces laughing at 50 paces ".

Just in case some people don't know what it means, I'll have to tell this story again :

2 countries at war, in one battle, a captain and a foot soldier of the losing side were both fleeing the battle field. After running 100 paces, the Captain looked back and saw the foot soldier only made 50 paces, he laughed at him for being a slow runner !

16-12-2013, 01:14 AM
I just want to throw something else out in the open !

I'm sure a lot of you have seen or know that a lot of middle aged or older Aussie men had gone overseas to the Philipinnes , Thailand, other Asian or Eastern European countries to marry a young woman !

Out west, if you go to Westfield Parramatta, you will see plenty of such married couple, looks happily married, lots of them have young children !

And I don't have to explain anything on why or how or what the !! It's happening all the times! Everyone has a unique situation and their own stories .

The similar types of gentlemen will probably quite happy to marry a WL or ML if they can agree on or make the necessary arrangements !

Some marriage of course is just for the money (in both directions), many of them are for the visa, but equally large amount of the couples are there for the long term !

Especially if the ML is also middle age herself ! Say a 35/40 yr old MILF marrying a 55/60 yr old punter ! Could well be a perfect match. Especially if both parties already had failed or divorced marriage before !

Just my two cents


16-12-2013, 05:03 AM
I have seen marriages work from guys marrying from girls a developing nation, but I believe the expectations of the relationship between marrying as a foreigner for a visa, and as a wl/ml for a visa, differ greatly.

A woman from say, Thailand or the Philippines marrying for a visa may be contempt with living in near poverty standards in Australia as it sure as hell beats the living conditions of a developing nation. As she may not know many, if any, people in Australia she may also be more willing to persevere through a crappy marriage.

As noted previously, a ml/wl may be accustomed to a higher quality of life. If you are in a position to help her maintain that lifestyle, great. However, money is the source of many disputes in relationships, and lack of it may cause some tension.

I am always weary when a wl/ml casually tried to work in my financial situation into conversation, especially in the first session. Unfortunately that's the industry, and now I kind of expect it with every punt.

16-12-2013, 05:42 AM
Hi all just an ordinary lurker on the forum think this is my first post but been in a similar situation as the OP posted, got into a relationship with an ML. It lasted something like 6months, things went up and down,
There is sometimes a language barrier in the relationship which made things difficult to explain and resolve but i believe it could work out if both parties wanted to and im not too sure about WLS and as how my relationship ended up i just found a wacky side of her she was kind of a loose screw with her temper...and yeh things just ended, i kind of just went
M.I.A on her... which was pretty low of me..thats my story.

16-12-2013, 08:21 AM
"Especially if the ML is also middle age herself ! Say a 35/40 yr old MILF marrying a 55/60 yr old punter ! Could well, be a perfect match. Especially if both parties already had failed or divorced marriage before !"

Good point. I bet in the majority of cases the working ladies at that age can't find another line of work, so will be expecting you to pay their expenses for life

16-12-2013, 08:55 AM
I am always weary when a wl/ml casually tried to work in my financial situation into conversation, especially in the first session. Unfortunately that's the industry, and now I kind of expect it with every punt.

You could say you are on the dole :)

16-12-2013, 09:17 AM
"Especially if the ML is also middle age herself ! Say a 35/40 yr old MILF marrying a 55/60 yr old punter ! Could well, be a perfect match. Especially if both parties already had failed or divorced marriage before !"

Good point. I bet in the majority of cases the working ladies at that age can't find another line of work, so will be expecting you to pay their expenses for life

Well, heart warming stories not only happened to MILF where their choices may be limited, it could also happen to some of the very popular MLs at the peak of their career!

Think Sasa and Sophie from 501! Two of my all time favourites!

It had also happened to some younger ML too, like the Thai girl Christine at 288 Wattle, she was like 24-28 and the Aussie guy she married was in his 20's too!

And for a very short time, at the same shop there was a young new Chinese girl Jenny looking for a long term "boyfriend" who could take care of her, Jenny only did massage and HJ , no clothes off , no touching, fresh and innocent ! I think a couple of senior brothers here might have gone for the interview too !!..........haha

Things like these happens all the time and every story is unique and different!


16-12-2013, 09:37 AM
I can only speak for ML's which is the main part of my experience.I have to agree wholeheartedly with Willisno. There are no guarantees that a "normal" marriage will work or a relationship for that matter. I do believe that some things are instant gratification but relationships that are based on instant gratification are almost always doomed to failure. Over the last year, I've had met some great ML's and they a few have become close friends, a few the occasional DFK buddy, a few the occasional FB and a very few that I saw regularly outside the walls of the shop. Nothing comes without work. Sure, there are plenty of options but it's funny, as with women out in the wild, or the big bad world outside of the shop, the ones that you truly click with are quite rare. Funnily enough, my current little dove was recommended to me by one of her friends in store and yes, immediate fireworks. Our first 2 months of bookings were mainly chatting, drinking and getting to know each other. She even said to me that she might start to feel weird giving me a handjob since she and I were fast becoming good friends. During this time we were emailing twice or more times a day - big, long, get to know someone e-mails and often she would sneak off during a booking and text me every 30 mins or so. So a few months in, I thought to myself. F*ck the "friend zone". She was way too hot for that. I pretty much fell for her the moment I laid eyes on her. So I took a risk and crooked my finger at her one day and planted one on her lips. When she opened her eyes, she looked at me with more than a little lust. "Why haven't we done that sooner," she grinned. And so it began... Week by week, escalating and escalating until all of her close friends are involved and cheering us on. It's not impossible to maintain a strong relationship with an ML but you have to do it from a place of non-judgement.

Thanks for sharing your experience.

With non-judgment, any relationship has a very good chance of working out for good.
Very hard to be non-judgmental or " no object- no subject " kind of position though. You have to deeply spiritual to do that consistently throughout the relationship. Very hard ask for a common guy!!

16-12-2013, 09:44 PM
Thanks for sharing your experience.

With non-judgment, any relationship has a very good chance of working out for good.
Very hard to be non-judgmental or " no object- no subject " kind of position though. You have to deeply spiritual to do that consistently throughout the relationship. Very hard ask for a common guy!!

I don’t consider myself deeply spiritual. I don’t mind cracking onto young taut and terrific yoga girls though!

I guess my view of women is like this. I’ve been on quite a lot of dates from rsvp and pof. In many of the cases, the woman that showed up had something that didn’t quite gel with me. Sometimes it was purely looks or mannerisms. I’m not that picky because I actually feel that personality goes a long long way.

By looks I mean, when they showed up, their photo must have been taken 10 years ago or something like that. They used to tell me, “I thought you were lying about your photo too because you looked so young.” One woman just plain refused to meet me after telling me she walked past me. She was about twice as heavy as in her photo. Embellishment, not so bad, outright lying - that’s a different story.

So in all of that dating, my numbers of going further weren’t especially high. It took probably 4-6 weeks of dating once, maybe twice a week for anything to happen. Some of them were great but when it boiled down to sexual chemistry, a bit of a fizzle.

I just didn’t find it that easy finding sexually compatible women. Now, I’m not a slouch in the sack but I’m no pornstar either. I met a few who were ok in bed but didn’t really want to improve or didn’t gel with that well.

Many of those women had plenty of sexual partners. Some of them I never got too far with because they just loved to draw everything out. Girls don’t want tyre kickers but guys don’t want to buy a car without a test drive first. Does she squeal coming out of first, hahaha?!

So when I talk to women, I know they’re playing down how many guys they’ve had sexual contact with but its ok. When I’ve been with an ML, truthfully, there’s very little pressure. I’ve already seen them naked, they’ve seen me naked. She’s seen plenty of guys naked, had plenty of experience at least giving a hand job and at Kings, equally had plenty of experience sitting in a spa and talking to new people.

So, if an ML working in one of these places starts making moves, you can pretty much be assured that she sees something that she likes that is different from the hundred guys she’s met in the last year.

If they like you, they make sure that you get a different kind of experience than their standard performance. With others, its a performance, with you, it’s an experience.

Sometimes, you get a really really good ML that can fool you into thinking it’s an experience but really it’s part of their performance. It happens all the time. But when you get to the point where you’re spending time with them outside on dates, they’re e-mailing and texting every day and generally doing girlfriend stuff like coming over after their shift to cook for you, then it’s pretty much the real deal.

One reason I stumble upon them in a Cauc shop is because pretty much all of them have their visa sorted out so I don’t have to worry about that.

What does non-judgemental really mean? Well, I like to think I’m not hypocritical so I don’t give my girl grief over how many clients tried to touch her, how many she gave a hand job to and how many asked for extras. I also know that on occasion, there will be a guy that will offer $300 for her to do something different - most of it is not sexual. To give you an example, one guy offered $300 to have her dress in a maid’s outfit and bend over and pick things up off the floor for him.

Sometimes, a guy will keep placing $20 notes or $50 notes down to finger her. Usually it hits about $250 or more and she says yes, even though she thinks it’s crazy. She also pretty much never cums. She’s very very good at faking it. Mine even has the twitch and squeeze down pat.

I’ve fingered heaps of girls, heaps of ML’s so I can’t very well tell her it’s wrong. To date, I haven’t had to pay for it. Actually, I know I’ve fingered more girls in Kings than my girl has let guys finger her. I love doing it, my regulars before I started dating one of them knew I loved doing it and most of them chat…

Apart from their increased capacity to earn, they’re just normal women. Some guys treat them like sluts. Guess what? If you treat a woman like a slut, she’s not going to show you a good time. Well, only if she gets paid for it and it will be a performance. Some guys treat them like princesses too but you know what, any good looking girl has heard that 100 times before too. They think guys just say that to get into their pants.

So I end up treating them like a friend and eventually, we become friends. Just keep yourself out of the friend zone!

16-12-2013, 10:04 PM
What an amazing post
For me its one of the posts of November - December 2013
Honesty, without any barrow to push

Among many comments I could make, one stands out
Im sure lots of working ladies fake it
But how do you fake the marked increase in body temperature and sometimes the sweat that develops AFTER they have "cum"
This is not the warmth anyone has after making love for a while, but a heat that develops in the face and back in the minutes AFTER an orgasm
Im new here, and probably naive, but with my past gfs, and with working ladies, I do use that vastly increased temperature AFTER they allegedly have cum, to tell if its the real thing or faked

16-12-2013, 11:02 PM
Hi harmony,

Thanks mate. I'm kind of leading up to a comeback. I haven't been that active in a while but I'm in a festive spirit :cool2:

That's the thing. When you finger a girl in the Kings Court spas, it's so difficult to tell. It's already warmer in there and you're already wet. If they're can make themselves twitch and squeeze tight when they "orgasm" it's difficult to tell.

Saying that, I was assured by mine that she actually does cum with me every time. I asked her to surprise me and fake it once, she did. I thought I was pretty good at picking but she had me beat... Hands down... Cheeky little minx then turned to me and smiled and said, "Can you give me a real one now?"

Another girl in there, I had the help of the spa jets as I was fingering with one hand and rubbing her clit with my other hand. Floating in the water made it easy to prop her on one arm. Hottest thing when she came. She kept leaning back and DFK'ing me hard while giving me a HJ.

I can't make every woman I meet cum though. Sometimes I just have to click with them.

16-12-2013, 11:21 PM
Jellyshots, you are fresh air
Truly original postings, with new insights
Hope a lot of us can follow your lead mate ; )

BTW, I have had past GFs in a spa, but never a WL. Seems too hard to organise for a beginner like me ; )

16-12-2013, 11:24 PM
Yeh cool posts harmony and jelly. Very interesting thread.

I had specific comments but they have all gone into a blur. Sometimes you open doors but you don't walk in..

I think the tricky thing would be the evolution of the relationship. It's skewed from the start. It is an added hassle to overcome. And as most have said, it's hard in the modern day society.

However anything is possible, and we are all unique... it might just happen that you and a lady may work. Unfortunately it may not be the hotty 22 year old you lust for ..

If we are playing the odds, long term success with a WLML, would be lower than the average odds.

16-12-2013, 11:27 PM
hey brotherfrancisofassisi
Thanks for contributing
Couldnt have said things better
Interesting - a relationship skewed from the start. Hidden forces tugging both towards and away from you

There will be a lot of interesting threads coming up on this forum now the Celebration Season is starting, now that more members will have spare time to contribute

Please keep reading !

And can you put a few words in this thread ? Thanks again : )

16-12-2013, 11:35 PM
The best way to have a relationship is feel the true love for the lady first, if its even there (not the lust we all generally seek first off), then show the love first, then have true love reciprocated to you from the lady, before sex and lust ever gets muddled in the equation
Just my thoughts, not advice haha

There was a famous dating 'guru', Dr Love in the USA
He is a classic, and did a huge survey of women well before the internet took off, so a lot of his stuff is old school, but a lot is very true

He always said "Choose a flexible giver"
In other words, choose to be with a lady who is flexible with giving you her time, her gifts, and her love
The opposite is a inflexible taker, or selfish woman, who just takes you for your money, free meals, and free gifts, and only has time for you when she wants to give it

I found that was so true, and wish I had been told that simple fact years ago
I was dating a Chinese lady, 10/10 in looks and body, who didnt have a car
When I dated her, I was the pleasing puppy, picked her up from home, took her to dinners, paid for them all, drive her home
I drove her to movies, etc and so forth
To be fair, I did get into her pants, but she was very inflexible, and never gave, just took
Being with a lady like that, its almost not a pleasure getting to home base with her
(although, long story short, she was a nice conquest)

The point of the story ? She dumped me with little notice over nothing really. But it was only with the subsequent disappointment I learnt the above advice

And the true point ? This woman never reciprocated true love back to me (spontaneous efforts, offering to pay for things, spontaneous show of affection apart from photos of herself with a sign saying "Happy Birthday")
Funny hey ?

Oh, I'd better add. She smsed me later that year, realising she was an angry lady, and wanted to get back with me. I played hard to get, and really didnt need this "inflexible taker", and she soon got the message. She just wanted a rerun of the same old pattern. Look, it would have been nice to enjoy her again, if you know what I mean, but I had moved on by then ; )

16-12-2013, 11:42 PM
Surely it is not hard for most of you guys to find girls outside of WL and ML circle.

No it's not. They just don't put up 10 seconds after first sight :cool2:

16-12-2013, 11:51 PM
If I was looking for an average looking chick. Sure, I've gone to the Ivy and picked up, wingmanned, you name it. Some chicks are really really easy. In a lot of those cases, awful blowjob, awful sex. Barely could keep me interested.

I like an experienced sexual partner or one that wants to get experienced. I have a lot more fun. She may not be the best at sex or BJ but when they decide to learn with you, fireworks. And if they're an experienced ML, they've got their trusty backup plan, a very good HJ technique. So yeah, I love BJ's and CIM and unfortunately many Aussie chicks are terrible at it.

Top post! Flexible giver is a great concept.

16-12-2013, 11:54 PM
No it's not. They just don't put up 10 seconds after first sight :cool2:

Haha... this is funny cos its true.

There is convenience in visiting establishments.

17-12-2013, 12:02 AM
The best way to have a relationship is develop the love first, and have true love reciprocated to you, before sex and lust ever gets muddled in the equation

He always said "Choose a flexible giver"
In other words, choose to be with a lady who is flexible with giving you her time, her gifts, and her love
The opposite is a inflexible taker, or selfish woman, who just takes you for your money, free meals, and free gifts, and only has time for you when she wants to give it

By virtue of the work they do, exchanging sexual things for money... the girls will be groomed to be a taker than a giver.

How bout flexible takers and inflexible givers? :)

By the way harmony, based on your visible principles and sentiments, I think you would be barking up the wrong tree to date WLMLs.

17-12-2013, 12:07 AM
Haha, most guys tend to be taken advantage of by beautiful women (see my story above) and so by nature are "inflexible givers" Haha

I have to think about who the flexible takers are in life ! Great question

Lets get this terminology right:
Flexible - freely and readily spends either time or effort or money where necessary or where fair for the other person
Inflexible - cant freely and readily give their time or effort, or money where necessary or where fair for the other person

Giver - giver of time, money, gifts, spontaneous affection, shows efforts with love (not just gives when it is expected or demanded)
Taker - not a giver
- good at taking all money, gifts, free dinners, drives home, and doesnt freely reciprocate to keep it fair

Flexible giver - the ideal lady to date
- freely and readily gives her time, or effort in the relationship, &/or money, to be fair to the other persons show of love for her

17-12-2013, 12:17 AM
Inflexible giver girls can be frustrating.

I just walked to the balcony and saw a cat. And the cat saw me, from 50 metres away. It made me think of the old cat and dog debate. I would consider dogs as "felix"able givers, and cats as more of the inflexible taker style. However I do like cats as I grew up with one. Maybe that's why I find some girls frustrating.

17-12-2013, 12:21 AM
Holy cow, what a night, brotherfrancisofassisi, your thoughts are original, and bring more of your thoughts into the forum. Please

This whole dog "flexible giver" and cat "inflexible taker" is exactly right !

That is God like brilliance.

The pet cat can take it or leave it with you - they often are also going to the neighbour and also begging for food
And of course (thankfully) they arent mating with you, they are mating with a tomcat who is their type

In fact the only time a cat is giving is just before they want their meal, when they rub up against you.

Im not saying your next girlfriend should be a dog of course ; ) but you bring the dating game back to terms people understand ; )

17-12-2013, 12:52 AM
I dunno. Cats by their nature always seem like flexible givers or flexible takers. They choose who to give what to - just like an ML/WL. Dogs seem like inflexible givers. It's always the same, unconditional but the same to everyone.

I think it comes back to being non-judgemental though. if you're non-judgemental, you can be flexible because you don't necessarily have any expectations. Things can be a surprise and if you team up with the right girl, there can be a balance between give and take. It doesn't necessarily have to be even, just balanced. Some people like giving a little more, some taking.

17-12-2013, 01:00 AM
I dunno. Cats by their nature always seem like flexible givers or flexible takers. They choose who to give what to - just like an ML/WL. Dogs seem like inflexible givers. It's always the same, unconditional but the same to everyone.

I think it comes back to being non-judgemental though. if you're non-judgemental, you can be flexible because you don't necessarily have any expectations. Things can be a surprise and if you team up with the right girl, there can be a balance between give and take. It doesn't necessarily have to be even, just balanced. Some people like giving a little more, some taking.

Oh I think the keyword that you are differentiating cats from dogs is "discerning".

What resonates with me when it comes to the terminology of flexibility applied to cats and dogs - is that the cat is only interesting in interacting/play when they feel like it. Whereas the dogs is "always up for it".

When it comes to giving vs taking... dogs are more prone to show affection spontaneously, and more often (so I think of that as giving. Whereas the cat will sometimes rub up against your leg or sit on your lap...but less often, and probably less spontaneously.

17-12-2013, 01:11 AM
brotherfrancisofassisi, you are spot on with your assessment of flexible and giver

17-12-2013, 01:27 AM
If I settled down... eventually, I wouldn't care if the girl was a ML, its how they act afterwards. Having said that... I was with a smoking hot WL last week and I think maybe not a WL. She told me she was planning to save for a new car. Cost was around $27k driveaway and then told me that was two weeks work... including tips!!!!! (Top escort agency...I paid her $500 for the hour incl tip).:cool2: That's too much dick for me to handle lol

17-12-2013, 01:31 AM
Ok my two cents...
I've been with two ML's. Both Korean, both hot and young. One for seven years and one for over a year. After the first few months... you get over the fact that they take their clothes off and suck dick for a crust. Both stopped working after meeting me. The first was my success story. Got her to finish uni and qualified in a top profession paying 80K a year. Helped her get a sponsorship working visa (proper one), and now her parents and siblings are here. I was young and couldn't commit. We still keep in touch and still hold mutual respect for each other. The second one, was like ground hog day and I felt like I was re living my youth...mid life crisis in my mid 30's lol.
They have mentioned heaps of ML's that have opened businesses in Sydney. One recently opened a drinking/karaoke cafe and named it "COCK" in Korean...She even has a Korean boyfriend or husband and her knows all about her lol.
I've fuck around heaps. I have met heaps of girls in clubs, from social outings, from church, etc.... These girls are no different. They are the best partners. No smoking, no drinking, no drugs.... It was simply a financial decision. I get that.
However, I fuck around (mostly when I am not in a relationship) for the benefit of my ego and my penis. Things didn't work out coz of me not them.
If I settled down... eventually, I wouldn't care if the girl was a ML, its how they act afterwards. Having said that... I was with a smoking hot WL last week and I think maybe not a WL. She told me she was planning to save for a new car. Cost was around $27k driveaway and then told me that was two weeks work... including tips!!!!! (Top escort agency...I paid her $500 for the hour incl tip).:cool2: That's too much dick for me to handle lol

Good story brother !

I guess they all gave you good BBBJ ? :miao: ( Tongue in cheek ! )

17-12-2013, 02:51 AM
The best way to have a relationship is feel the true love for the lady first, if its even there (not the lust we all generally seek first off), then show the love first, then have true love reciprocated to you from the lady, before sex and lust ever gets muddled in the equation
Just my thoughts, not advice haha

There was a famous dating 'guru', Dr Love in the USA
He is a classic, and did a huge survey of women well before the internet took off, so a lot of his stuff is old school, but a lot is very true

He always said "Choose a flexible giver"
In other words, choose to be with a lady who is flexible with giving you her time, her gifts, and her love
The opposite is a inflexible taker, or selfish woman, who just takes you for your money, free meals, and free gifts, and only has time for you when she wants to give it

I found that was so true, and wish I had been told that simple fact years ago
I was dating a Chinese lady, 10/10 in looks and body, who didnt have a car
When I dated her, I was the pleasing puppy, picked her up from home, took her to dinners, paid for them all, drive her home
I drove her to movies, etc and so forth
To be fair, I did get into her pants, but she was very inflexible, and never gave, just took
Being with a lady like that, its almost not a pleasure getting to home base with her
(although, long story short, she was a nice conquest)

The point of the story ? She dumped me with little notice over nothing really. But it was only with the subsequent disappointment I learnt the above advice

And the true point ? This woman never reciprocated true love back to me (spontaneous efforts, offering to pay for things, spontaneous show of affection apart from photos of herself with a sign saying "Happy Birthday")
Funny hey ?

Oh, I'd better add. She smsed me later that year, realising she was an angry lady, and wanted to get back with me. I played hard to get, and really didnt need this "inflexible taker", and she soon got the message. She just wanted a rerun of the same old pattern. Look, it would have been nice to enjoy her again, if you know what I mean, but I had moved on by then ; )

Thanks Harmony. I have never heard about the terms "flexible giver" and "inflexible taker", but they do make a lot of sense. I must truely say that I have learnt some things from this forum. Things that relate to my life and situation. Only problem is that sometimes one falls in love with a "inflexible taker". It is really good to hear your experience as it closely mirrors mine. Cheers.

17-12-2013, 11:00 AM
Thanks for the encouragement harmony.

BBBJ, 7 years, that is a pretty damn good stretch. Better length than half the marriages out there!

17-12-2013, 11:35 AM
Ok my two cents...

Having said that... I was with a smoking hot WL last week and I think maybe not a WL. She told me she was planning to save for a new car. Cost was around $27k driveaway and then told me that was two weeks work... including tips!!!!! (Top escort agency...I paid her $500 for the hour incl tip).:cool2: That's too much dick for me to handle lol

Works two weeks to pay for a $27,000 new car!

At @$500 a shot = 54 jobs, 27 jobs per week, say works 5 days a week, a touch over 5 session a day !!

very smart girl !!

Then what's next ?

another 4 sessions for an iPod Air

10 sessions for a Prada bag...........

17-12-2013, 01:19 PM
Oh I think the keyword that you are differentiating cats from dogs is "discerning".

What resonates with me when it comes to the terminology of flexibility applied to cats and dogs - is that the cat is only interesting in interacting/play when they feel like it. Whereas the dogs is "always up for it".

When it comes to giving vs taking... dogs are more prone to show affection spontaneously, and more often (so I think of that as giving. Whereas the cat will sometimes rub up against your leg or sit on your lap...but less often, and probably less spontaneously.

Ok, yes! Makes perfect sense now. I think I was a little tired by the time I posted on this last :cool2:

17-12-2013, 06:25 PM
Works two weeks to pay for a $27,000 new car! At @$500 a shot = 54 jobs, 27 jobs per week, say works 5 days a week, a touch over 5 session a day !! very smart girl !! Then what's next ? another 4 sessions for an iPod Air 10 sessions for a Prada bag...........

I love your Analysis: Freakonomics style!!

17-12-2013, 09:40 PM
All I know is that if she's flexible, yum, yum, I'm givin' it to her, LOL!!!