View Full Version : General talk For all punters , "Must See Video and This is WHY THIS GUY SO HATE KOREAN p"

26-01-2014, 10:36 PM
Open this link and you will know bros , you tube : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LOE2I69F-Hw

If my translate not wrong there were couple malaysian language there such as

Tak boleh pakai means Can't be use

Selamat pagi means Good Morning

Hutang PTPTN , i think means Have a debt to the government or something

For Bro Ah Lungor , how are u bro ? i think you know this band call beyond from Hong Kong

cause i didn't know about his band much , they were in 80 and 90 era.

This video just for joke nothing behind it .

cheers :shout::shout:

28-01-2014, 01:07 AM
Open this link and you will know bros , you tube : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LOE2I69F-Hw

If my translate not wrong there were couple malaysian language there such as

Tak boleh pakai means Can't be use

Selamat pagi means Good Morning

Hutang PTPTN , i think means Have a debt to the government or something

For Bro Ah Lungor , how are u bro ? i think you know this band call beyond from Hong Kong

cause i didn't know about his band much , they were in 80 and 90 era.

This video just for joke nothing behind it .

cheers :shout::shout:

Hi there brother Cisco,

Welcome back !

Where the bloody hell were you ??

Beyond is one of my favourite band from HongKong, they made very power music !! Very tragic when their lead singer and song writer Wong Ka Kui died from an accident in Japan when they were at their prime ! Probably never reached their full potential !

21-04-2014, 09:10 PM
Hi bro ahlungor , i m fine n how r u ? Yeah been somewhere for awhile , not really in to forum lately ;)

21-04-2014, 11:06 PM
Bro cisco

Yuri will SLAP U:miao:

Hahhah ,... This link was one of my friend showed to me and we all laughed , yeah just for fun video from a comedian artist

22-04-2014, 08:19 PM
Open this link and you will know bros , you tube : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LOE2I69F-Hw

If my translate not wrong there were couple malaysian language there such as

Tak boleh pakai means Can't be use

Selamat pagi means Good Morning

Hutang PTPTN , i think means Have a debt to the government or something

For Bro Ah Lungor , how are u bro ? i think you know this band call beyond from Hong Kong

cause i didn't know about his band much , they were in 80 and 90 era.

This video just for joke nothing behind it .

cheers :shout::shout:

This song are very soft and tender, I know IN ASIAN country, many people doesn't like each other.

I hate Mature Chinese Hooker in Brothel. they stay with young Sex Slaves and say Hi to me and my mate.

If i fuck with the MLFS sounds like a I pay $300 for poison, Im no stupid like that.

Hi Cisco, maybe we can go to Karaoke with Korean SS(Sex Slaves) they will singing song with me and your boy.

I want to Brutal way to AF with ASIAN now. ( i take only fresh one)