View Full Version : General talk LISTEN - Junior and baby members - lets hear your opinion

16-12-2013, 08:35 PM
To all those who have registered but not posted much (<50 posts) ....
Lets hear from you
It doesnt matter if you are shy, inhibited, are still a newcomer to punting
In fact its a great thing if you are new to punting

You have no idea how fresh your thinking is, and fresh thinking is so valued

For example, answer any one of the following:

---How and why did you first take the plunge, and go for a punt ?

---Whats one thing you had to learn yourself about the method of punting, that you wish you had read here first

---What was the most interesting lessons you learnt in your early months of punting

---Provide five different keywords (not women's names) that summarise a great punt for you

---Summarise the elements of punting that never seem to improve over time ! And how they could be improved

---How can you tell which lady is going to provide that nice punt, and not a dud punt ?

There is no obligation to write much, just let us know whats on your mind

This thread is open to all, particularly those who have posted less than 100 posts

But equally, all AUS99 members contributions are all welcome and helpful !

Respect to all working and nonworking ladies.

16-12-2013, 09:46 PM
Hey harmony, this is a great thread. Can more senior members post too? :smile:

16-12-2013, 09:57 PM
Please Jellyshots !
In fact, senior guys like yourself have a lot to add to the thread !
I started this thread because its obvious that the forum is held together by a handful of highly valued regulars who have mountains of experience
Basic discussions by those new to punting seem to be missing

16-12-2013, 10:30 PM
When I was new to the forum, the question I asked were…

How much should a guy tip if you just had a good time with an ML?
Bro Ahlungor told me a $10 or $20 was fine. More goes into the extras territory but regular $20 tips at the start meant that I built a reputation and on occasion, the ML gave be a few extras for free.

Punting resolutions…
Write more AR’s. Ive been soooo slack lately.

Biggest punting regret last year?
Not extending when I could have, extending when I shouldn’t have.

What do I love most about the AUS99 forum?
I love the stories and the AR’s. It’s an interesting place and there are some really good people on here. We don’t all always see eye to eye but it’s interesting. I still wouldn’t mind going for a beer with a few punters even if we had some knock down, kick ‘em on the ground fights on the forum.

What do you want improved about this AUS99 forum?
The mobile web client. I miss the filters. I know we can use forum runner but I like the general layout of the mobile site.

Which member has written your favourite thread of 2013?
It’s tied between Travelmate’s gambling thread and Sextus’ magical gang bang thread with the original pictures of Lily. Axtually, you know what, I’m sorry Travelmate, I religiously follow your thread but Sextus’ gang bang thread was easily my no. 1 thread.

Now, to give you new guys a heads up on Sextus. I visited TP64 once because of the Christmas AR competition last year. I remember having such a great time with Fenny, I think… Anyway, I was going to write up an AR but I stumbled upon Sextus’ submission. I can’t remember who it was… I was literally blown away. So out of the utmost respect, I declined to even do an AR. And guess what? Sextus won!

What was the most interesting lesson you wish you had been taught in your early months of punting?
There is such a thing as BFE (boyfriend experience) and if you play your cards right, you can create absolute havoc in a shop…

What subject would you want us to discuss, if you were able to start a new discussion?
I don’t really have anything here. I think other members are doing a stellar job already! CunningLinguist has some good ones and this one by harmony is pretty cool too!

Advertiser I miss the most?
Seriously, Yamada. That guy was bat shit crazy funny... Some people hated him but I thought he was very very funny.

17-12-2013, 12:34 AM
Although I only registered very recently, I've actually been using aus99 for a while now. The forum has really helped open my eyes to the world of punting. The ARs in particular have assisted me tremendously in finding the right girls. Just thought I'd take this opportunity to thank all the senior members out there for sharing their wisdom!

17-12-2013, 12:40 AM
Thanks Starstruck.
Im new here too, and am just helping us all get fresh information
Just a final comment if you could:

Whats one thing you had to learn yourself about the method of punting, that you wish you had read here first (not wishing you had read this forum first, but other tips)

17-12-2013, 01:25 AM
---Whats one thing you had to learn yourself about the method of punting, that you wish you had read here first (not wishing you had read this forum first, but other tips)

Wear gold chains around your neck, fill your wallet with paper, and address everyone you meet in the shop with "dalling", even the occasional man you see.'

---Summarise the bad elements of the worst punt you had in 2013, be honest but not angry

Not angry really. was in a good mood that night. She was pretty but it all was downhill from there. Couldn't speak english at all, couldn't massage for shit. At times I had to turn my head to see if she was still there. Her attitude was fine though so I just got up not even half way and said thank you , share share, and left.

---What was the most interesting lesson you learnt in your early months of punting

Never cry after ejaculating :)

---Any major questions you dont see answered here ?


---What subject do you think needs to be discussed

STD's, again and again. Reminding us and other future noobies. That STD thread I read this year really made me ship up.

---What are you punting resolutions for 2014 ?

To do more.

---What is your biggest punting regret for the last year, 2013 ?

Tipping girls with bad attitudes.

---What do you love most about this AUS99 forum ?

It demystifies the experience.

---What do you want improved about this AUS99 forum ?

Nothing I can think.

---Which member has written your favourite thread of 2013

Guymartin420, on marrying WLS.

---How do you plan to be the next AHLUNGOR ?

Write a thread like this? :)

17-12-2013, 02:44 AM
Great thread! I'll try my best to provide some responses below.

---Whats one thing you had to learn yourself about the method of punting, that you wish you had read here first (not wishing you had read this forum first, but other tips)

Everyone gives the advice that punting is simply a business transaction, but sometimes it is extremely hard not to get carried away in the allure of the moment. Don't get me wrong, I know I am just a pay check to these women. Unfortunately, even after all these years of punting, and seeing a lot of bullshit from this industry, some girls just charm the pants off of me.

---Summarise the bad elements of the worst punt you had in 2013, be honest but not angry

I caught the flu off of a ml earlier this year. Worse care of the flu I have ever experienced, was bed ridden for a week, and had a persistent cough for well over a month. While lying in bed feeling like death I kept telling myself 'never again', but surely enough one month later I was at it again!

From this experience I learnt never to take a wl/ml with a cold/cough. I don't care if it's just the sniffles. I don't want to risk it.

---What was the most interesting lesson you learnt in your early months of punting

Beauty does not necessarily equal a good punt. I have seen some stunners with the poorest attitude during the introductions, and I don't know how they get any business. It's so obvious that they would rather be anywhere else in the world, yet still get chosen time and time again.

I will chose an average girl who comes off bright and bubbly over a stone faced stunner any day of the week.

---What are you punting resolutions for 2014 ?

2013 is my most active year to date, and I am definitely going to try to cut back in 2014. I have whittled my favourites list over the year down to one ml, and will likely quit the scene altogether when she retires.

---What is your biggest punting regret for the last year, 2013 ?

Bbfscip with my regular ml. Both of us had had a few drinks during the session, and I don't know what I was thinking. I know it doesn't excuse my actions, and am thankful nothing negative came from the experience (no stis), but walking out of there I was filled with instant regret and shame.

---What do you love most about this AUS99 forum ?

I find this an excellent outlet to express my thoughts on subjects which are generally viewed as taboo in society. Complete anonymity and no judgement.

---What do you want improved about this AUS99 forum ?

This forum is essentially syd99, not aus99. More post from interstate members would be great, but I don't see it happening.

---Which member has written your favourite thread of 2013

Probably CL.

---How do you plan to be the next AHLUNGOR ?

I don't.

It's late, I may edit this post to better address some of the questions, but that's it for me for now...

17-12-2013, 06:41 AM
This is a great thread!!

Whats one thing you had to learn yourself about the method of punting, that you wish you had read here first (not wishing you had read this forum first, but other tips)

giving my phone number to ML. It hasn't resulted in Catastrophe. That was spur of the moment and I think I should have been more strategic.

---Summarise the bad elements of the worst punt you had in 2013, be honest but not angry

2013 was good generally. Nothing sticks out as a bad punt. I usually stick to the one I like.

---What was the most interesting lesson you learnt in your early months of punting

Beauty need not translate into performance.

---Any major questions you dont see answered here ?

I haven't explored the old threads yet. I need to do that first.

---What subject do you think needs to be discussed

The finer aspects of development of relationships between the punter and WL/ML and the consequences - of both married and single guys

---What are you punting resolutions for 2014 ?

Be non judgmental (jelly shots)

---What is your biggest punting regret for the last year, 2013 ?

No regrets. I wish I hadn't given out my contact number to my ML. It was spur of the moment. Nothing bad came out of it. But I think I should have been more careful.

---What do you love most about this AUS99 forum ? -

The anonymous brotherhood.

--What do you want improved about this AUS99 forum ?

Law list if the best threads somewhere. I know this is a start of some sorts.

---Which member has written your favourite thread of 2013

This one, Harmony.

---How do you plan to be the next AHLUNGOR ?

I don't. I plan to be guymartin420.

Water and Bananas
17-12-2013, 10:39 AM
---What was the most interesting lesson you learnt in your early months of punting

Beauty does not necessarily equal a good punt. I have seen some stunners with the poorest attitude during the introductions, and I don't know how they get any business. It's so obvious that they would rather be anywhere else in the world, yet still get chosen time and time again.

I will chose an average girl who comes off bright and bubbly over a stone faced stunner any day of the week.

This! It seems obvious but it's still hard to pass on those stone-cold stunners...

17-12-2013, 10:57 AM
With the regard to cold/flus it is better to be safe than sorry... though your penis might not like it.

Guy... so your advice is to not give numbers based on your experience?

17-12-2013, 11:04 AM
Great Thread brother Harmony,

I've been apart of this community for a while and haven't really posted mainly due to my job/relationship status (I travel a lot and have been in and out of relationships so I haven't had the need to punt that often) but here are my two cents.

Worst Punt of 2013:
I went and checked out Chequers Massage in the city to try out the King Massage because I had read about them offering Nuru Massage and after seeing what people have posted about Nuru Massage I thought I would give it a try. As I've never been to this place before I didn't make a booking (first mistake) they only had a choice of 2 girls, once I had chose the girl, we proceeded to shower together. Afterwards I got on the massage and received an oil massage. I thought that this might have been part of the service, but by the time I she went to start part 2, at least 30mins of my hour had elapsed and I had found out that the girl I had chosen didn't do Nuru massage because she didn't like the feel of the gel on her body.. It was my mistake for not asking first, however I assumed when I was paying for the massage I would get what was advertised especially for the price I paid..

Most interesting lesson learnt:
A lot of my punting revolves around R&T places, in my younger years I was addicted to places like Midas/Masstige 8 and found out early on that depending on the mood of the K-girl I had determined the type of service I got. If they were in a good mood then my service was also good, however if they weren't then the service was pretty bad.

Key Words for a great punt:
Sensual Massage
Open minded
Customer Service

Why I Love Aus99:
Because its a place where you can get great advice about places and girls and what to avoid. There is so much information and experience in this community its great to see.

How to improve Aus99:
Less posts from the shops both in general and after reports, I think the shops that write up a review on a girl is annoying because they have conflicting interests. Lets get this site back to being 'for the punter by the punter'

17-12-2013, 11:59 AM
With the regard to cold/flus it is better to be safe than sorry... though your penis might not like it. Guy... so your advice is to not give numbers based on your experience?

Sorry, I should have specified- I gave out my work phone number. Definitely not a good idea even though I had been okay so far!

17-12-2013, 12:01 PM
This is a great thread!! Whats one thing you had to learn yourself about the method of punting, that you wish you had read here first (not wishing you had read this forum first, but other tips) giving my phone number to ML. It hasn't resulted in Catastrophe. That was spur of the moment and I think I should have been more strategic. ---Summarise the bad elements of the worst punt you had in 2013, be honest but not angry 2013 was good generally. Nothing sticks out as a bad punt. I usually stick to the one I like. ---What was the most interesting lesson you learnt in your early months of punting Beauty need not translate into performance. ---Any major questions you dont see answered here ? I haven't explored the old threads yet. I need to do that first. ---What subject do you think needs to be discussed The finer aspects of development of relationships between the punter and WL/ML and the consequences - of both married and single guys ---What are you punting resolutions for 2014 ? Be non judgmental (jelly shots) ---What is your biggest punting regret for the last year, 2013 ? No regrets. I wish I hadn't given out my contact number to my ML. It was spur of the moment. Nothing bad came out of it. But I think I should have been more careful. ---What do you love most about this AUS99 forum ? - The anonymous brotherhood. --What do you want improved about this AUS99 forum ? Law list if the best threads somewhere. I know this is a start of some sorts. ---Which member has written your favourite thread of 2013 This one, Harmony. ---How do you plan to be the next AHLUNGOR ? I don't. I plan to be guymartin420.

What subject do you think needs to be discussed ?

I have to add one more: Entrepreneurs amongst ML/WL : success and failure stories.

17-12-2013, 01:35 PM
Mate, you absolutely crack me up. Never cry after ejeculating, bahahaha!!!!

This thread is fast becoming my favourite thread of the year.

I see what you mean about punting regret with bbfscip. Know that you're not the only one on here to do that. I've done it. It was so hard not to at the time too. But I think if I was realistic about it, 2014 should be the year to make 100% sure I was being safer sexually.

I tried to combat the shop spam once. I think I was just over 1000 posts. What I did was bump all of the non-shop threads up in the general section. I think I did the first two pages. I called it the "wall of Jelly". Everyone gave me crap that Jelly is soft and I said, "So what, it's designed to bounce off!"

Such a crack up. It lasted about 30 minutes until MOC spammed their update :surprise:

17-12-2013, 02:47 PM
Great Thread brother Harmony,

Why I Love Aus99:
Because its a place where you can get great advice about places and girls and what to avoid. There is so much information and experience in this community its great to see.

How to improve Aus99:
Less posts from the shops both in general and after reports, I think the shops that write up a review on a girl is annoying because they have conflicting interests. Lets get this site back to being 'for the punter by the punter'

+1 on these points. As a newbie (long time lurker) it really helps demystify everything, which for those that are not experienced, can seem quite scary. But I agree, the constant promotion by the shops, makes it hard to find information.

17-12-2013, 07:18 PM
+1 on these points. As a newbie (long time lurker) it really helps demystify everything, which for those that are not experienced, can seem quite scary. But I agree, the constant promotion by the shops, makes it hard to find information.

Have a look at the top of the section, check out the sticky thread called " Use Of Prefix ".

17-12-2013, 07:58 PM
Sometimes you just gotta sift through the adverts to read some good information.
Read the post above you !

17-12-2013, 09:11 PM
I'm not sure I can answer all of them but I'll try answering as many as I can to the best of my ability.

---Whats one thing you had to learn yourself about the method of punting, that you wish you had read here first (not wishing you had read this forum first, but other tips)
I was fairly over prepared when I started so there wasn't much that I had to learn.

---Summarise the bad elements of the worst punt you had in 2013, be honest but not angry
I didn't communicate very well with the ML and it led to some awkward silences.

---What was the most interesting lesson you learnt in your early months of punting
It is not something to do too often due to how expensive it actually is.

---Any major questions you dont see answered here ?
Not really major and probably has already been discussed but I'm wondering about whether the places in Chatswood are worth going to and if there are any recommendations other than North Star.

---What subject do you think needs to be discussed
How old do you think is too old to punt?, What if STIs did not exist/cured and what impact would it have?, Ever gotten some kind of injury from a punt?

---What is your biggest punting regret for the last year, 2013 ?
Not being more talkative.

---What do you love most about this AUS99 forum ?
I guess the community and reading other people's experiences and advice.

---Which member has written your favourite thread of 2013
AHLUNGOR's "This is what RnT is about" thread.

---How do you plan to be the next AHLUNGOR ?
I don't.

17-12-2013, 09:59 PM
Hold your horses cowboy i'm not that up to date with technology.

Both phone and laptop are at least 3rd or 4th hand.
You don't have to be a techno genius, I just advised you to read a post above you !

17-12-2013, 10:47 PM
I see what you mean about punting regret with bbfscip. Know that you're not the only one on here to do that. I've done it. It was so hard not to at the time too. But I think if I was realistic about it, 2014 should be the year to make 100% sure I was being safer sexually.

Please, especially if you are cool members as you are...practice safe sex. Think of brother francis when the opportunity arises and make 2014 without turmoil. And transmission!

17-12-2013, 11:02 PM
What was the most interesting lesson you wish you had been taught in your early months of punting?
There is such a thing as BFE (boyfriend experience) and if you play your cards right, you can create absolute havoc in a shop…

Thanks for the mention jellyshots, yes I'm very real.

17-12-2013, 11:34 PM
What was the most interesting lesson you learnt in your early months of punting
just enjoy it, you'll cum so quick, but you'll get better, keep punting, hahaha...

Provide five different keywords (not women's names) that summarise a great punt for you
- body language
- clean pussy for DATY
- cute type
- fake boobs (its just me, i like fake boobs haha)
- great BBBJ

Biggest punting regret last year?
- at some cheap joint i cant even remember the name. I was so excited after picking the girl, she is arnd 150 cm ish, looks like that jap av girl that get raped in the movie. My brain went wild. But, in the room, she opened her bra, omg, she has a wrinkly droopy boobs. My mind thinking she must be at least late 40s? I just closed my eyes when fucking her, great BBBJ though (it comes with the experience huh?) but i keep close my eyes so that i cant see that droopy wrinkly boobs.

What are you punting resolutions for 2014 ?
stick with 5 STAR and my other secret joint.

What do you want improved about this AUS99 forum?
The mobile web client.

What subject would you want us to discuss, if you were able to start a new discussion?
in general talk, there has been travelmate winning tips for sports gambling.
But, as a change, as I have switched from gambling to forex trading, can we start a tips for forex trading as well?
I'm sure there are at least 10-20% in our member who trade forex.

[B]Advertiser I miss the most?
who else but Yamada

18-12-2013, 08:36 AM
Thanks for the mention jellyshots, yes I'm very real.

Hahaha. Good for you bro. Although it's a really good thing in the punting world that we have common acronymns such as BBBJ for bareback blowjob, CIP for cum in pussy and GFE or girlfriend experience. If we didn't have those then BFE could also translate to Big Fat Emo :startle:

Water and Bananas
18-12-2013, 04:17 PM
Enough lurking, time to pony up.

Whats one thing you had to learn yourself about the method of punting, that you wish you had read here first (not wishing you had read this forum first, but other tips)

I was far too 'polite' and rushed starting out. There is nothing wrong with stopping a girl during intros and asking her exactly which services she offers. Plus, it lets you better gauge her personality/interest. Would've saved myself a lot of disappointment

Summarize the bad elements of the worst punt you had in 2013, be honest but not angry

Was late at night. Intros were hurried. Picked cute girl out of line up. Left room for full 10 min why I showered. Asked where she went. Rolled eyes and ignored my question. Downhill after that. Shit CBJ, no breast touching, no kissing. Complained about my size (I'm completely average). Ended session at least 10 min early. Mama-san gave no sympathy.

What was the most interesting lesson you learnt in your early months of punting

Smile! A happy demeanor and a polite attitude will set the mood for rest of the punt!

Any major questions you dont see answered here ?

Never been to a massage shop out here. Are happy endings usually included in MS prices? Also what's the average additional price/tip for nude, cbj and fs?

What subject do you think needs to be discussed ?

More posts related to tipping

What are you punting resolutions for 2014 ?

To be more adventurous. So many respected shops in Sydney that I've yet to hit - we'll see if my wallet survives

What is your biggest punting regret for the last year, 2013 ?

Losing touch with my favorite WL

What do you love most about this AUS99 forum ?

The large community. Also love the layout of this site - compared to others it's light-years ahead.

What do you want improved about this AUS99 forum ?

It'd be nice to see more participation in the General Talk section from actual users

Which member has written your favourite thread of 2013

Probably Sextus' Getting down and dirty with Sunny

How do you plan to be the next AHLUNGOR ?

He seems to be one of a kind

18-12-2013, 06:51 PM
Just thought of a couple resolutions for 2014:

1. Try going to two different places in one day.
2. Get better at conversing with the ML and keep a conversation going.

18-12-2013, 08:39 PM
---How do you plan to be the next AHLUNGOR ?

i dont

19-12-2013, 12:05 AM
Love this thread
Biggest regret 2013 is walking out of my regular ML after a poor run and to go back the next week !! (Dumb)

Try more new recruits and stop tipping for bad service

19-12-2013, 01:16 AM
---Whats one thing you had to learn yourself about the method of punting, that you wish you had read here first (not wishing you had read this forum first, but other tips)
shop around if you are continuously have bad experiences.

---Summarise the bad elements of the worst punt you had in 2013, be honest but not angry
Continously have bad experiences with a shop and still returning. More angry about myself for going back then at them. I really don't like WL that treats it like a 9/5 job (metaphorically)

---What was the most interesting lesson you learnt in your early months of punting
condoms saves lives and long live the punter.

---Provide five different keywords (not women's names) that summarise a great punt for you
attention, tits, arse, conversation, solid bed

---Any major questions you dont see answered here ?
No one discuss their bad experiences here. Forum's spammed with 'good' reviews.

---What subject do you think needs to be discussed
What punters should look out for, like a guide.

---What are you punting resolutions for 2014 ?
Pay for more expensive punts

---What is your biggest punting regret for the last year, 2013 ?
Often paying for an hour for new meets

---What do you love most about this AUS99 forum ?
Any genuine discussions in general. A bit too much spam from the same shop to be honest. They prob should limit one thread a day.

---What do you want improved about this AUS99 forum ?
Limit spam and have more punters discuss things.

---Which member has written your favourite thread of 2013
NFI, still new.

---How do you plan to be the next AHLUNGOR ?
whois that

19-12-2013, 01:20 PM
---Any major questions you dont see answered here ?
No one discuss their bad experiences here. Forum's spammed with 'good' reviews.

---What subject do you think needs to be discussed
What punters should look out for, like a guide.

No one is stopping you from writing negative comments about a punt, if you look around, you will find some frequently, like the MOC complaint thread !

And also, no one is obligated to write exactly what you like to read, so write some reviews of you own, would you ?

19-12-2013, 02:13 PM
I agree with wilisno on this one. Sometimes it boils down to writing style. I'm generally a positive person so when I write a full blown AR I usually do it from the perspective that you can go through the whole session and write what was good about it and then suggest areas they can improve. I have yet to have a horrendously bad punt but then again, it's because I hit up the AR section first before choosing who to see.

19-12-2013, 05:01 PM
Whats one thing you had to learn yourself about the method of punting, that you wish you had read here first (not wishing you had read this forum first, but other tips)

The thing which I found most frustrating before discovering the forums was the huge inconsistency of some girls with how they were advertised.

I remember booking a 'young girl fresh out of uni' and being surprised to find out she was actually a milf...

Now that I always read about a girl on the forum before booking, the problem has never reoccurred

19-12-2013, 06:39 PM
No one is stopping you from writing negative comments about a punt, if you look around, you will find some frequently, like the MOC complaint thread !

And also, no one is obligated to write exactly what you like to read, so write some reviews of you own, would you ?

Agreed even though you only joined this month you should still post your previous AR's as you may be literally sitting on important info about girls or shops that no one has posted about be they positive or negative.

Probably all of my AR's are positive because I know where to punt and who to spend my money on....all because of info from this forum. So that's why I give back by doing AR's.

22-12-2013, 12:18 PM
Great thread, here is my 2 cents:

Whats one thing you had to learn yourself about the method of punting, that you wish you had read here first (not wishing you had read this forum first, but other tips)
That longer sessions (i.e. 1 hour plus) are almost always better than the short ones!

Summarise the bad elements of the worst punt you had in 2013, be honest but not angry
WL not as attractive as expected, service well below par with no DFK or DATY and with CBJ.

What was the most interesting lesson you learnt in your early months of punting
Book ahead! The popular girls are always booked out for a reason.

Provide five different keywords (not women's names) that summarise a great punt for you
Bootylicious, slim, passionate, naugty, DFK

Any major questions you dont see answered here?
Not really

What subject do you think needs to be discussed
Maybe a guide of the different shops and the kind of services they provide. There are various tiers/types of shops (e.g. Poplar Street vs. 533 vs. Ginza vs. MOC) and it would be useful for a newbie to have a guide of the tiers/types and what to expect in each.

What are you punting resolutions for 2014 ?
Quality over quantity! Also, don't waste my punting dollars in Melbourne.

What is your biggest punting regret for the last year, 2013 ?
Not having tried an ABC!

What do you love most about this AUS99 forum ?
The contributions and interesting discussions.

What do you want improved about this AUS99 forum ?
The advertising model - the spamming can sometimes make it hard to sift through the threads.

Which member has written your favourite thread of 2013
Hoshimony with his Ginza guide.

How do you plan to be the next AHLUNGOR ?
I don't want to be the next AHLUNGOR!

25-12-2013, 08:23 AM
One more suggestion: the general section needs to be indexed and categorized as well. For example, "getting too close to a WL" is a new thread started today and I am sure so much discussions might have happened before this thread already. Those wealth of knowledge is buried under some other thread name somewhere. This can be classified as "involvement with ML/WL"- or some other appropriate category.