View Full Version : General talk Spending habits of WL/ML "Where does all the money go?"

19-12-2013, 01:25 AM
Where does all the money go?

im not talking about the drug addict ones.

im talking about the WL's that are young, beautiful. friendly. charming.
look like they could be a perfect girlfriend or housewife.

We all agree this job is not someones first preference.

Why not waitress or reception?
Why not housewife to a working class husband?

surely the pay is low, life will be average.

but what requires/worth so much money that you would need to do this?

just food for thought.

19-12-2013, 01:44 AM
i would like to think the same, but some of these girls are constantly dolled up

mainly (Korean)

i love them so much they are absolutely gorgeous.

i guess i have always been ignorant to this question.

the real question is..
Do i really want to know??

19-12-2013, 01:53 AM
Well, I can see how getting 'dolled up' can be justified. They don't just roll out of bed looking glamourous. And this leads to more customers and more money.

I would say they generally have a higher quality of life, compared to most of us, which leads to a higher cost of living.

Apart of taking care of the family, the ones I know are investing in their future, with the intent to retire early off investment portfolios and properties.

19-12-2013, 01:54 AM
i would like to think the same, but some of these girls are constantly dolled up

mainly (Korean)

i love them so much they are absolutely gorgeous.

i guess i have always been ignorant to this question.

the real question is..
Do i really want to know??

All I can say is some of the smart one do this job to just kick start their life.

19-12-2013, 02:05 AM
From my experience, most of them come here to study initially. Most have enough for a year, maybe two. The pretty ones work in this industry for the money. Mostly, for cost of living and study. Next is for a visa. I'm not talking marriage (some do), but most have to pay immigration agents that charge 'back door' work sponsorship visas. They pay the agent, tax on the minimum (50K wage they must meet), and the kicker (around $50k) to the 'employer', for sponsorship (sex industry doesn't cut it for PR lol). So all in all, a means to stay in OZ. Or they work for a year or two for a capital to start a business venture back home.
ML's earn around $4K+ a week.
WL's earn around $6K up to $20K a week.
Take most of us many years to save what these gals do!

19-12-2013, 02:24 AM
is korea really that shit that they want to live here??

i mean i know we're in a good country but shit...

19-12-2013, 02:49 AM
Where does all the money go? im not talking about the drug addict ones. im talking about the WL's that are young, beautiful. friendly. charming. look like they could be a perfect girlfriend or housewife. We all agree this job is not someones first preference. Why not waitress or reception? Why not housewife to a working class husband? surely the pay is low, life will be average. but what requires/worth so much money that you would need to do this? just food for thought.

Most of them come here with 1 year seed money from their family. They have to meet education expenses, living expenses and send money back home. The waitresses, reception etc pays shit money say $10-15 an hour. As ML/WL, they earn (assuming working 2 weekdays and 2 weekends) 2000/5000 per week on average- needless to mention this is all cash and they don't pay any taxes. High end WL earn really good money.

This is the only job which puts them back on track financially and gives them a fighting chance.

19-12-2013, 07:30 AM
im sure many of the ladies would be tempted to say work in the industry for a year or two then quit ... but yes I do know a few who are doing it to either pay off their family or their own tuition fees

perhaps sometimes the allure of the money is probably so huge they probably end up staying longer than their original intentions....
Am not saying it's an easy job at all, it is hard (in fact I often talk to my fav WL about how they should quit and lead a normal life etc after hearing their complains), but each job has it's own area of difficulty, really depends on the WL's personality
their weekly average wage is like my monthly wage before tax, and I been working as a professional for 3 years now :cry:

19-12-2013, 08:29 AM
Well, I can see how getting 'dolled up' can be justified. They don't just roll out of bed looking glamourous. And this leads to more customers and more money.

I would say they generally have a higher quality of life, compared to most of us, which leads to a higher cost of living.

Apart of taking care of the family, the ones I know are investing in their future, with the intent to retire early off investment portfolios and properties.

I would agree on most of what you said, but what exactly do you mean by "higher quality of life"?

Did you perhaps mean to say more expensive lifestyle?

19-12-2013, 08:53 AM
Where does all the money go?

Designer stuff
Overseas family/relatives

19-12-2013, 09:03 AM
Many of the MLs over 30's are saving up to open her own massage shop one day !

Think Vicky, Eva, Candy, Coco, Alice, Alisa and most recently Mimi

Good on them !!


19-12-2013, 09:28 AM
There is a group of them around at present that despite what the shops say about them being students etc are just hard core prostitutes.

They like the money and they spend it on clothes etc and sure a lot of them send money home and they gamble.

Unfortunately a few of them are also into drugs but I like to think that is just a minority.

Lets face it most of them are not as innocent as we punters would like to think and most of them make more money than we can ever dream of.

19-12-2013, 09:51 AM
There is a group of them around at present that despite what the shops say about them being students etc are just hard core prostitutes.

They like the money and they spend it on clothes etc and sure a lot of them send money home and they gamble.

Unfortunately a few of them are also into drugs but I like to think that is just a minority.

Lets face it most of them are not as innocent as we punters would like to think and most of them make more money than we can ever dream of.

wise words. We, as punters, construct allusions about the interaction. We rationalise and justify all sorts of things to make it reasonable to buy a woman's body. I'm not on one of those hardline feminist rants, I am just pointing out that we are buying another person for a period of time. This is what prostitution is all about. The women involved are not innocent. Most are, as you say, hard core prostitutes who want money and are willing to do anything for it. They are deviants - that's the sociological term for it, I believe, meaning they are outside the norm of society (whatever that means).

I have known several prostitutes well who are compulsive gamblers. They lose everything they earn. I have also known prostitutes with abusive boyfriends. There was a young Hongie girl that I was in lust with at a well-known brothel. A real stunner, the sort that would not look out of place on the arm of some celebrity. I repeatedly saw her with bruises. I got into a relationship with her good friend who told me that the stunner gave all her earnings to her boyfriend and if they were down on a night he bashed her.

Most, no all, the working women you see have horrible stories. It is no glam business. We punters, by the way, are deviants as well.

19-12-2013, 10:00 AM
I wish they'd spend more on lingerie and hosiery.

Tbh i find it infinitely sexier when they spend the time to get dolled up in an attractive outfit, rather than come out in skimpy bits that leave nothing to the imagination.

19-12-2013, 10:30 AM
On their good weeks they earn a lot but on their bad weeks it's really bad. I know a few who only made $400 a week the last few weeks. $4K for an ML isn't true. That means they have to do 15 jobs a day. They may do that once or twice every few months but the reality is, if they do that, they usually take the next day off. I'm going by the standard 4 room shop now. Most of those girls get around $300-500 per day and most of them only do a 4-5 day roster.

They spend it on clothes, gambling, their bf's and husbands, family. It's just that their earning capacity is much higher than if they worked at a cafe or something.

19-12-2013, 10:47 AM
Plastic surgery maybe ?

I knew of a KTV girl that would holiday in Korea every few months and came back looking different every time.

19-12-2013, 10:48 AM
On their good weeks they earn a lot but on their bad weeks it's really bad. I know a few who only made $400 a week the last few weeks. $4K for an ML isn't true. That means they have to do 15 jobs a day. They may do that once or twice every few months but the reality is, if they do that, they usually take the next day off. I'm going by the standard 4 room shop now. Most of those girls get around $300-500 per day and most of them only do a 4-5 day roster.

They spend it on clothes, gambling, their bf's and husbands, family. It's just that their earning capacity is much higher than if they worked at a cafe or something.

Well the girls at shops like 64 and 533 are earning much more than $500 a shift, they are also doing a lot of jobs and working hard.

Yes it amasses me how they can do that 2 or 3 days straight sometimes more.

19-12-2013, 10:52 AM
I wish they'd spend more on lingerie and hosiery.

Tbh i find it infinitely sexier when they spend the time to get dolled up in an attractive outfit, rather than come out in skimpy bits that leave nothing to the imagination.

Years ago I used to go to the penthouse and Touch of Class (the original one) The ladies there used to look immaculate they wore full evening dresses just thinking about it takes my breath away, yes for me it is much sexier than the skimpy things they were at the Asian shops.

I might be a bit old fashioned but I love to keep something as a surprise when you go in the room, lets face it we should have to pay to see it all not have it on show in the line up, YOMV that's fine enjoy.

19-12-2013, 10:54 AM
Well the girls at shops like 64 and 533 are earning much more than $500 a shift, they are also doing a lot of jobs and working hard.

Yes it amasses me how they can do that 2 or 3 days straight sometimes more.
Of course, but they're WL's. Some of them do it 2-3 days straight but they hit the ice to keep up or down horrendous amounts of energy drinks or both. So getting $1000 a night when you have a $200 a night coke habit or other drug habit doesn't seem so attractive when you have to put your body through so much...

19-12-2013, 11:17 AM
Years ago I used to go to the penthouse and Touch of Class (the original one) The ladies there used to look immaculate they wore full evening dresses just thinking about it takes my breath away, yes for me it is much sexier than the skimpy things they were at the Asian shops.

I might be a bit old fashioned but I love to keep something as a surprise when you go in the room, lets face it we should have to pay to see it all not have it on show in the line up, YOMV that's fine enjoy.

One of the great thrills for me is sitting in the waiting room and hear the click, click of high heels down the corridor, not knowing what she looks like and then seeing her walk in, all dressed up in a tight, form-hugging outfit that hides all the important bits, but still entices me enough to know that i'll soon be delving deep into her most private of areas.

Now, that's a turn on.

19-12-2013, 11:23 AM
One of the great thrills for me is sitting in the waiting room and hear the click, click of high heels down the corridor, not knowing what she looks like and then seeing her walk in, all dressed up in a tight, form-hugging outfit that hides all the important bits, but still entices me enough to know that i'll soon be delving deep into her most private of areas.

Now, that's a turn on.
Yes! I'm right there mate. I was just talking to a girl this morning about that. We spoke about how women can't buy "class". You can buy a new set of tits and have all sorts of plastic surgery or are gifted with a great body but some women still can make that look unappealing. Then there are those ones that can put on a slinky black dress, very simple, some nice earrings, a little lipstick and some heels and when they just sashay into a room, all heads turn.

19-12-2013, 12:36 PM
Yes, most of the girls at the lower end ( pricewise ) of shops are professional WLs, they claim to be students because they do go to English Language schools to maintain their student visas !

But you can find lots of genuine students including Uni students at the higher end of shops and agencies.

A girl told me she has to pay $15,000 a term in uni fees !

19-12-2013, 12:44 PM
A girl told me she has to pay $15,000 a term in uni fees !

I am friendly with a young working girl who has uni and visa fees, along with just normal living expenses, of $A100,000 a year. She is a medical student, so there are no more expensive courses. But it just goes to show how exorbitant some of their costs are.

19-12-2013, 01:04 PM
Of course, but they're WL's. Some of them do it 2-3 days straight but they hit the ice to keep up or down horrendous amounts of energy drinks or both. So getting $1000 a night when you have a $200 a night coke habit or other drug habit doesn't seem so attractive when you have to put your body through so much...

Don't think too many people would disagree with you about that!

19-12-2013, 02:07 PM
Yes, most of the girls at the lower end ( pricewise ) of shops are professional WLs, they claim to be students because they do go to English Language schools to maintain their student visas !

But you can find lots of genuine students including Uni students at the higher end of shops and agencies.

A girl told me she has to pay $15,000 a term in uni fees !

Definitely expensive being an overseas student. Even TAFE, which is $50 per term for unemployed, $500 for PR no discount, is $5000 per term for international. Plus living here of course.

19-12-2013, 02:31 PM
Definitely expensive being an overseas student. Even TAFE, which is $50 per term for unemployed, $500 for PR no discount, is $5000 per term for international. Plus living here of course.
Yep ! 2-3 terms a year !

19-12-2013, 03:18 PM
I would say they generally have a higher quality of life, compared to most of us, which leads to a higher cost of living.


No idea your definition of Higher Quality of life, compare to what/who? Probably more MATERIAL , comparatively & relatively. LOL

19-12-2013, 05:04 PM
I guess it really depends on the girl but makeup, uni fees, visa and plastic surgery are all good guesses

19-12-2013, 05:39 PM
Years ago I used to go to the penthouse and Touch of Class (the original one) The ladies there used to look immaculate they wore full evening dresses just thinking about it takes my breath away, yes for me it is much sexier than the skimpy things they were at the Asian shops.

I might be a bit old fashioned but I love to keep something as a surprise when you go in the room, lets face it we should have to pay to see it all not have it on show in the line up, YOMV that's fine enjoy.

YES! The original A Touch of Class. Went there in the 80s, the ladies were gorgeous and really took pride in their appearance.
I remember choosing a tall slim Caribbean stunner on one occasion (all BB in those days BTW), I was in the taxi, my head still in
the clouds, halfway back to my hotel before I realized that I had left my jacket in the room! Thankfully my wallet wasn't
in it. Never saw that jacket again, and a good one it was too.

A bit off subject,sorry, us old blokes like to have a reminisce from time to time.

19-12-2013, 07:26 PM
I like hearing about the good old days Wayne..

Well also for some girls I believe they don't MLWL fulltime. Some have other lower paying jobs concurrently. Or are actually studying properly concurrently. Some enter the industry, save, exit, re-enter.

I always question how much is costs to maintain an appealing look as a girl: Make up can be cheap, don't eat too much or you will get fat, buy sexy clothes.. for the most part that can be achieved $10 for a top and 10 for a bottom.

Obviously I'm not talking good quality, branded elegant dresses.

19-12-2013, 09:15 PM
I am friendly with a young working girl who has uni and visa fees, along with just normal living expenses, of $A100,000 a year. She is a medical student, so there are no more expensive courses. But it just goes to show how exorbitant some of their costs are.

Do you play Doctors and nurses :)

19-12-2013, 10:16 PM
Cost of living,
Material goods

Then rest is savings, I don't think they would be dumb enough to blow all their money moving here and doing these jobs without any savings,

19-12-2013, 11:44 PM
I know lots of MLs who has two jobs !

One RnT (can be in one or multiple shops) and one legit !

Ginger @Posh Newtown also works at a chemist.

Mena also works one day in a shopping centre massage

"Best" from Thai secret gardens works one day in RnT and six nights in a Thai restaurant !

Just my three cents


20-12-2013, 01:47 AM
I would say they generally have a higher quality of life, compared to most of us, which leads to a higher cost of living.


No idea your definition of Higher Quality of life, compare to what/who? Probably more MATERIAL , comparatively & relatively. LOL

Poor choice of words on my part. I meant a higher standard of living. I.e. Becoming more accustomed to the finer things in life.

20-12-2013, 06:10 AM
:cool2: Some of the girls at Pure Massage Willoughby also work in one of the Thai restaurants. Smart women. I've seen a few of them at the restaurant so I think it's actually owned by some of the girls working at PM.

20-12-2013, 08:33 AM
Do you play Doctors and nurses :)

No. The first time I met her, and I won't say where, it didn't really click. She is gorgeous, so I paid my money for an hour. After a mechanical interaction we got talking and found a lot of common ground. We subsequently kept in touch and have become good friends (I think we are, aren't we? - relaxed now your exams are over for the year?).

The point being that there are every imaginable sort of woman in the sex industry, from every possible demographic. And the one thing they all have in common is a desperate story. Men are foolish to think women choose to remain in prostitution for lifestyle, glamour, potential-high earnings, or whatever. That maybe the reason some get into it, but once in it I doubt even one in 1000 choose to remain if given an alternative.

Francis of Assisi, two questions. How is your missionary work? And, were you on this forum years ago with a different moniker?

20-12-2013, 10:10 AM
Hi Wayne..

My missionary work is limited to being boring in the bedroom.. well it is my fave position really.

No this is my first moniker on aus99. I guess I have been reading for a while but not interacting. I just like hearing about what things were like and how they have changed.

20-12-2013, 01:36 PM
The point being that there are every imaginable sort of woman in the sex industry, from every possible demographic. And the one thing they all have in common is a desperate story. Men are foolish to think women choose to remain in prostitution for lifestyle, glamour, potential-high earnings, or whatever. That maybe the reason some get into it, but once in it I doubt even one in 1000 choose to remain if given an alternative.

What desperate stories are you talking about? Are you sure your statement is true? Why do some of these girls have every surgery under the sun? that doesnt seem very desperate to me as surgery costs a fair bit.

20-12-2013, 03:49 PM
Cost of living,
Material goods

Then rest is savings, I don't think they would be dumb enough to blow all their money moving here and doing these jobs without any savings,

With the exception of sending money back home (many do), I think you nailed the big culprits. As far as savings go, I know a good handful of popular WLs who have put well over six figures away. Then there's the party girls - that'll always drain purses pretty quick. My 2 cents from my short time in the industry...

- Andy

20-12-2013, 04:03 PM
What desperate stories are you talking about? Are you sure your statement is true? Why do some of these girls have every surgery under the sun? that doesnt seem very desperate to me as surgery costs a fair bit.

The truth or lie in any statement depends on one's perspective. From mine, not having the wherewithal to understand the physical, psychological and social perils of selling your body is desperate. More so, when that realisation arises once ensnared in a cycle of self-loathing that includes altering your own body to suit somebody else's image of yourself.

Look, I am a punter. I visit brothels and buy the services of women. I have done so for years and have been with 1000s of working women. But I am under no illusion that 99.99 percent of those working women would rather be elsewhere than sitting in their knickers waiting for the first bloke who comes along. Even the absolute knock-out girls, the one every man would swear is a raging nymphomaniac, does not want to be in the position of hoping her next customer isn't some smelly weirdo. The only reason these women do it is because they are desperate. Desperate for money.

It may well be that they have some addiction like gambling or drugs, or obsession like ridiculously expensive handbags, but that does not alter the fact that they got into the position through some catastrophe, family or otherwise. Sure, you will say that her friend encouraged her in because it was easy money; but even in these circumstances women only make that final decision because they, themselves, feel they have no other choice. This isn't a feminist rant, it comes from years of actually talking to the people I spend my money on.

20-12-2013, 04:26 PM
I have no idea what they spend their money on ...

20-12-2013, 05:42 PM
The truth or lie in any statement depends on one's perspective. From mine, not having the wherewithal to understand the physical, psychological and social perils of selling your body is desperate. More so, when that realisation arises once ensnared in a cycle of self-loathing that includes altering your own body to suit somebody else's image of yourself.

Look, I am a punter. I visit brothels and buy the services of women. I have done so for years and have been with 1000s of working women. But I am under no illusion that 99.99 percent of those working women would rather be elsewhere than sitting in their knickers waiting for the first bloke who comes along. Even the absolute knock-out girls, the one every man would swear is a raging nymphomaniac, does not want to be in the position of hoping her next customer isn't some smelly weirdo. The only reason these women do it is because they are desperate. Desperate for money.

It may well be that they have some addiction like gambling or drugs, or obsession like ridiculously expensive handbags, but that does not alter the fact that they got into the position through some catastrophe, family or otherwise. Sure, you will say that her friend encouraged her in because it was easy money; but even in these circumstances women only make that final decision because they, themselves, feel they have no other choice. This isn't a feminist rant, it comes from years of actually talking to the people I spend my money on.

You have to keep in mind many of these girls have personality disorders and compulsive liars, im not saying the girls you have spoke to were lieing but at the end of the day, they are the ones that decided to do this job, no one has forced them to.

They may want to feel like they have no other choice but in reality theres 1000 other choices. Again this would stem from personality disorders.

Now im not saying that these girls are damaged, nobody is perfect, nor you , nor i.

at the end of the day, we like sex and they like money.

Nothing else.

20-12-2013, 06:46 PM
at the end of the day, we like sex and they like money.

Yeah, true.

20-12-2013, 07:07 PM
You have to keep in mind many of these girls have personality disorders and compulsive liars, ..........

They may want to feel like they have no other choice but in reality theres 1000 other choices. Again this would stem from personality disorders.


What do you mean by personality disorder ? Are you a medical professional ???

And compulsive liars ?? Aren't we all ?
But then again, may be you never lied ? You always tell them your real name, where you work, where you live and gave them your phone no !

Please also enlighten us with a few of those other choices among the 1,000 you mentioned !

Thanks for sharing


20-12-2013, 08:02 PM

read my post again. i think you'ved missed the point entirely.

like i said no ones perfect, but some have more issues than others.

judging from my time here there are plenty of white knights who believe these lies

20-12-2013, 08:43 PM
You will find that all of you are correct to a degree.

However there is too much generalisation going on in this thread.

The reasons for girls to get into it and/or stay are many and varied. Some girls reasons will overlap, some will be unique. Some reasons will be complex and emotionally entangling and others fairly simple and more detached.

A distinction need to be made wrt WL and ML. And I think that's where @AHLUNGOR is taking issue. He is coming from knowing MLs primarily, not WLs. Whereas you guys are talking more about WLs.

20-12-2013, 08:54 PM
wait till u been to the MS shop of which ML(s) offer extra extra all the time . $$$ common denominator!..

You will find that all of you are correct to a degree.

However there is too much generalisation going on in this thread.

The reasons for girls to get into it and/or stay are many and varied. Some girls reasons will overlap, some will be unique. Some reasons will be complex and emotionally entangling and others fairly simple and more detached.

A distinction need to be made wrt WL and ML. And I think that's where @AHLUNGOR is taking issue. He is coming from knowing MLs primarily, not WLs. Whereas you guys are talking more about WLs.

20-12-2013, 08:59 PM
wait till u been to the MS shop of which ML(s) offer extra extra all the time . $$$ common denominator!..

Exactly ! That comment you quoted was another generalization on its own !

By the way, well said Ahlungor !

20-12-2013, 10:07 PM
quite simply, it's different for everyone. they are normal people, just like you and me. how you spend your money and how i spend my money would probably be very different. not gonna repeat what's already been said about the specific things, but i wanted to point out something that 'wayne' said that is not true. not all of them have a 'desperate story'.

the reasons they do this job is, like said earlier by someone, varied and covers a really broad spectrum. yes there are those who are desperate and need the cash, but many of them do it just like they do any other job. you need to change your perspective, just because you think something, doesn't mean everyone shares your view. to you it may seem like a degrading job, but really it's just a job, like bartending, office work, retail, etc.

there are people out there who do years and years of study to become animal research scientists, and end up sticking half their body into the ass of an elephant to do their research, it's gross to you and me, but it's just a job to them.
or a coroner who again has spent years on study to basically spend their days with dead corpses probing inside them to determine cause of death, again not everyone's cup of tea, but there are those who love their job.

long story short, some wl/ml 's do it because they enjoy it. true story.

20-12-2013, 10:09 PM
quite simply, it's different for everyone. they are normal people, just like you and me. how you spend your money and how i spend my money would probably be very different. not gonna repeat what's already been said about the specific things, but i wanted to point out something that 'wayne' said that is not true. not all of them have a 'desperate story'.

the reasons they do this job is, like said earlier by someone, varied and covers a really broad spectrum. yes there are those who are desperate and need the cash, but many of them do it just like they do any other job. you need to change your perspective, just because you think something, doesn't mean everyone shares your view. to you it may seem like a degrading job, but really it's just a job, like bartending, office work, retail, etc.

there are people out there who do years and years of study to become animal research scientists, and end up sticking half their body into the ass of an elephant to do their research, it's gross to you and me, but it's just a job to them.
or a coroner who again has spent years on study to basically spend their days with dead corpses probing inside them to determine cause of death, again not everyone's cup of tea, but there are those who love their job.

long story short, some wl/ml 's do it because they enjoy it. true story.
Fair comment, with the least generalization ! :miao:

20-12-2013, 11:03 PM
Fair comment, with the least generalization ! :miao:

Haha! Who are you, the resident generalisation measurer?

20-12-2013, 11:12 PM
Haha! Who are you, the resident generalisation measurer?

hahahaha! nar man he must get special treatment around here cause hes a 99 god member :shout:

20-12-2013, 11:29 PM
Haha! Who are you, the resident generalisation measurer?

Yes ! I hate generalization !

20-12-2013, 11:30 PM
hahahaha! nar man he must get special treatment around here cause hes a 99 god member :shout:

That too !

21-12-2013, 12:27 AM
hahahaha! nar man he must get special treatment around here cause hes a 99 god member :shout:

Yeap, Brother Wil does get very special treatments around here, its called "Respect". And you are most welcome to become one.

Just another 9,983 more posts to go!

Keep it up


21-12-2013, 12:50 AM
Number of posts and forum status have nothing to do with respect and are irrelevant in the real world. Like it or not its the truth.
Correct ! I never thought that way ! I actually have spoken about it on numerous occasions !

21-12-2013, 01:07 AM
Number of posts and forum status have nothing to do with respect and are irrelevant in the real world.
Like it or not its the truth.

We never brought this up in the first place!

It was mr 99999 !

I simply encourage and invited him to join the club !


21-12-2013, 03:57 AM
11032 to go, i'm working on it too

21-12-2013, 07:18 AM
Getting back to the original topic one thing I'd like to add is a couple of the MLs I've known socially tend to make poor financial decisions and lose money that way as well. In the cases I've seen I've put that down to their impulsive nature- they are more inclined to be risk takers ie buy something or enter into an agreement without thinking it through. If english is a second language they might be more prone to this as well.

Having said that I am sure there are also plenty that don't fall into this category.

21-12-2013, 10:49 AM
It's a mixed bag from my experience. I know some that started their own shops. I know some that pay off their debts or the debts of their partner. I know one that saved up and put down a deposit on a church conversion with 9 rooms and is happily renting each room out and paying down the mortgage. I know one who started a small mortgage broker place. Over the years, some kick off a different career, like in Real Estate or professions that have a fairly low barrier to entry.

Others, the party girls, I watch money flow through their hands like water. They're always well dressed, they eat out all the time, they insist on the finer things in life. But that's cool. That's part of the reason why some punters click with some ML's/WL's as opposed to others.

Some guys can afford to punt at the higher range and they find a whole lot of willing ML's/WL's happy to cater for their end of the spectrum. Others like more down-to-earth girls. I personally like a mixture of both although I steer pretty clear of the full blown gold digger types.

21-12-2013, 03:48 PM
This has got me thinking about the spending habits of the punter. A small thought that crossed my mind,
or is that a thought that crossed my small mind? I enjoy the odd coffee, so if I pay $4 a cup (that's cheap)
and I buy 3 cups a day for 5 days a week, assuming I make my own on weekends mainly, that's $60 per week.
If I take 2 weeks a year out for being crook or holiday or something then I am spending $3000 on coffee alone
and that's after tax dollars with no deduction allowed.

That's 20 one hour FS sessions per year, nearly one a fortnight, at a lot of shops or a lot more one hour
massages in many shops also.

If I stopped buying those coffees would I be justified in thinking these punts are free? The same logic
could be applied to booze, smokes, gambling - whatever is your habit.

Then again, you're a long time lookin' at the lid!

Regards, WayneK.

31-12-2013, 11:22 AM
Here is your answer !!


31-12-2013, 02:34 PM
HMMMMMMMMMMMM, interested in this girl! Shopped legs i think.

31-12-2013, 02:46 PM
HMMMMMMMMMMMM, interested in this girl! Shopped legs i think.
Maybe not photoshopped legs! Look at the size of those heels!

31-12-2013, 02:49 PM
HMMMMMMMMMMMM, interested in this girl! Shopped legs i think.

So, a girl like this, will have no problem fullfilling her shopping hunger I suppose !!