View Full Version : General talk Women of the ABC and other regular ABC guests who turn men off - Yucky Yucky Yuck....

23-05-2014, 12:11 PM
Women of the ABC and other regular ABC guests who turn men off - Yucky Yucky Yuck...

Virginia Trioli – ABC presenter

Leigh Sales – ABC presenter

Sarah Ferguson – ABC presenter

Marieke Hardy – Blogger/Writer/ABC

Sarah Hanson Young - Overweight Senator

Judith Lucy – supposedly a comedian -

Hannah Gadsby – no idea what she does

Mia Freedman – Lefty twat blogger/media consultant

Eva Cox – Lefty twat Author/Academic/Blogger

I hope you didn't have a meal prior to viewing the photos, they can really upset the stomach.

Yeah baby........

23-05-2014, 01:16 PM
You forgot Christine Milne, leader of the Greens.


23-05-2014, 02:41 PM
You forgot Christine Milne, leader of the Greens.


You're right mate, don't know how I could forget her...too painful to remember maybe.


23-05-2014, 07:46 PM
You're right mate, don't know how I could forget her...too painful to remember maybe.


Seems like forum punters are generally indifferent to these "ladies," or do they like them?

Sergaent Brody
23-05-2014, 07:53 PM
Seems like forum punters are generally indifferent to these "ladies," or do they like them?

No but how about respecting these women's intelligence, you fuckwit

23-05-2014, 08:10 PM
I don't respect their intelligence, what intelligence? They work at the ABC so they're intelligent? Stroll on.
They are generally ill-mannered agenda driven people, who are funded by the tax-payer - the public purse.
And they certainly turn men off, which is what the post is all about, not their intelligence or otherwise.
It's about time the ABC got some decent looking girls who can string a few words together, there are plenty out there.
I won't respond in kind to your "fuckwit" remark, if I did you'd probably run off to admin complaining and moaning.

Sergaent Brody
23-05-2014, 10:23 PM
I don't respect their intelligence, what intelligence? They work at the ABC so they're intelligent? Stroll on.
They are generally ill-mannered agenda driven people, who are funded by the tax-payer - the public purse.
And they certainly turn men off, which is what the post is all about, not their intelligence or otherwise.
It's about time the ABC got some decent looking girls who can string a few words together, there are plenty out there.
I won't respond in kind to your "fuckwit" remark, if I did you'd probably run off to admin complaining and moaning.

At first I was tempted to debate you but then I think it will just be a waste of my time.

23-05-2014, 10:51 PM
At first I was tempted to debate you but then I think it will just be a waste of my time.

You know better than to debate with me......

23-05-2014, 11:08 PM
Dork post.

23-05-2014, 11:34 PM
Out of all of them ill bang the first one

24-05-2014, 12:24 AM
Out of all of them ill bang the first one

I suppose Virginia Trioli is a borderline case for some. She's got a decent pair of tits. But she doesn't
know when to shut up, she loves the sound of her own voice, always wants the last word in a discussion,
and always interrupts whoever she happens to be talking to. Being an ill-mannered bitch doesn't make her
intelligent or professional, just a wannabe tough girl presenter. Physically though, I agree, she's the best of
a very dubious group.

24-05-2014, 12:31 AM
Dork post.

I'm making the point that there ain't enough good looking women on the ABC.
With two notable exceptions, as mentioned on the other thread, ie Emma Alberici,
and Karina Carvahlo, the ABC is full of plain janes at best. The tax-payer funded ABC
should provide a much better selection, like commercial TV women presenters. You can
be a good prefessional journalist and also be attractive, these are not mutually exclusive things,
and there are many attractive professional women these days. I think I make a valid point.

24-05-2014, 08:21 AM
Hey long neck, your post is all sorts of wrong - I guess it's too much to hope that respect for women would be part of a forum like this. Anyhoo, Trioli was the best intellect on 702 when she was doing mornings, no one has come close since. This thread shows us all what a lightweight you are, my guess is that you work as a financial advisor!

24-05-2014, 10:59 AM
I would say that the only woman that turns me off in that list is you.

But that is an insult to women, and unlike you I do not need to make myself feel bigger by insulting people. You have my sympathies.

24-05-2014, 11:41 AM
Ha Ha! I must admit I'm not too keen on that humourless sour faced harridan Sarah Hansen-Young. Imagine being married to her - you'd end up with balls the size of hazelnuts. People without a sense of humour don't even know they don't have one, it is a disability of non-comprehension. Oh boy, I could not look at life so sourly or so negatively or so pessimistically.

http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l5/waveflows/Sarah-Hanson_Young_zps4527e587.jpg (http://s92.photobucket.com/user/waveflows/media/Sarah-Hanson_Young_zps4527e587.jpg.html)

24-05-2014, 12:00 PM
Ha Ha! I must admit I'm not too keen on that humourless sour faced harridan Sarah Hansen-Young. Imagine being married to her - you'd end up with balls the size of hazelnuts. People without a sense of humour don't even know they don't have one, it is a disability of non-comprehension. Oh boy, I could not look at life so sourly or so negatively or so pessimistically.

http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l5/waveflows/Sarah-Hanson_Young_zps4527e587.jpg (http://s92.photobucket.com/user/waveflows/media/Sarah-Hanson_Young_zps4527e587.jpg.html)

And I just had a late breakfast Sextus, how could you?

24-05-2014, 12:04 PM
I would say that the only woman that turns me off in that list is you.

But that is an insult to women, and unlike you I do not need to make myself feel bigger by insulting people. You have my sympathies.

Wow! So these women don't turn you off, are you sure? Well, you are called UglyPhil, and probably with taste to match.

24-05-2014, 12:15 PM
Hey long neck, your post is all sorts of wrong - I guess it's too much to hope that respect for women would be part of a forum like this. Anyhoo, Trioli was the best intellect on 702 when she was doing mornings, no one has come close since. This thread shows us all what a lightweight you are, my guess is that you work as a financial advisor!

You may want to checkout my other "Commercial TV" thread where I demonstrate there are attractive professional women on TV.
I'm affording women the equal rights they so richly deserve mon ami. Women, just like men, are not beyond criticism or commentary,
especially when the criticism is entirely valid. These women do turn-off men, they are unattractive on several levels. Whereas there are
other women in the media who are attractive and professional and turn men on - Melissa Doyle, Natalie Barr, Emma Alberici, Karina Carvahlo, etc.
Get with it dear fellow, drop the peddling of pc garbage.

24-05-2014, 03:58 PM
You may want to checkout my other "Commercial TV" thread where I demonstrate there are attractive professional women on TV.
I'm affording women the equal rights they so richly deserve mon ami. Women, just like men, are not beyond criticism or commentary,
especially when the criticism is entirely valid. These women do turn-off men, they are unattractive on several levels. Whereas there are
other women in the media who are attractive and professional and turn men on - Melissa Doyle, Natalie Barr, Emma Alberici, Karina Carvahlo, etc.
Get with it dear fellow, drop the peddling of pc garbage.

Please define political correctness fuckwit.

24-05-2014, 04:10 PM
Ha Ha! I must admit I'm not too keen on that humourless sour faced harridan Sarah Hansen-Young. Imagine being married to her - you'd end up with balls the size of hazelnuts. People without a sense of humour don't even know they don't have one, it is a disability of non-comprehension. Oh boy, I could not look at life so sourly or so negatively or so pessimistically.

http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l5/waveflows/Sarah-Hanson_Young_zps4527e587.jpg (http://s92.photobucket.com/user/waveflows/media/Sarah-Hanson_Young_zps4527e587.jpg.html)

I just realised who she looks like - an unpleasant version of Ricky Gervais.
How sour can someone be? She's not a happy chappy is she.

24-05-2014, 07:15 PM
Mummy issues a little bit?

You may want to checkout my other "Commercial TV" thread where I demonstrate there are attractive professional women on TV.
I'm affording women the equal rights they so richly deserve mon ami. Women, just like men, are not beyond criticism or commentary,
especially when the criticism is entirely valid. These women do turn-off men, they are unattractive on several levels. Whereas there are
other women in the media who are attractive and professional and turn men on - Melissa Doyle, Natalie Barr, Emma Alberici, Karina Carvahlo, etc.
Get with it dear fellow, drop the peddling of pc garbage.

carmen farquis
24-05-2014, 07:31 PM
I thought myf warhurst was pretty hot when I could only hear her on the radio.
My opinion has changed

24-05-2014, 09:23 PM
I thought myf warhurst was pretty hot when I could only hear her on the radio.
My opinion has changed

This is exactly what I mean, another ABC plain jane, they need to get some better looking ladies on their shows, seriously.
The Abc seems to have the idea that you have to be plain to be talented. They are discriminating against the talented good looking stuff.

25-05-2014, 05:06 PM
And this morning on the Insiders programme on the ABC, we had Fran Kelly & Penny Wong; there's just no end to the plain jane's at the ABC.
They seem to have a reservoir of no-lookers just waiting to be ushered on to jibberjabber.

26-05-2014, 11:20 AM
Penny Wong is awesome, shame she bats for the other team

And this morning on the Insiders programme on the ABC, we had Fran Kelly & Penny Wong; there's just no end to the plain jane's at the ABC.
They seem to have a reservoir of no-lookers just waiting to be ushered on to jibberjabber.

26-05-2014, 11:28 AM
This is exactly what I mean, another ABC plain jane, they need to get some better looking ladies on their shows, seriously.
The Abc seems to have the idea that you have to be plain to be talented. They are discriminating against the talented good looking stuff.

May be ABC is hiring based on merits, rather than physical attributes and fuckablility !

26-05-2014, 12:28 PM
May be ABC is hiring based on merits, rather than physical attributes and fuckablility !

So does that mean there are no attractive and talented women, and also no talented men. Take a look at the ABCs roster of young
reporters. They are nearly all women, and not too many attractive women. The ABC is running with the lefty policy of positive
discrimination for women, ethnically diverse, indigenous, gay/lesbian people - ie discriminating against any men who are white, western,
heterosexual and of traditional democratic cultural value. You can only discriminate for specific groups by discriminating against other groups.

The ABC is doing this with tax-payers money. The management should be sacked and the ABC completely overhauled and constituted to
maintain both fair-minded recruitment policies and impartial reporting, that accurately reflect Australia. The current management, and several
leading incumbent employees, are detrimental to Australia's national interest, as shown by the ABC's cultivation of the Indonesian spying debacle,
and similar cultivation of the asylum centre unrest. The ABC's activities were, and are, tentamount to treason.

26-05-2014, 12:42 PM
I enjoy a bit of eye candy as much as the next guy, like Natasha Belling for example. I still remember the way her lips formed while saying "constitution cock." (Try it in a mirror, and imagine what feminine lips look like saying it. :cool2: )

Hey, that was a totally accidental Freudian mis-type above! I meant to say constitution dock! ha ha! I had to leave it in. :shout:

However smiling giraffe, the abc are probably only following a proportional representation of good looking people to average looking people as represented by a random sample of the population. The commercial channels select from a population of Elios only, the abc accounts for the rest of we Morlocks in their on air presenters.

SBs, with their fondness for screen nudity, were always going to bias towards the ethnic hotties, with the exception of Le Le Chin of course.

26-05-2014, 01:20 PM
Penny Wong is awesome, shame she bats for the other team

Clearly, you have some audio-visual issues that you need to have addressed.
I suspect you may also have a penchant for oriental females, of any denomination,
irrespective of their true aesthetic qualities. I also suspect you consider anyone who is
even remotely articulate, as being someone of genuine intelligence. This is a very common
mistake made by many folk in these heady media-driven days.

26-05-2014, 02:05 PM
How quickly people forget !!

I'll give you a hot and smart one not from ABC but SBS: remember Lily Serna ??




26-05-2014, 03:12 PM
I enjoy a bit of eye candy as much as the next guy, like Natasha Belling for example. I still remember the way her lips formed while saying "constitution cock." (Try it in a mirror, and imagine what feminine lips look like saying it. :cool2: )

Hey, that was a totally accidental Freudian mis-type above! I meant to say constitution dock! ha ha! I had to leave it in. :shout:

However smiling giraffe, the abc are probably only following a proportional representation of good looking people to average looking people as represented by a random sample of the population. The commercial channels select from a population of Elios only, the abc accounts for the rest of we Morlocks in their on air presenters.

SBs, with their fondness for screen nudity, were always going to bias towards the ethnic hotties, with the exception of Le Le Chin of course.

There’s obvious some merit in what you say, but I guess it’s all a question of balance,
of the evenness with the two hands both, so to speak. The thing is, it’s not all about the lack of attractiveness of the ladies, bad as that is,
because they are also ill-mannered and rude. They are living the dream of unattractve, empowered females wanting to get tough with people, especially men –
and expecting they can’t be criticised because they are women, or using the sexist card when they are criticised.

Unfortunately, they just look and sound like ugly old hags. They are miserable, malcontented people and it comes through in their personas –
Trioli, Ferguson, Sales are unattractive people in the round, they know it, so they come out swinging, trying to look like ultra-professional journalists.
We used to have Karina Carvahlo on breakfast ABC – intelligent brown sugar on my cornflakes.
Now we have Virginia Trioli - razor blades on my cornflakes – it’s just awful viewing.

26-05-2014, 05:38 PM
We used to have Karina Carvahlo on breakfast ABC – intelligent brown sugar on my cornflakes.



26-05-2014, 06:48 PM

Hubbahubba......yeah baby
Thanks for finding & posting this Ahlungor....going straight to my picture directory.
- this young lady was intelligent brown sugar on my cornflakes, sadly no more.

26-05-2014, 07:41 PM
discriminating against any men who are white, western,
heterosexual and of traditional democratic cultural value. [/QUOTE]

Ha ha, yeah white, western, straight men have got it so tough!
The most oppressed and discriminated against demographic in the world, especially since they took our slaves away and handed out equal rights willy nilly!

26-05-2014, 08:09 PM
heh heh, at least now we know where the anti-women sentiment comes from captain plough right, you queer old fruity cock gobbling homo

why don't you make a 'men of the Abc' thread and tell us all which blokes make your little dick hard!!

Women of the ABC and other regular ABC guests who turn men off - Yucky Yucky Yuck...

Virginia Trioli – ABC presenter

Leigh Sales – ABC presenter

Sarah Ferguson – ABC presenter

Marieke Hardy – Blogger/Writer/ABC

Sarah Hanson Young - Overweight Senator

Judith Lucy – supposedly a comedian -

Hannah Gadsby – no idea what she does

Mia Freedman – Lefty twat blogger/media consultant

Eva Cox – Lefty twat Author/Academic/Blogger

I hope you didn't have a meal prior to viewing the photos, they can really upset the stomach.

Yeah baby........

26-05-2014, 08:09 PM
How quickly people forget !!

I'll give you a hot and smart one not from ABC but SBS: remember Lily Serna ??




This lady is all woman - a natural, genuine, authentic woman. Yeah baby.....

26-05-2014, 08:21 PM
Oh lol, captain plough says he's heterosexual now despite yesterday confessing his lust for transexual sex workers. Another closeted homosexual conservative hypocrite. Ho hum how boring and predictable... Christopher Pyne anyone?

This shows promise, did I inspire you or have you been practising for a while?
It's somewhat like a limerick, well it is in fact a limerick,
but that's of no matter, there is definite potential here.
And the content excites me, I've always wanted to fuck a cute tranny.


So does that mean there are no attractive and talented women, and also no talented men. Take a look at the ABCs roster of young
reporters. They are nearly all women, and not too many attractive women. The ABC is running with the lefty policy of positive
discrimination for women, ethnically diverse, indigenous, gay/lesbian people - ie discriminating against any men who are white, western,
heterosexual and of traditional democratic cultural value. You can only discriminate for specific groups by discriminating against other groups.

The ABC is doing this with tax-payers money. The management should be sacked and the ABC completely overhauled and constituted to
maintain both fair-minded recruitment policies and impartial reporting, that accurately reflect Australia. The current management, and several
leading incumbent employees, are detrimental to Australia's national interest, as shown by the ABC's cultivation of the Indonesian spying debacle,
and similar cultivation of the asylum centre unrest. The ABC's activities were, and are, tentamount to treason.

26-05-2014, 08:46 PM
In preference to the ABC's Sarah Ferguson, Virginia Trioli, Leigh Sales or Senator Sarah Hanson Young,
I'd happily bang a good looking ladyboy, such as the one in the Hangover movie. or another comparable.
Sounds like you haven't had enough women GB (or CL), so you still have them on a pedestal I'm afraid.
Some top quality ladyboys are more feminine and simply more attractive than many so-called real women.
Many mainstream women these days are overly aggressive, ill-mannered and they exhibit masculine tendencies.
Unfortunately, many women are no longer feminine and no longer attractive.

But I'd still bang Karina Carvahlo, Emma Alberici, Melissa Doyle or Natalie Barr, before I'd bang the cute ladyboy.

26-05-2014, 08:58 PM
you find women too masculine so you'd rather fuck men instead?

LOL whatevs, I guess they call you people queer for a reason

26-05-2014, 10:10 PM
you find women too masculine so you'd rather fuck men instead?

LOL whatevs, I guess they call you people queer for a reason

Some women are just unfeminine mon ami, some women like Trioli, Ferguson, Sales, Hanson-Young, etc etc....
Like I said, I'd much rather rumble with a very cute ladyboy than any of the aforementioned hags.
And I don't classify ladyboys as men, especially not the topnotch ladyboys. That's why they are called ladyboys.

26-05-2014, 11:09 PM
You obviously aren't able to handle a strong willed, self assured woman. Its a meeting of the minds, a union between equals. Hence why you prefer prostitutes and lady boys.

Pathetic. You'll die lonely, nothing surer

27-05-2014, 01:00 AM
You obviously aren't able to handle a strong willed, self assured woman. Its a meeting of the minds, a union between equals. Hence why you prefer prostitutes and lady boys.

Pathetic. You'll die lonely, nothing surer

Dear fellow, I have no interest or desire to handle unattractive women like:
Virginia Trioli, Sarah Ferguson, Leigh Sales & Sarah Hanson Young. You are most welcome to them.
I'm sure you and UglyPhil could have a fabulous time admiring their pseudo intellect and washing their
enormous underwear. I prefer women of greater beauty and attractiveness. And, if necessary, I would prefer
a topnotch ladyboy to the aforementioned hags and anyone else of the same ilk.

With regard to being alone and dying alone, I'm bound to say doesn't everyone die alone? Had you any genuine interest
in the arts, particularly poetry, you would know, as did Keats, Coleridge, Byron, Wordsworth, Blake, & Tennyson, of the
perfection that is solitude. I know it, and embrace it with open arms.

27-05-2014, 09:49 AM
lol you're forever prattling on about the cultural decline of Australia and you would like for us all to think of you as an arch social conservative.

Well I ask you - where does your bisexuality / homosexuality fit into all of this? Is your fondness for transvestite sex workers consistent with your alleged 'family values'? Heh, no social conservative I ever met supports or engages in this sort of behaviour!

The truth is that you've been brainwashed by the same Abc / Sbs / politically correct cultural marxists who you claim to despise, the same Gay-Lesbian-transgender lobby who push their liberal agenda upon mainstream Australia at every opportunity!

N'ah, you're part of the problem man. Get your shit together. Improve yourself.

27-05-2014, 12:05 PM
lol you're forever prattling on about the cultural decline of Australia and you would like for us all to think of you as an arch social conservative.Well I ask you - where does your bisexuality / homosexuality fit into all of this? Is your fondness for transvestite sex workers consistent with your alleged 'family values'? Heh, no social conservative I ever met supports or engages in this sort of behaviour! The truth is that you've been brainwashed by the same Abc / Sbs / politically correct cultural marxists who you claim to despise, the same Gay-Lesbian-transgender lobby who push their liberal agenda upon mainstream Australia at every opportunity!

N'ah, you're part of the problem man. Get your shit together. Improve yourself.

My dear fellow, as mentioned, I have absolutely no interest or desire to handle unattractive women like Virginia Trioli, Sarah Ferguson, Leigh Sales & Sarah Hanson Young. You are most welcome to them. I prefer women with a more enhanced level of attractiveness. However, if necessary, I would most certainly prefer a topnotch ladyboy (eg Hangover movie) to the aforementioned hags or anyone else of the same ilk. Such women have little or no femininity, and certainly a lot less than an attractive ladyboy who actively aspires and craves feminine womanhood.

To equate ladyboys with being men is ridiculous, whether or not they are pre-op or post-op. There’s a lot more to being a woman than simply possessing a vagina, unforunately many women have forgotten this fact. My position & orientation is very clear – I’m a red blooded heterosexual male who likes beautiful ladies, but who would happily bang an attractive ladyboy in preference to the likes of Trioli, Ferguson, Sales, Hanson-Young, who I gladly leave for you.

27-05-2014, 07:14 PM
Back in the 90s when she was doing the late show D-gen type shows, I had a bit of a thing for Judith Lucy. Massive rack. Not sure if I am dreaming or not but she may well of got them out in a show or movie at some stage!!

Dont think I would go there now though!

27-05-2014, 07:58 PM
I’m a red blooded heterosexual male who would happily bang an attractive ladyboy

You Sir are a closeted homosexual who prefers the company of effeminate young boys.

You are a victim of cultural marxist ideology and left wing politically correct propoganda. If you'd lived in a different time you'd probably have been pelted with stones and run out of town. You sad, lonely, bitter little queer. How dare you talk about family values. You, more than anyone are a product of a degenerate and morally bankrupt society.

27-05-2014, 09:19 PM
You Sir are a closeted homosexual who prefers the company of effeminate young boys.

You are a victim of cultural marxist ideology and left wing politically correct propoganda. If you'd lived in a different time you'd probably have been pelted with stones and run out of town. You sad, lonely, bitter little queer. How dare you talk about family values. You, more than anyone are a product of a degenerate and morally bankrupt society.

Poor chap, you give me the impression that you might be intellectually retarded.
A male homosexuals likes other males. Do you continue to regard beautiful post-op ladyboys as male? How strange.
They are not male, and they are a lot more feminine than the middle-aged ABC hags I mentioned - ie Trioli, Ferguson, Sales, Hanson Young.
If you want to hump unattractive, unfeminine females, go right ahead. There are lots for you to choose from. I go for attractive feminine females, and
I repeat, if the choice was between Trioli, Ferguson, Sales versus a beautiful ladyboy, I choose the beautiful ladyboy who craves and aspires to femininity.
Don't let your ignorance interfere with your good sense.