View Full Version : General talk Genital Warts

big sav
31-03-2014, 07:40 PM
Good evening gents it would appear I have contacted a strain of the HPV virus that has produced an array of gential warts about 12 warts are currently visible in the area above the old boy, what would be the best to heal and remove the warts, this out break of warts has stopped my punting for now until they are cleabed up, all help would be appreciated.

31-03-2014, 07:59 PM
Consult your GP or go to a medical centre If you're not comfortable with the GP option.

This is also another option www.sshc.org.au

If you frequent a particular location I would also let them know and I'm sure you will get some PMs from members here.

31-03-2014, 08:04 PM
get the blow torch onto them

31-03-2014, 08:18 PM
So you have genital warts do you?

Well, the bad news is there is no cure, the warts themselves can POSSIBLY be surgically removed (often leaving permanent scarring) but there is no medical procedure to rid yourself of the virus. Also, genital warts are EXTREMELY contagious, and so even if you get the warts surgically removed the virus will still be just as likely to ve contracted by a sexual partner. A condom wont help because your warts are located on your groin (definiately the worst place to have them) ather than the shaft.

The good news is that just because you have this terrible incurable disease does not mean you will never have sex again. There are a number of dating services that cater SPECIFICALLY to people like yourself with genital warts, syphilus, HIV etc. search on google

31-03-2014, 08:35 PM
Jesus, that sucks to hear. I have done some crazy shit and luckily I am yet to contract anything.

Do you know if you contracted it punting, or from a random girl in the club/pub?

31-03-2014, 09:07 PM
Don't listen to scrawled, his head must be up his ass or something. There's no need to panic, approximately 80% of people have had or will have hpv at some point in their lives in Australia. So pretty much every punter and every wl has had or will have it. Many people who get it don't even get the warts, and never know they caught it. The good news is that there isn't any real side effects for men beyond the temporary warts which will generally go away by themselves and not come back on most cases. You can have them removed with dry ice at most doctors, it's painless and does not leave a noticeable scar. Hpv is serious for women, so do the right thing and abstain until the warts go away. It is a skin contact disease, not a std, so any kind of skin on skin contact will spread it. If you want somewhere anonymous and free try the kirketon rd center above the fire station at the cross. You can use any first name and initial you want, there is no charge. They do free testing and treatment.

31-03-2014, 09:33 PM
It is a skin contact disease, not a std, so any kind of skin on skin contact will spread itnt.

Oh I see, and I suppose by that definition herpes isn't an STD either? Nice one Einstein!

Action Pump
31-03-2014, 09:58 PM
how is it that scrawley has his head up his ass? he is right.

also, its not dry ice the doctors use. its liquid nitrogen. i've had plantar warts on my feet taken away this way.

31-03-2014, 10:01 PM
You're a real helpful guy scrawley.

31-03-2014, 10:05 PM
how is it that scrawley has his head up his ass? he is right.

Well, let's see now;

The good news is that just because you have this terrible incurable disease does not mean you will never have sex again. There are a number of dating services that cater SPECIFICALLY to people like yourself with genital warts, syphilus, HIV etc.

Maybe because he's making out like it's HIV or something, and it will affect your whole life forever when in fact in the bigger scheme of things it's closer to a common cold and will have little or no affect on the rest of your life.

also, its not dry ice the doctors use. its liquid nitrogen. i've had plantar warts on my feet taken away this way.

Yeah, you got me there. But c'mon tell the truth you were having your genital warts removed!

31-03-2014, 10:21 PM
Good evening gents it would appear I have contacted a strain of the HPV virus that has produced an array of gential warts about 12 warts are currently visible in the area above the old boy, what would be the best to heal and remove the warts, this out break of warts has stopped my punting for now until they are cleabed up, all help would be appreciated.

Am I the only one curious about how big Sav got the warts? Because that's where I want to stay away from.

31-03-2014, 10:39 PM
Also, most women will be vaccinated against HPV now..

31-03-2014, 11:23 PM
Am I the only one curious about how big Sav got the warts? Because that's where I want to stay away from.

Ha ha! I agree with that.http://i1301.photobucket.com/albums/ag116/waveflow/thumbsupa_zps30a4eaf7.jpg (http://s1301.photobucket.com/user/waveflow/media/thumbsupa_zps30a4eaf7.jpg.html)

But I don't think you actually need to see them, or for there to be anything visible to get them, one more thing to be paranoid about! :burn:

big sav
01-04-2014, 04:28 AM
To all those who have responded with usefull and good advice thanks it is helpfull to the few who want to poke fun all the time at people all I can say is I hope you never catch anything accidentally from your punting through no fault of your own or the girls but if you do I hope the wife finds out. I dont want to name the area I punt in in public as this could harm innocent buisnesses and girls so if your worried PM me and I will let you the area I was punting in. Although with the frequent changes of girls these days it would be hard to pinpoint anyone specifically.

01-04-2014, 06:41 AM
To all those who have responded with usefull and good advice thanks it is helpfull to the few who want to poke fun all the time at people all I can say is I hope you never catch anything accidentally from your punting through no fault of your own or the girls but if you do I hope the wife finds out. I dont want to name the area I punt in in public as this could harm innocent buisnesses and girls so if your worried PM me and I will let you the area I was punting in. Although with the frequent changes of girls these days it would be hard to pinpoint anyone specifically.

Bro, please pm me as well. Thanks.

01-04-2014, 08:11 AM
Did u have bbbj by any chance !

01-04-2014, 09:39 AM
To all those who have responded with usefull and good advice thanks it is helpfull to the few who want to poke fun all the time at people all I can say is I hope you never catch anything accidentally from your punting through no fault of your own or the girls but if you do I hope the wife finds out. I dont want to name the area I punt in in public as this could harm innocent buisnesses and girls so if your worried PM me and I will let you the area I was punting in. Although with the frequent changes of girls these days it would be hard to pinpoint anyone specifically.

You come on a punting forum talking about catching genital warts from a punt you had and my natural curiosity is poking fun?? Dude I just want to avoid the shop you went to.

Your worried about damaging the shop
or the girl involved? Did the shop or girl
worry about you catching genital warts?

01-04-2014, 12:40 PM
Mate in all honesty the best thing you can do right now is quit the punting scene. As Sextus rightfully said, you can get those little fuckers burnt off but youre still gonna be one radioactively contagious hombre!!!

Anyway this is by no means a death sentence and you can continue to live a somewhat normal life if you choose to. My advice:

(1) Talk to you current partner (if you have one) and all recent GFs and sexual partners and tell them you are infected with genital warts. This is important so they can also get tested

(2) Tell all your friends and family that you are now a carrier of genital warts. They will provide you with the support that you need for the months and years ahead.

(3) most importantly, If you do go on any future dates with women, for god's sake tell them IMMEDIATELY about the warts you have on your groin area and genitals. This early disclosure is very important in the formation of any new relationship

01-04-2014, 01:16 PM
Mate in all honesty the best thing you can do right now is quit the punting scene. As Sextus rightfully said, you can get those little fuckers burnt off but youre still gonna be one radioactively contagious hombre!!!

Anyway this is by no means a death sentence and you can continue to live a somewhat normal life if you choose to. My advice:

(1) Talk to you current partner (if you have one) and all recent GFs and sexual partners and tell them you are infected with genital warts. This is important so they can also get tested

(2) Tell all your friends and family that you are now a carrier of genital warts. They will provide you with the support that you need for the months and years ahead.

(3) most importantly, If you do go on any future dates with women, for god's sake tell them IMMEDIATELY about the warts you have on your groin area and genitals. This early disclosure is very important in the formation of any new relationship
what a troll.....

01-04-2014, 03:17 PM
(3) most importantly, If you do go on any future dates with women, for god's sake tell them IMMEDIATELY about the warts you have on your groin area and genitals. This early disclosure is very important in the formation of any new relationship

Ha ha! Yes, drop it between the entree and main on your first date during a pause in conversation. You might save on coffee and dessert! :shout:

01-04-2014, 07:28 PM
Mate in all honesty the best thing you can do right now is quit the punting scene. As Sextus rightfully said, you can get those little fuckers burnt off but youre still gonna be one radioactively contagious hombre!!!

Anyway this is by no means a death sentence and you can continue to live a somewhat normal life if you choose to.

I love this.
This post made my day.

Live a somewhat normal life :)

02-04-2014, 07:19 PM
Apple cider vinegar is the best remedy.

02-04-2014, 07:32 PM
Yeah you drink it and forget all your worries. Kinda nasty aftertaste though.

02-04-2014, 08:11 PM
a couple of dabs of alova vera on the warts before bed mate and theyll be gone before ya know it

02-04-2014, 09:00 PM
Use vinegar. Try to leave it for an hour or so before bed. May take couple of weeks.

The Fonz
02-04-2014, 09:12 PM
liquid nitrogen - spray a little bit on them - but don't apply too much