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View Full Version : General talk Are YOU The 2013 Punter Of The Year?

end user
20-12-2013, 12:21 AM
It's that time of the year again. Let's find out who is the most hardcore punter of 2013.
To get your 'score', divide your total estimated spending on punts during 2013 by your total income, (after tax) then multiply by 100%.

Last year, I think I was at 4.6%, but this year is 3.8%. Various factors including new job with paycut and new girlfriend lowered the score, but not by much! Maybe I will double the effort and aim for 10% next year!

Let's see who is in the 40%-50% or more range! These guys are living the dream!

Happy Holidays to everyone!

20-12-2013, 12:59 AM

minimum wage job

no savings.

single, mid 20's

2 punts a week.

" worry about it when i die "

20-12-2013, 01:01 AM
Wow, that's a little depressing. It turns out that roughly 9.7% of my take home pay goes to punting. So far I am in the lead!

Ok I'm no longer in the lead, and now my number doesn't look so bad.

end user
20-12-2013, 05:40 AM
Yeah, I realised I spend about as much on petrol per year as I do punting. A bit of a eye opener considering I fill up way more often than I blow a load.

66666, enjoy it while you can!

20-12-2013, 06:05 AM
We should just enjoy the punting :slobber:

My percentage is extremely low. 0% of income but then I don't include gambling as my income. If I include just my gambling cash which I reserve for punting, I've spent 90% of my funds so far. When I look at how much I've spent, I racked up close to a mid level manager's wage in any largish professional services company.

I usually do an average of 8-9 hrs of punting a week. Some of those have been extended doubles or triples which has increased the week's numbers. Addicted? No. I just like having a good time - my job is stressful and I'm single.

Mind you, I also date ML's and other women. I like the company of hot women. Maybe I'm just decadent. Now, if you think I'm bad, an old time member, LittleWonder, tracked all of his punts over 20 years and hit the $1 mil mark spending on punting...

22-12-2013, 12:38 PM
I'm at about 15%, which Is probably reasonable.

Actually thought it might be higher, but its not. I didn't have a regular pattern over the year though, I sometimes didn't punt for a few weeks, and then saw 2-3 girls in a single day. There were also other periods when I punted once a week or so. Either way, I don't think I have any chance of winning this!

22-12-2013, 12:40 PM
lol I wonder if we have own charlie sheen of punting

22-12-2013, 01:14 PM
Great thread end user, very original

Im thinking about a punt today or tomorrow, so my headspace is not the clearest to be reviewing my spending

But let me get back to you. Im hoping Im NOT the Punter of the Year

Im sure some of my good friends here can teach me a thing or three

22-12-2013, 01:17 PM
I started punting not that long ago, in the last few months

Another mate on here also was relatively new, although a little more experienced, he may have started early-mid 2013

Anyway, he must be the son of a wealthy businessman, because he seemed to start his punting hobby with one high class lady after another high class

Nothing wrong with that, but I was a little scared to invite him to go with me to the good old fashioned top service budget parlour

I seem to remember him paying more in one week than I made in one month

Havent caught up with him here for a while

My point is that some people start humbly, some people go all out from the beginning

Another point is, I am very sure I have had just as much fun as he has had, with just as much full service ; )

Mr Crash and Burn
22-12-2013, 06:25 PM
of ciiurse i am, just ask the number of ML/WL who want my number :)

22-12-2013, 06:50 PM
i definitely not the winner.
all store manager say i did not visit frequently enough

22-12-2013, 07:01 PM
Who cares just punt enjoy yourself and don't spend more than you can afford!

22-12-2013, 07:12 PM
"don't spend more than you can afford"

Easier said than done I suspect for the majority of us

Most people spend first, and then work out later if they can afford that transaction !

I should know, I just spent $300 on cosmetics for a special lady in my private life.
Worth every cent because it made her joyously happy
I did it just to make her happy, I dont need the sex ; )

22-12-2013, 07:48 PM
Oh shite..

Maybe I should not have gifted her a apartment in the city and a new Ferrari California..


astro boy
22-12-2013, 08:20 PM
"don't spend more than you can afford"

I should know, I just spent $300 on cosmetics for a special lady in my private life.
Worth every cent because it made her joyously happy
I did it just to make her happy, I dont need the sex ; )

That's the way to go Harmony, sex go on the back burner as long as you
can make a difference to someone special.

22-12-2013, 08:53 PM
i definitely not the winner.
all store manager say i did not visit frequently enough

I believe I got more that what I have spent!
Very happy year!
looking forward to 2014 ....

22-12-2013, 11:23 PM
My count is at 8.5%, which is not so bad considering I was spending more than double that on my last relationship. Twice the pleasure for less than half the price? Bargain I say!