View Full Version : General talk Has anyone here ever been blackmailed on skype?

23-03-2014, 01:43 PM
Hi all,

Last night I was caught in an attempted blackmail through Skype where a "gorgeous girl" added me as a friend on facebook and started chatting with me. Eventually the chat heated up and it turned into cybersex, moving from Facebook chat to skype. After being pressured to have cyber sex and take videos of my private parts ,the scammer suddenly told me that they will post all the previous videos/screenshots/photos of me being intimate to my friends/family etc...warning me that I can't hide from this.
I subsequently blocked and deleted both their Skype account and facebook account. And deactivated facebook in the short term just in case.

Has anyone also encountered this before?

I know I was stupid for falling in the trap, but hey I was horny

23-03-2014, 01:55 PM
No but I am always careful when it comes to face book I don't post much on there as everyone knows what you are doing its not very private.

23-03-2014, 02:36 PM
Yeah, as the old saying goes, if it seems too good to be true, it usually is.

23-03-2014, 03:28 PM
They probably already screencapped your list of facebook friends. If they choose to be spiteful they could easily post the images to all of the people listed on your account. Also, do you have a unique name? If so they trace you via other social and professional networks (eg. linkedin, company website) and ruin your life that way.

Did any of the incriminating images have your cock and face in them at the same time? If so its gonna be pretty hard for you to argue it aint you lol. Also, in terms of the chat log itself, did you say anything particularly bad or embarrassing? finally, how old are you and how old did the 'girl' claim to be?

23-03-2014, 10:44 PM
take videos of my private parts
I know I was stupid for falling in the trap, but hey I was horny

Hmmm ...

23-03-2014, 10:49 PM
Hi all,

Last night I was caught in an attempted blackmail through Skype where a "gorgeous girl" added me as a friend on facebook and started chatting with me. Eventually the chat heated up and it turned into cybersex, moving from Facebook chat to skype. After being pressured to have cyber sex and take videos of my private parts ,the scammer suddenly told me that they will post all the previous videos/screenshots/photos of me being intimate to my friends/family etc...warning me that I can't hide from this.
I subsequently blocked and deleted both their Skype account and facebook account. And deactivated facebook in the short term just in case.

Has anyone also encountered this before?

I know I was stupid for falling in the trap, but hey I was horny

Sounds like you will have some explaining to do.

Hopefully you've called their bluff and nothing will happen.

23-03-2014, 10:58 PM
Hi all, Last night I was caught in an attempted blackmail through Skype where a "gorgeous girl" added me as a friend on facebook and started chatting with me. Eventually the chat heated up and it turned into cybersex, moving from Facebook chat to skype. After being pressured to have cyber sex and take videos of my private parts ,the scammer suddenly told me that they will post all the previous videos/screenshots/photos of me being intimate to my friends/family etc...warning me that I can't hide from this. I subsequently blocked and deleted both their Skype account and facebook account. And deactivated facebook in the short term just in case. Has anyone also encountered this before? I know I was stupid for falling in the trap, but hey I was horny


23-03-2014, 10:59 PM
They probably already screencapped your list of facebook friends. If they choose to be spiteful they could easily post the images to all of the people listed on your account. Also, do you have a unique name? If so they trace you via other social and professional networks (eg. linkedin, company website) and ruin your life that way.

Did any of the incriminating images have your cock and face in them at the same time? If so its gonna be pretty hard for you to argue it aint you lol. Also, in terms of the chat log itself, did you say anything particularly bad or embarrassing? finally, how old are you and how old did the 'girl' claim to be?

My Facebook friends list is visible only to me, so I don't think they can see my friends. Also,y screen name is not my actual name so that also added a bit of security for me. Finally photos of my cock and my face were kept separate which means there cannot be a photo/screenshot where my cock and face is in the same frame. So I'm lucky in that regard. Finally I didn't say anything particularly embarassing, and I'm 27, the "girl" birthday on the profile said 20-22 years old

23-03-2014, 11:16 PM
aha, sounds like you have nothing to worry about then!!

you just got cat-fished, theres an entire industry of young kids who sets up fake profiles of sexy young girls to lure the unwary. often they pretend to be underage girls and convince desperate middle aged men to send them incriminating photos and messages. Once received they blackmail them for cash. often even if they receive money they will send the dick pics qnd chat log to the guys wife/ family / colleagues / friends anyway just for a laugh.

24-03-2014, 12:42 AM
Never put your cock "on the line" :)

24-03-2014, 12:46 AM
So the OP is 27yo ! I thought he's much younger than that ! :miao:

24-03-2014, 07:26 AM


This thread in particular will help you.

24-03-2014, 08:42 AM
If u do have these chattings u should use a backup set of someone elses photo and then them those face and cock shots and let the cunt threaten u by sending it to your friends and family

24-03-2014, 09:59 AM
Wow. Thanks for the heads up man.

Sounds like you're safe as your friends list is private but a great warning to all bro's.

24-03-2014, 10:59 AM
Wow. Thanks for the heads up man.

Sounds like you're safe as your friends list is private but a great warning to all bro's.

Now worries bro, I just want others not to fall for this trap and don't do what I did. I'm also lucky as I don't currently work so first the scammer can't send shit to my boss, and secondly I am not married, so they can't threaten me by sending shit to my wife, and finally my parents do have Facebook but both of them are not my friends on facebook, I don't have them in my friends list. So I don't know why they would target me in the first place apart from the fact that I was horny and using my dick to think rather than my brain.

24-03-2014, 11:27 AM
My Facebook friends list is visible only to me, so I don't think they can see my friends. Also,y screen name is not my actual name so that also added a bit of security for me. Finally photos of my cock and my face were kept separate which means there cannot be a photo/screenshot where my cock and face is in the same frame. So I'm lucky in that regard. Finally I didn't say anything particularly embarassing, and I'm 27, the "girl" birthday on the profile said 20-22 years old

lol wait til they stitch up your face and cock pics together and create a panoramic shot :D

24-03-2014, 03:18 PM
Keep in mind Bro Insanekicker that if it is a scam they will be doing the same thing to multiple people so don't sweat about it too much as they will move on quickly from you to an easier target - do you think the Nigerian scammers just send one email a day? Just remember if they are making their living out of scams like this they have a lot to lose if they get caught as they won't have any income anymore and may find themselves facing charges. Just block them and report them to Facebook and they can check it out.

24-03-2014, 06:15 PM
Keep in mind Bro Insanekicker that if it is a scam they will be doing the same thing to multiple people so don't sweat about it too much as they will move on quickly from you to an easier target - do you think the Nigerian scammers just send one email a day? Just remember if they are making their living out of scams like this they have a lot to lose if they get caught as they won't have any income anymore and may find themselves facing charges. Just block them and report them to Facebook and they can check it out.

Thanks bro deepimpact! I appreciate your support, I learn quickly from my mistakes and this will be the last time something like this happens to me. Got back from overseas at the beginning of the month and I haven't punted for almost three weeks now, but I will go again very soon.

24-03-2014, 07:35 PM
Which is why I don't have facebook or any social networking sites nor any social life for that matter

24-03-2014, 08:05 PM


This thread in particular will help you.

Thanks bro, I have looked through the link you sent me. Great help, thanks again.

24-03-2014, 08:07 PM
aha, sounds like you have nothing to worry about then!!

you just got cat-fished, theres an entire industry of young kids who sets up fake profiles of sexy young girls to lure the unwary. often they pretend to be underage girls and convince desperate middle aged men to send them incriminating photos and messages. Once received they blackmail them for cash. often even if they receive money they will send the dick pics qnd chat log to the guys wife/ family / colleagues / friends anyway just for a laugh.

i hope so! this scam only works if you get seriously frightened or give in to their demands. Or continuing to communicate with them at all. The key is to block them, delete them, ignore them and they will move on.

24-03-2014, 08:08 PM
If u do have these chattings u should use a backup set of someone elses photo and then them those face and cock shots and let the cunt threaten u by sending it to your friends and family

thats a good idea bro!

24-03-2014, 08:09 PM
So the OP is 27yo ! I thought he's much younger than that ! :miao:

thanks bro wilisno for complimenting on my age :shout:

24-03-2014, 09:43 PM
I dont think thats the case at all, the people doing this sort of thing are mostly bored kids, and their main motivation isnt cash, theyre in it for the lulz. If they have a money shot (cock and face in same pic etc) and incriminating chat log (hitting on underage girl or being a sleavy perv like you were etc) they could send it to everyone you know and ruin your life just for the fuck of it

i hope so! this scam only works if you get seriously frightened or give in to their demands. Or continuing to communicate with them at all. The key is to block them, delete them, ignore them and they will move on.

24-03-2014, 10:37 PM
I dont think thats the case at all, the people doing this sort of thing are mostly bored kids, and their main motivation isnt cash, theyre in it for the lulz. If they have a money shot (cock and face in same pic etc) and incriminating chat log (hitting on underage girl or being a sleavy perv like you were etc) they could send it to everyone you know and ruin your life just for the fuck of it

Bro it's hardly the end of the world stuff. What are his male friends going to say to him - 'Hey insanekicker, I didn't realise you liked women or sex, I am disgusted and never want to speak to you again'? That's highly unlikely, a few laughs about it and the move to the next topic is what I would expect.

24-03-2014, 11:05 PM
sure, how about a pic of him with his throbbing cock in his hand accompanied with the transcript of a sleazy cybersex conversation - emailed to his dear old ma, wife/gf, current employer, work colleagues, business clients, university professor etc ... if his residential address is revealed hardcopy dickpic photos sent via snail mail to his neighbours, addressed to his children, etc... a lot of people put all this personal information on the web, inviting a stranger into you social media and letting them record video of your cock is just loading a bullet into the chamber ... shit is potentially life destroying

24-03-2014, 11:22 PM
Which is why I don't have facebook or any social networking sites nor any social life for that matter

Sorry about that mate! You've got one here though! :D

25-03-2014, 03:24 AM
I suggest you to stay one step ahead of them bastard scammers and post it online yourself so making their mode of blackmail useless.

25-03-2014, 05:49 PM
Sorry about that mate! You've got one here though! :D

Hehe yeah this about it for me..
So let me know when the next "event" is on. I missed out on the last 2