View Full Version : So many posts by shops lately

30-12-2012, 08:41 PM
Looks like more and more shops are getting aggressive with their promotion of their girls. The shop roster has already moved to a different section. Now the general talk & AR is becoming almost like shop roster too.

30-12-2012, 09:12 PM
I think its a good idea to have the roster section separate but i think this should be followed up by shops being banned from posting rosters in the general or after reports section. All they are doing is taking a report on a girl and bumping it to the top of the list in most cases by saying the girl is working today or something similar. They should not be allowed to bump the report in this manner.

30-12-2012, 09:23 PM
The shops are panicking unnecessarily because business is slow at the moment. Do they know its Xmas holidays?
Things are always slow this time of the year. Punters go away on holiday, they spend more time with their kids and family, they have no money left after Xmas shopping.
Relax guys, the punters will after mid January.

30-12-2012, 09:57 PM
In some shops, our favourite girls have gone home for holidays too, and we don't want to get stuck with underperforming stand-ins.

30-12-2012, 10:35 PM
The shops are panicking unnecessarily because business is slow at the moment. Do they know its Xmas holidays?
Things are always slow this time of the year. Punters go away on holiday, they spend more time with their kids and family, they have no money left after Xmas shopping.
Relax guys, the punters will after mid January.

I've often wondered - is Xmas and NYE busy times for shops, or not busy times for shops?

31-12-2012, 12:34 AM
Other forums all got a sub-forum for shops' advertising or promotion only. But it seems syd99 does not have this sub-one.

31-12-2012, 08:20 AM
More shops posting means lean times in the industry. They're all trying to return to pre-GFC levels to cover their lost profits.

31-12-2012, 09:38 AM
well the world didn't end on 21/12 but US will fall off the fiscal cliff soon will bedevestating. It will make the GFC a minor blip. Brace yourself for a once in a lifetime crash

31-12-2012, 09:57 AM
There are so many choices these days both on r'n't scene that those who don't offer good vfm won't be as busy.
$400 per hour escorts that send 30yo pork chops but advertise 20yo students and r'n't shops that charge absurb amounts for extras like $50 for 5-10 minutes of nude hj that is really a topless hj but advertised as b2b but not really b2b so lets call it special massage. wtf!!???

31-12-2012, 10:04 AM
There are so many choices these days both on r'n't scene that those who don't offer good vfm won't be as busy.
$400 per hour escorts that send 30yo pork chops but advertise 20yo students and r'n't shops that charge absurb amounts for extras like $50 for 5-10 minutes of nude hj that is really a topless hj but advertised as b2b but not really b2b so lets call it special massage. wtf!!???

lets get over this...
there are always someone try to be creative ... but not successful

readers will get bored and choose what they want to read

31-12-2012, 10:13 AM
I'm sure in your mind and maybe a few other this makes sense but I have no F@#$n idea what you are on about..

lets get over this...
there are always someone try to be creative ... but not successful

readers will get bored and choose what they want to read

31-12-2012, 10:31 AM
The next step the shops will have to take is to lower price. Especially for those shops that charge more than 350/h.

31-12-2012, 11:13 AM
I agree. Prices are also coming down and promotions going up.

31-12-2012, 11:25 AM
The OC girls also rotate around the shops and have a new name so they appear fresh
Or they take a few months off and come back fresh. For all we those the OC girls may have been full time WL in another country for a few years. But there is a market for these OC girls as someone mentioned there are powerful people from other countries who would fly to australia to punt with privacy which they apparently can't do so in their own country. Maybe these powerful people is lurking on this forum and is laughing al the way to the OC shops to fuck the young fresh pussies that we reject/can't afford.

31-12-2012, 12:06 PM
I started a thread once suggesting shop owners not be allowed to post in the after report section as that should be the bro's area. General section, maybe if they have a comment about a girl. FFS we all know where the roster section is now.

31-12-2012, 03:01 PM
I started a thread once suggesting shop owners not be allowed to post in the after report section as that should be the bro's area. General section, maybe if they have a comment about a girl. FFS we all know where the roster section is now.

I agree 100%.

31-12-2012, 03:05 PM
I agree 100%.

Unless of course they have tried the girl and want to report.

31-12-2012, 04:18 PM
it used to be one or two shops bumping or promoting their girls. now its almost all shops doing it. it is getting OTT now

01-01-2013, 04:24 PM
The shops are panicking unnecessarily because business is slow at the moment. Do they know its Xmas holidays?
Things are always slow this time of the year. Punters go away on holiday, they spend more time with their kids and family, they have no money left after Xmas shopping.
Relax guys, the punters will after mid January.

Yes, it is the quietest time of the year. It is also a hard year economically. To compound this, there are more shops and WL than ever before. We have more to choose from at competitive prices. The Golden Apple is offering 50% off for daytime bookings. There's a market indicater if ever there was one !!!

01-01-2013, 08:32 PM
I agree 100%, It is really annoying when you are following a thread or when you see a thread has been updated and you go in to see the new posts on the thread that you were interested in and instead its just a copy and paste of a roster and done like 20 times over for the past 20 days...ITs ridiculous when we have the roster section.. It should not only be frowned upon, it should just not be allowed.

01-01-2013, 08:33 PM
Looks like more and more shops are getting aggressive with their promotion of their girls. The shop roster has already moved to a different section. Now the general talk & AR is becoming almost like shop roster too.

I just have a laugh!!

no big deal

01-01-2013, 08:33 PM
People are all annoyed

01-01-2013, 08:48 PM
The people have spoken
But don't kid yourselves!
Admin provides a free forum, no fees or bullshit waste of money fireworks report.
If you're using a free service chances are you are the product.

I agree 100%, It is really annoying when you are following a thread or when you see a thread has been updated and you go in to see the new posts on the thread that you were interested in and instead its just a copy and paste of a roster and done like 20 times over for the past 20 days...ITs ridiculous when we have the roster section.. It should not only be frowned upon, it should just not be allowed.

01-01-2013, 08:57 PM
it doesnt matter.
no body care

this is just hard sell... SIR

01-01-2013, 09:54 PM
I agree 100%, It is really annoying when you are following a thread or when you see a thread has been updated and you go in to see the new posts on the thread that you were interested in and instead its just a copy and paste of a roster and done like 20 times over for the past 20 days...ITs ridiculous when we have the roster section.. It should not only be frowned upon, it should just not be allowed.

I agree 100% with your 100%, is that 10,000%??

Live and let live is usually a great attitude to keep yourself and those around you smiling. But _amamda from _MC is fucking up the the best part of the site, like a sewage treatment plant on the barrier reef. With 1000+ reviews on the new forum format, it is clear this forum is way out in front of the others, why?
Because obviously we like to submit, read, comment/discuss, query even dissect each others experiences. Some are funny some are sad, some educational, some just plain weird.... whatever it is it keeps people coming back but the shop posts ARE NOT PART OF THE SECRET HERBS AND SPICES.

The argument in the past has centered on the advertising revenue. YES everyone knows revenue is key and the site deserves to make money$$. Personally, not only do I not begrudge a growing bottom line for whoever is involved I totally support it. Obviously plenty of work, IP and more has gone into making AUS99 what it is today. Having said that I would bet 6 months revenue (single shop) that the most prolific shop poster/bumper needs the forum much more than the forum needs his revenue. If he is banned from posting mindless drivel or even better if no more shops are able to access the AR section to bump posts, I would guess the others will no longer feel the need to compete. Of course I may be totally wrong so why not canvas the other shops, if you end up with a situation where the majority of shops and punters agree..... the choice is as no brainer. Maybe shops would then seek to attract your forum members in productive, beneficial ways. Or maybe not it's up to them. If it is vital that shops need to access the posts for example to "update details", provide alink on the thread but dont bumps it.

Come on Admin, surely enough is enough, ban shops from the AR area.... its an AR area after all.

No-one could accuse you of any wrong doing, I think it is evident the punters would be happier.... the only downside is _amada needs to come up with a new business plan. Hey hey, what a co-incidence it's new year; perfect timing. Please don't think I'm some Fred Nile paedof... type who is unable to enjoy a good laugh every so often, but how many "fist in arse, leg inside throat up to my knee deep throat" absurdities do we need to see.Change for the better is by definition better....DO IT PLEASE

Everyone likes a good innovative ad. I am glad to help as well: I have underlined my top few for a (potential) new catchphrase... if none suit then of course stick with product, its still so fffffffffunny

Synonyms: aftermath, amount, artifact, blend, brand, brew, by-product, commodity, compound, concoction, confection, consequence, contrivance, creation, crop, decoction, device, effect, emolument, fabrication, fruit, gain, handiwork, invention, issue, legacy, line, manufacture, merchandise, offshoot, outcome, outgrowth, output, preparation, produce, production, profit, realization, result, returns, spinoff, stock, synthetic, upshot, work, yield
Synonyms: article, asset, belonging, chattel, goods, line, material, object, produce, product, property, specialty, stock, thing, vendible, ware

Just my 2c, peace out brothers

Just for laughs

01-01-2013, 10:20 PM
I agree 100% with your 100%, is that 10,000%??

Live and let live is usually a great attitude to keep yourself and those around you smiling. But _amamda from _MC is fucking up the the best part of the site, like a sewage treatment plant on the barrier reef. With 1000+ reviews on the new forum format, it is clear this forum is way out in front of the others, why?
Because obviously we like to submit, read, comment/discuss, query even dissect each others experiences. Some are funny some are sad, some educational, some just plain weird.... whatever it is it keeps people coming back but the shop posts ARE NOT PART OF THE SECRET HERBS AND SPICES.

The argument in the past has centered on the advertising revenue. YES everyone knows revenue is key and the site deserves to make money$$. Personally, not only do I not begrudge a growing bottom line for whoever is involved I totally support it. Obviously plenty of work, IP and more has gone into making AUS99 what it is today. Having said that I would bet 6 months revenue (single shop) that the most prolific shop poster/bumper needs the forum much more than the forum needs his revenue. If he is banned from posting mindless drivel or even better if no more shops are able to access the AR section to bump posts, I would guess the others will no longer feel the need to compete. Of course I may be totally wrong so why not canvas the other shops, if you end up with a situation where the majority of shops and punters agree..... the choice is as no brainer. Maybe shops would then seek to attract your forum members in productive, beneficial ways. Or maybe not it's up to them. If it is vital that shops need to access the posts for example to "update details", provide alink on the thread but dont bumps it.

Come on Admin, surely enough is enough, ban shops from the AR area.... its an AR area after all.

No-one could accuse you of any wrong doing, I think it is evident the punters would be happier.... the only downside is _amada needs to come up with a new business plan. Hey hey, what a co-incidence it's new year; perfect timing. Please don't think I'm some Fred Nile paedof... type who is unable to enjoy a good laugh every so often, but how many "fist in arse, leg inside throat up to my knee deep throat" absurdities do we need to see.Change for the better is by definition better....DO IT PLEASE

Everyone likes a good innovative ad. I am glad to help as well: I have underlined my top few for a (potential) new catchphrase... if none suit then of course stick with product, its still so fffffffffunny

Synonyms: aftermath, amount, artifact, blend, brand, brew, by-product, commodity, compound, concoction, confection, consequence, contrivance, creation, crop, decoction, device, effect, emolument, fabrication, fruit, gain, handiwork, invention, issue, legacy, line, manufacture, merchandise, offshoot, outcome, outgrowth, output, preparation, produce, production, profit, realization, result, returns, spinoff, stock, synthetic, upshot, work, yield
Synonyms: article, asset, belonging, chattel, goods, line, material, object, produce, product, property, specialty, stock, thing, vendible, ware

Just my 2c, peace out brothers

Just for laughs

Admin will do nothing.. because they are customers.

Customers always right!