View Full Version : General talk Priorities

24-04-2014, 09:52 AM
So, I was in David Jones the other day looking to buy some clothes for winter and found myself thinking 'fuck, $200 for a sweater. What a rip off'. Then I realised I drop $300+ on massages every week without a second thought and still struggled to justify $200 on a sweater that I would wear acouple times during winter and spring.

I just thought it was funny where my priorities lied. Any bros experience anything similar?

24-04-2014, 10:20 AM
I usually go through the Sale section of this website when I'm trying to save money on clothes its really reliable and you won't have the problem of bumping into someone who has the same shirt. Delivery takes about a week.

Action Pump
24-04-2014, 04:44 PM
I'm the same with my clothing. I'm happy to drop thousands on my hobbies but i would think a couple of times before buying clothes.

24-04-2014, 05:36 PM
Try lowes. Sweaters are only about $20.

24-04-2014, 06:22 PM
We're guys.
Clothes really aren't top priority

24-04-2014, 07:07 PM
So, I was in David Jones the other day looking to buy some clothes for winter and found myself thinking 'fuck, $200 for a sweater. What a rip off'. Then I realised I drop $300+ on massages every week without a second thought and still struggled to justify $200 on a sweater that I would wear acouple times during winter and spring.

I just thought it was funny where my priorities lied. Any bros experience anything similar?

Try to justify how a ML who only makes $20 a shot in tip to jerk strangers off who wont have a second thought to drop $4-5,000 on a designer hand bag !!

24-04-2014, 07:48 PM
So, I was in David Jones the other day looking to buy some clothes for winter and found myself thinking 'fuck, $200 for a sweater. What a rip off'. Then I realised I drop $300+ on massages every week without a second thought and still struggled to justify $200 on a sweater that I would wear acouple times during winter and spring.

I just thought it was funny where my priorities lied. Any bros experience anything similar?

I'm kinda got this effect when trying to buy loaf of bread or other foods just to save $1 or 2...while have no worries in deciding my next punt. Lol

24-04-2014, 08:25 PM
Ebay...not worried whether I drop that much on a joint or shopping

24-04-2014, 09:06 PM
how are those $30 jeans treating you gooch?? LOL

seriously, its worth investing money in a decent set of threads, the bitches love it and you'll feel like a million dollars.

I usually go through the Sale section of this website when I'm trying to save money on clothes its really reliable and you won't have the problem of bumping into someone who has the same shirt. Delivery takes about a week.

24-04-2014, 09:43 PM
how are those $30 jeans treating you gooch?? LOL

seriously, its worth investing money in a decent set of threads, the bitches love it and you'll feel like a million dollars.

Thanks they're pretty good. "Bitches" ???? wow you must really dislike women, that word is a hate filled derogatory term.

black knight
24-04-2014, 10:02 PM
I look at it the other way, I some times like to kick myself after spending $300 on one punt
when i could have purchased that real smart suit/Jacket or
that return flight to Melb/GoldCoast.
Just need to find that balance

24-04-2014, 10:31 PM
My spending priorities:

no.1 - tending to my investments (seeing my nest egg grow makes my cock harder than a bitch ever could!)

no.2 - supporting my favorite charities (helping blind children and injured animals is like food for my soul)

no.3 - buying the latest designer clothing brands (its a hobby of mine - when Im wearing the latest True Religion jeans or yeezy kicks I feel like a champ)

no.4 - entertaining / being entertained by my bitches (nuff said)

astro boy
24-04-2014, 11:04 PM
My spending priorities:

no.1 - tending to my investments (seeing my nest egg grow makes my cock harder than a bitch ever could!)

no.2 - supporting my favorite charities (helping blind children and injured animals is like food for my soul)

no.3 - buying the latest designer clothing brands (its a hobby of mine - when Im wearing the latest True Religion jeans or yeezy kicks I feel like a champ)

no.4 - entertaining / being entertained by my bitches (nuff said)
Very balanced Clearview.. your name says it all..
When can I make a appointment !!

Sergaent Brody
24-04-2014, 11:25 PM
If you are a gambler, the paradox is even more startling but that doesn't stop gamblers gamble or punters punt ...

I threw away $1,500 in pokies today and I could land a great double or pay for two weeks of my kid's school fees but it didn't occur to me when I did it ...

25-04-2014, 12:12 AM
Clearview, some additional food for your soul, or at least food for thought, might involve not calling women "bitches". Jesus.

25-04-2014, 12:25 AM
Clearview, some additional food for your soul, or at least food for thought, might involve not calling women "bitches". Jesus.

Amen brother. Jesus. There is no other name.

25-04-2014, 12:42 AM
Yeah, I am totally inconsistent with my spending habits.
When doing the shopping I'll check which milk coffee pasta veges etc are 40cents cheaper and then I'll go punting or gambling or drinking or whatever, and spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars like it was nothing.
At least 80% of my disposable income goes on entertainment and vice.

25-04-2014, 11:05 AM
I always look for value!