View Full Version : General talk Pimple inside mouth

20-01-2014, 06:59 AM
I went to No.5 Marrickville last week and did DATY on a girl. I think it was the next day I discovered I had like a pimple inside my lower bottom lip, kinda like opposite the bottom gums. It's sore and it stings every time my tongue touches it, or water touches it.

I'm not saying it was caused by the girl, maybe I ate something after that caused it. But has anyone else had it? I thought it would go away but it's been there for a few days now with no sign of disappearing.

20-01-2014, 07:41 AM
Forget about where you thought you got it, if its worrying you and not getting better go to the gp and get it looked at.

20-01-2014, 08:43 AM
does it feel like an ulcer or a blister? If so its probably herpes. doing daty on a wl is incredibly unsafe, particularly for the low cost/high turnover places where the lady doesnt necessarily wash herself well. strange men groins and ballsac areas were almost certainly rubbing against the same pink bits you were licking just a few minutes before you got there. always wise to use a dam

20-01-2014, 04:59 PM
I don't think you'd get herpes in 1 day. Perhaps its just a regular mouth ulcer. It will go away in like 5 days or so. You can use Kenalog on the ulcer.

Having said that, I still agree with the others. Best to be safe and not DATY, and get checked if anything suss, and definitely dont punt whilst still suss

20-01-2014, 05:20 PM
Whatever it is, it is likely to be contagious during the most painful period, and so can be transmitted to others with deep kissing, or sharing food utensils/plates

Its most likely an aphthous ulcer

In contrast, oral Herpes occurs at the junction of the external lip and the inner lining (oral Herpes is actually the "cold sore" you may have seen or heard about before), which is a different location

But its best to get it swabbed by your GP if it is still there in 48 hours and still very painful

You need to know if you have contracted Herpes, which is definitely contagious to others in the early painful period, and it tends to be recurrent

Aphthous ulcers:

Oral Herpes ulcers:

Peace brother

rubit moore
20-01-2014, 05:49 PM
does it feel like an ulcer or a blister? If so its probably herpes. doing daty on a wl is incredibly unsafe, particularly for the low cost/high turnover places where the lady doesnt necessarily wash herself well. strange men groins and ballsac areas were almost certainly rubbing against the same pink bits you were licking just a few minutes before you got there. always wise to use a dam

Agreed Sir! Fuckin' amazes me sometimes... really.

20-01-2014, 07:15 PM
I went to No.5 Marrickville last week and did DATY on a girl. I think it was the next day I discovered I had like a pimple inside my lower bottom lip, kinda like opposite the bottom gums. It's sore and it stings every time my tongue touches it, or water touches it.

I'm not saying it was caused by the girl, maybe I ate something after that caused it. But has anyone else had it? I thought it would go away but it's been there for a few days now with no sign of disappearing.

Why even mention the shops name if your not saying it was "caused by the girl"? Reads like an attack on the shop.

20-01-2014, 09:29 PM
A lot of doctors here :)

I'll add to the list:
I could also be a mucocele or a mucous cyst. Indirectly caused by possible trauma or blocked minor salivary gland.

As for Herpes the average incubation period after exposure is 4 days (range, 2 to 12). The vesicles break and leave painful ulcers that may take two to four weeks to heal.

Like others have said, better go and have a doctor check it out.

Hung Lo
20-01-2014, 11:57 PM
Herpes for sure!

21-01-2014, 11:28 AM
Told you http://www.smh.com.au/national/health/study-finds-throat-infections-caused-by-gonorrhoea-on-the-rise-20140120-314ot.html

I did not read all but from the first few sentences they are talking about gay man :)

I rarely do Daty anyway and the last WL I saw was from 5* Penthouse or I think or Ginza a while back.

21-01-2014, 11:39 AM
Good luck my friend

Hope its a non STI mouth ulcer

21-01-2014, 07:56 PM
Gonnorhea is possible too.. Anyway, go to your GP.

Good advice on going to see the doctor!

Gonorrhea however is an unlike cause.

Infections in the throat may cause a sore throat, but usually cause no symptoms.

Most often such "pimples" in the mouth are mucous cysts.

A mucous cyst, also known as a mucocoele, is a fluid-filled swelling that occurs on the lip or the mouth.

The cyst develops when mucus from the mouth’s salivary glands becomes plugged. Most cysts are on the lower lip but can occur anywhere inside the oral cavity. Most cysts are temporary and painless. However, cysts can become permanent if they are not treated.


While mucous cysts are not a symptom of a transmissible disease, even they can become permanent.

So regardless what it is, go and see a doctor!

21-01-2014, 10:56 PM
mouth ulcers are a symptom of so many illnesses (not just STDs), thats it almost impossible to make a diagnosis without a proper medical examination

for example, I dont mean to alarm you, but did you know that mouth ulcers are the single most common symptom of HIV? http://www.nidcr.nih.gov/OralHealth/Topics/HIV/MouthProblemsHIV/

26-01-2014, 07:10 AM
I have gotten some messages from other members wishing me well, thank you very much. I didn't go to the doctor, but it did go away after a few more days.

I did not intend to blame the shop, as I cannot prove the girl was the casue, but I did mention the name because the possibility was there and I did want to warn people of the possibility. Of course, now I learn, the possibilitiy is every time you do DATY.

But I want to say thank you again to those who wished me well :miao:

26-01-2014, 09:58 AM
Glad to hear you have recovered bro guess you will never know what it was however if it was sex related it would probably have required antibiotics to clear!

28-01-2014, 02:48 PM
Happy to hear that you survived.
Share a photo with us if you did take one.

28-01-2014, 05:36 PM
I dont know if it help but I rinse at least two to three times a day with either Listerine or Colgate Plax at least it keep me fresh so I get many DFK :)

Hung Lo
28-01-2014, 11:41 PM
That'll learn you to eat out hookers, Good_guy_Greg.

Your little pimple friend will probably come back every few months for the rest of your life.

The girl gets 10 dicks a day and you think that is fine to put your mouth there? That's the thing about Asian women, they look so much younger than they are, so for all you know she could have been getting 10 dicks a day for many years, not to mention all of those in her home country.

I wouldn't be surprised if your whole mouth just rots off.