View Full Version : General talk Which girl would you marry?

04-04-2014, 09:11 PM
If you had to marry a WL or ML, which one would it be? We're talking proper marriage here, not just fucking. You gotta live with her and deal with all her bullshit.

04-04-2014, 09:24 PM
If you had to marry a WL or ML, which one would it be? We're talking proper marriage here, not just fucking. You gotta live with her and deal with all her bullshit.
What difference does it make whether she's a WL or ML ? She's a person !

If you think her past is all bullshit, then don't even think about the question of marrying her !

04-04-2014, 09:27 PM
What if I tell you, let say you met this girl in uni...been together for 10 years . Then you suddenly found she used to work in those places would you marry her?

04-04-2014, 09:30 PM
What if I tell you, let say you met this girl in uni...been together for 10 years . Then you suddenly found she used to work in those places would you marry her?
If you know a girl and have been together for ten years, and you still don't know what she does for a living, then NO ! You two shouldn't get married !

04-04-2014, 09:42 PM
I think you guys misunderstood the question :-p it's not "would you rather marry an ML or a WL", it's "which specific ML or WL that you know, would you marry if you had to marry a girl who is a ML or WL"

That is... Name your girl!

04-04-2014, 10:24 PM
If I had to choose I'd say ML.

A WL thats spent a few years in the sex industry is gonna be awfully loose and haggard, and many of them have a broken and defeated look by that point which is actually really sad. Also then theres the inescapable issue about the huge number of cock she's had, thousands probably, its really quite disgusting when you sit down and think about it (which no doubt you would if you were married to one)

MLs on the other hand are generally fresher and less damaged. Some of them can even be somewhat innocent and virginal. And of course if you marry a former ML you gonna be getting lots of quality massages which is a nice bonus!

04-04-2014, 10:25 PM
I think you guys misunderstood the question :-p it's not "would you rather marry an ML or a WL", it's "which specific ML or WL that you know, would you marry if you had to marry a girl who is a ML or WL"

That is... Name your girl!

Same thing, I answered it in my first reply !

04-04-2014, 10:36 PM
Is polygamy allowed?
I have narrowed it down to 58 girls so far.

Yeah Baby
04-04-2014, 10:49 PM
Interesting topic...really shows people's perspectives. When u think about it we all sell ourselves for money...every day...in one way or another. .it all depends on the reasons why you're doing what you're doing and the values and attitudes of each individual. . We are all capable of doing extraordinary things to survive...my grandpa ate garbage during WW 2...is that disgusting?...not when it's the only way to prevent starvation...He was a great man...food for thought

04-04-2014, 11:27 PM
xxx xxx xxx

04-04-2014, 11:48 PM
xxx xxx xxx

04-04-2014, 11:49 PM
The one that took my breath away -- and carried my heart in her heart.

And yes -- the sex industry history part ....
She would need to be able to put aside the knowledge of all my years of punting ....

04-04-2014, 11:51 PM
If you had to marry a WL or ML, which one would it be? We're talking proper marriage here, not just fucking. You gotta live with her and deal with all her bullshit.

After rooting the same *L for a while you are gonna get sick of it so may as well get one that can give a decent massage ...

04-04-2014, 11:56 PM
After rooting the same *L for a while you are gonna get sick of it so may as well get one that can give a decent massage ...

Plumbers houses usually have leaky taps !!! :-/

04-04-2014, 11:57 PM
Well, I don't really understand what you're getting at Cmk but I'll try to answer what I think youre asking

I'd say up to a certain point a woman taking cock is not disgusting at all, but after a certain threshold yeh it starts to become gross and becomes incrementally more disgusting thereafter with every additional cock she takes

so a nasty old beaten up bar slut whose sucked a few hundred cocks is pretty disgusting. But I don't think you can really compare a prostitute and garden variety slut on a cock for cock basis. Prostitutes fuck a lot of weird, old, ugly, creepy men and they tend to get violated and abused in ways sluts don't, so maybe each cock a prostitute takes is the equivalent of two or three cocks for the slut I dunno difficult to precise but thats my guess

In summary I guess Id say a bar slut might start to become disgusting after 70 or 80 cocks and go down hill from there, but for a prostitute it would be 40 cocks and theyd probably do that many in a couple of weeks

05-04-2014, 12:04 AM
Thanks I feel good. We can have 1000s of pussies and be top bloke and champions. But a girl cannot have 1000s cock

05-04-2014, 12:06 AM
Well, I don't really understand what you're getting at Cmk but I'll try to answer what I think youre asking

I'd say up to a certain point a woman taking cock is not disgusting at all, but after a certain threshold yeh it starts to become gross and becomes incrementally more disgusting thereafter with every additional cock she takes

so a nasty old beaten up bar slut whose sucked a few hundred cocks is pretty disgusting. But I don't think you can really compare a prostitute and garden variety slut on a cock for cock basis. Prostitutes fuck a lot of weird, old, ugly, creepy men and they tend to get violated and abused in ways sluts don't, so maybe each cock a prostitute takes is the equivalent of two or three cocks for the slut I dunno difficult to precise but thats my guess

In summary I guess Id say a bar slut might start to become disgusting after 70 or 80 cocks and go down hill from there, but for a prostitute it would be 40 cocks and theyd probably do that many in a couple of weeks

Thanks for that Scrawley
One of the funniest pieces I have ever read on the Forum !!
And I'm sure there is a potential behavioral science or higher mathematics thesis in there somewhere !!
:) :) :)

05-04-2014, 12:08 AM
well, I have.... 22 girls and 5 ladies like mature mature...

05-04-2014, 12:21 AM
never want to marry, much less this soon and a ML or WL. the question says i have to though, so..

i can't really just say a certain girl yet like you asked, i'm not experienced enough yet.

but if i could go by nationality, maybe a chinese girl as the food is my favourite, plus learning mandarin as a minor right now. they must cook well!


05-04-2014, 12:34 AM
If you had to choose between marrying a WL who did DTBBBJCIMSW or a WL that did anal which would you choose ...

05-04-2014, 12:37 AM
This is a very interesting question!

I suppose you can't just answer that because situations change all the times !!

And you will make a totally different decision at different stages of your life:

If you are single and 20's

Single and 30's, divorced and 30's, single and 40's, divorced and 40's, single , divorced or widower at 50's !!

And the ML is at her 20's, 30's or 40's !!

Just the above will have 24 different combinations.

05-04-2014, 12:40 AM
I can think of one person, that if I am who I am today but single, I can live with her, marriage or not, it doesn't really matter at my age !!


05-04-2014, 05:32 AM
If she is still in the industry, I doubt I could marry either lady. As much as I care for her, there would always be that niggling insecurity regarding what she does for a living that kills me inside.

I also think it's difficult to really know these ladies. They can be so manipulative in order to get repeat business from easy customers so they don't have to deal with the scumbags. I get why they do that, but you can't help to wonder if you're just another ATM to them.

Now, if I met her whilst punting and she wanted to leave the industry to start a life with me, I would have to really know her outside the store to even consider it. As they say, you really don't know someone until you go on vacation with them? Haha

But overall, I think I would be fine with her past. Love is love, and you can't help who you fall for at the end of the day.

05-04-2014, 06:09 AM
I can think of one person, that if I am who I am today but single, I can live with her, marriage or not, it doesn't really matter at my age !!


05-04-2014, 07:33 AM
I can think of one person, that if I am who I am today but single, I can live with her, marriage or not, it doesn't really matter at my age !!


I'm gonna guess it was cici for you!

I think all the bros misunderstood the question totally except bro ahlungor. The question is; you have to marry a working girl, that you know. Which girl would you choose (a specific girl, not just "i choose ml" or "i choose wl" or "nah I'm not gonna get married I couldn't handle it").

For me it would probably be michelle at 533. She's not the hottest or the best fuck, but she has a really nice personality and I think I could get on alright with her.

05-04-2014, 07:42 AM
I'm gonna guess it was cici for you!

I think all the bros misunderstood the question totally except bro ahlungor. The question is; you have to marry a working girl, that you know. Which girl would you choose (a specific girl, not just "i choose ml" or "i choose wl" or "nah I'm not gonna get married I couldn't handle it").

For me it would probably be michelle at 533. She's not the hottest or the best fuck, but she has a really nice personality and I think I could get on alright with her.

Haha since so many people misinterpreted, maybe you framed your question wrong, or should have given your pick in the initial post so we knew what type of response you were looking for. :p

I would marry Angela from Juliet's (she worked there awhile back) in a heartbeat. Most adorable thing in the world and we got on like a house on fire. She could always make me laugh.

05-04-2014, 08:03 AM
You question was clear to me mate
It was interesting to see the initial replies off track - hence my contribution was directed at the responders and their attitude to the ML/ WL 'a .... as they go about their serial punting !!!

On my answer ... I'm still trying to decide .... if you refer to my post "2013 in review" .. you might understand why :)


05-04-2014, 08:43 AM
I would probably marry the one I just spent a great hour with so it depends on what day it was so Sunday it was A at 10 Am and B at 12noon, Wednesday it was C Friday it was D.

Who knows next week it might be the same girl or I might even find another one I like.

The best thing about it is after I leave I can usually forget about marrying them until next time, just the way it should be with a wl.

05-04-2014, 10:29 AM
Haha maybe I should have worded the question differently but the answers were pretty interesting anyway! I certainly wasn't trying to say "are MLs better than WLs". They're all equal in my eyes, if anything i respect working ladies more than non working ladies

Yeah Baby
05-04-2014, 10:29 AM
Yeah...it's difficult enough mixing business and pleasure. ..if u add love into the equation it's becomes impossible. ..If u want love too, the girl must leave the business behind forever...Better to fall in love for one hour at a time.

05-04-2014, 11:04 AM
Lemon from Ginza

05-04-2014, 11:21 AM
Yes I agree Lemon!!! from Ginza
She's so sweet. I hope she comes back.

05-04-2014, 11:55 AM
I never got to see lemon but she had very good ARs. Sweet as a lemon!

05-04-2014, 11:58 AM
I never got to see lemon but she had very good ARs. Sweet as a lemon!

Did she go off and get married ??

05-04-2014, 12:05 PM
By my reckoning marriage is a four letter word. Wash your mouth out with soap WayneK.

But I have to agree Lemon is a fantastic girl.


05-04-2014, 12:05 PM
Maybe she got squeezed ...

05-04-2014, 12:25 PM
Well they are all good roots, so it would boil down to which one is the best cook ;)

I would arrange a cook-off to see which girl could cook me the best meal: "My Brothel Rules" ;)

05-04-2014, 12:32 PM
Haha... I like cooking, so I'd have to go for the one that was the most pleasant/ least moody to be around. Yeah the girls are all smiles when we're on the clock, but based on my experience the best roots are usually the biggest head cases and really do a number on you. All of the best fucks I've ever had (girlfriends) were the ones that were the hardest to live with, mood swings, split personalities or just messed up :-( if I ever found a girl that was good looking, easy to get on with, stable/pleasant and good in bed I could care less if she never cooked a single meal for me.

A better tv show might be "perfect brothel match" ;-)

astro boy
05-04-2014, 12:35 PM
Did she go off and get married ??

You would be very surprised like I was to find out that some of the Girls where actually married/ or had Bf's... left their hubbys/ etc back home,
and ran riot here in Australia..
Others married here and left the business, others have been married for a while with younglings and still doing tricks...
You just can't tell

05-04-2014, 01:02 PM
I'm always shocked to hear about WLs who have kids, like seriously WTF? In one of the Brisbane threads a guy was telling a story about a WL he fucked in a hotel while her toddler slept in a bed in the same room lol!

05-04-2014, 01:05 PM
A better tv show might be "perfect brothel match" ;-)
Or " Punter Wants A Wife ( In A WL )"

05-04-2014, 01:20 PM
I'd say up to a certain point a woman taking cock is not disgusting at all, but after a certain threshold yeh it starts to become gross and becomes incrementally more disgusting thereafter with every additional cock she takes


so a nasty old beaten up bar slut whose sucked a few hundred cocks is pretty disgusting. But I don't think you can really compare a prostitute and garden variety slut on a cock for cock basis.


Prostitutes fuck a lot of weird, old, ugly, creepy men and they tend to get violated and abused in ways sluts don't,

Can't remember the last time I was violated or abused. Maybe some are, I personally wouldn't allow it.

Just wondering if you would tell any future wife/gf of your punting escapades? Double standards, perhaps?

05-04-2014, 01:49 PM
Or " Punter Wants A Wife ( In A WL )"

maybe - Perfect Snatch

Does that have legs?

05-04-2014, 01:49 PM
dont mind scrawley Jade, nobody shares his views

05-04-2014, 02:03 PM
Australian society at large holds these views you fool, basically every culture in every country on Earth considers 'sluts' and 'prostitutes' unclean. This is not a personal judgement just a statement of fact.

Anyway, Jade to answer your question, n'ah I wouldnt confess to a partner that I'd visited prostitutes. Similarly, if I was a female sex worker I'd never admit to a partner, friend or family member that I prostituted myself for a living. Not out of shame mind you, but just in recognition of the low regard 99% of people hold this profession in

05-04-2014, 02:35 PM
Australian society at large holds these views you fool, basically every culture in every country on Earth considers 'sluts' and 'prostitutes' unclean. This is not a personal judgement just a statement of fact.

Anyway, Jade to answer your question, n'ah I wouldnt confess to a partner that I'd visited prostitutes. Similarly, if I was a female sex worker I'd never admit to a partner, friend or family member that I prostituted myself for a living. Not out of shame mind you, but just in recognition of the low regard 99% of people hold this profession in

well said scrawley bro.

Personally I would never intentionally want to marry an ex whore not because of the amount of men they've slept with, but more so because of what them being capable of whoring themselves says about them as a person.

05-04-2014, 02:53 PM
well said scrawley bro.

Personally I would never intentionally want to marry an ex whore not because of the amount of men they've slept with, but more so because of what them being capable of whoring themselves says about them as a person.

Mmmm. - no mirrors in your place ??

05-04-2014, 02:59 PM
Mmmm. - no mirrors in your place ??
Obviously not !

05-04-2014, 03:36 PM
well said scrawley bro.

Personally I would never intentionally want to marry an ex whore not because of the amount of men they've slept with, but more so because of what them being capable of whoring themselves says about them as a person.

So its ok to visit a prostitute but not Ok to for a girl to be one! That sounds like double standard to me, I just love working ladies they are so down to earth they know what makes the world go round.

05-04-2014, 03:46 PM
You're implying BFE is a hypocrite but he's not

Ask a prostitute if she'd consider marrying a punter and many would say no. Many hold their customers in low regard and would much rather find a 'decent', 'regular' guy to settle down

Similarly, many young men enjoy using prostitutes - sure, they find it enjoyable to pound a new pussy, fling their muck on a new set of tits etc - but when it comes to marriage most would never consider taking a prostitute as a wife!!

I think the only reasons anyone would do this are:

(a) they dont know the girl is / was a WL
(b) they are old / ugly / of low value to women for some reason
(c) are deeply involved in the sex worker scene (shop owner, pimp etc) to such an extent that they are out of touch with mainstream societal norms and the notion of marrying a prostitute seems quite unremarkable
(d) they are degenerate drug addicts who use her income to feed their habit

05-04-2014, 03:48 PM
which one are you oneoneone? If I had to guess I'd say (b) old and ugly

So its ok to visit a prostitute but not Ok to for a girl to be one! That sounds like double standard to me, I just love working ladies they are so down to earth they know what makes the world go round.

05-04-2014, 03:58 PM
Australian society at large holds these views you fool,

Listen here you fool.

If 99% of people think 'prostitutes' are unclean, why is the sex industry doing such a roaring trade? How many brothels, R'n'T, privates are there in Sydney for a start?

I would have no problems marrying a male prostitute/stripper. Actually I would love to do double act with him for couples, etc.

I also had 3 and a 1/2 year relationship with ex client. So what?

05-04-2014, 04:02 PM
which one are you oneoneone? If I had to guess I'd say (b) old and ugly

Yes that's me arsehole but then you obviously don't have any mirrors left in your place you cracked them all.

If you can get your head out of your arse long enough you will realise not all wl are drug addicts and a lot of them work in the industry out of necessity.

This was a thread about marrying wl or ml but you had to turn it into a personal attack on me, is there something wrong with you?

05-04-2014, 04:05 PM
So its ok to visit a prostitute but not Ok to for a girl to be one! That sounds like double standard to me, I just love working ladies they are so down to earth they know what makes the world go round.

LOL See if they will treat you the same way if you don't pay them the $$$

05-04-2014, 04:08 PM
You're implying BFE is a hypocrite but he's not

Ask a prostitute if she'd consider marrying a punter and many would say no. Many hold their customers in low regard and would much rather find a 'decent', 'regular' guy to settle down

Similarly, many young men enjoy using prostitutes - sure, they find it enjoyable to pound a new pussy, fling their muck on a new set of tits etc - but when it comes to marriage most would never consider taking a prostitute as a wife!!

I think the only reasons anyone would do this are:

(a) they dont know the girl is / was a WL
(b) they are old / ugly / of low value to women for some reason
(c) are deeply involved in the sex worker scene (shop owner, pimp etc) to such an extent that they are out of touch with mainstream societal norms and the notion of marrying a prostitute seems quite unremarkable
(d) they are degenerate drug addicts who use her income to feed their habit

Have to agree with your comments above, although judging by the responses already I think your comments are not going to be well received on this forum haha

05-04-2014, 04:11 PM
Well they are all good roots, so it would boil down to which one is the best cook ;)

I would arrange a cook-off to see which girl could cook me the best meal: "My Brothel Rules" ;)

You have been watching to many cooking show lately Rooter :)

05-04-2014, 04:46 PM
ML for sure. Not only her vagina will be tighter, but also great hand / oral skills!

05-04-2014, 04:48 PM
Oh I see, so you when some geezer rents you for half hour to pound your pussy and dump a load in your mouth he's doing this because he respects you? n'ah, he's just acting out a biological urge

Also, this isnt about you,no disrespect intended am just saying it as it is

Listen here you fool.

If 99% of people think 'prostitutes' are unclean, why is the sex industry doing such a roaring trade? How many brothels, R'n'T, privates are there in Sydney for a start?

I would have no problems marrying a male prostitute/stripper. Actually I would love to do double act with him for couples, etc.

I also had 3 and a 1/2 year relationship with ex client. So what?

05-04-2014, 07:27 PM
Oh I see, so you when some geezer rents you for half hour to pound your pussy and dump a load in your mouth he's doing this because he respects you? n'ah, he's just acting out a biological urge

Also, this isnt about you,no disrespect intended am just saying it as it is
This behaviour shouldn't be tolerated on this forum !

05-04-2014, 10:45 PM
This thread really opened up a can of worms. I remember responding to an online survey last year, or was it earlier this year? Some uni thing about views on working ladies and sex. Some of the questions seemed really loaded, like "which of the following ladies would most be affected by being raped?" a) a white girl, b) an asian girl c) a prostitute. And similar questions like that, where you're just thinking "seriously? All of them!". It just seemed like whoever wrote the survey had an axe to grind against men. Reading it, I was thinking "man, there must really be some assholes out there, real low life shitheads that got brought up in bad households, where their fathers disrespected their mothers so they grew up the same way, thinking that sex is all a woman is good for and they'll probably never know how to respect and cherish a woman whether she's a working lady or not", and I was feeling sorry for the ladies (working or otherwise) that come across this type of man. Then BAM, here's scrawley.

06-04-2014, 12:03 AM
This thread really opened up a can of worms. I remember responding to an online survey last year, or was it earlier this year? Some uni thing about views on working ladies and sex. Some of the questions seemed really loaded, like "which of the following ladies would most be affected by being raped?" a) a white girl, b) an asian girl c) a prostitute. And similar questions like that, where you're just thinking "seriously? All of them!". It just seemed like whoever wrote the survey had an axe to grind against men. Reading it, I was thinking "man, there must really be some assholes out there, real low life shitheads that got brought up in bad households, where their fathers disrespected their mothers so they grew up the same way, thinking that sex is all a woman is good for and they'll probably never know how to respect and cherish a woman whether she's a working lady or not", and I was feeling sorry for the ladies (working or otherwise) that come across this type of man. Then BAM, here's scrawley.

Yep, since this is an open forum, undesirables like these people can infiltrate a happy community, all we can do is to be vigilant and help clean out the trash !

06-04-2014, 12:06 AM
I hear the garbage truck coming..... good thing too, that trash is really starting to stink

06-04-2014, 02:26 AM
Yep, since this is an open forum, undesirables like these people can infiltrate a happy community, all we can do is to be vigilant and help clean out the trash !

I'm pretty sure at least one advertiser is happy that he got banned!

Again! Again ! And again !!!

06-04-2014, 02:56 AM
This behaviour shouldn't be tolerated on this forum !

harden up wilisno.

06-04-2014, 08:21 AM
This thread really opened up a can of worms. I remember responding to an online survey last year, or was it earlier this year? Some uni thing about views on working ladies and sex. Some of the questions seemed really loaded, like "which of the following ladies would most be affected by being raped?" a) a white girl, b) an asian girl c) a prostitute. And similar questions like that, where you're just thinking "seriously? All of them!". It just seemed like whoever wrote the survey had an axe to grind against men. Reading it, I was thinking "man, there must really be some assholes out there, real low life shitheads that got brought up in bad households, where their fathers disrespected their mothers so they grew up the same way, thinking that sex is all a woman is good for and they'll probably never know how to respect and cherish a woman whether she's a working lady or not", and I was feeling sorry for the ladies (working or otherwise) that come across this type of man. Then BAM, here's scrawley.

I could not agree with you more bro I was beginning to think I was the only one who thought he was a ratbag!

06-04-2014, 03:06 PM
I would have no problems marrying a male prostitute/stripper.

why does that not surprise me?

LOL See if they will treat you the same way if you don't pay them the $$$

They will treat you just as good, if not better. Good_Guy_Greg bro has already proven that theory.

06-04-2014, 05:21 PM
Is everybody over the opinionated bullshit we've had shoved in our faces?.........ALRIGHTY THEN!
To answer the original question, I'd pick Michelle from 533. Great disposition! Step aside Yellow fever & find yourself another wife!

06-04-2014, 05:32 PM
Awwwww man!

She's not the best root or the best looker, but she's positive friendly and happy and you get the feeling she'd be easy to live with the other 98% of the time when you're not having sex. There are so many hot young girls out there working, but I just think most of them would be a disaster as a wife

06-04-2014, 06:55 PM
Book a girl, visit the shop, hand over the money, enjoy yourself and then forget about her until next time. Thats the way to do it son

A brothel is no place to look for a wife. If you are really that desperate to get married you should subscribe to a dating website or ask a female friend to hook you up

06-04-2014, 07:07 PM
Geeze bro, the internet is no place to take things seriously/literally. Like if someone asked you "which porn start would you date?", do you think they really mean it as a serious question? Or how about "which book would you take to the moon?" ;-). It's just idle talk. Like me and chocs here, we're off to 533 to start courting michelle tomorrow, we're gonna arm wrestle to see who gets to marry her?

Nah instead of that I'm going to 19 Pritchard to see which girl does the best BBBJ. Most of us are already married anyhow and not being Muslim we can only have one wife.

07-04-2014, 12:14 AM
Forget the arm wrestle yellow fever the only way to settle this is a good old fashion joust. What do you say old chap, fancy wearing some armour whilst holding a lance & riding a horse? It's the most noble way to win the heart of a WL

07-04-2014, 12:24 AM
I agree. Lets follow it up with pistol dualing should the joust fail to yield results. Followed by hand to hand combat to the death should we both miss with the pistols ;-)

07-04-2014, 12:50 AM
I agree. Lets follow it up with pistol dualing should the joust fail to yield results. Followed by hand to hand combat to the death should we both miss with the pistols ;-)

I believe the proper way to settle this would be a pissing competitiion ...
Or perhaps a cock fight!

07-04-2014, 09:55 AM
It doesn't matter wl or ml.
They're all individuals and should be respected on their own merits rather than judged by how 'loose' they are and other stereotypes

07-04-2014, 02:23 PM
Maybe you should get into the arranged marriage business for a fee!

07-04-2014, 02:40 PM
You be surprised how many are looking for Gf or long term partners in 5*

And they are not POOR or unemployed either:miao:

I saw one of my favourite 5 Star girl with her boyfriend (tall and manly!) shopping at Coles World Square, they were holding hands, kissing and mucking around, so much in love, she was beaming in smiles, very happy to see that she has found happiness............:smile:

07-04-2014, 07:06 PM
I saw one of my favourite 5 Star girl with her boyfriend (tall and manly!) shopping at Coles World Square, they were holding hands, kissing and mucking around, so much in love, she was beaming in smiles, very happy to see that she has found happiness............:smile:

Happiness is a warm wallet ...

07-04-2014, 07:22 PM
Happiness is a warm wallet ...

Cynic !!! :P

07-04-2014, 07:49 PM
I believe the proper way to settle this would be a pissing competitiion ...
Or perhaps a cock fight!

regarding the cock fight,
I can see the news headlines now '2 punters cross swords in an epic fight to the death'.. lol