View Full Version : Ginza snowy

26-04-2014, 12:00 AM
Instead of writing a regular ar I decided to use it as inspiration and wrap the encounter up in a larger story. i took creative license with the start, but the actual encounter is documented well enough with enough fact that the 2nd half is effectively an ar.

Hope you like.

Humour me. Please. Indulge this old withered body. The memory is sketchy. Indulge me before the alzimers settles in.

An autumn afternoon. Trees are golden. A slight breeze in the air.

I sit on a bench under a tree. The breeze picks up. Leaves rustle. My failing eyes catch the movement of a leaf dancing along the footpath. I watch it dance to the feet of a passersby. Female. Young. Face vaguely familiar.

A memory. A memory is triggered. It takes me back to my youth....

I ascend the stairs. Steep they are. So steep I'd call them a ladder if I were to climb them in my current aging body.

A door opens. She's all smiles. Full of youth and innocence yet dressed in a outfit that would make a priest blush. Sunday morning warmth floods the room from the windows. Her skin glows in the light. Ethereal.

I'm unsure. The back of my hand cautiously touches her cheek, wishing that I don't shatter the dream. It's real. She's real.

I grow ambitious and draw her face to mine. Lips meet. Soft and tender. I trail kisses across her cheek and down her neck. She gasps and nuzzles into my neck.

I release the constraints across her chest. My hand plays in the S of her back. She holds me tighter for a moment I wish to last an eternity.

The embrace is broken and we relocate to the bed, loosing clothing along the way. Angelic in this morning light, diffused by curtains, she radiates the innocence of a new born cherub to my old eyes. Her eyes sparkle with that innocence. The room warms when she smiles. I kiss her. On the lips. On the neck. And all the way down.... She wiggles in delight of the Sensation. I pause to look at her. She's looking back down at me. Her big eyes twinkling. A smile across her lips.

She's absolutely gorgeous in my eyes. The innocence...

I lay on top of her.... stealing her innocence away... And I kiss her again. I could do this for all eternity. We grind slowly savouring the sensation. Her eyes catch mine and they betray her. She wants it harder... faster. We reach our crescendo.

26-04-2014, 12:55 AM
I'm impressed x11. Your prose brings me back to my high school years, all those creative writing tasks! Though mine was never as evocative lol. Great AR. Well done.

27-04-2014, 11:54 AM
lol if we were writing this way at school then things might be different. .. haha.... We might be writing for mills and boom!

27-04-2014, 12:22 PM
xxx xxx xxx

28-04-2014, 09:59 AM
I'm not quite happy with the ending. I feel i peaked and came to soon. .. pun intended lol.