View Full Version : General talk @ AHLUNGOR ; "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me" ; Matthew 27:46.

01-01-2014, 02:30 PM
Dear God aka AHLUNGOR
Recently I notched up 2000 posts and became a Premium Member.
This is quite a significant milestone and I expected some sort of recognition or acknowledgement of the occasion from you; you being God and all. I mean, when other beings reached milestones you made a big song and dance about the achievement.
And I naively thought I too would get some sort or recognition; but no, total silence.
I understand that you are God and I am a mere mortal, and it is not for me to question your wisdom.
So I will just suffer in silence.
I will be humble. Maybe humility is a lesson I need to learn ...

01-01-2014, 02:37 PM
Sorry, I am too young here to notice such things as Post numbers.
And I pay homage to your ultimate respect for our esteemed brother Ahlungor

But today lets all acknowledge and congratulate the newest AUS99 Premium Member - rooter
Im sure Ahlungor is busy at the moment, editting his Ahlungor Cricket Diaries of 2013-14

I hereby announce the Inauguration Ceremony itinerary for brother rooter:

Harbour Cruise setting off from Circular Quay at 6pm sharp

Rooter nominates to the organisers, his three favourite parlours in Sydney (hard choice we all realise)

We will pay for his favourite ladies from these fine locations to join him and other AUS99 members (handpicked by rooter) on board

The Harbour Cruise will venture north, to a quiet seaside location where privacy is totally ensured

A lovely chat and dance is had by all, with the volume really loud. Clothing is optional

There are a number of highly luxurious rooms downstairs whether the party can continue

The Harbour Cruise later completes its circuit back to the Overseas Passenger Terminal, where the latest Cruiser that is docked there has to make way for the Inauguration Cruiser

Anything missing from the Official Itinerary, rooter ?

01-01-2014, 04:02 PM
Hi brother Rooter,

Congratulations on reaching 2,000 posts, I do apologise on this belated acknowledgement my friend. No excuses, just a honest oversight on my part !

All I can say is, I might have been on line a lot of times but mostly are with my iPhone. As a result, can't see if a member is a baby or senior and totally lost track if anyone is reaching any significant milestones !!

Better late than never.

Great to having you around !!

Happy New Year and be safe, healthy and prosperous !!


Punter Poontang
03-01-2014, 02:24 AM
Ridiculous massive fucking big ups to you, rooter.

"Only" 2,000 posts, but enormous pearls of wisdom shared, and there is not one reviewer here whose reports I pay more attention to.

I'm starting the campaign now to get you that OAM by the end of the month. You deserve it. :-)

03-01-2014, 08:41 AM
Ridiculous massive fucking big ups to you, rooter.

"Only" 2,000 posts, but enormous pearls of wisdom shared, and there is not one reviewer here whose reports I pay more attention to.

I'm starting the campaign now to get you that OAM by the end of the month. You deserve it. :-)

I'll second to that but perhaps one step further: brother rooter's manhood should earn a Knighthood from madam Liz !

An OBE no less! Order of the British Empire !

03-01-2014, 08:46 AM
Congrats Rooter,

Your devotion to helping fellow punters through
Your reports is unchallenged and much appreciated ,,,,,,,

03-01-2014, 08:53 AM
Thanks God (and PP and massage guy and harmony) you are too kind!
But please no more praise!
I will never conquer my ego and become a Bodhisattva if you keep this up :)

old fat man
03-01-2014, 08:58 AM
Congratulations rooter, both on your name and 2000 posts.
Rooter is a great name for this forum!
I have used your recommendations/ARs and have been disappointed
Thank you keep up the great work!!!
It you guys that keep us baby members encouraged to try new things

old fat man
03-01-2014, 09:01 AM
Previous post about new things is slightly wrong meant to say new things with minimal risk