View Full Version : General talk Rejoice Rejoice - Following Legitimate Elections - Poetry will be returning to Forum

21-05-2014, 11:52 PM
Ladyboys & Gentlemen,

The count has been undertaken, and the result can now be declared.
The votes were counted at 10pm, I demanded a recount, and following the recount the results are:

Yes - 1 - 14.3%
No - 6 - 85.7%

It was a fair and legitimate election. Accordingly, the results should be adhered to by all parties.

On the basis of "proportional representation," 14.3% of the vote equates to 1 poem per 7 days.
Accordingly, the proponent will not submit any more than one poem per week to the forum.

The people have spoken, as it is spoken so shall it be written, as it is written so shall it be done.

It's a beautiful day.......

22-05-2014, 12:02 AM
There was a certain inevitabilty to the outcome, but no-one foresaw the twist that enabled it.

What a bludge the Senate is. Get elected on a handful of votes through acrobatic preference swaps, and it is a well padded job for EIGHT YEARS! Then a padded pension for life because they've been in for eight years. Where does that get off? Eight years? F**k them off after four years at most.

22-05-2014, 12:19 AM
6 years sextus

22-05-2014, 12:40 AM
Sorry, I thought I heard on the radio today that it was eight years, they were talking about the motoring enthusiast guy, must have misheard. But that is still 50% too long. How can someone still be exerting a big influence in a balance of power situation from a chance elector decision six years ago? :grimace:

22-05-2014, 12:58 AM
There was a certain inevitabilty to the outcome, but no-one foresaw the twist that enabled it.

What a bludge the Senate is. Get elected on a handful of votes through acrobatic preference swaps, and it is a well padded job for EIGHT YEARS! Then a padded pension for life because they've been in for eight years. Where does that get off? Eight years? F**k them off after four years at most.

It comes as no surprise that he would twist the outcome, he's dying to get attention.

Never mind, if it gets too annoying, the thread will be deleted anyway. And if he keeps annoying people, calling people ladyboys etc, I'm sure he'll be looking for username no.18 too !

22-05-2014, 01:36 AM
There was a certain inevitabilty to the outcome, but no-one foresaw the twist that enabled it.

Oh please. Who DIDN'T see that this goose was going to twist it somehow? I called it early in the other thread.

In any case, he got the twist wrong (surprise, surprise). Displaying his ignorance of how the voting system in actually Australia works. Proportional voting doesn't work that way. If it did, then everyone who ran for the senate would get a few days serving in the Senate, depending on the number of votes they received. No, proportional voting works by applying a quota which is calculated using a relatively simple formula:

quota = (number of formal votes/number of vacancies + 1) + 1

Now applying this this to grinning longneck's vote, we have 7 formal votes (by his own admission), and there is only one vacancy (as only he wants to write "poetry") ...

Hence the quota = (7/2) + 1 = 4.5

As you clearly cannot receive half a vote, this is rounded up to 5. But even if we truncate the quota to 4 he didn't reach it, not by any stretch of (his rather fertile) imagination. Ergo, he wasn't "elected" in any way, shape or form. So he shouldn't get to write any poetry at all.

However, all this is moot anyway as proportional voting is only used when more than one candidate is to be elected. As this wasn't the case here, then in a democracy, proportional voting would not be used.

But as I said before, this poster doesn't believe in democracy, so no surprises at all. **shrug**

22-05-2014, 12:39 PM
There are several forms of proportional representation. The vote clearly demonstrated an interest/demand for poetry.
Admittedly, just like in the real dark world, demand for poetry, which is the finest means of expression, is declining due
to all manner of hideous social, technological, communications, and media dumbing down reasons. Nevertheless, there is
an interest. and I look forward to your delightful comments on my next submission, coming soon.

My warm regards to all interested parties, from all sides of the debate, and I'm sure your critiques will give even further inspiration.

Ps. You've got to admit, I'm just like a Duracell battery, I hardly ever run out of energy. Have a good day mes amis....