MyOutCall Australia
20-01-2014, 09:39 PM
Do you know why we like Syd99 adult forum? this is answer. :-)

This is the only english forum online at OZ achieved this goal so far i could find out.

This thread is so hot!!! and a little bit smoky as well!

When I first saw it last night, I was bit shocked! I called all MOC management staff for a emergency meeting!

We have a discussion after hours-meet last night for all the advices/complaints within this thread by every member. Later every MOC staff agreed what we have seen right here are important to MOC. Everything is true.

I got contacted by some of my friends, they told me to contact admin@syd99 for this issue and to see if he could do something about it. I say, "no, just leave there, MOC deserve it."
To be honest, I was happy to see this thread....I've been away for a while, and some things really need to be done urgently... To my surprise, I've also seen many new good after reviews of MOC girls like Vera, Larence, Nina, Mona, SK, Lexy etc. Now i've added all of them to MOC review collection. Done!

I won't waste time for a long writing...now let's get back to the topic...

1) All MOC hygiene issues will be fixed and getting better and better from today! I've already taken actions!
2) All MOC staff have already been aware the harmness of it! They will change the way they work! From today!
3) All late MOC good reviews have been added to collection at After review section.
4) Tarl1975's complaint SMS has not been received by MOC Complaint Line! Could you pls send this sms again to make sure you will get response by sms before
your departure for holiday?
5) MOC complaint Line is very quiet during last month! I've test it last night and it is working properly.
6) Before you guys make any booking, make sure you have check the “condition “ section of each girls' profile page. This information is important...it will at maximum guarantee you
choose the right girl every time at MOC!
7) Besides hygiene issues, there are some other negative problems at MOC, i will fix all negative ones as soon as possible this week!
8) This week I bring legend MarCus back to MOC! Hope you guys like, and give a best go!!! This will show all you guys' full supports to MOC, to Duncan, and all!!!

I thank you for your loyal supports, all genuine advices and all valued complaints to MOC again!

Without you, we are an outcall agency; With You, We are MOC!

Welcome all members who have visited MOC recently keep giving beautiful complaints/advices to 0488 813 888 or by email: enquiry@myoutcall.com.

Happy punting 2014!!!


MyOutCall Australia
20-01-2014, 10:03 PM
keep it up for nights...

21-01-2014, 12:18 AM
Very positive and reassuring customer service attitude and commitment !


MyOutCall Australia
21-01-2014, 12:34 AM
Please check our big MarCus!!!!!!


MyOutCall Australia
21-01-2014, 02:24 AM
Max Impact,

it is the time for MOC BIGs!!!

Come on,

Fight 2 rounds with my MarCus!!!

21-01-2014, 02:46 AM
Well said , with Duncan back and in CONTROL .. thing should get better.

MyOutCall Australia
21-01-2014, 03:31 AM

thanks for your trust.

this time i will try my best to turn it over...

let's see...


Max Impact
21-01-2014, 07:48 AM
Ding Ding. Marcus sure is noice!!!

21-01-2014, 08:31 AM
Every business has a problem now and then, it's what you do about it, how you fix it and how quickly you do it that's important.

So good to see a positive approach well done so far now see it through to a positive outcome for all concerned

21-01-2014, 09:41 AM
Thanks Duncan
Unlike many people in this business and others you always have an open mind to criticism and review and act accordingly
That is all we as customers can ever ask for.

I'm looking forward to my next visit being a better experience than the last two now you and your staff are committed to providing the "environment" that the girls and the MOC reputation deserves.

We are spoilt for choice at MOC - now with the hygiene and "necessary accessories" fixed - we can choose to be spoilt !!


MyOutCall Australia
23-01-2014, 03:19 AM
Thanks Duncan
Unlike many people in this business and others you always have an open mind to criticism and review and act accordingly
That is all we as customers can ever ask for.

I'm looking forward to my next visit being a better experience than the last two now you and your staff are committed to providing the "environment" that the girls and the MOC reputation deserves.

We are spoilt for choice at MOC - now with the hygiene and "necessary accessories" fixed - we can choose to be spoilt !!


Eureka brotha,

You guys always choose to be spoilt at MOC! hah...

thanks for your trust.

I appreciate so much


MyOutCall Australia
23-01-2014, 03:30 AM
Every business has a problem now and then, it's what you do about it, how you fix it and how quickly you do it that's important.

So good to see a positive approach well done so far now see it through to a positive outcome for all concerned

oneonone bro, well said.

You are MOC's genuine supervisors.

I am the MOC executive.

cheers. :confused2:

23-01-2014, 08:37 PM

Wonderful to see an Executive come onto the forum and take responsibility for the things that have happened as well as giving all the brothers an update about what you plan to do to improve everything.

I have a suggestion which I hope you will do something with.

Instead of trying to bump up every forum thread that is related to MOC by writing "Booking welcome" or "Available today", how about having a single thread that has links to the reviews instead? Like how it's done for the Ginza roster thread.

By bumping up every review, you are pushing the original post anyway and all that most of us will see if the same post saying "Booking welcome" or something like that that.

It's not good for the forum to have what looks like spam and as I said in a previous post, personally, most of the time I ignore the posts that looks like it's coming from a shop because I'm expecting it to have nothing of value.

I know other shops like Syd90Club are doing the same thing, and I hope they read this and have a think about how they do things too, and that you might be worried that your posts will be lost. But if you are willing to make things more easy to read and find on the forum, maybe the Admin can make your post sticky at the top if there's good information in them!

Besides, writing a one line message saying a girl is available is not really an After Review or a General Talk nor does it add to a discussion, so it really doesn't belong there.

23-01-2014, 10:15 PM
Good proactive response from duncan.
Each shop/advertiser should have their own sticky like auxxx reveiws
Over there if you do not want too look at it you dont if you want too read their post you do this keeps the general discussion area free for just that
Ars for these shops go there too

23-01-2014, 11:00 PM
I like MOC a lot, the girls are great, Ive always found management easy to deal with and I'll definately continue to spend money at that shop, but a point of clarification - duncan is being reactive not proactive. if he had been proactive he would have addressed the worsening hygene standards in the shop prior to complaints being made on the forum

[QUOTE=Hornyonetwo;458713]Good proactive response from duncan./QUOTE]

MyOutCall Australia
24-01-2014, 01:02 AM

Wonderful to see an Executive come onto the forum and take responsibility for the things that have happened as well as giving all the brothers an update about what you plan to do to improve everything.

I have a suggestion which I hope you will do something with.

Instead of trying to bump up every forum thread that is related to MOC by writing "Booking welcome" or "Available today", how about having a single thread that has links to the reviews instead? Like how it's done for the Ginza roster thread.

By bumping up every review, you are pushing the original post anyway and all that most of us will see if the same post saying "Booking welcome" or something like that that.

It's not good for the forum to have what looks like spam and as I said in a previous post, personally, most of the time I ignore the posts that looks like it's coming from a shop because I'm expecting it to have nothing of value.

I know other shops like Syd90Club are doing the same thing, and I hope they read this and have a think about how they do things too, and that you might be worried that your posts will be lost. But if you are willing to make things more easy to read and find on the forum, maybe the Admin can make your post sticky at the top if there's good information in them!

Besides, writing a one line message saying a girl is available is not really an After Review or a General Talk nor does it add to a discussion, so it really doesn't belong there.

PBOY brotha,

Thanks for advices for MOC and SYD99.

I will have a good discussion with admin@syd99 to see what will do the next.

Currently we cannot stop doing this unless "The new final forum rules" for all shop owners to obey. However it is not that easy to get changing in near future. I do not know. Maybe it is very quick.

Just one MOC can not make any help for it under current situation. This is the normal outcome of a popular adult forum as MR AHLONGOR said. I wish the formal rules is for 108 but not for 1 or 3. Just like 50's-60's HK and Japan. Mega births and immigration caused the whole country to be out of control.

I believe Admin@syd99 will put this thread into serious consideration and finally convert this into a new rule one day. Everyone is watching...

Thanks mates.


24-01-2014, 02:52 AM
Thanks for the direct reponse Duncan. I understand why you and your team are trying to push your threads up but seeing the feedback of other brothers, I don't think it helps you. Brothers aren't openining the threads and just scroll past it.

If we all knew that a thread that was marked as MOC was going to be high quality information or reviews, then people are more likely to open it.

Good luck with everything and thanks for keeping us informed. Hopefully Admin can do something about the spam. And not just spam from the shops! :D

Max Impact
24-01-2014, 08:13 AM
Bookings welcome!


MyOutCall Australia
24-01-2014, 05:07 PM
Bookings welcome!


Haha :-)

You naughty boy

25-01-2014, 12:29 AM
Good commitment. Hope you guys can keep it up

MyOutCall Australia
25-01-2014, 03:13 AM
MOC all staff are waiting for a new shop owner's authority of this forum.

It will be a better place to be one day.

I appreciate you guys spent lots of time for this issue.

MyOutCall.COM only do advertising threads at two forums:

1) Paid membership: Syd99.com (I have to say this is the best English info forum mainly for Asian girls)

2) FREE membership: GoldenFinger.com [Chinese Zone] ( This is the best Chinese adult forum so far many chinese students and local people most of time use this forum to get information. At its chinese zone, Shop owners have no authority for after review section, and only can keep maximum 2 threads for advertising at general topic section. if more than two, shop owners account will get restriction for short period of time) I recommend chinese speakers could have a look at it. It is very clean and pro. ) its English zone is not that pro & popular as Syd99.com which i won't recommend.

other forums we got: ausxxxx, hookerlocker, crap...etc.... MOC won't touch. they are not worth MOC's time.

some other chinese forums aren't that competitive and we won't recommend.

Thanks all guys.


25-01-2014, 11:45 PM
Duncan, if you really care and want to show that you listen to your customers then why don't you lead the way and stop bumping up your threads?

Brothers on this forum have already said they don't read posts from shops that SPAM. Maybe when new reviews for MOC girls come, some brothers will ignore them because they think that it's SPAM and you will miss out on new customers.

I really like that you write back personally to promise improving things at MOC. But as someone else said, you do it as a reaction. Why not be proactive? Don't wait for Admin to tell you to stop SPAM. Make the choice yourself! :)

26-01-2014, 02:54 AM
Ha ! Lookie lookie ! The MOC ads just mysteriously disappeared, so Duncan is taking his first step, let's hope others will follow !

26-01-2014, 11:31 PM
Good work Duncan. I hope new reviews from brothers will be read by everybody and brings you lots of business in this Year of the Horse!

26-01-2014, 11:40 PM
So.....because someone makes a complaint they strive to fix the problem i.e. Hygiene which is a bare minimum. So if no one made the complaint their hygiene issue will stay under the radar???

MyOutCall Australia
27-01-2014, 01:28 AM
Good work Duncan. I hope new reviews from brothers will be read by everybody and brings you lots of business in this Year of the Horse!

thanks pboy brotha,

wish you all happy punting 2014.



31-01-2014, 08:36 AM
Well. I would firstly like to say that I am a person who will always give another person the benefit of doubt. I have sent a SMS to the complaint hotline again, but have not received a reply. So, I sent a PM to MyOutCall Australia. It has been two days and I have not heard from anyone from MOC either. So, 4 days altogether now. Maybe MOC is very busy and they missed my two messages or Bro Duncan's secretary simply did not to his/her job by passing the message on. Or maybe it is Chinese New Year and everyone is celebrating Chinese New Year. Or maybe I am not the type of customer MOC would like to have (just maybe) and I should start to use other agencies. Anyway, I will always give people benefit of doubt. Happy Chinese New Year!

31-01-2014, 09:10 AM
Well. I would firstly like to say that I am a person who will always give another person the benefit of doubt. I have sent a SMS to the complaint hotline again, but have not received a reply. So, I sent a PM to MyOutCall Australia. It has been two days and I have not heard from anyone from MOC either. So, 4 days altogether now. Maybe MOC is very busy and they missed my two messages or Bro Duncan's secretary simply did not to his/her job by passing the message on. Or maybe it is Chinese New Year and everyone is celebrating Chinese New Year. Or maybe I am not the type of customer MOC would like to have (just maybe) and I should start to use other agencies. Anyway, I will always give people benefit of doubt. Happy Chinese New Year!

May be just pick up the phone and call?

Go straight to the boss is the best way !


31-01-2014, 01:32 PM
Upon seeing my post, one beautiful lady from MOC has got in touch with me. It is Chinese New Year and everyone is busy with families visiting. Bro Duncan will get in touch with me shortly. I thought that would be the case - glad that I gave them the benefit of doubts. I am sure they will do the right thing by their customers!

MyOutCall Australia
31-01-2014, 02:50 PM
Hey Tarl1975,

How have you been?

Sorry for late reply cos staying with families these days. You know I actually only got this one week holiday every year. Haha....

MOC staff told me about ur message and I never missed it out... It is not convenient for me to typing most of time these days about this kinds of thing cos families are all with me.

Thanks for tarl1975 caring about MOC services, and this is why MOC is most hot shop and of course it always gets attention from most of the people anywhere... I appreciate your care so much.

Happy Chinese horse New Year to you and wish you the best of best at horse 2014!


15-02-2014, 10:11 PM
Duncan & MOC team would like to acknowledge improvement that MOC has made regarding room hygiene... Visited Pitt Street this week... When questioned about room hygiene condition prior to entrance, the Reception confidently re-assured me that the room had been inspected prior to my arrival. The result is a positive , room condition / hygiene does improve significantly.. beddings condition , toilet tidiness (no used condom :) and clean)... Well Done! Keep it up!!!
......MOC management staff for a emergency meeting!

We have a discussion after hours-meet last night for all the advices/complaints within this thread by every member. Later every MOC staff agreed what we have seen right here are important to MOC. Everything is true.

I won't waste time for a long writing...now let's get back to the topic...

1) All MOC hygiene issues will be fixed and getting better and better from today! I've already taken actions! ...Happy punting 2014!!!


15-02-2014, 10:56 PM
Bro Lockhart, glad to know that everything has improved a lot. I think all the Bros who visit MOC must be glad that I brought this issue up. Just to let everyone know that Bro Duncan is probably still on holiday with his family and has not come back to me via SMS nor PM. I have sent him a reminder. I have not gone back to MOC since. It is important to note that my original complaint was not about Lexy, but the condition of the room especially the used condoms and the fact that Lexy had to spent my time doing the cleaning up and also coming in and out of the room. She was not happy about that doing all that and it affected the whole hour. I have had bad punt before, but I don't complain about the bad punt because not everyone is compatible. My complaint was about the environment that should be worth $380, but was not at all...

18-02-2014, 02:55 PM
Oh well... i don't think I will get any reply either PM or SMS from anyone from MOC. Will I go back to see the girls. Yes, because some of them are good. However, I think everyone in this forum now knows that a proper complaint, not about the girls, but on the environment that we brothers should enjoy ourselves in, has not been responded to and I think it is quite disappointing.

18-02-2014, 03:12 PM
Oh well... i don't think I will get any reply either PM or SMS from anyone from MOC. Will I go back to see the girls. Yes, because some of them are good. However, I think everyone in this forum now knows that a proper complaint, not about the girls, but on the environment that we brothers should enjoy ourselves in, has not been responded to and I think it is quite disappointing.

Well, one thing I do know is that as far as venue facilities and cleanliness go, 5 Star and 5 Star Penthouse are both at a very high standard, consistently.

Just my 5 cents



18-02-2014, 03:33 PM
Yes... I love the 5 Star Penthouse! :-)

20-02-2014, 07:44 AM
Still no reply after 4 weeks. So, it is 4 weeks vs 24 hours reply guaranteed as shown on their website

27-02-2014, 04:22 PM
Week 5 and no response from PM nor SMS... still waiting...

27-02-2014, 11:52 PM
Hi brother tarl

I think it's time to move on !


28-02-2014, 12:04 AM
hahaha... I have moved on already. I just want to see how long it will take for MOC to respond to this thread!!

07-03-2014, 12:07 AM
Almost forgot.... Week 6 and no reply from MOC - no PM and no SMS...

07-03-2014, 06:16 PM
Almost forgot.... Week 6 and no reply from MOC - no PM and no SMS...

i hope duncan will be back soon, the business seems going downhill fast

07-03-2014, 11:55 PM
i hope duncan will be back soon, the business seems going downhill fast

May be not yet !!

It's still only just the one unhappy customer !

08-03-2014, 12:30 AM
LOL... happy happy... not unhappy... I am actually waiting for my favourite girls to be back before making an appointment plus I am super busy at work working until midnight almost every night. My favourite girls are both "Off". Maybe they will ignore my SMSs from now on. Just want to keep track of how long it takes for them to respond! I almost forgot about it this week.

May be not yet !!

It's still only just the one unhappy customer !

Max Impact
08-03-2014, 12:44 AM
It's fair for tarl to count I think.

Maybe this will go on for years and enter the Guinness Book of Records for the Longest Time to Respond to a Complaint by a Punter prize.

08-03-2014, 01:34 AM
hahaha... thanks for your comment Bro Max Impact. Lets see how long it takes... I think it is quite interesting that MOC can ignore this thread for so long...

08-03-2014, 02:59 PM
WTH, so busy,, no spare room on Saturday till ..:( ..! the favourites girls were booked for hour!No sign of business going down hill .

08-03-2014, 04:26 PM
That's why they don't need to respond to complaints!

WTH, so busy,, no spare room on Saturday till ..:( ..! the favourites girls were booked for hour!No sign of business going down hill .

13-03-2014, 08:59 AM
OK. The tracking continues... Week 7 and no message from MOC...

13-03-2014, 09:28 AM
To those people complaining about a drop in standards by MOC, I also agree:

- wet towels on bathroom floor
- dirty toilet bowl
- condom wrappers next to bed

13-03-2014, 01:02 PM
OK. The tracking continues... Week 7 and no message from MOC...

Haha, brother Tarl, all I want to say is, I don't ever want to cross you or upset you man, as you ain't gonna go away !! :cool2:

13-03-2014, 01:29 PM
haha.... AHLUNGOR.... Normally I don't mind if it is chemistry not working out between me and the girls as it happens every now and then. But this time, the complaint is due to the environment which affected the mood of the girl I was with and the fact that the time I paid for was spent cleaning up the room. I think the complaint is a legitimate complaint.

13-03-2014, 01:41 PM
haha.... AHLUNGOR.... Normally I don't mind if it is chemistry not working out between me and the girls as it happens every now and then. But this time, the complaint is due to the environment which affected the mood of the girl I was with and the fact that the time I paid for was spent cleaning up the room. I think the complaint is a legitimate complaint.
The way I see it, MOC had responded to this complaint long ago and promised to address the problem. The only thing they haven't done is to respond to you directly or to offer you some sort of compensation. If they still haven't done that, that means they're not going to do it.

Is it such a big deal that you have to pursue that issue ? Because if you keep doing it, you'll end up getting banned one of these days !

13-03-2014, 02:20 PM
The way I see it, MOC had responded to this complaint long ago and promised to address the problem. The only thing they haven't done is to respond to you directly or to offer you some sort of compensation. If they still haven't done that, that means they're not going to do it.

Is it such a big deal that you have to pursue that issue ? Because if you keep doing it, you'll end up getting banned one of these days !

I agree with Brother Wil,

Let's not forget, brother tarl didn't started this thread, Duncan did, and I think his original post has already got everything covered:

QUOTE=MyOutCall Australia;457279]Do you know why we like Syd99 adult forum? this is answer. :-)

This is the only english forum online at OZ achieved this goal so far i could find out.

This thread is so hot!!! and a little bit smoky as well!

When I first saw it last night, I was bit shocked! I called all MOC management staff for a emergency meeting!

We have a discussion after hours-meet last night for all the advices/complaints within this thread by every member. Later every MOC staff agreed what we have seen right here are important to MOC. Everything is true.

I got contacted by some of my friends, they told me to contact admin@syd99 for this issue and to see if he could do something about it. I say, "no, just leave there, MOC deserve it."
To be honest, I was happy to see this thread....I've been away for a while, and some things really need to be done urgently... To my surprise, I've also seen many new good after reviews of MOC girls like Vera, Larence, Nina, Mona, SK, Lexy etc. Now i've added all of them to MOC review collection. Done!

I won't waste time for a long writing...now let's get back to the topic...

1) All MOC hygiene issues will be fixed and getting better and better from today! I've already taken actions!
2) All MOC staff have already been aware the harmness of it! They will change the way they work! From today!
3) All late MOC good reviews have been added to collection at After review section.
4) Tarl1975's complaint SMS has not been received by MOC Complaint Line! Could you pls send this sms again to make sure you will get response by sms before your departure for holiday?
5) MOC complaint Line is very quiet during last month! I've test it last night and it is working properly.
6) Before you guys make any booking, make sure you have check the “condition “ section of each girls' profile page. This information is important...it will at maximum guarantee you
choose the right girl every time at MOC!
7) Besides hygiene issues, there are some other negative problems at MOC, i will fix all negative ones as soon as possible this week!
8) This week I bring legend MarCus back to MOC! Hope you guys like, and give a best go!!! This will show all you guys' full supports to MOC, to Duncan, and all!!!

I thank you for your loyal supports, all genuine advices and all valued complaints to MOC again!

Without you, we are an outcall agency; With You, We are MOC!

Welcome all members who have visited MOC recently keep giving beautiful complaints/advices to 0488 813 888 or by email: enquiry@myoutcall.com.

Happy punting 2014!!!


And I think Duncan specifically addressed brother tarl's complaint, may be due to travelling overseas, the two parties just missed each other and never crossed path.

I am not speaking on behalf of MOC, in fact I have not even been a customer. But I thought punting is punting, there is no such thing as satisfaction guaranteed, since the matter has already been addressed, if anyone is not happy with the responses, you have the choice of Not go back to MOC ever again, there are afterall, plenty of outcall agencies who love to have your business!

But keep dragging this on and on is really not going to achieve anything IMO.

Just my two cents.



13-03-2014, 02:21 PM
Interestingly Bro Wiliso... I actually got a message from Bro Duncan that he will respond to me directly after the Chinese New Year as he was busy... I did not know whether it would be compensation or whatever response he was offering or even a personal apology, but the fact was that he made a promise that he did not keep. This is the reason I am keeping track of it... So, wouldn't it be strange that I am banned because one of the shop owners did not keep their words...

13-03-2014, 02:37 PM
Interestingly Bro Wiliso... I actually got a message from Bro Duncan that he will respond to me directly after the Chinese New Year as he was busy... I did not know whether it would be compensation or whatever response he was offering or even a personal apology, but the fact was that he made a promise that he did not keep. This is the reason I am keeping track of it... So, wouldn't it be strange that I am banned because one of the shop owners did not keep their words...
Is that what it's all about ? He had already responded to you, except that he didn't talk to you directly as promised ?

So my comment above is spot on !

The choice is yours :

1. Forget about that episode and go and see some more MOC girls.

2. Stay angry and ban MOC, they'll lose you as a customer !

3. Keep attacking a shop owner and get banned when the advertiser complains to site admin ! Then you won't be achieving anything either !

13-03-2014, 02:46 PM
I wonder what would happen if Telstra or Qantas didn't reply to brother tarl's complaint ??

I know what I would do: call Vodafone and fly Virgin !!

Sergaent Brody
13-03-2014, 02:50 PM
Option 1 for me ...

13-03-2014, 02:57 PM
Option 1 for me ...
Wise choice ! And last time you ended up getting a double sweeties for the wise choice ! ;) ;) ;)

13-03-2014, 02:59 PM
I wonder what would happen if Telstra or Qantas didn't reply to brother tarl's complaint ??

I know what I would do: call Vodafone and try Virgin !!
Not exactly the best choice either, Virgin is closing down it's mobile phone business ...

13-03-2014, 05:03 PM
Not exactly the best choice either, Virgin is closing down it's mobile phone business ...

Haha, I meant to say, call Vodafone and fly Virgin !! Apple for Apple !!

13-03-2014, 05:05 PM
Interestingly, Bro Wil... I actually got two messages. One from Bro Duncan to say that he will respond to me after Chinese New Year and another one from someone else at MOC to say that Bro Duncan will respond to me after Chinese New Year. Not angry with MOC actually. I almost booked a girl the other day except that the timing just didn't work out for the girl and myself. I was just tracking how long it will take for the promise to be fulfilled especially the reputation of the operators are all based on the promises, right? I can go on to keep tracking of this thread or for MOC to deliver what they have promised. A response could be "go away, we don't want your business anymore" or it could be "we have improved the quality of our rooms now, please come back again". None of my messages asked for compensation actually... Is this attacking the shop? I see this as an opportunity for the shop to enhance its reputation?

Or maybe Bro Duncan and MOC staff in the first place should just say "Bro Tarl, we have addressed the issues please come again" instead of inviting me to contact MOC again and again and provided no response. I guess I don't appear on the forum again, everyone can assume that I am banned!! :-)

13-03-2014, 05:41 PM
Interestingly, Bro Wil... I actually got two messages. One from Bro Duncan to say that he will respond to me after Chinese New Year and another one from someone else at MOC to say that Bro Duncan will respond to me after Chinese New Year. Not angry with MOC actually. I almost booked a girl the other day except that the timing just didn't work out for the girl and myself. I was just tracking how long it will take for the promise to be fulfilled especially the reputation of the operators are all based on the promises, right? I can go on to keep tracking of this thread or for MOC to deliver what they have promised. A response could be "go away, we don't want your business anymore" or it could be "we have improved the quality of our rooms now, please come back again". None of my messages asked for compensation actually... Is this attacking the shop? I see this as an opportunity for the shop to enhance its reputation?
Good luck !

13-03-2014, 06:31 PM
II know what I would do: call Vodafone and fly Virgin !!

Or call a virgin and fly a mile high!

13-03-2014, 06:43 PM
Is that what it's all about ? He had already responded to you, except that he didn't talk to you directly as promised ?

So my comment above is spot on !

The choice is yours :

1. Forget about that episode and go and see some more MOC girls.

2. Stay angry and ban MOC, they'll lose you as a customer !

3. Keep attacking a shop owner and get banned when the advertiser complains to site admin ! Then you won't be achieving anything either !

Imo brother tall have right to pursue the matter as he was "promised" that he will get a reply.
If moc can't even keep this kind of promise, how can they assure the punters that this will not happen again??

and I appreciate you trying to defend moc, but you've gone too far by saying he will get banned for it. It's a forum mate. He has his own right if he was messaged that the matter WILL be addressed after CNY but he haven'tgot a reply ater almost 2 months.

you trying to defend moc even after 7 weeks with no reply from them is a big joke. Stop sucking up to Duncan and get the fact straight. He made a promise, he need to do as promised. Not just expecting bro tall to "move and and book another one of moc girl"

13-03-2014, 06:44 PM
Oh and I'll help to remind bro tarl from now on every week :)

13-03-2014, 07:23 PM
Imo brother tall have right to pursue the matter as he was "promised" that he will get a reply.
If moc can't even keep this kind of promise, how can they assure the punters that this will not happen again??

and I appreciate you trying to defend moc, but you've gone too far by saying he will get banned for it. It's a forum mate. He has his own right if he was messaged that the matter WILL be addressed after CNY but he haven'tgot a reply ater almost 2 months.

you trying to defend moc even after 7 weeks with no reply from them is a big joke. Stop sucking up to Duncan and get the fact straight. He made a promise, he need to do as promised. Not just expecting bro tall to "move and and book another one of moc girl"
I think you really have to learn to read text before you make a comment !

Did I go too far to defend MOC ? By advising bro Tarl to ban MOC ?

I was advising him to wise up to this issue if you can comprehend !

Obvious you can not ! So be my guest to remind bro Tarl weekly to attack the issue, see how long you can survive here !

13-03-2014, 07:43 PM
wilisno you need to read MOC's original post!! Like any astute businessman duncan VALUES negative feedback because it alerts him to problems in his business so he can fix them!!!

Noone is complaining about the quality of the girls so the foundation of MOC's business is good. The sort of complaints we are hearing here (filthy rooms, used condoms lying around, shit in the toilet, etc) can be quickly remedied if management knows they exist!

Do you know why we like Syd99 adult forum? this is answer. :-)

This is the only english forum online at OZ achieved this goal so far i could find out.

This thread is so hot!!! and a little bit smoky as well!

When I first saw it last night, I was bit shocked! I called all MOC management staff for a emergency meeting!

We have a discussion after hours-meet last night for all the advices/complaints within this thread by every member. Later every MOC staff agreed what we have seen right here are important to MOC. Everything is true.

I got contacted by some of my friends, they told me to contact admin@syd99 for this issue and to see if he could do something about it. I say, "no, just leave there, MOC deserve it."
To be honest, I was happy to see this thread....I've been away for a while, and some things really need to be done urgently... To my surprise, I've also seen many new good after reviews of MOC girls like Vera, Larence, Nina, Mona, SK, Lexy etc. Now i've added all of them to MOC review collection. Done!

I won't waste time for a long writing...now let's get back to the topic...

1) All MOC hygiene issues will be fixed and getting better and better from today! I've already taken actions!
2) All MOC staff have already been aware the harmness of it! They will change the way they work! From today!
3) All late MOC good reviews have been added to collection at After review section.
4) Tarl1975's complaint SMS has not been received by MOC Complaint Line! Could you pls send this sms again to make sure you will get response by sms before
your departure for holiday?
5) MOC complaint Line is very quiet during last month! I've test it last night and it is working properly.
6) Before you guys make any booking, make sure you have check the “condition “ section of each girls' profile page. This information is important...it will at maximum guarantee you
choose the right girl every time at MOC!
7) Besides hygiene issues, there are some other negative problems at MOC, i will fix all negative ones as soon as possible this week!
8) This week I bring legend MarCus back to MOC! Hope you guys like, and give a best go!!! This will show all you guys' full supports to MOC, to Duncan, and all!!!

I thank you for your loyal supports, all genuine advices and all valued complaints to MOC again!

Without you, we are an outcall agency; With You, We are MOC!

Welcome all members who have visited MOC recently keep giving beautiful complaints/advices to 0488 813 888 or by email: enquiry@myoutcall.com.

Happy punting 2014!!!


13-03-2014, 07:55 PM
wilisno you need to read MOC's original post!! Like any astute businessman duncan VALUES negative feedback because it alerts him to problems in his business so he can fix them!!!

Noone is complaining about the quality of the girls so the foundation of MOC's business is good. The sort of complaints we are hearing here (filthy rooms, used condoms lying around, shit in the toilet, etc) can be quickly remedied if management knows they exist!
Gosh, another one !

What are you getting at really ? Did I say the complaint was not valid ?

Have another read, I was saying Duncan had responded to the issue, and promised to address the problem, the only thing he hasn't done was to talk to bro Tarl directly. Is that clear enough ? Do I know what the issue was ???

I only tried to analyze the situation for bro Tarl, and further advise him it's going nowhere, and it's not a big deal anyway. Whatever he wants to do, it's none of my business, that's why I said " good luck " in the end !

13-03-2014, 08:04 PM
willisno you just dont get it do you? Lol

13-03-2014, 08:10 PM
willisno you just dont get it do you? Lol
In what way ???

MOC Rikki
13-03-2014, 08:46 PM
Hey Tarl1975,

How have you been?

Sorry for late reply cos staying with families these days. You know I actually only got this one week holiday every year. Haha....

MOC staff told me about ur message and I never missed it out... It is not convenient for me to typing most of time these days about this kinds of thing cos families are all with me.

Thanks for tarl1975 caring about MOC services, and this is why MOC is most hot shop and of course it always gets attention from most of the people anywhere... I appreciate your care so much.

Happy Chinese horse New Year to you and wish you the best of best at horse 2014!


Am I the only one can see this thread?

13-03-2014, 08:51 PM
I think you really have to learn to read text before you make a comment !

Did I go too far to defend MOC ? By advising bro Tarl to ban MOC ?

I was advising him to wise up to this issue if you can comprehend !

Obvious you can not ! So be my guest to remind bro Tarl weekly to attack the issue, see how long you can survive here !

I will gladly do that. I will see if I will get banned because a shop can't deliver their "PROMISE"
And you are the one that need to read before you make a comment. Duncan messaged him and said that he WILL REPLY after CNY but he hasnt got a reply yet. Is that good CS for you? Is that what the shop should do? Just promise and never deliver?

And if the shop promise something and did not deliver, the best advise is to "wise up to this issue"??? It won't solve nor fix the problem. It will only let the shop do w/e they want to us punters. They can promise A B C or D and they wont have to deliver because according to you, the best solution is to "wise it up".

Just because its MOC does not mean that you need to defend it blindly. Get the fact straight first before you talk or defend something. Bro Tarl has his right that he WAS PROMISED that he will get reply but he haven't got the reply after almost 2 months.

And no idgaf if you're senior member or have 2000k post or w/e, but if you start defending a shop just because you either know the owner or you visit them regularly, and try to stir things up by saying he will get banned for this, you're a perfect example of someone that can't differentiate between right and wrong.

13-03-2014, 08:55 PM
You know what! Let's not worry about this. MOC thinks it has responded... it is probably the way it was responded as it did not sound like a response. Case closed... I am still booking the girls at MOC! :-) The original intention is not to cause disharmony on the forum, but rather to keep track of my complaint. Lets all be happy and punting together!

13-03-2014, 09:00 PM
I will gladly do that. I will see if I will get banned because a shop can't deliver their "PROMISE"
And you are the one that need to read before you make a comment. Duncan messaged him and said that he WILL REPLY after CNY but he hasnt got a reply yet. Is that good CS for you? Is that what the shop should do? Just promise and never deliver?

And if the shop promise something and did not deliver, the best advise is to "wise up to this issue"??? It won't solve nor fix the problem. It will only let the shop do w/e they want to us punters. They can promise A B C or D and they wont have to deliver because according to you, the best solution is to "wise it up".

Just because its MOC does not mean that you need to defend it blindly. Get the fact straight first before you talk or defend something. Bro Tarl has his right that he WAS PROMISED that he will get reply but he haven't got the reply after almost 2 months.

And no idgaf if you're senior member or have 2000k post or w/e, but if you start defending a shop just because you either know the owner or you visit them regularly, and try to stir things up by saying he will get banned for this, you're a perfect example of someone that can't differentiate between right and wrong.
Listen ! One more time ! Did I say the complaint is not valid ? Are you able to read ?

Whatever the shop wants to do and whatever bro Tarl wants to do, I said it clearly it's not my business, I repeat, I was analyzing the situation for bro Tarl that's all.

If you want to turn this into personal attack, It's you who wants to stir things up here, it won't be tolerated !

13-03-2014, 09:04 PM
BTW, I offered the advice is to keep the peace, because I believed the matter has run it's course. On the other hand, you are trying to magnify the problem by stirring things up !

13-03-2014, 09:05 PM
You know what! Let's not worry about this. MOC thinks it has responded... it is probably the way it was responded as it did not sound like a response. Case closed... I am still booking the girls at MOC! :-) The original intention is not to cause disharmony on the forum, but rather to keep track of my complaint. Lets all be happy and punting together!
Good on you bro, that's the result I want to see ! ;) ;) ;)