View Full Version : Complaint You have been warned ! The Wild Orchid

30-12-2013, 11:01 AM
The wild orchid on Pitt street
Hi all, this is second post abt same complaint that I posted yesterday .
I visited the place today , there were 5 or 6 girls and I choose a whore called Fion , she is worst I ever seen . I was treated very badly by her attitude and I am sure she does not like to make gusts happy . I finish shower and she was asking me random questions on bed about my privets life etc. she wasted 5-8 mins talking abt bullshit . I asked her to suck and she put a very small condom and start to suck , I was watching her that she put only my penis head in to her mouth . I asked her to can you do deeper , then she said I will try different way and applied some oil on condom start using her hands to make my dick harder . My dick half way to become hard and she want me to fuck . When I try to put my dick into her pussy she said that she will hold it and put it by herself(I said I'll do it by myself , she insisted to hod it ) . At this time I was feeling like I'm a little kid that I can't do it by myself . I was turned off (my only half hardened dick start to shrinking because of her argument )and I was not happy abt the service . Most scary part is when I asked her that : can you call ur manager and she said I'm gonna call police not my manager . I was shocked by that then I quickly took my clothes on and found the manager . Although a old bit
ch (she is boss maybe ) screaming at me and refused to give refund , but they admitted that Fion (the chick I saw ) has mental issue , she alway have problem with gust . They were talking each other in mandarin and I understand it . They thought I can't speak chinese ( I lived in Shanghai 5 years so I can speak chinese ). I was threatened by that whore for nothing , she is not mend to work for this industry with mentality and attitude . Watch out from that shop punters! I don't want u guys will have same experience I had in there . I felt like I was abused by them . Even the reception chick asked me to call the police if you want to . I said why should call the police ? You solve this problem , not police . Fuck !! Why they like to mention police and threaten punters .

30-12-2013, 11:11 AM
Numerous threads complaining here won't ease your pain or do any damage to that shop. Every time I walk pass that shop there's always back packers from the surrounding hostels either drinking or getting high in the alley way outside their front door.

Gucci's revenge plan A:

Just pay some homeless guy to sit outside their shop handing out printed copies of this thread. Rip a $10 or $20 in half give him 1 piece and tell him to stand there until he has scared away a minimum of 10 customers bonus $2 for scathing away extra customers. Take up a comfortable milk crate seat near by so you can watch your handy work and enjoy. When he's done enough damage call him over and give the other half of the ripped note.

30-12-2013, 11:45 AM
Numerous threads complaining here won't ease your pain or do any damage to that shop. Every time I walk pass that shop there's always back packers from the surrounding hostels either drinking or getting high in the alley way outside their front door.

Gucci's revenge plan A:

Just pay some homeless guy to sit outside their shop handing out printed copies of this thread. Rip a $10 or $20 in half give him 1 piece and tell him to stand there until he has scared away a minimum of 10 customers bonus $2 for scathing away extra customers. Take up a comfortable milk crate seat near by so you can watch your handy work and enjoy. When he's done enough damage call him over and give the other half of the ripped note.

Hahaha this made my day!

30-12-2013, 11:57 AM
Numerous threads complaining here won't ease your pain or do any damage to that shop. Every time I walk pass that shop there's always back packers from the surrounding hostels either drinking or getting high in the alley way outside their front door.

Gucci's revenge plan A:

Just pay some homeless guy to sit outside their shop handing out printed copies of this thread. Rip a $10 or $20 in half give him 1 piece and tell him to stand there until he has scared away a minimum of 10 customers bonus $2 for scathing away extra customers. Take up a comfortable milk crate seat near by so you can watch your handy work and enjoy. When he's done enough damage call him over and give the other half of the ripped note.

Haha class

On a similar note: www.reddit.com/r/pettyrevenge

30-12-2013, 01:12 PM
I should delete my post. Every shop has some angry customer, what if every disgruntled customer used this plan against their nearest shop.

I may have just created viable jobs for all of Sydney's homeless people????? Lololololol.

Disclaimer: I take no responsibility for any harm or damages that may occur from words I have posted. They were meant in jest and not actual instructions. Love Gucci.

30-12-2013, 02:38 PM
The first thread obviously was deleted but by posting the same complaint, I started to question the intention and integrity of the OP.

Fair enough if you have a bad punt and was treated poorly, so you posted your experience here to let some steam out, that's your right and what this forum is for!

And I assume you will never go back to that shop. So we hear you and case close, lets move on !!

Just my two cents !


ps. just find out the OP was still there, so now not sure what is the purpose of this new thread ??

30-12-2013, 03:56 PM
The first thread obviously was deleted but by posting the same complaint, I started to question the intention and integrity of the OP.

Fair enough if you have a bad punt and was treated poorly, so you posted your experience here to let some steam out, that's your right and what this forum is for!

And I assume you will never go back to that shop. So we hear you and case close, lets move on !!

Just my two cents !


You want me to move on , that's fine . When I walked out that shop yesterday I already decided to move on . But here in this forum , I'm just simply warning other people to watch out that shop . Can you tell me who are you ? I'm assuming that you are the one who was on duty manager, is this you ? If yes pls don't try to stop me posting my experience on this forum . That is not a businessman should do , if you are keep hiring that crazy metal whore that's very dangerous to your business and your guests . I'll ask my friend to visit the wild orchid and he will ask Fion for fuck . If she is still working there , let me clear with you and shop owner (that old 70's granny ) will get same complaint from my friend . Apparently Fion told me she work 7 days a week , can you tell me you are making her mental in there asking her to work there 7 days a week . You are not responsible duty manager .

30-12-2013, 04:06 PM
You want me to move on , that's fine . When I walked out that shop yesterday I already decided to move on . But here in this forum , I'm just simply warning other people to watch out that shop . Can you tell me who are you ? I'm assuming that you are the one who was on duty manager, is this you ? If yes pls don't try to stop me posting my experience on this forum . That is not a businessman should do , if you are keep hiring that crazy metal whore that's very dangerous to your business and your guests . I'll ask my friend to visit the wild orchid and he will ask Fion for fuck . If she is still working there , let me clear with you and shop owner (that old 70's granny ) will get same complaint from my friend . Apparently Fion told me she work 7 days a week , can you tell me you are making her mental in there asking her to work there 7 days a week . You are not responsible duty manager .

Who me? the duty manager of the Wild Orchid !!.................lol

You can not be serious !!

No, I don't have anything to do with that shop, but I shall be watching your revenging endeavour for amusement

Keep it up mate.

Good luck


30-12-2013, 04:38 PM
You are definitely new here, if you don't know AHLUNGOR, lol.

30-12-2013, 06:17 PM
You are definitely new here, if you don't know AHLUNGOR, lol.

who is ahlungor?

big sav
30-12-2013, 07:23 PM
The wild orchid on Pitt street
Hi all, this is second post abt same complaint that I posted yesterday .
I visited the place today , there were 5 or 6 girls and I choose a whore called Fion , she is worst I ever seen . I was treated very badly by her attitude and I am sure she does not like to make gusts happy . I finish shower and she was asking me random questions on bed about my privets life etc. she wasted 5-8 mins talking abt bullshit . I asked her to suck and she put a very small condom and start to suck , I was watching her that she put only my penis head in to her mouth . I asked her to can you do deeper , then she said I will try different way and applied some oil on condom start using her hands to make my dick harder . My dick half way to become hard and she want me to fuck . When I try to put my dick into her pussy she said that she will hold it and put it by herself(I said I'll do it by myself , she insisted to hod it ) . At this time I was feeling like I'm a little kid that I can't do it by myself . I was turned off (my only half hardened dick start to shrinking because of her argument )and I was not happy abt the service . Most scary part is when I asked her that : can you call ur manager and she said I'm gonna call police not my manager . I was shocked by that then I quickly took my clothes on and found the manager . Although a old bit
ch (she is boss maybe ) screaming at me and refused to give refund , but they admitted that Fion (the chick I saw ) has mental issue , she alway have problem with gust . They were talking each other in mandarin and I understand it . They thought I can't speak chinese ( I lived in Shanghai 5 years so I can speak chinese ). I was threatened by that whore for nothing , she is not mend to work for this industry with mentality and attitude . Watch out from that shop punters! I don't want u guys will have same experience I had in there . I felt like I was abused by them . Even the reception chick asked me to call the police if you want to . I said why should call the police ? You solve this problem , not police . Fuck !! Why they like to mention police and threaten punters .

Mate Im sorry you feel you had a bad experience with a lady this time, I do not know what your expectations are or how you treat other ladies and girls, but I think you need to take a chill pill and show some respect towards the working ladies and understand the ladies who do this job do it for a reason, whether it is to send money home, provide for children and families, create a better long term life for themselves etc. Understand the ladies may not always be treated with respect by punters who may have expectations the ladies provide fantasies performed by porn actresses and at times work long hours under varying degrees of unhappiness for 1 reason or another in their lives.

30-12-2013, 07:40 PM
you must have paid them in alcohol or beer Gucci.

they went to the wrong place!!! LMFAO!

30-12-2013, 10:23 PM
We had a few homeless hanging outside the pub yelling.....

Were they your employees..... :miao:

Lololololol no no my guys are restricted to the cbd. There must be a new sub contractor on the scene. :-p

Hung Lo
31-12-2013, 12:40 AM
You get what you pay for, Ruzi.

31-12-2013, 12:37 PM
Good lord. Only went to this hole in the wall once and it's one more than I should've. Might as well shag someone in a toilet at a club. Definitely cleaner, less grotty.

31-12-2013, 02:33 PM
Posts and threads like this make this shop notorious. I am getting interested to see what the fuss is about lol