View Full Version : General talk To shop owners: Fake photos

01-01-2014, 11:23 PM
Should you chose to post a fake photo of a girl that you randomly found on the internet then you're likely to get busted.
Ever heard of the term "reverse image search"?

Let me show you how it works.


Central Station Massage, Fiona:

Blurred version from roster website above:

Another and unblurred version found via reverse image search:


How did I find out?

We all know that some shops use fake photos. I'm not really offended by it and typically if the photo looks professional it is most likely not that girl.

This is not meant as an attack on any shops in particular. I could have found fake photos a ton of places, I just happen bust Central Station Massage first.

If the girl doesn't want her photo taken don't upload one.

On that note I'd like to add, that I visit Central Station Massage quite a lot and I have never left the place dissatisfied. Just bums me out with the fake photos.

Max Impact
02-01-2014, 12:17 AM
TRex that's not true here!

5star, Ginza, 65Carlton, 19Pritchard, BlueMoon, 64Taren Point, MOC just to name a few that I can verify- no fake photos!!

02-01-2014, 01:09 AM
I just saw a shop's pic of Sora Aoi. For goodness' sake, at least someone with less celebrity status or is less recognized or, at least with a mosaic might get some props for effort...but that's just pure laziness.

Another shop with genuine photos, although not advertising on this site -> Pennys 77. Owner actually puts time into taking photos and displaying them.

02-01-2014, 01:18 AM
TRex that's not true here!

5star, Ginza, 65Carlton, 19Pritchard, BlueMoon, 64Taren Point, MOC just to name a few that I can verify- no fake photos!!

On the RnT side:

Silver Fox and Posh CBD & Newtown always use real photos !

02-01-2014, 11:19 AM
533 always use real photos

02-01-2014, 02:14 PM
One of the shops I visited in Hawaii uses real photos. It really does help make an informed decision knowing that what you've seen is more or less what you'll get.

02-01-2014, 02:57 PM
One of the shops I visited in Hawaii uses real photos. It really does help make an informed decision knowing that what you've seen is more or less what you'll get.
Haha ! You don't have to go to Hawaii to see real photos, there are plenty of them here ! :miao:

02-01-2014, 03:09 PM
True. But as a virgin punter there it made my choice much easier, with no real reviews to go by etc just seeing their ad with real photos gave me a sense of how the business operates, not trying to deceive me in to going there. That's what I was getting at. Every other shop used fake glamour photos and therefore they all seemed much of a muchness and less trustworthy.

02-01-2014, 03:12 PM
True. But as a virgin punter there it made my choice much easier, with no real reviews to go by etc just seeing their ad with real photos gave me a sense of how the business operates, not trying to deceive me in to going there. That's what I was getting at. Every other shop used fake glamour photos and therefore they all seemed much of a muchness and less trustworthy.
Fair enough, don't know much about punting in Hawaii, but here, the majority of the popular shops on the forum uses real photos !

Max Impact
02-01-2014, 03:19 PM
In Kyoto the shops had the uncensored face shots of the girls working that day on the front wall!

02-01-2014, 03:27 PM
Yeah the place in Hawaii had the uncensored face too. The mamasan there ivy ran a good shop. I'll post my review shortly but in summary
Real photos with full uncensored face.
Reasonable pricing.
No clock watching.
Two shots encouraged.
Girls encouraged to be gfe/pse in equal measures.
Bbbj in shower.
Drinks offered complimentary including alcohol.
Girls were all hot!

02-01-2014, 04:04 PM
Most of the well known advertisers on this forum use real photos.
Ginza, MOC, Bluemoon I know definitely use real photos.
I am sure regulars of other shops can name more.
Members on this forum are very vigilant.
If shops use fake photos they will be busted very quickly.
It's usually private WLs Cracker etc that use fake photos..

02-01-2014, 04:07 PM
Yeah the place in Hawaii had the uncensored face too. The mamasan there ivy ran a good shop. I'll post my review shortly but in summary
Real photos with full uncensored face.
Reasonable pricing.
No clock watching.
Two shots encouraged.
Girls encouraged to be gfe/pse in equal measures.
Bbbj in shower.
Drinks offered complimentary including alcohol.
Girls were all hot!

Where in Hawaii ?? In Waikiki, the big Island or Maui ??

Max Impact
02-01-2014, 04:14 PM
TRex that's not true here!

5star, Ginza, 65Carlton, 19Pritchard, BlueMoon, 64Taren Point, MOC just to name a few that I can verify- no fake photos!!

As I said before!

02-01-2014, 04:44 PM
Fair enough, don't know much about punting in Hawaii, but here, the majority of the popular shops on the forum uses real photos !

Even no photos, shops here use " ants " !

Still better than fake photos ? :miao:

02-01-2014, 04:57 PM
I think with some places they use fake photos for the purpose of showing lookalikes of the girls if they don't want to have their photo taken.

Even no photos, shops here use " ants " !

Still better than fake photos ? :miao:

I'm kind of curious what you mean by "ants."

02-01-2014, 04:58 PM
I think with some places they use fake photos for the purpose of showing lookalikes of the girls if they don't want to have their photo taken.

I'm kind of curious what you mean by "ants."
Read this thread :


02-01-2014, 05:04 PM
Read this thread :


I get it now.

02-01-2014, 09:40 PM
Waikiki Ahlungor. It was amazing the amount of sex available in Honolulu whether it be massage parlours, escorts, street walkers (who by the way were quite simply stunning.)

02-01-2014, 09:44 PM
Waikiki Ahlungor. It was amazing the amount of sex available in Honolulu whether it be massage parlours, escorts, street walkers (who by the way were quite simply stunning.)

Yes, I've been there (though about 10 years ago).

Be careful though. Prostitution is illegal there as in most states (both selling and buying), and some of the street walkers can be undercover cops.
Going to a parlour is safer, just hope it's not the day of the year the place is raided :)

02-01-2014, 10:14 PM
Yeah I heard that Licker. There was a little crackdown last year but the locals weren't happy about it, for the most part they're happy to let it go on. I saw the same girls each night on one particular street, one was eastern European with a thick accent, she was popular with the Japanese tourists, tall leggy blonde not dissimilar to Maria Sharapova. There was one fit and hot 'black' girl, she looked like the girl in Bad Boys who got shot. She was dynamite. Anyhow, I digress. Some of the privates also advertise with full photos including face. One of them had an arse that would have made Kim Kardashian jealous..

02-01-2014, 11:21 PM
Fabulous thread Punterboy

I dont mind your photo analysis if the location is charging a premium price, and is showing photos that misrepresent the ladies physique

However, I have had great punts in places that use wrong photos, because the service provided is so good.
I know before I walk in that the photos arent to be relied on
However, Im happy as long as the body is as advertised, eg slim, and that she knows good customer service, and of course she is generally attractive

There are far worst things a working lady can do, than protect her identity from the minority of weirdos/stalkers out there with a fake face shot
Far worse a problem is not offering the two out of three of DFK, BBBJ, DATY, particularly if a premium price is being charged
Thats my two cents worth

Frankly though, the risk of fake photos puts me off paying for the ladies at the premium price places
I had one mate pay top dollar, go to the womans apartment, and the woman is nothing like the glamourous photo.
I just worry that 40-50% of photos are fake.

Thats my estimate (40-50%) - am I right ?

02-01-2014, 11:52 PM
Waikiki Ahlungor. It was amazing the amount of sex available in Honolulu whether it be massage parlours, escorts, street walkers (who by the way were quite simply stunning.)

Time must have changed!

I stayed in Hawaii (both in Oahu and the Big Island) for a little while but that was a very long time ago and I hadn't started punting yet .

But I did know what's going on inside those long black limo (usually were Cadillac or Lincoln Continental) cruising down Kalakaua Avenue!

It's a mobile bonking limo basically and I was approached a few times down at the tourist strip ! But too scare or naive to have a go......lol


old fat man
03-01-2014, 09:24 AM
Agree with what you say, but as a punter I believe in the idiom, love the one your with, I know I have complained about some service offered but it is usually to do with rushed service or hassled for money. As an old fat man with little attraction to women I usually end up with a woman that is far younger and more attractive than me so if the photos are real it is like winning a lottery for me. Expectation is the mother of disappointment in my experience. Having said that I have great difficulty in keeping my expectations in check but when I do the punts are so much better.
Should you chose to post a fake photo of a girl that you randomly found on the internet then you're likely to get busted.
Ever heard of the term "reverse image search"?

Let me show you how it works.


Central Station Massage, Fiona:

Blurred version from roster website above:

Another and unblurred version found via reverse image search:


How did I find out?

We all know that some shops use fake photos. I'm not really offended by it and typically if the photo looks professional it is most likely not that girl.

This is not meant as an attack on any shops in particular. I could have found fake photos a ton of places, I just happen bust Central Station Massage first.

If the girl doesn't want her photo taken don't upload one.

On that note I'd like to add, that I visit Central Station Massage quite a lot and I have never left the place dissatisfied. Just bums me out with the fake photos.

old fat man
03-01-2014, 09:28 AM
LOL now feel like a really old fat man or uncle giving advise and philosophising to the young must get out for a punt