View Full Version : General talk 5* vs Ginza vs MOC

01-04-2014, 05:19 PM
Hi guys I'm a guy who'll be staying in sydney for just ONE night!! And I'm in need of a desperate help.
I've been reading the after reports for the couple of days and can I just say... I'm so fucking jealous!! And I know where to plan for after retirement.
So here's the big question!! Can't squeeze a spare day in, only one night in the CBD. Want to spend an unforgettable quality time, where's the place to go??? Help a fellow punter out please

01-04-2014, 05:37 PM
Be a Super Man, try all 3:miao:

You are amassing try all three I might just have to visit your shop to find out what your all about if I come just once who should I see that will make sure I come back again?

01-04-2014, 06:13 PM
Hi guys I'm a guy who'll be staying in sydney for just ONE night!! And I'm in need of a desperate help.
I've been reading the after reports for the couple of days and can I just say... I'm so fucking jealous!! And I know where to plan for after retirement.
So here's the big question!! Can't squeeze a spare day in, only one night in the CBD. Want to spend an unforgettable quality time, where's the place to go??? Help a fellow punter out please

You have already named the big 3 !

So I'm sure you know what you are doing , so good luck and enjoy, oh, don't forget to share !!


01-04-2014, 06:38 PM
You need to read the ARs and check the schedules and book ahead, then you may find your choice is already decided.

01-04-2014, 06:45 PM
at 5* you probably could see a line up

at 5*penthouse you book the girl of choice.

at ginza you'll unlikely get a line up.. best to book

moc you can't get a line up at all, it's like 5* penthouse where you book the girl of choice.

I've tried all of them except 5*penthouse coz my budget is much less these days.

Good times generally had a ginza. And is my general place of choice too. but good time s can be had in all of them. my prefer would be to pick a girl previously ar'd since your in town only for 1 night

01-04-2014, 07:20 PM
Hi guys I'm a guy who'll be staying in sydney for just ONE night!! And I'm in need of a desperate help.
I've been reading the after reports for the couple of days and can I just say... I'm so fucking jealous!! And I know where to plan for after retirement.
So here's the big question!! Can't squeeze a spare day in, only one night in the CBD. Want to spend an unforgettable quality time, where's the place to go??? Help a fellow punter out please
At the moment, one of the three new Koreans at 5*, Yuri, Bibi or Ivy is your best choice, they excel in all the most important departments : face, Body, Service Attitude ! ;) ;) ;)

01-04-2014, 07:40 PM
At the moment, one of the three new Koreans at 5*, Yuri, Bibi or Ivy is your best choice, they excel in all the most important departments : face, Body, Service Attitude ! ;) ;) ;)

Three Koreans with good service in the one place at the one time, might be time to try the K-girl lucky dip again :)

03-04-2014, 09:34 AM
I can recommend 2(Ginza-MOC) of the 3 suggestions. I've only been to 5 star woolloomooloo once about 6yrs ago. My experience was excellent but the guy I was punting with didn't get treated the same as me due to his ethnicity which put me off returning. But all three are highly regarded.

03-04-2014, 10:07 AM
Being treated different because of his ethnicity??

It was years ago I think things have changed since then. Like I said my experience was excellent and the guy I went with introduced me to this forum.

04-04-2014, 12:03 PM
5* treats whites poorly..tho I was respectable the head guy was rude and I smelled some racism there..
If that happened, something must be wrong with you then !

Many of the loyal fans of 5* are whites ! Ask Max Impact and Eureka etc etc

04-04-2014, 12:38 PM
That is a very typical response.
Yes ! When read about a typical slander !

04-04-2014, 01:03 PM
Mixed reviews on this place on other forums about their treatment towards non Asian customers.
Is that also slander?
Maybe a conspiracy theory?
As with lots of other establishments, some girls only see Asian customers, so a responsible and ethical boss would respect that.

Some customers when faced with a rejection wouldn't take it too well, so they can only vent it out through an open forum where negative comments are always more popular !

It happens everywhere, but 5* is the most popular name on a forum, that's why it's mentioned more often !

And the above poster's comment was based on his sense of smell !!! And you have a field day for it ! ;) ;) ;)

04-04-2014, 01:25 PM
While most of your points are nonsense and I will not stoop down to your level of ignorance. The comment you made about negative comments being more popular are true.
That being said any shops that discriminate in any way shape or form will not be on my list.

Good day!
State your points if you're not bullshitting , or slandering !

04-04-2014, 02:38 PM
You are doing such a good job at slandering and bullshitting that I have nothing to add :miao:
Of course you won't have anything to add, you had nothing of your own to say in the first place, just following the trend !

04-04-2014, 02:48 PM
Well said, sometimes apologizing is a hard thing to do as it admits doing the wrong thing, well done!
There is no need for certain members to provoke and bully others..
Exactly ! Stop slandering and you'll be fine !

04-04-2014, 02:49 PM
Let me play the devil's advocate here.

“some girls only see Asian customers, so a responsible and ethical boss would respect that”

I read a while ago that 5 Star had (have) a Caucasian girl on their books (Aussie blonde girl Michelle,
I believe).

If she were to reject all non Caucasian clients, how long would she keep her job?

Just askin'.


04-04-2014, 02:52 PM
Relax Willy its time to move on, have a punt it might take the edge off your pent up frustration :shout:
5STAR already apologized for mistreating customers in the past, maybe you should learn when it's time to let sleeping dogs lie.
Don't awaken the past, let it go! :miao:
I don't have any frustration, it's you who commented on my post, if you want to start a fight, it's your call !

04-04-2014, 03:34 PM
1 day you will make a good solicitor, but that 1 day is far away, don't give your day job :shout:

Its been entertaining watching you stress out over nothing at all but I have got to go now as there is some pussy that's more entertaining than you, bye for now :miao:

Is it just me ??

Mate, You have been here like a week and you are picking a fight with Brother Wil ??

And you are starting to sound very similar ................

04-04-2014, 03:40 PM
Let me play the devil's advocate here.

“some girls only see Asian customers, so a responsible and ethical boss would respect that”

I read a while ago that 5 Star had (have) a Caucasian girl on their books (Aussie blonde girl Michelle,
I believe).

If she were to reject all non Caucasian clients, how long would she keep her job?

Just askin'.

So you know it's entirely the girl's choice, a responsible and ethical boss will respect that !

If you've been on the forum long enough, you would have known that a Caucasian girl named Amy at Red Rose 130 who saw Asian customers only, and no one complained !

04-04-2014, 03:43 PM
So you know it's entirely the girl's choice, a responsible and ethical boss will respect that !

If you've been on the forum long enough, you would have known that a Caucasian girl named Amy at Red Rose 130 who saw Asian customers only, and no one complained !

Amy the Super Chick !!

04-04-2014, 03:43 PM
1 day you will make a good solicitor, but that 1 day is far away, don't give your day job :shout:

Its been entertaining watching you stress out over nothing at all but I have got to go now as there is some pussy that's more entertaining than you, bye for now :miao:
Don't worry, no stress for me, I deal with trolls all the time, in order to clean out the trash ! ;) ;) ;)

04-04-2014, 03:45 PM
Amy the Super Chick !!
Yep ! The famous white darling who served Asians only ! ;) ;) ;)

04-04-2014, 05:22 PM
The girl has a right to choose who, when and why. Whether she refuses any particular race or see them in waiting room camera.
No ifs or buts no coconuts!
Some girls refuse black/middle eastern men because of massive dicks, some refuse indian men due to body odour.
Its up to the girl, its her loss or her gain.

Nothing to do with slandering or asking for a fight... check the facts!
They speak for themselves! :miao:
Here are the facts :

Slandering / trying to stir up unrest :

Being treated different because of his ethnicity??

That kind of behavior shouldn't be tolerated.

Although you have changed your tone somewhat on this post !

Then about asking for a fight, you threw the first punch :

[QUOTE=tapdat;480856]That is a very typical response.

Ahlungor was right, a new member wouldn't know what is a typical response from another member !

04-04-2014, 05:33 PM
[QUOTE=wilisno;481003]Here are the facts :

Slandering / trying to stir up unrest :

Obviously you know nothing about me throwing the first punch because I wouldn't be typing :shout::shout::shout::shout:

Trying to change the main issue ? That's a typical troll ! :miao:

04-04-2014, 05:38 PM

This was posted 2 days before I joined, however I was reading this forum a month before and well known about your attacking style to new members and calling anyone a troll that doesn't agree with you.
too bad, I don't and I am not.
good day to you sir!
Because just like you, as Ahlungor pointed out, scrawley is not a new member !