View Full Version : General talk barebacking

13-06-2014, 09:08 PM
First of all I just wanted to say I don't condone bareback sex with working girls however 6 months ago a wl offered me condomless sex and I accepted. I usually see bbbj girls but always cover up for vaginal and anal penetration.
At the time it was great but after I was in deep regret and decided never to see her or any other prostitute as temptation of a naked pussy was too much. Only a few rub and tugs since then.
3 and 6 months blood and urine test came back all clear and now I'm wondering if I go back to the usual routine on bbbj and covered sex or keep the clean record?

the doctor.
13-06-2014, 09:14 PM
let's say ... you have been very lucky thus far
Next time it might not be so.
Definitely covered Sex with a w\l.. that's not negotiable and there are risks with Bbbj, but less so
So use common sense and descretion

13-06-2014, 09:15 PM
Your choice pd.

Personally, I never go bareback either (sex - I do get BBBJ), even when offered. And that is from both WLs and any pickups. Although I did do it once quite early on in my punting "career". I also, since I became "active" again, get tested every 6 months. Hey, it's free (at the moment) and I think for anyone who is sexually active with multiple partners it is just the smart and respectful thing to do.

Cunt Destroyer
13-06-2014, 09:26 PM
'Pickups' Ugly Phil? LOL nice try bro but I don't think so...

13-06-2014, 09:33 PM
'Pickups' Ugly Phil? LOL nice try bro but I don't think so...

But I thought girls always say looks aren't important and they just want someone that will treat them nicely. Are they lying?

13-06-2014, 09:37 PM
Your choice pd.

Personally, I never go bareback either (sex - I do get BBBJ), even when offered. And that is from both WLs and any pickups. Although I did do it once quite early on in my punting "career". I also, since I became "active" again, get tested every 6 months. Hey, it's free (at the moment) and I think for anyone who is sexually active with multiple partners it is just the smart and respectful thing to do.

Thanks for your advice.
I've been very lucky so far but I don't wanna push that anymore. I never see cbj wls as a blow job with a condom is just pointless imo.
I'm a sucker for bareback with ONS but never thought it would be with a wl.
I must admit having that security with hand jobs from MLs sure does lift a weight off the shoulders.

Cunt Destroyer
13-06-2014, 09:39 PM
and who says that shit? - used up, divorced middle aged women with kids, thats fucken who

ugly phil is ugly and he's also a huge cunt. bitches dont want guys like that

13-06-2014, 09:53 PM
Thanks for your advice.
I've been very lucky so far but I don't wanna push that anymore. I never see cbj wls as a blow job with a condom is just pointless imo.
I'm a sucker for bareback with ONS but never thought it would be with a wl.
I must admit having that security with hand jobs from MLs sure does lift a weight off the shoulders.

Fair enough :)

13-06-2014, 09:59 PM
@CD ... odd, I do not believe we have ever met ;)

Please do not confuse an online moniker with real life. I take my name from a relatively old radio DJ who was a favourite of mine before he was replaced by the loathsome Sandilands.

For example, I really do not believe you are like your moniker.

13-06-2014, 10:49 PM
I went to the paramatta sex clinic back in March,
I told the nurse I wanted a Aids blood test and a urine test,
And then they asked me if I was having protected sex, I said yes,
The told me not to waste their resources as protected sex chances of catching aids = almost 0

I told him I was scared because our private areas touched without protection,
He then explained to me that I can never catch Aids that way,
But I still wanted the blood test to make sure,

So yea after hearing about my result from last time in the other doctor's room and she did a blood test for me,
I was sent next door to a counselor... What the hell, I didn't ask for this,

He then explained to me clearly that,
For girls in Australia, if she has Aids
And I have unprotected sex with her,
Chances for me to catch Her Aids was about 1 in 1 million...

After hearing that from a counselor, I don't what to think anymore,
I have always thought that it was like a 100% thing

I also asked what if the girl isn't from Australia, he replied the chance maybe higher,
I never mention anything about the girls were paid for tho...

So yea what do you guys think??

I never done bareback before with a WL, I still don't know if I want to risk it, but now I released the chance is very very low

13-06-2014, 10:53 PM
While the chance of catching AIDS may be low, it is still there.

In any case there many other STIs other than AIDS which you need to be concerned about. HPV, and Hepatitis B being two of the biggies. It is not worth having unprotected sex and you should get tested for more than just AIDS.

Mr. Who
13-06-2014, 11:08 PM
As has been said too many times, if she does bare back with you then she might also do bare back with other guys, maybe just in an earlier shift on the same day. Do you really want to have "indirect bare back sex" with another guy...

13-06-2014, 11:14 PM
Not worth taking the risk at all, i understand the idea of bareback sounds interesting why not save it for gf or wife. With WL better be safe, imagine some of them may be seeing around 10-15 clients per week and you don't want to take chance.

I was offered Bareback FS by a young aussie WL last year in one of the shop (the 300$ shop), I girl had a body to die for, smooth sexy skin and barbie face. She said she takes pills so i can go in without condom, for a moment i thought wow what a day, but later my brain started thinking and my little brother didn't even go up, forget about sex. I made a complaint to the boss and never been there again. I am sure the girl may be on drugs, why would someone want bareback sex with client. Doesn't make sense

13-06-2014, 11:21 PM
The wl I saw wasn't high. But I can understand drugs and alcohol playing a part in unprotected sex.

13-06-2014, 11:25 PM
Not worth taking the risk at all, i understand the idea of bareback sounds interesting why not save it for gf or wife. With WL better be safe, imagine some of them may be seeing around 10-15 clients per week and you don't want to take chance.

I was offered Bareback FS by a young aussie WL last year in one of the shop (the 300$ shop), I girl had a body to die for, smooth sexy skin and barbie face. She said she takes pills so i can go in without condom, for a moment i thought wow what a day, but later my brain started thinking and my little brother didn't even go up, forget about sex. I made a complaint to the boss and never been there again. I am sure the girl may be on drugs, why would someone want bareback sex with client. Doesn't make sense

one hour of happiness and regret rest of your rest . why bother take the risk

13-06-2014, 11:32 PM
Bareback sex is to die for ... :)

13-06-2014, 11:40 PM
Bareback sex is to die for ... :)

Or live for...

This is just another thread begun by yr poet troll mate. Something to add to your profile.

13-06-2014, 11:58 PM
Or live for...

This is just another thread begun by yr poet troll mate. Something to add to your profile.

I started this thread based on actual events that happened to me.
I don't write poetry nor do I troll sex forums.
Besides moronic accusations do you have anything of value to add?

TMC (free cage girl)
14-06-2014, 05:08 AM
i never try sex without condom, it just risk for fuck with you dont know the person. at least use plastic bag for fuck or use sticky tape for your penis.

it's not easy to get HIV. but still risk for your life. BBBJ is better option. just ask WL for use listelin ,

if you fuck with WL in Euro. easy to get HIV.

14-06-2014, 09:44 AM
I did bareback with an ML before once. It was at the Korean massage shop that was next to 1 Blackburn st. They're gone now.
It was a strange session. I went there expecting only rnt but the girl seemed to like me. During body slide she put my little bro against the lips of her naked pussy and just stopped there. She gave me playful looks and gfe. I was rock hard and out of my mind by then so I pushed my hips up and the rest was history.
Less than 2 weeks later I was pissing puss. She had given me gonnorhea. That was easy to fix with one dose of meds, but the fear of having caught something else is the worst thing. It took me 6 months to get the all clear after that.
Not worth the trouble!!!

14-06-2014, 03:33 PM
Ouch man that's nasty!

I did bareback with an ML before once. It was at the Korean massage shop that was next to 1 Blackburn st. They're gone now.
It was a strange session. I went there expecting only rnt but the girl seemed to like me. During body slide she put my little bro against the lips of her naked pussy and just stopped there. She gave me playful looks and gfe. I was rock hard and out of my mind by then so I pushed my hips up and the rest was history.
Less than 2 weeks later I was pissing puss. She had given me gonnorhea. That was easy to fix with one dose of meds, but the fear of having caught something else is the worst thing. It took me 6 months to get the all clear after that.
Not worth the trouble!!!

14-06-2014, 03:34 PM
WLs who offer BBFS to some of their clients might be a bit more common than we would like to

In my early punting years it was normal, in fact condom use was rare. Thankfully it's the reverse
now. Yet a while ago I was offered BBFS straight up, no more money, no tip asked for. We were
moving from BBBJ (which I enjoy to this day) to begin the deed and I reached for a condom when
the girl said “You don't have to use that if you don't want.” I declined her offer of course.

It was at a Lower North Shore $150 shop. This shop has a “if it's not on, it's not on” policy, so it
must have been just this particular girl at that particular time. She no longer works there.

Thinking back, it has been made available to me from a massage lady or two as well.

Stay safe.


14-06-2014, 03:53 PM
Yeah I believe you when you say it's common.
It's also more sought after by punters that are in denial.

TMC (free cage girl)
14-06-2014, 04:21 PM
I did bareback with an ML before once. It was at the Korean massage shop that was next to 1 Blackburn st. They're gone now.
It was a strange session. I went there expecting only rnt but the girl seemed to like me. During body slide she put my little bro against the lips of her naked pussy and just stopped there. She gave me playful looks and gfe. I was rock hard and out of my mind by then so I pushed my hips up and the rest was history.
Less than 2 weeks later I was pissing puss. She had given me gonnorhea. That was easy to fix with one dose of meds, but the fear of having caught something else is the worst thing. It took me 6 months to get the all clear after that.
Not worth the trouble!!!

If you dont have condom. just use plastic bag from seven eleven!!!!! protect your penis:cool2:

we are lucky to born with penis! thanks mama:cool2:

18-06-2014, 12:54 AM
For those of us with wives/GFs, its not just a risk of catching something but also passing something on to someone else!

That's the quickest way to have a secret punting career become not-so-secret. And add on that the risk of losing your family or house in a divorce :(

Best way to overcome temptation is to have that thought in your mind... but that is a bit of a dampener on the mood!

Don't be a fool, cover your tool.

Max Impact
18-06-2014, 01:39 AM
A working girl is safer than a regular girl!

18-06-2014, 01:57 AM
What if your relationship with a particular WL grown so close that you've become her lover/bf, she underwent a medical checkup and gets the all clear of all STDs, promise to practise safe sex with other customers, and takes the pill - and you see she takes the pill too. Would you go bareback in this circumstance?

18-06-2014, 01:58 AM
A working girl is safer than a regular girl!

I think that might also depend on the establishment and the girl...

But on the whole I agree, a sensible working girl is probably more conscious about sexual health than some backpacker chick you might pick up at a dodgy bar.

18-06-2014, 08:02 AM
What if your relationship with a particular WL grown so close that you've become her lover/bf, she underwent a medical checkup and gets the all clear of all STDs, promise to practise safe sex with other customers, and takes the pill - and you see she takes the pill too. Would you go bareback in this circumstance?

Uh, hopefully she's doing all that stuff anyway!

18-06-2014, 08:26 AM
I've had a couple of bareback *accidents* (courtesy of a magic vacuum pussy) with a girl whom I know is very responsible, and we were concerned but not panicked. Woulda been completely different if they hadn't been accidents.

18-06-2014, 08:36 AM
Definitely was not worth it. :cry:

18-06-2014, 09:58 AM
I've had a couple of bareback *accidents* (courtesy of a magic vacuum pussy) with a girl whom I know is very responsible, and we were concerned but not panicked. Woulda been completely different if they hadn't been accidents.

Damn those vacuum pussys!

18-06-2014, 10:16 AM
What if your relationship with a particular WL grown so close that you've become her lover/bf, she underwent a medical checkup and gets the all clear of all STDs, promise to practise safe sex with other customers, and takes the pill - and you see she takes the pill too. Would you go bareback in this circumstance?

Only ever trust your own Mrs !!

That's all I got to say !!

Just my two cents

Good luck to all you brave hearts out there !


18-06-2014, 10:22 AM
Only ever trust your own Mrs !!

That's all I got to say !!

Just my two cents

Good luck to all you brave hearts out there !


Mmm. I tend to agree with you ...
But arnt some of these ML & WL someone's "missus" ???
Bends the brain doesn't it !! :)

18-06-2014, 10:31 AM
Mmm. I tend to agree with you ...
But arnt some of these ML & WL someone's "missus" ???
Bends the brain doesn't it !! :)

I know a few mls who are married, but we never had FS so bareback with them was not an issue ! And it never came up in our conversations if they fuck their husbands bb at home !

I did watch an old Hong Kong movie called "Call Girls" many years ago, one of the actress was a prostitute who worked to support her family and a sick husband!

And she was already HIV positive but she didn't know, one time her husband wanted to have sex with her and they ran out of condoms , she wanted to go to 7/11 to get some but her husband said he is so sick, he couldn't care less! So they fucked ! And low and behold the husband was infected and later die !

Well, that's just a movie !

18-06-2014, 09:06 PM
AHHH!Lungor, I recommend this movie:


Fast forward to 6 mins. Girl cute or not?

19-06-2014, 04:03 AM
it does not matter WL or not BBFS is risky.

Aid's is like heroin it's death. you don't come back or get far back.

some of the others cause massive pain and you live with it.

Some well, cause others to be infected or affected.

As for having the testing.

You just ask them - doctors nurses can't refuse or argue why. You just got give me the test. it's none of there business.

You can be smart arse. I once told them because I think my house mate raped me. She never looked at me the same again.

I got a few things from BBFS but never a WL gave me. Mostly Whores from the night clubs. One chick everyone knew I forced rubber use, but my mate went in sloppy 2nd's latter on. he got the BURN.

I know a friend got HEP something and he copped it on the gold coast.

IN general I think most WL are a bit safer but not always they are higher risk category

19-06-2014, 04:17 AM
AHHH!Lungor, I recommend this movie:


Fast forward to 6 mins. Girl cute or not?

this one hot too....love that girls thigh


astro boy
19-06-2014, 07:46 AM
this one hot too....love that girls thigh


f@#ck.., now that's what a call a orgasm..thanks bro

Trying this on the weekend...:slobber:

19-06-2014, 12:40 PM
Ok, now that we know the dangers of barebacking, from this line onwards we are going to say only the GOOD things abt barebacking

Lets assume she is not a WL, clean gf for morality sake, she doesnt get pregnant. Barebacking has many pros:

Do you fucking agree with me barebacking feels awesome?
Do you get addicted to it?
Do you feel it's never close enough with her using a condom?
Do you think it's sexy for her to hold your cum inside her for a good 2-3 days - gets her to think of you all the time doesnt it?

All the kinky shit you can say to her

"Hey, why are we fucking like husband and wife without a condom?"
"Do you feel different without a condom?" She says, "I can feel the head more, it feels good"
"I can feel you completely"
She says," I took the pill, you can come inside. I want to feel your come inside me."

Tell me you dont get any reaction from those!

19-06-2014, 06:31 PM
I got a hypothetical question!
You met a hottie, got to know her, emotions flare up and you two started hitting the sack - bareback and even came inside her. A few months later you went for a medical check up and found out that you got HIV ! You tell this to her and she was very remorseful because she didnt know about it either and kept apologising to you. She promised to make up for your life by willing to become anything you want her to be, a wife/casual lover, whatever, and she will be faithful and nice to you for rest of your life.
Would you be angry with her and leave her, or would you take up her offer? Or would you do something else, like report to the health department about her out of spite?

19-06-2014, 06:51 PM
How do you know you didn't get it from other than her ??
Hypothetically speaking .....

19-06-2014, 07:48 PM
I hope all this talk of bareback is
fantasy and wishful thinking. Yes, using a condom can be a drag. Latex can be fun, though, like the way WLs use their mouths to apply protection, which is awesome. Yes, of course bareback sex feels great. As someone whose cock goes numb very easily as a side effect of other medical issues, I feel this more than most — there's nothing more direct than the feeling of tight, warm slippery flesh around your cock. This is why BBBJ is an acceptable compromise for many of us. Others of us love massage as another way to get that delicious friction. BBBJ is still risky, but not like genital contact and ejaculation in a vagina. And yes, I've had a couple of accidents, but the reliability of the girl in that context doesn't compare to the whacky "thinking with one's pussy/dick" stories that regularly pop up here.

For god's sake, if you're thinking about intentionally doing bareback sex in an environment that involves high partner turnover, please think about everyone else. It's not just your life, it's all of ours'. We live in something called a society, despite some people wanting to characterise it as every person for themselves. Respect that.

19-06-2014, 10:16 PM
How do you know you didn't get it from other than her ??
Hypothetically speaking .....

You got it from her. Dont make the question complicated.

20-06-2014, 12:36 AM
I had a girl mount and ride me but instead of bareback she wanked me by reaching behind.
Although not real bareback the fantasy, visual and physical stimulation way even better than uncovered sex because it was safe.

TMC (free cage girl)
20-06-2014, 02:54 AM
i met many mature OZ ladies. they actually does't care about sex with condom.

But, I never tried sex without condom. Its too risk for my boy :cool2:

Im very enjoy my like with penis. i don't want to get damage:cool2:

11-02-2015, 07:56 PM
Its a forum rule that no names of workers and shop should be named on the forum without conclusive evidence

It doesnt affect 99.9% of workers and customers anyway, since safe sex is practiced

Most workers and punters should be tested every 3 months anyway, and practice safe sex always
Any HIV in a worker and punter therefore should ideally be picked up, just as HIV in this guy was picked up

The Health department will always do a contact check of anyone found to test positive to HIV
Health care workers have the job of sorting things out, in legitimate cases of HIV, not a member of the general public

All you need to do is to inform this guy, if you know him, to be honest to the clinic he was diagnosed at, about who he practiced unsafe sex with
If you have evidence that he is knowingly spreading HIV, then you should call the police, and let them sort it out

11-02-2015, 08:19 PM
frank_zane, you can believe about 50% of what you read on the internet, and about 30% of what you read in a forum

Does the guy on the forum include his true name and identity, so he can back up what he says, and has accountability ?
Of course not
So do you trust an anonymous opinion 100% ? No

Tell the shops that an anonymous man on the internet is claiming to have HIV. Thats about all the evidence you have

11-02-2015, 08:34 PM
Yes, I agree that someone is going around spreading hurtful information about trusted and proven shops that could damage their reputation

We have discussed everything you need to do in our posts above, and I agree with you

20-02-2015, 11:09 AM
Ive read the story too, while it may be true or not true I can definitely say I've been to one of those establishments and been offered bbfs and anything else I wanted from the girls he mentions. Knocked it back but you can't say you know the place and their hygiene is ok. Doesn't worry me as never bbfs, but know a few blokes who do who are a bit worried now.

20-02-2015, 11:21 AM
I fail to be worried by these 'stories', and I encourage people not to be scared by these 'stories'

Why do these stories always aim to cause fear ?

Even if the story is from a person with HIV, if they were genuine in their concern, they would simply accurately inform the health authorities of their sexual contacts, at the time of their formal medical diagnosis
People with new onset HIV dont go on public forums unless they wish to cause mischief

Another reason not to get your information from random internet sources

The Director-General of the Ministry of Health NSW is informed of all formally diagnosed cases of the following diseases, and investigates all outbreaks:

Acute viral hepatitis
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis C
Lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV)

Its that fundamental - the Director-General of the Ministry of Health NSW deals with outbreaks of the above diseases
There is no need for internet vigilantes to interfere with the process by posting anonymously on the internet

This is the official NSW Department of Health website Disease Notification webpage:


The internet is used by many to propagate fear.
Dont be sucked in

And safe punting to all !