View Full Version : General talk Brilliant blog by a WL.

15-04-2014, 08:44 AM

Take some time to read it. Beautifully made point.

15-04-2014, 10:56 AM

Take some time to read it. Beautifully made point.

Yeah; seems like the writer, about the sex industry in today's SMH, has read this blog.

15-04-2014, 07:39 PM
Can someone summarise the article for those of us who got put off by the first few sentences ...

15-04-2014, 08:46 PM
Its a blog written by a feminist prostitute. She writes about a recent Q&A episode where Mia Freedman made the apparently controversial claim that she didnt want her 7 year old daughter to become a prostitute when she grew up.

On the panel discussion that night there was a pseudo intellectual ex-prostitute called brooke magnanti. Brooke was so offended by what mia said that night that after the show she went to her blog and published an elaborate retort.

In her response Brooke criticised Mia for stereotyping all prostitutes as being victims of abuse with mental illnesses (although she admits to having mental illnesses herself and being a victim of childhood sexual abuse) Brooke also criticises Mia for suggesting that a mother should not support their young child's decision to become a prostitute.

Can someone summarise the article for those of us who got put off by the first few sentences ...

15-04-2014, 09:45 PM
Not an accurate summation there clearview.

Now this blogger is not Brooke, and the first paragraph deals with the catch 22 nonsensical debate of "Would you support your daughter?". What pissed a lot of the WL's off was that Freedman made the same ill informed judgements so many do "Nobody chooses to be hooker unless they are mentally ill etc" kind of allegations. The problem with that being, well with so much of the population being diagnosed with mental illness who does that leave?
Then it goes on to query why working in menial soul-sapping jobs like call-centre or hospitality are not viewed the same way. She goes in to details her views on why she, as PTSD sufferer, is more than capable of working in the industry and how she handles it. She takes to task the insinuation all punters are preying on the weak and hapless, that somehow both the working ladies and the punters are some kind of societal outcast. She goes in to details how centrelink or disability benefits are not only no way to live (and should she do so would she not be just another dole bludger?) but degrading to be forced to live off such a pittance. She goes at length about how Freedman deemed their choice to be working ladies as "not a real choice"

The main crux of it though is this paragraph "Basically what Mia Freedman and others who hold the same view are saying is that the only real choices made by those in marginalised positions are those that fit with their own belief system and their own comfort levels. We make all our choices within the context of our lives, What choices of mine are real considering they were all made by me in the same circumstances in which I chose sex work? Is it because “No one would really choose to do sex work?” because we have already established that yes some people do choose to do sex work and Mia can even accept and respect that choice given the sex worker has lived a charmed life and never experienced mental illness, drug addiction, abuse, living in a country where they don’t speak the main language spoken and so on and so forth. Either accept my and others’ choice to do sex work in circumstances that are not charmed or come out and say that you don’t think marginalised people’s choices count at all because you can’t have it both ways and pick and choice which choices are real."

It is a worthwhile read cunninglinguist.

15-04-2014, 10:09 PM

15-04-2014, 11:14 PM
Thanks, I'll have another go!

16-04-2014, 12:15 AM
Erm, and where do all the Wl's we see that are happy-go-lucky and fun and bold, and definitely not mentally ill, fit into this?

I know that the WL web-logger can only write from her experience, and she is right about the validity of an individual's choices, and their right to choose based on their individual circumstances - and another right not to be judged by others who know nothing about her beyond assuming her to be a childlike victim. But the fact that she does have a mental illness probably raises yet another prejudice amongst readers of her web log, and that is

"Mentally ill and working as a WL? That figures!"

We need an equally eloquent web-logger to pronounce her complete sanity and write so well about her choice to be a WL!

16-04-2014, 09:05 AM
I agree sextus. In fact I'd like to see a series of responses from a series of different backgrounds, each obviously only able to respond from their own experience but showing that each choice for this profession is valid in it's own set of circumstances.

16-04-2014, 10:03 AM
I don't know a lot of WLs as I mostly go RnT .

With the limited recent experiences I had with FS , I only really know one person who used to work at 5 star, so my opinion could be off a single situation: well, she is a smart cookie , here as a student, not those English visa college but proper university studies . She was very popular but she only worked enough to support herself plus some money to help out her family back home, definitely working on her own free will and now have retired from the industry !

I do know a couple other ladies who I met in RnT shops : one arrived in Sydney knowing nothing about RnT and made little money so by choice she moved on to FS and that's about it, she still popped up here and there and seems to be doing ok .

I remember she told me once after she worked one week in a FS shop, she sent $5,000 back home to her daughter ! Don't know how many days or shifts she worked but that's a lot of sessions for sure! Tough job but she did it for the money and her family , respect ! Now she still worked in FS but in between she worked in some RnT so that her body can have a rest, she just can't take the pounding continuously ! Poor thing !

Another pretty well known lady primarily worked in FS shops then she met her boyfriend at the shop, they started seeing each other outside, hooked up and lived together pretty quickly, I think he really loved her and she mainly wanted the visa !

He wanted to support her but obviously can't provide the same amount of money she was earning, so she continued to work!

Eventually she quitted the FS and switched to RnT and they could be married by now !

Just a few true stories among thousands of others happening everyday around us!

Just my three cents !


16-04-2014, 06:47 PM
0One has to wonder, given similar amounts of money, would a lady/man/haemaphrodite choose to be a brain surgeon or prostitute? [regardless of their background] Once you answer this question, then the rest is reasonably clear whether it's a choice etc... There are of course exceptions, as pointed out by AHLUNGOR.

The other question is the same one but what if we assume that money is not an issue, ie working for free because you have heaps of money. Would you choose brain surgeon or prostitute?

16-04-2014, 07:11 PM
0One has to wonder, given similar amounts of money, would a lady/man/haemaphrodite choose to be a brain surgeon or prostitute? [regardless of their background] Once you answer this question, then the rest is reasonably clear whether it's a choice etc... There are of course exceptions, as pointed out by AHLUNGOR.

The other question is the same one but what if we assume that money is not an issue, ie working for free because you have heaps of money. Would you choose brain surgeon or prostitute?

Some WLs are brain "surgeons", they can mindfuck you if you are not careful!

16-04-2014, 07:15 PM
Would you choose brain surgeon or prostitute?

What would you choose if the shop girls paid you to fuck them? :shout:

16-04-2014, 07:33 PM
0One has to wonder, given similar amounts of money, would a lady/man/haemaphrodite choose to be a brain surgeon or prostitute? [regardless of their background] Once you answer this question, then the rest is reasonably clear whether it's a choice etc... There are of course exceptions, as pointed out by AHLUNGOR.

The other question is the same one but what if we assume that money is not an issue, ie working for free because you have heaps of money. Would you choose brain surgeon or prostitute?

I think you may have opened another can of worms there!!

I suppose prostitution by definition is to provide sexual services in exchange for money, or in the pre-monetary days - foods or goods !!

And I remember there was an old sayings , the difference between a whore and a gold digger is not the no. of people this woman would fuck, but rather how much is the price tag !

There is a further say that everyone has a price ! And that price is not necessary in money terms !

So what is the different between a prostitute who fucked 1,000 men @$100 a shot to make $100,000 vs a B-list celebrity who fucked a rich man for $100,000 a night ?

What about a Uni student who fucked the professor for free in exchange for an A grade!

Your own secretary who sucks your cock or let you fuck her after work in exchange for a 20% pay rise ??

There are endless of examples:

Sex for money, sex for free stuffs , sex for promotion , corruptions. Political supports, insider trading, or whatever the dealing might be !

So, is there any difference between prostitution and any of the above !

16-04-2014, 07:34 PM
LOL I would still pay to fuck them so I owe nothing! :love:

What would you choose if the shop girls paid you to fuck them? :shout:

16-04-2014, 08:21 PM
Interesting question. I think there is an important difference.

A gold-digger / student sucking professors cock / secretary sucking boss cock are all trading sexual favours for some sort of benefit. True. The difference is that they choose whose cock they suck and when they suck it. A prostitute on the other hand is gonna to suck the cock of whatever dude walks through the door, regardless of how ugly / old / creepy he may be.

I think this is at the core of why prostitutes are considered so 'dirty' and lacking in value. For example, many punters consider MLs to be 'cleaner' and more wholesome than prostitutes despite the fact an ML might suck a half dozen cocks every day. Again, it comes down to the fact that unlike prostitutes MLs CHOOSE which cocks they suck!

I think you may have opened another can of worms there!!

I suppose prostitution by definition is to provide sexual services in exchange for money, or in the pre-monetary days - foods or goods !!

And I remember there was an old sayings , the difference between a whore and a gold digger is not the no. of people this woman would fuck, but rather how much is the price tag !

There is a further say that everyone has a price ! And that price is not necessary in money terms !

So what is the different between a prostitute who fucked 1,000 men @$100 a shot to make $100,000 vs a B-list celebrity who fucked a rich man for $100,000 a night ?

What about a Uni student who fucked the professor for free in exchange for an A grade!

Your own secretary who sucks your cock or let you fuck her after work in exchange for a 20% pay rise ??

There are endless of examples:

Sex for money, sex for free stuffs , sex for promotion , corruptions. Political supports, insider trading, or whatever the dealing might be !

So, is there any difference between prostitution and any of the above !

16-04-2014, 08:26 PM
This guy sums it up so well ...


today i go out to walk in shopping mall to clear my head..

i see man, women, man and women with small children..

i think to myself why i fall in love with harlot woman..

can never go to shopping like this.. cannot have harlot woman by my side..

harlot woman lost all value, trade body for money..
trade lies from tongue.. use man for money..
fake love.. fake nice..
maybe she really care.. but i do not know.. never know.. cant trust..
because she is harlot woman.. already sold worth for money..
any man can try harlot woman.. fat, ugly, old just have to pay $70
make me feel sick.. anything feel lost long time ago..

seeing other man at shopping my mind start to think.. what if this man have sleep with my harlot woman..
make me feel sick..

i feel sick.. that i have feeling for harlot woman..

make me sick..
my accident..

just want to share..

16-04-2014, 08:37 PM
This guy sums it up so well ...


You do have a clearview of what's been talked about on this forum, what's your former username ? :miao:

16-04-2014, 09:44 PM
Another couple of blogs by seemingly normal, intelligent, private WLs.



I follow both of these WLs on twitter, among many others.

Hope the links work, not sure if I posted it correctly?

16-04-2014, 11:46 PM
Thats an interesting way to look at
things. Some WLs talk about their work in sex industry in terms of self-empowerment (like the feminist prostitute author of that blog) or charitable community service (like those strange women who specialise in providing sexual relief to disabled people) but I'm pretty sure 99% of them do it for the dollars and would leave the industry in a heartbeat if they could earn the same income doing something else. A lot of punters on this forum act as though prostitution is a completely normal and respectable occupation but this point of view ignores the fact that work in the sex industry brutalises many women. A mother that grooms her young daughter to be a prostitute would be arrested and have her child removed and this is as it should be

0One has to wonder, given similar amounts of money, would a lady/man/haemaphrodite choose to be a brain surgeon or prostitute? [regardless of their background] Once you answer this question, then the rest is reasonably clear whether it's a choice etc... There are of course exceptions, as pointed out by AHLUNGOR.

The other question is the same one but what if we assume that money is not an issue, ie working for free because you have heaps of money. Would you choose brain surgeon or prostitute?

17-04-2014, 12:52 AM
You do have a clearview of what's been talked about on this forum, what's your former username ? :miao:

Yeap, he sure sounds like a very seasoned poster, may be one of those frequently returning ex members ??

17-04-2014, 11:37 AM
That is true of MOST professions though. If a solicitor could earn the same $ waiting tables on weekends would he work 16 hour days? If a call centre supervisor could earn as much being a musician you think they wouldn't drop the call centre in a heartbeat? The VAST majority of people work to get by. No more. It is a rare and lucky person who does what they love for money.

And many wl's do choose who they will/won't provide services to. Every few months a new thread starts of people having been refused service or something similar based on their look and or race.

In the end though it all comes down to a point of view. To me a girl who fucks her way to a position of affluence or power is no different to a wl. It's a means to an end.

17-04-2014, 10:51 PM
Dude, you are correct and I agree. But in this case, the answer to that specific question I asked reveals the essence of the conversation. Very few in their right minds would choose being a prostitute.

That is true of MOST professions though. If a solicitor could earn the same $ waiting tables on weekends would he work 16 hour days? If a call centre supervisor could earn as much being a musician you think they wouldn't drop the call centre in a heartbeat? The VAST majority of people work to get by. No more. It is a rare and lucky person who does what they love for money.

And many wl's do choose who they will/won't provide services to. Every few months a new thread starts of people having been refused service or something similar based on their look and or race.

In the end though it all comes down to a point of view. To me a girl who fucks her way to a position of affluence or power is no different to a wl. It's a means to an end.

17-04-2014, 10:55 PM
Thanks they do work. Still doesn't really answer the question about choice really. There is no doubt that some are born to be prostitutes and enjoy it. I think it's literally one in a thousand though. perhaps 10,000.

Also another interesting question is, why are the faces blurred (on self portraits) on most prostitute websites?

Another couple of blogs by seemingly normal, intelligent, private WLs.



I follow both of these WLs on twitter, among many others.

Hope the links work, not sure if I posted it correctly?