View Full Version : General talk Do Asian girls play hard to get?

28-04-2014, 08:00 AM
Hello fellow brothers,

I am here to ask for help (because you guys seem to give such good advice). In your experience in pursuing Asian (non-WL) girls, do they play hard to get? And if so, how do you tell the difference between hard to get and not interested? Especially interested in those who currently have an Asian gf and she played hard to get before they actually dated.

28-04-2014, 08:44 AM
Most women play hard to get that's they way they are!

28-04-2014, 08:55 AM
When u get the money then u get the power . When u get the power you get the woman

28-04-2014, 09:56 AM
You will have a better chance if you are Asian yourself, or white Aussie ! IMHO only

And no, I don't think Asian girls are hard to catch but I think they will be very clear of her own marketability (non WL !) if you aim too high, you may be out of you league. Just a thought

Good luck


28-04-2014, 10:26 AM
When u get the money then u get the power . When u get the power you get the woman

Best advice ever given.

Enough said.

28-04-2014, 10:45 AM
I like the late 20s- early 30s age group. I personally don't think they play hard to get. I find that this group are the ones that are looking to settle down, and playing games is just a waste of time.

As mentioned above, money is king, and I guess it doesn't hurt that I make a decent living too.

28-04-2014, 11:08 AM
Hello fellow brothers,

I am here to ask for help (because you guys seem to give such good advice). In your experience in pursuing Asian (non-WL) girls, do they play hard to get? And if so, how do you tell the difference between hard to get and not interested? Especially interested in those who currently have an Asian gf and she played hard to get before they actually dated.

With respect, I think if you need to get advice on here then your chances are not good. Just my opinion

28-04-2014, 11:17 AM
With respect, I think if you need to get advice on here then your chances are not good. Just my opinion

I don't agree. I think with respect he lacks experience with Asian girls hence the question.

28-04-2014, 11:34 AM
With respect

You need to be patient and have lots of $$$:miao:

By the time you have done both of these your too old so just forget it and go to a shop and pay for your fun, it works out cheaper in the long run.

28-04-2014, 11:52 AM
Dont listen to this guy

When u get the money then u get the power . When u get the power you get the woman

Women (all women, not just the Asian ones) are attracted to certain qualities and attributes in men. These include: physical attractiveness, wealth, social status, humour, personality and morals

Some women may focus on a particular quality (eg. men who are handsome, men who have good morals, men who are rich etc) but generally speaking they will consider the full range of factors when selecting a mate

Having said that, a significant deficiency in any one area (eg. you have no job or money / you are very ugly / you have zero personality) can be a deal breaker

summary - work with what you got, avoid women with a narrow focus, mininise your weaknesses and build on each of your strengths.

28-04-2014, 02:01 PM
Dont listen to this guy

Women (all women, not just the Asian ones) are attracted to certain qualities and attributes in men. These include: physical attractiveness, wealth, social status, humour, personality and morals

Some women may focus on a particular quality (eg. men who are handsome, men who have good morals, men who are rich etc) but generally speaking they will consider the full range of factors when selecting a mate

Having said that, a significant deficiency in any one area (eg. you have no job or money / you are very ugly / you have zero personality) can be a deal breaker

summary - work with what you got, avoid women with a narrow focus, mininise your weaknesses and build on each of your strengths.

As Cisco said....power and money, forget about the rest.

You want to tell me that Wendi Deng saw any other attributes besides money and power when she married Rupert Murdoch.

28-04-2014, 02:24 PM
scarface isnt real life you autist! Instead of spending your life in front of the tv why not venture out into the world. You'll find women dont all act like prostitutes (money in / sex out) they are complex creatures motivated by a wide range of factors. who knows, one day you might even get a fuck that you dont need to pay for lol!

28-04-2014, 02:34 PM
scarface isnt real life you autist! Instead of spending your life in front of the tv why not venture out into the world. You'll find women dont all act like prostitutes (money in / sex out) they are complex creatures motivated by a wide range of factors. who knows, one day you might even get a fuck that you dont need to pay for lol!

Just like George Costanza said...if I apply myself I might get it for free...
But is it really free? When you add up costs like dinner, movies, gifts etc. it does add up. It's not directly paying for sex but indirectly.

28-04-2014, 02:44 PM
I think thats probably true with the dating scene to some extent (although depends on situation, lots of girls insist on sharing costs, particularly those on a good salary) however if you have a GF / FB / SO the sex is pretty much free. You might be surprised how much money you save when you dont nee to visit a brothel

28-04-2014, 02:50 PM
By the time you have done both of these your too old so just forget it and go to a shop and pay for your fun, it works out cheaper in the long run.

True...I know we aren't all billionaires on here, but if you recall the divorce settlement of Paul McCarthy and Heather Mills...analysis was done to show that Sir Paul would have been better off with a high class escort rather than being married to Heather for 4 years. The clincher was that the escort would have put out as many times as Sir Paul wanted unlike his wife and without any excuses or mind games. It certainly would have cost less than £40 m.

28-04-2014, 02:54 PM
scarface isnt real life you autist! Instead of spending your life in front of the tv why not venture out into the world. You'll find women dont all act like prostitutes (money in / sex out) they are complex creatures motivated by a wide range of factors. who knows, one day you might even get a fuck that you dont need to pay for lol!

Personal attacks won't make your posts any more relevant. I suggest you read the forum rules and refrain from any more personal attacks.

In any case, the fact that you think money and power are not the only things that matter tells me that you don't really have either.

Keep pretending and good luck.

28-04-2014, 04:05 PM
Dont listen to this guy

Women (all women, not just the Asian ones) are attracted to certain qualities and attributes in men. These include: physical attractiveness, wealth, social status, humour, personality and morals

Some women may focus on a particular quality (eg. men who are handsome, men who have good morals, men who are rich etc) but generally speaking they will consider the full range of factors when selecting a mate

Having said that, a significant deficiency in any one area (eg. you have no job or money / you are very ugly / you have zero personality) can be a deal breaker

summary - work with what you got, avoid women with a narrow focus, mininise your weaknesses and build on each of your strengths.
You dont have to listen to me now but At some moment of time One day , you will understand. So tha full words is this , AGAIN .........In this life you gotta make the money first when you get money you get the power when you get the power you get the woman , yeah .....i recond that words is right Bu hahahah ;) .Is it wrong ? I dont think so :)

28-04-2014, 05:12 PM
There is a words No money No honey braaaaa ;) ;)

28-04-2014, 06:03 PM
Cisco, if thats working for you bro I say keep on doing what you're doing. There are certainly girls out there who care solely about money.

What do you look for in a girl? Im guessing looks. Well, if you find a beautiful girl that only cares about money (assuming you have any) it might be a match made in heaven, assuming you dont meet someone more beatiful and she doesnt meet someone with more money

To that guy who suggested wendi deng only married rupert murdoch because he is rich and powerful. Im sure this was a part of her thinking but you also need to account for the possibility that she was attracted to his amazing intellect. Believe it or not some girls dig smart men

Finally, I want you to remember the short lived marriage of james packer and jodi meahres. James is immensly rich and powerful. according to your view of the world he is all any girl could ever want. yet she chose to leave him to be with a paddington bar tender. why?

28-04-2014, 06:05 PM
This comment makes me think that spending so much time with prostitutes and in brothels has colored your view of the world

There is a words No money No honey braaaaa ;) ;)

28-04-2014, 06:12 PM
This comment makes me think that spending so much time with prostitutes and in brothels has colored your view of the world
Which one look more confidence or much better ?A man with money in pocket to chase a girl or A man without money in pocket to chase a girl ?
I think ,We are living in the money talk world not in the Romeo Juliet time , still No money No Honey ;);)

28-04-2014, 06:43 PM
I guess it depends on the girl, but as a generalisation:

An extremely handsome man (a tommy hilfiger model) who is also extremely intelligent and well read (doctorates in advanced mathematics and metaphysics) and moral (spends time in sub-saharan africa helping starving children)

would have a much better chance of picking up a girl compared to

a wealthy man, who is also fat and ugly, uneducated, stupid, shallow and boring

28-04-2014, 06:49 PM
Playing hard to get is not just an Asian thing.

If you're looking for a real gf and not a gfe (which everyone in a relationship knows is so fake) you're going to have to find someone who is sincere. If you do then you can work from there.

If you don't find someone who is interested you're wasting your time trying to impress.

28-04-2014, 06:59 PM
You can be married for years and they still play hard to get some things never change!

28-04-2014, 07:17 PM
Simple . Dont u think , when you are dating or in love with someone u want to give her a good beautiful dinner or make her happy ? Whats behind that ? MONEY .

28-04-2014, 07:26 PM
jeez man you aint the sharpest tool in the shed

yeah, if you can't afford to take your girl out to dinner you gonna have a problem. Most girls wont date a bum.

Similarly, if youre hideously ugly, or an extremely dull / socially introverted guy the odds arent stacked in your favour.

But that other guy creed said women ONLY care about money and power. I just wanted to make the point that women weigh up a bunch of different things.

ie. they may prefer a dude who has less money (but still reasonably well off) if he is better looking / nicer / more interesting etc

im speaking truth. Ask a girl (other than a prostitute) if you don't believe me! fuck

28-04-2014, 07:35 PM
From my experience:

Good stable job or a high level job (Lawyer, Doctor or etc), educated and the looks are not important. If your looking for those socialites wannabes.

If you connect with a girl then its all the same with other women regardless of race.I find Asian women from overseas do not play hard to get , if you got the confidence and do not be one of those ,"I will give you everything".

My first point made me a punter seeing some friends and my experiences in my current early 20's . I am just that sad but that's the truth.

28-04-2014, 09:08 PM
True...I know we aren't all billionaires on here, but if you recall the divorce settlement of Paul McCarthy and Heather Mills...analysis was done to show that Sir Paul would have been better off with a high class escort rather than being married to Heather for 4 years. The clincher was that the escort would have put out as many times as Sir Paul wanted unlike his wife and without any excuses or mind games. It certainly would have cost less than £40 m.

Plus he could have done it in all positions with an escort!
What a nasty piece of work that HM was ...

28-04-2014, 09:13 PM
I you use money and power to woo a girl you will get a girl that likes those things ...
If you don't you might find a genuine girl ..

28-04-2014, 09:30 PM
Some good points here bros, thank you very much for all the replies. But I would like to explore the original topic more - do girls play hard to get, and how can you tell between this and not being interested at all?

28-04-2014, 09:41 PM
Some good points here bros, thank you very much for all the replies. But I would like to explore the original topic more - do girls play hard to get, and how can you tell between this and not being interested at all?

If you went to a co-ed school you would have learnt these life skills already :)
Alot of girls are conditioned to play it wether they know it or not, if a girl is perceived to be easy by her peers she is labelled as a slut.

28-04-2014, 09:45 PM
creed and cisco talk about the importance of power as though they are don corleone! seriously dudes you both have a lot of growing up to do, girls dont think the way the you think they do

29-04-2014, 12:19 AM
If you went to a co-ed school you would have learnt these life skills already :)
Alot of girls are conditioned to play it wether they know it or not, if a girl is perceived to be easy by her peers she is labelled as a slut.

CunningLinguist is pretty much spot on about this where if a girl is seen 'easy' she will be seen as a slut by her peers. More so with asian girls. But with my experience not saying its right, but a lot of asian girls maybe 90% are real shy and will probably reject to talk to someone they don't know for the first time because their too shy. But if you are persistent, friendly and a little funny not in a creepy way they might loosen up and accept you.
A lot of western men might think this is perceived as hard to get but that's just their culture. I'm talking about Asian girls from overseas BTW, ones grown up in Australia are a bit different.

29-04-2014, 05:18 AM
The title is incomplete. "..Hard to get" what? " To bed?". If that's the case, asian women will fxxx you for 3 reasons: 1.For money 2. For love 3. For fun. The third type will be hard to find for you and even harder if you are Caucasian. However, I find Jap girls are an exception, they don't mind Aussie bros. Why, because they come to Aus. to get the "freedom" they want and once they return to Japan, then their sex life will basically be severely restricted. Further, I heard Jap guys have tiny dicks (pls don't be offended if you are Jap) just look at the size of their condom!. Not many Jap girls here in Sydney nowadays. Go to the Gold coast, more opportunities there if you look for Jap girls. Good luck and save a buck! Further, in general, Asian girls are more conservative when it comes to casual sex. There is a small number who will go for you $ and PR if you have these as a bait, mostly 40++.

01-05-2014, 09:10 PM
If you're worried that a girl is playing hard to get, chances are that she's just not interested. If she's interested then she'll make sure you know it pretty quickly.

Also Asian girls are just like every other race, you'll probably have better luck if you keep that in mind.

Anyway that's my advice, take it or leave it and good luck bro=]