View Full Version : When does No mean Yes ?

05-01-2013, 12:52 PM
Has anyone been to a massage shop & asked for extras only to be told no even though you have the "impression" that yes they do ? This has happened to me many times & also applies to some massage clinics where I have not directly asked for any extras but given the female therapist encouragement during the massage so she knows exactly what I'm after. Cheers ! :question:

05-01-2013, 12:59 PM
never. If a woman says "no" then you must always respect her. No exceptions.

05-01-2013, 01:01 PM
Has anyone been to a massage shop & asked for extras only to be told no even though they have the "impression" that yes they do ? This has happened to me many times & also applies to some massage clinics where I have not directly asked for any extras but given the female therapist encouragement during the massage so she knows exactly what I'm after. Cheers ! :question:
You simply misread her " impression ", no means no.

05-01-2013, 01:06 PM
Thats why I like full service shops you know what your going to get its just the degree and extras and quality that is in doubt.

05-01-2013, 01:32 PM
Thats why I like full service shops you know what your going to get its just the degree and extras and quality that is in doubt.
Same deal, no means no !

05-01-2013, 01:38 PM
Here is an example from a recent cmk_76 review on Yumi where the blanket "no means no, no exceptions" cliche' quoted above seems to have about as much worth as all such generalisations do. Sex is about the imagination, the psychology, as much as it is about the physical sensations. (My bold emphasis added in cmk's excerpt.)

"In other sessions with her, I would use the thumb and index to insert both openings, while the tongue is duelling with her clitoris. I get really excited at her wriggling around, vocalising the ‘torture and pain’ that has been inflicted. This would only turn me on even further and encourage me to pervert further in depth, even when she would place her hand to pull my fingers away. It may seem like I was forcing myself on her, but it was all part of the intense act of indulgence between Yumi and I. It was almost like play rape.

Her moaning, body wriggling, tortured expressions would drive me wild and my violent act of pleasure begins. A favourite technique of mine would be to hold both her hands by the wrists with one hand, while I penetrate both orifices with the other hand, whilst frenetically tonguing her as well. Of course, I have, at every time, pushed just a little further with Yumi, as she satisfies my every insatiable sexual appetite."

I too have encountered hands reaching down to stop or pull me away from something I have been doing, and was very much liking doing. Still being inexperienced (but rather famously learning every day now under the influence of this forum) I have immediately obeyed the instruction of that restraining hand.

Reading this part of Cmk_76's report on Yumi (sorry, cmk_76 you do need to be more ruthless in editing out other excessive detail, so as not to dilute the impact of your excellent fiery stuff like the above) it made me think to start pushing some boundaries too. To maybe not be so passively obedient. I like the thought, for example, of the wrist lock used by cmk. Yoyo, the other day (the subject of a new report by me soon) allowed some of my tonguing of her arse, but then moved her hand down to dissaude me from it. I obeyed. Yet, encouraged by cmk now, I like the thought of responding to this in future with a FULLY PENETRATING DRAGON DRILL (which I still haven't done yet) Talk about a giving a stunning mutual charge! :slobber:

05-01-2013, 01:38 PM
No means No!
but sometimes "Yes" mean "No" after you pay.

She may say poor English such as:

1> "Not here"
2> "No touch"
3> "Ticklish"
4> "No!"
5> "Later"
6> "Period"
7> "Extra $50"


What the fuck!

05-01-2013, 01:42 PM
With the prices of extras some mls charge you're better off going to fs shops

05-01-2013, 01:44 PM
Has anyone been to a massage shop & asked for extras only to be told no even though you have the "impression" that yes they do ? This has happened to me many times & also applies to some massage clinics where I have not directly asked for any extras but given the female therapist encouragement during the massage so she knows exactly what I'm after. Cheers ! :question:

I think the best indications of whether extras or happy ending is on offer is how the ML wants you dressed on the massage table, if she told you to keep your pants on, then good luck Jose, enjoy your legit massage!! If she tells you to take everything off, then again, good luck Jose, only this time she may join you in your total nakedness in the not too distant future after the financials have been sorted out.

Just my two cents



05-01-2013, 01:46 PM
Here is an example from a recent cmk_76 review on Yumi where the blanket "no means no, no exceptions" cliche' quoted above seems to have about as much worth as all such generalisations do. Sex is about the imagination, the psychology, as much as it is about the physical sensations. (My bold emphasis added in cmk's excerpt.)

"In other sessions with her, I would use the thumb and index to insert both openings, while the tongue is duelling with her clitoris. I get really excited at her wriggling around, vocalising the ‘torture and pain’ that has been inflicted. This would only turn me on even further and encourage me to pervert further in depth, even when she would place her hand to pull my fingers away. It may seem like I was forcing myself on her, but it was all part of the intense act of indulgence between Yumi and I. It was almost like play rape.

Her moaning, body wriggling, tortured expressions would drive me wild and my violent act of pleasure begins. A favourite technique of mine would be to hold both her hands by the wrists with one hand, while I penetrate both orifices with the other hand, whilst frenetically tonguing her as well. Of course, I have, at every time, pushed just a little further with Yumi, as she satisfies my every insatiable sexual appetite."

I too have encountered hands reaching down to stop or pull me away from something I have been doing, and was very much liking doing. Still being inexperienced (but rather famously learning every day now under the influence of this forum) I have immediately obeyed the instruction of that restraining hand.

Reading this part of Cmk_76's report on Yumi (sorry, cmk_76 you do need to be more ruthless in editing out other excessive detail, so as not to dilute the impact of your excellent fiery stuff like the above) it made me think to start pushing some boundaries too. To maybe not be so passively obedient. I like the thought, for example, of the wrist lock used by cmk very much. Yoyo, the other day, (the subject of a new report by me soon) alowed some of my tonguing of her arse, but then moved her hand down to dissaude me from it. I obeyed. Yet, encouraged by cmk now,I like the thought of responding to this in future with a FULLY PENETRATING DRAGON DRILL (which I still haven't done yet) Talk about a giving a stunning mutual charge! :slobber:
A girl finally succumbs to the pressure or " persuasion " to perform an act which she initially refuses does not mean she's a willing participant. Although she might find it enjoyable afterwards or pretend to be enjoyable afterwards does not alter the fact that it wasn't her intention to provide that service.

05-01-2013, 01:46 PM
With the prices of extras some mls charge you're better off going to fs shops

Once again, if you want FS, you should always go to a FS shop.

However, who can beat the value of $30/30 min massage with a free HJ from 501/532 Newtown !!



05-01-2013, 01:51 PM
A girl finally succumbs to the pressure or " persuasion to perform an act which she initially refuses does not mean she's a willing participant. Although she might find it enjoyable afterwards or pretend to be enjoyable afterwards does not alter the fact that it wasn't her intention to provide that service.

Is this not one of main reasons why people go to RnT shops and always try to push the limits and boundaries of the MLs and get satisfaction out of it - almost a sense of triumph !! Eventhough they know all too well that they can get a sure thing in a FS shop with better facilities and services. But getting the MLs to do things and services they don't normally do or give in to your advances/demands/requests is just a temptation and kicks too hard to resist...........lol - I must say, only for some punters, but the numbers are growing............haha



05-01-2013, 02:11 PM
A girl finally succumbs to the pressure or " persuasion " to perform an act which she initially refuses does not mean she's a willing participant. Although she might find it enjoyable afterwards or pretend to be enjoyable afterwards does not alter the fact that it wasn't her intention to provide that service.

It would be a pretty bland forum if all we did was agree fully with each other all the time. Even though it has been my stated intent, through properly argued logic, to convert EVERYONE to the way I think, no matter what the topic is. :D Following this conversion success, I'd then have to move onto the next sex forum (I am a member of no other) and begin again.

Looks like I won't be leaving this forum anytime soon, eh? :D

Wilisno and I, for example, have been vigorous sparring partners on other threads. So I certainly respect him and his views. Over 8000 posts! That alone deserves a lot of respect! Wilisno, you have it from me.

05-01-2013, 02:13 PM
Is this not one of main reasons why people go to RnT shops and always try to push the limits and boundaries of the MLs and get satisfaction out of it - almost a sense of triumph !! Eventhough they know all too well that they can get a sure thing in a FS shop with better facilities and services. But getting the MLs to do things and services they don't normally do or give in to your advances/demands/requests is just a temptation and kicks too hard to resist...........lol - I must say, only for some punters, but the numbers are growing............haha


That's also one reason I don't go RnT

05-01-2013, 02:15 PM
It would be a pretty bland forum if all we did was agree fully with each other all the time. Even though it has been my stated intent, through properly argued logic, to convert EVERYONE to the way I think, no matter what the topic is. :D Following this conversion success, I'd then have to move onto the next sex forum (I am a member of no other) and begin again.

Looks like I won't be leaving this forum anytime soon, eh? :D

Wilisno and I, for example, have been vigorous sparring partners on other threads. So I certainly respect him and his views. Over 8000 posts! That alone deserves a lot of respect! Wilisno, you have it from me.
Nothing's more enjoyable than a civilized debate.

05-01-2013, 02:30 PM
Check out Stevens guide

05-01-2013, 03:18 PM
yes means yes, no means no

but if you want extra service, just show your last $100 from your pocket

05-01-2013, 03:59 PM
Only thing you need to know is:

No means yes, Yes means anal

05-01-2013, 04:32 PM
I think that you sould always assume no means no and that way you wont go far wrong.

05-01-2013, 04:42 PM
I think that you sould always assume no means no and that way you wont go far wrong.

Isn't that a little too safe, vanilla, and pedestrian?

What about Cmk_76's experience of pushing at boundaries for a real charge of sexual energy?

05-01-2013, 04:49 PM
Is this not one of main reasons why people go to RnT shops and always try to push the limits and boundaries of the MLs and get satisfaction out of it - almost a sense of triumph !! Eventhough they know all too well that they can get a sure thing in a FS shop with better facilities and services. But getting the MLs to do things and services they don't normally do or give in to your advances/demands/requests is just a temptation and kicks too hard to resist...........lol - I must say, only for some punters, but the numbers are growing............haha



spot on, 1000% true

05-01-2013, 05:07 PM
Here is an example from a recent cmk_76 review on Yumi where the blanket "no means no, no exceptions" cliche' quoted above seems to have about as much worth as all such generalisations do. Sex is about the imagination, the psychology, as much as it is about the physical sensations. (My bold emphasis added in cmk's excerpt.)

I think you are on the wrong track Sextus. Women meaning no when they say no is not a cliche. It is a line in the sand between the sexes; and the reason you are seeing millions of women protest in India over sexual violence; and the reason Julia Gillard won so many plaudits for her misogyny speech. Both are emphatically saying that there is are absolutes in gender interactions that, for the sake of civil society, must not be breached. There is a very clear distinction between the playfulness of love making and the communication between two people involved in a commercial transaction.

I agree with you that cmk_76's review is a brilliant piece of writing. He is describing intimacy from a long-standing relationship. I, myself, have written on this forum about how easy it is to get sex from massage girls once you establish a rapport. Once a woman is working in the sex industry then it seems there is not much difference between tugging a bloke and fucking him. But, and it is very important but, she is in control of the situation. She has the power to set all the boundaries. That is the contract when you a pay a woman for sex. It is not the consensual form of an interaction as when two people meet and agree to have sex. It is a very specific buying of a specific service. If you ask and she says no then that is the end of the matter. If, however, you find there is some spark and return to see her on multiple occasions then maybe she will offer you something different.

05-01-2013, 06:01 PM
I think you are on the wrong track Sextus. Women meaning no when they say no is not a cliche. It is a line in the sand between the sexes; and the reason you are seeing millions of women protest in India over sexual violence; and the reason Julia Gillard won so many plaudits for her misogyny speech. Both are emphatically saying that there is are absolutes in gender interactions that, for the sake of civil society, must not be breached. There is a very clear distinction between the playfulness of love making and the communication between two people involved in a commercial transaction.

I agree with you that cmk_76's review is a brilliant piece of writing. He is describing intimacy from a long-standing relationship. I, myself, have written on this forum about how easy it is to get sex from massage girls once you establish a rapport. Once a woman is working in the sex industry then it seems there is not much difference between tugging a bloke and fucking him. But, and it is very important but, she is in control of the situation. She has the power to set all the boundaries. That is the contract when you a pay a woman for sex. It is not the consensual form of an interaction as when two people meet and agree to have sex. It is a very specific buying of a specific service. If you ask and she says no then that is the end of the matter. If, however, you find there is some spark and return to see her on multiple occasions then maybe she will offer you something different.

That's a good one, Wayne ! :miao:

05-01-2013, 07:00 PM
I think you are on the wrong track Sextus. Women meaning no when they say no is not a cliche. It is a line in the sand between the sexes; and the reason you are seeing millions of women protest in India over sexual violence; and the reason Julia Gillard won so many plaudits for her misogyny speech. Both are emphatically saying that there is are absolutes in gender interactions that, for the sake of civil society, must not be breached. There is a very clear distinction between the playfulness of love making and the communication between two people involved in a commercial transaction.

I agree with you that cmk_76's review is a brilliant piece of writing. He is describing intimacy from a long-standing relationship. I, myself, have written on this forum about how easy it is to get sex from massage girls once you establish a rapport. Once a woman is working in the sex industry then it seems there is not much difference between tugging a bloke and fucking him. But, and it is very important but, she is in control of the situation. She has the power to set all the boundaries. That is the contract when you a pay a woman for sex. It is not the consensual form of an interaction as when two people meet and agree to have sex. It is a very specific buying of a specific service. If you ask and she says no then that is the end of the matter. If, however, you find there is some spark and return to see her on multiple occasions then maybe she will offer you something different.

(This thread seems to be mainly about ml's. Sorry but I've never been to an ml, just fs, so I am relating the thread topic to my experience as they both do apply and cross over. So my remarks are only applying to fs, as I lack any experience with ml's, but your words are probably true regarding ml's as their boundaries are much more overt.)

I agree with your last remarks that, as with cmk_76, it is more about feeling your way through a (fs) session.

But the iron clad rules as implied in your " emphatic absolutes in gender relations," "specific buying of a specific service" and "the communication of two people involved in a commercial transaction" remarks all sound really cold, shiveringly cold, and that has rarely been my experience, and I know that it hasn't been your experience either.

And I've read many a review on this forum where such arctic commercial and gender coldness is JUST NOT THERE. I don't think the warmth of the majority of my encounters is all in my mind either, because I'm not that credulous. Maybe just a little bit credulous, but not too much!

In the heat of mating with a hot girl, what I am suggesting, as a devils's advocate, is that the boundaries are much more flexible and pliable and looser. A verbal "no" I would certainly obey, but a half-hearted restraining hand? That is another matter to be considered in the context in which it happens.

In that situation if the restraining hand is another form of "no means no' well, it not only sounds like a simplistic advertising slogan - it actually is one! (There is no subtlety possible when you are trying to communicate a message to the masses, and I agree with the slogan's use to all those dumb fucks out there.)

To use the shocking Indian incident to support an advertising slogan is overkill in the context of this discussion. The slogan sure does apply to that incident of course, but how does it apply to sensitive and aware - if mildly (or otherwise) - sexually experimental people like myself, cmk_76 and KickAss?

Look, we don't go into politics on his forum, but Gillard's speech does have a relevance here, so I'll say a truth or two about it. It was the most contrived example of manufactured offence ever uttered in parliament. That is saying something! It was given as a deflecting defence to prevent Peter Slipper being removed as speaker for his SMS sexual harrassment of his gay staffer. So she cites soft examples of how "offended" she has been at so-called misogeny by Abbot to support a sexual harasser in the speaker's chair! Examples like the c**t (Abbot) standing in front of a 'ditch the witch" sign that he didn't even know was there! It was brought into place behind him after he started his speech to Australia's version of the Tea Party. I saw it happen.

And I read Slipper's harrassing and filthy texts to his gay staffer too. Never before has hypocrisy soared so high in parliament as when she gave that speech. It is a wonder the soaring ceilings there were capable of holding it in.

In fact, this was a "gender" card, played as a last resort that she has been keeping in reserve to pull out ever since the polls went so far south. I've never been a lib supporter, and not much of a labor supporter these days either. But it was just obscene to see her use a real - if humourless, beloved of humourless people - issue in such a contrived and hypocritical way.

05-01-2013, 07:27 PM
In the heat of mating with a hot girl, what I am suggesting, as a devils's advocate, is that the boundaries are much more flexible and pliable and looser. A verbal "no" I would certainly obey, but a half-hearted restraining hand? That is another matter to be considered in the context in which it happens.

I suggest you do it the other way round. If you can turn a verbal "no" into a "yes" with persuasion or bribery, good on you. But to violate a half-hearted restraining hand is definitely going against her will ( at least half-hearted will ) !

05-01-2013, 07:46 PM
It's cmk_76's fault! He got me thinking. All of you are getting me thinking too much!

05-01-2013, 07:51 PM
It's cmk_76's fault! He got me thinking. All of you are getting me thinking too much!

I think you are right. It's not really that difficult to work out.

If some more money means she will agree to do something extra then obviously she is OK with it but if she physically resists or gives a stern no then that's the end of the story - just enjoy what she is prepared to offer and see someone else next time.

05-01-2013, 08:26 PM
That's also one reason I don't go RnT

I may be the opposite ...

05-01-2013, 08:48 PM
Here is an example from a recent cmk_76 review on Yumi where the blanket "no means no, no exceptions" cliche' quoted above seems to have about as much worth as all such generalisations do. Sex is about the imagination, the psychology, as much as it is about the physical sensations. (My bold emphasis added in cmk's excerpt.)

"In other sessions with her, I would use the thumb and index to insert both openings, while the tongue is duelling with her clitoris. I get really excited at her wriggling around, vocalising the ‘torture and pain’ that has been inflicted. This would only turn me on even further and encourage me to pervert further in depth, even when she would place her hand to pull my fingers away. It may seem like I was forcing myself on her, but it was all part of the intense act of indulgence between Yumi and I. It was almost like play rape.

Her moaning, body wriggling, tortured expressions would drive me wild and my violent act of pleasure begins. A favourite technique of mine would be to hold both her hands by the wrists with one hand, while I penetrate both orifices with the other hand, whilst frenetically tonguing her as well. Of course, I have, at every time, pushed just a little further with Yumi, as she satisfies my every insatiable sexual appetite."

I too have encountered hands reaching down to stop or pull me away from something I have been doing, and was very much liking doing. Still being inexperienced (but rather famously learning every day now under the influence of this forum) I have immediately obeyed the instruction of that restraining hand.

Reading this part of Cmk_76's report on Yumi (sorry, cmk_76 you do need to be more ruthless in editing out other excessive detail, so as not to dilute the impact of your excellent fiery stuff like the above) it made me think to start pushing some boundaries too. To maybe not be so passively obedient. I like the thought, for example, of the wrist lock used by cmk. Yoyo, the other day (the subject of a new report by me soon) allowed some of my tonguing of her arse, but then moved her hand down to dissaude me from it. I obeyed. Yet, encouraged by cmk now, I like the thought of responding to this in future with a FULLY PENETRATING DRAGON DRILL (which I still haven't done yet) Talk about a giving a stunning mutual charge! :slobber:

Just to clarify that in the midst of my session (or any session for the matter) with Yumi, I have always backed off or restraint further urges, if she is not comfortable with the act. My report may depict that of a forceful nature on her, however be assured that I have never, nor do I intend to violate her in any way that has not been consented between 2 adults. (namely Yumi & I) This was after all, a 'fantasy' that was played out naturally as I was an aggressive, dominant figure and her, a 'submissive' maiden. I think you have raised an interesting point whilst reading my report, I might suggest a 'safe' word to stop any act if it gets uncomfortable. In saying that too, I would always discuss the act with her, when we are having a breather, usually when we're kissing. I respect her a lot, and would never hurt her verbally or physically, even during 'love-play'

I have been seeing her for over 2 years, and this is something that I have explored with her in the last year. I could never explore this sort of 'behaviour' with any other lady, as the rapport has been gradually built.

I didn't think that the report could bring about such debate?

05-01-2013, 08:51 PM
Are you certain that it wasn't just his fantasy?

Believing no means yes will probably get you in real trouble with the law someday.

Indeed moonlighter, it was a fantasy. Yumi knows me all too well that I have a passive, aggressive love making nature, but only with her.

05-01-2013, 08:53 PM
It's cmk_76's fault! He got me thinking. All of you are getting me thinking too much!

Hahaha... don't think too much dear sextus, this might do your head in!

05-01-2013, 09:05 PM
A girl finally succumbs to the pressure or " persuasion " to perform an act which she initially refuses does not mean she's a willing participant. Although she might find it enjoyable afterwards or pretend to be enjoyable afterwards does not alter the fact that it wasn't her intention to provide that service.

This has brought up a thought provoking point. I have always had brief discussions after the act, I was never told if she did not like it, as she would return the act on me ie. fingering my anus and dragon drilling me. I have tried anal with her once, to which she could not accomodate, I have not asked or 'persuaded' since. I have wanted to come in her mouth, but she has told me that she would not like to. Again, I have dropped the subject, and respected her wishes.

However, I do agree with your comment made.

05-01-2013, 09:08 PM
Hahaha... don't think too much dear sextus, this might do your head in!

Aggressive love making nature ... is not a bad thing at all ...

05-01-2013, 09:22 PM
Here is an example from a recent cmk_76 review on Yumi where the blanket "no means no, no exceptions" cliche' quoted above seems to have about as much worth as all such generalisations do. Sex is about the imagination, the psychology, as much as it is about the physical sensations. (My bold emphasis added in cmk's excerpt.)

"In other sessions with her, I would use the thumb and index to insert both openings, while the tongue is duelling with her clitoris. I get really excited at her wriggling around, vocalising the ‘torture and pain’ that has been inflicted. This would only turn me on even further and encourage me to pervert further in depth, even when she would place her hand to pull my fingers away. It may seem like I was forcing myself on her, but it was all part of the intense act of indulgence between Yumi and I. It was almost like play rape.

Her moaning, body wriggling, tortured expressions would drive me wild and my violent act of pleasure begins. A favourite technique of mine would be to hold both her hands by the wrists with one hand, while I penetrate both orifices with the other hand, whilst frenetically tonguing her as well. Of course, I have, at every time, pushed just a little further with Yumi, as she satisfies my every insatiable sexual appetite."

I too have encountered hands reaching down to stop or pull me away from something I have been doing, and was very much liking doing. Still being inexperienced (but rather famously learning every day now under the influence of this forum) I have immediately obeyed the instruction of that restraining hand.

Reading this part of Cmk_76's report on Yumi (sorry, cmk_76 you do need to be more ruthless in editing out other excessive detail, so as not to dilute the impact of your excellent fiery stuff like the above) it made me think to start pushing some boundaries too. To maybe not be so passively obedient. I like the thought, for example, of the wrist lock used by cmk. Yoyo, the other day (the subject of a new report by me soon) allowed some of my tonguing of her arse, but then moved her hand down to dissaude me from it. I obeyed. Yet, encouraged by cmk now, I like the thought of responding to this in future with a FULLY PENETRATING DRAGON DRILL (which I still haven't done yet) Talk about a giving a stunning mutual charge! :slobber:

I think with the 'right' lady, there is a possibility of yourself exploring that with her. You will need to build your rapport with your lady of choice and more importantly, get to know her body and 'feel' what she enjoys, as oppose to what we men 'think' ladies may enjoy.

For example, I have licked 15 years worth of oysters & abalones, only to be told that I was wasting my time, with the way I was doing it! It's only in the last 3 years that I have learnt to 'listen' for the ladies' rhythm (abdomen) and 'feel' for other body movements to rate my progress of every lick.

Prior to discovering this site back in September, but finally joining in November, I was only seeing Yumi for fs every month (over 2 years) and was very fortunate at the sexual compatibility and bedroom chemistry that we share. I felt a little 'guilty' for not seeing her for the last 2 months (prior to the 27th of Dec.) since having other experiences elsewhere.

05-01-2013, 10:46 PM
... I have tried anal with her once, to which she could not accomodate, ...
As a matter of interest, cmk76, did you try stretching her arsehole with your fingers before trying to get your dick in?

Arseholes have a lot of stretchability but you have to get there gradually, at least with a lady who hasn't done it a lot before. I use my little finger first, then my middle finger and then my middle and index fingers together, all lubed of course.

06-01-2013, 12:56 AM
you, like the MSM lemmings, miss the point completely Sextus.

06-01-2013, 01:47 AM
you, like the MSM lemmings, miss the point completely Sextus.

Wayne, I don't know what an "MSM" lemming is, though I do know what a lemming is supposed to do, that is, leap off a cliff in a mass suicide. No-one has ever thought me to be any less than an individual though, never part of a mass movement. My input to the forum I hope is yet more evidence of this.

But I am really interested in your point of view and am grateful to hear it. Not only for its own sake, but like wilisno, I really like to debate. I imagine all those readers out there who never join in, but for whom we all struggle on these pages for the hearts and minds of.

I'd like to know, for example, what point it is that I am missing.

06-01-2013, 02:45 AM
A girl finally succumbs to the pressure or " persuasion " to perform an act which she initially refuses does not mean she's a willing participant. Although she might find it enjoyable afterwards or pretend to be enjoyable afterwards does not alter the fact that it wasn't her intention to provide that service.

Sorry wilisno, my old sparring partner - though I am sure I am not the first or the last you have had - but the above reeks of PC, a milquetoast desire not to ever offend, ever.

Me? I'm on the side of red blood, of passion, of colour, and not blandsville where everything is beige and where everyone is bored with each other.

Maybe it is because I am impossible to offend myself that I have such short patience with the multitudes who look for it and consequently find it everywhere. (Like Julia Gillard pretended to be.)

Cmk_76? Given your passionate writing in that review excerpt, I wish you hadn't taken the PC response to the above either. It's boring, equivocating, and the very opposite of the passion you write with. That is where I see your honesty, and your full expression of yourself, unguarded.

I wish some of the ladies we are endlessy discussing could have a say too. Instead, we are filling up the vacuum from them with our own prejudices or PC rotes. If anything, they are stronger and more resilient than we men are. To treat then like crystal vases is insulting and demeaning to them. Evolution decided on a fundamental level most about male / female sexual roles and behaviours. What feels natural to us to do therefore - hey! here's a revelation - also feels natural to them too. And no amount of PC overlay will ever overcome that.

PS. You lot need a **** like me to stir the pot.

06-01-2013, 03:16 AM
Sextus you are missing every point - are you polonius? If so you are a fucking idiot, if not I apologise.

Have you ever thought that the gentle hand movement to move your hand away is just to try and keep the mood as initimate as possible? I'm mostly an ML guy and have quite a few ML's as friends (and one as more), and I can tell you it can be very awkward for them when a guy tries to feel something he is not supposed to. Should she just say "No" and maybe ruin the mood? Or just gently move the idiots hand away and continue with the sexy stuff?

It's fucked up really, I read after reports where a guy says the girl told him not to touch her boobs or pussy or something, and they always say it was a downer on the session, and I guess in full service land it's a bit more expected. But what you claim as being a "half hearted" attempt at moving your hand away from her is probably just her trying to keep the mood and keep things sexy.

Anyway, the answer is simple. No always means no, whether it's said verbally or otherwise...and sextus you are an idiot.

06-01-2013, 08:36 AM
As a matter of interest, cmk76, did you try stretching her arsehole with your fingers before trying to get your dick in?

Arseholes have a lot of stretchability but you have to get there gradually, at least with a lady who hasn't done it a lot before. I use my little finger first, then my middle finger and then my middle and index fingers together, all lubed of course.

I have attempted with her guidance as well, but Yumi was not comfortable with it. Therefore, I did not 'coax' or pursue the act any further, simply dropped it, out of respect.

06-01-2013, 11:21 AM
I think the best indications of whether extras or happy ending is on offer is how the ML wants you dressed on the massage table, if she told you to keep your pants on, then good luck Jose, enjoy your legit massage!! If she tells you to take everything off, then again, good luck Jose, only this time she may join you in your total nakedness in the not too distant future after the financials have been sorted out.

Just my two cents



I agree with you AHLUNGOR that it is indeed a good indication when the lady tells you to take off all your clothes but it's not always the case you will end up getting what you desire. Only last Thursday I went to a massage clinic for the first time & the masseuse did say take off all your clothes (which made me think this could be my lucky day) yet for the whole 45min massage she showed no interest whatsoever in giving me any extras even though I tried to encourage her during the massage to do otherwise. So it just goes to show it doesn't matter if all your clothes are on or off if the lady is not interested in giving you any extras she won't. Cheers !

06-01-2013, 12:03 PM
Anyway, the answer is simple. No always means no, whether it's said verbally or otherwise...

According to cmk_76's report, this isn't true.

Nerph, I am bringing up theoretical situations to gauge opinions. I am grateful to receive them.

As I said, the ML scene has more apparent boundaries than fS, re-read the comments I made about that, where I said your and other comments are probably true about that situation. I am talking about fs, where a lot more is always going on than mostly does at boring massages.

Really all I am talking about is the innocent devilish enjoyment to be had from just going a little bit further with the girl. I don't know why so many of you think this is the f**king end of the world if you do this. (KickAss, where are you when I need you?) I haven't ever done it, cmk is the one who apparently has, and yet he's the one getting all the good press, while I have just earned my first ever name call on this forum (he he... don't worry, I can take it.) But I am bringing up the theory of it, and face it, there is an obvious attraction to it. It is what I felt anyway, when I read cmk's report.

(Ps. I've heard of this Polonious guy, I take it he was sometimes controversial?)

07-01-2013, 04:08 PM
Wayne, I don't know what an "MSM" lemming is, though I do know what a lemming is supposed to do, that is, leap off a cliff in a mass suicide. No-one has ever thought me to be any less than an individual though, never part of a mass movement. My input to the forum I hope is yet more evidence of this.

But I am really interested in your point of view and am grateful to hear it. Not only for its own sake, but like wilisno, I really like to debate. I imagine all those readers out there who never join in, but for whom we all struggle on these pages for the hearts and minds of.

I'd like to know, for example, what point it is that I am missing.

Sextus, the reference to a lemming is to people who simply follow the leader, without contemplating the consequence. Its only the lead lemming who makes the decision to jump off the cliff; all the others mindlessly follow. My reference was to you blindly parroting the main stream media (MSM on all the all political blogs) about Gillard's misogyny speech. They, like you, focussed on the speech being in response to an Opposition motion to dismiss the Speaker of the House. An act that would have been unprecedented in the Australian parliament with all sorts of unpleasant implications to the future of debate in the house. There was no discussion about this in the following days MSM; and I mean none because I monitor these things. All the commentary was about Gillard's supposed hypocrisy. And that is the point. She was not being hypocritical. She was pointing out Abbott' hypocrisy. Listen to the speech and hear the list of on-the-record statements Abbott has made about gender roles. Gillard was not defending Slipper's confidential dialogue with his staffer (who has since been proved to have been slippery with the facts and his motivation). Gillard was defending Slipper's rights as an individual to defend himself. Abbott was the one who was using labels about sexism and Gillard called him out, brilliantly. The MSM is so concerned with the contest of the parliament, and so eager to please their partisan proprietors, that they fail to recognise when there are tidal shifts in public perception of that game. Few would contest that Gillard's speech shifted the perception of her government. She may still be behind in the polls, but nothing compared to where she was prior to the speech; and the Opposition is now scrambling. The silly coverage of Peta Credlin's IVF program is a case in point. These sorts of stunts simply reinforce the perception that Abbott sees gender issues as simply a box to be ticked. He just doesn't get it. Like you with your dismissal of my reference to the Delhi rape.

Rape is the ultimate act in the objectification of women. It is a power trip by men. As is prostitution. Why do fat old codgers pay gorgeous young women to suck their dicks; and why do these women participate in this transaction; and why are they almost all Asian women with limited English speaking skills? It is all about money and power. I lived in India for years so am particularly attuned to the shocking sexism in that society. But I see the same elements here, and particularly on some of the comments on this forum. The question on this thread really got my hackles up because it just demonstrates how vigilant one must be not to descend into that nasty world where men are men and women are their toys. I know that is not your view, but I equally know that many of the working girls in Sydney are subjected to some horrible behaviour by their clients.

07-01-2013, 04:22 PM
The question on this thread really got my hackles up because it just demonstrates how vigilant one must be not to descend into that nasty world where men are men and women are their toys. I know that is not your view, but I equally know that many of the working girls in Sydney are subjected to some horrible behaviour by their clients.

I think all we decent human beings should make a pledge and pack right here and now, so that:

1. We will always pay the fair price charged for our punt.
2. Always treat the WLs and MLs with respects and diginity.
3. Be a gentleman at all times.
4. Be hygienic clean and get rid of bad breathe and BO before we visit a shop
5. Take No for an answer and respect No means No !
6. Won't take any performance enhancing sex drug for the purpose of prolonging the fuck time. (Need for V is allowed)
7. Won't get drunk or high before visiting a shop
8. Never trick a WL into a gang rape situation
9. Never take photo or video of WL/ML without their consent.
10. Never have or ask for BBFS and/or BBanal

May be this will minimize the horror and threats faced by the WLs and MLs on a daily basis.

Shall we ??


07-01-2013, 05:18 PM
7. "Don't get high before visiting a shop."

Just a little teensy, teensy bit high please Ahlungor? :smile:

Ahlungor: "Well....alright....I suppose so."

07-01-2013, 07:54 PM
"My reference was to you blindly parroting the main stream media (MSM on all the all political blogs) about Gillard's misogyny speech.....all the commentary was about Gillard's supposed hypocrisy."

It wasn't that I "blindly parroted" it - perhaps I just agreed with its reasoning? That is a possibilty.

Maybe however, I was also inclined to be annoyed with Gillard for other reasons attached to her speech, and so seized on the Slipper context of her speech to include in my general annoyance. I admit to having little patience with people that are easily personally offended, because my own humour is too strongly a part of me to ever have that profound failing.

I lost patience with Gillard when she said five times, or it might have been more, using the rhetorical device of repeated sentence construction:

"I was offended when you....."

"I was offended when you......"

"I was offended when you....."

"I was offended when you....."

"I was offended when you....."

(I remember that amongst other lightweight and straw clutching examples she quoted was the faux and fallacious "ditch the witch" sign incident.)

Yeah, she was offended all right, and the degree of her offence was decided by a parliamentary committee strategy meeting that very morning. I'm willing to include Abbot's hypocrisy you identify in all this too. As I said, it is a wonder the soaring ceilings of parliament house where able to contain all of it in that day.

"Your dismissal of my reference to the Delhi rape."

I didn't "dismiss" it Wayne, I only called its use overkill in the context of this discussion. Other than that I endorsed your bringing it up. And here are my actual words:

"To use the shocking Indian incident to support an advertising slogan is overkill in the context of this discussion. The slogan sure does apply to that incident of course, but how does [a shocking murderous rape] apply to sensitive and aware - if mildly (or otherwise) - sexually experimental people like myself, cmk_76 and KickAss?"

I can form my own words thank you, rather than have them put in my mouth! :D

"Prostitution is [also] the ultimate act in the objectification of women."

I'm not qualified to discuss that, but it sounds like you are on the wrong forum and engaged yourself in the wrong activity if you truly hold that view. I commented before that you seem to have a very cold view of this activity, a view that contrasts with the many genuinely warm human moments so many of us have experienced.

I know you have experienced many of these moments yourself with the Heart of Gold Bellevue street ladies, for example. We are all people together, I don't know how many times that is brought up on this forum, and I can only speak from my own experience of this too.

You might also condemn, for example, some of the filth I sometimes talk during sex, but that is just a sexual game for me, taking place during sex, and nothing of it lasts beyond that. Afterwards I am all hugs and affection, after sex - and in life too. All my comments on this thread are in the context of sexual game.We could write encyclopaedias about the range of human sexual behaviours, and all the nuances that give us pleasure. Attempts to hammer people into strict PC behaviours lacks much of the creativity we humans are capable of, and that helps to define us.

07-01-2013, 08:34 PM
No does mean no, if not then you'd probably be 1 of the 6 guys who raped that poor girl in New Delhi on a bus.

For some punters these wl's are just toys to do what ever, but for me my relations with wl's transcend our meeting point and we become close friends, brothers and sisters. If you heard someone forced themselves without permission on your sister what would you do???

No need to call someone out in the forum. Just spread the word to your favorite WL or shop..."hey watch out for this guy he thinks no means yes." These are the customer's who ruin it for other punters because they only see their reality where they are king and can do what ever pleases them.

07-01-2013, 08:38 PM
It would be handy if you could think in nuances too, and not just slogans.

That sums up the whole theme of the thread in fact.

07-01-2013, 09:06 PM
So thinking and writing fancy makes it ok to be a rapist? Getting high means you have no imagination to do it from pure thought... sad.

While your high does that make it ok to force your hand where ever it wants to go? Or does being high give you another excuse to be a rapist???

the wizard
07-01-2013, 09:24 PM
I think all we decent human beings should make a pledge and pack right here and now, so that:

1. We will always pay the fair price charged for our punt.
2. Always treat the WLs and MLs with respects and diginity.
3. Be a gentleman at all times.
4. Be hygienic clean and get rid of bad breathe and BO before we visit a shop
5. Take No for an answer and respect No means No !
6. Won't take any performance enhancing sex drug for the purpose of prolonging the fuck time. (Need for V is allowed)
7. Won't get drunk or high before visiting a shop
8. Never trick a WL into a gang rape situation
9. Never take photo or video of WL/ML without their consent.
10. Never have or ask for BBFS and/or BBanal

May be this will minimize the horror and threats faced by the WLs and MLs on a daily basis.

Shall we ??


well said.........

07-01-2013, 09:33 PM
ah Sextus, so its nuanced to force a woman into doing something she does not want to do. Good one mate. I humbly apologise for not appreciating such a great mind as yours. Clearly, your humour and wit is beyond such a feeble mind as mine; who sillily believes that the language used on a prostitution forum is literal; was disturbed when the alternative prime minister spoke in front of a "ditch the witch" sign; and who has personally taken a worker, from one of the most discussed shops on these forums, to hospital after being raped in the line of her work (she could not be persuaded to press the matter with police). I bow to your superior intellect.

07-01-2013, 10:55 PM
They brought the sign in behind him after Abbot had already started to speak. I bet every politician wishes they had eyes in the back of their head, not least to avoid the knives!

No, I just mean to gauge the situation, the individual and evolving situation of any encounter. Remember, I am arguing thereotically here, as a devil's advocate, and I ain't done anything like that myself - though you wouldn't know that from Gucci! But I was provoked to comment on this by cmk76's report which seemed to describe behaviour that was working for both of them, and yet still falls outside your limits of acceptibility.

If that was an exception, a fact, a report, where it was working for both of them, how many other exceptions may there be too? That is all I mean by nuance. Surely that is a reasonable thing? (Cmk is taking a low profile while I do all the hard theroretical legwork!)

I can certainly understand though, how you would be influenced by your experience with that girl you helped. I can see how you would then think of all such ideas as a slippery slope downwards.

07-01-2013, 11:32 PM
They brought the sign in behind him after Abbot had already started to speak. I bet every politician wishes they had eyes in the back of their head, not least to avoid the knives!

No, I just mean to gauge the situation, the individual and evolving situation of any encounter. Remember, I am arguing thereotically here, as a devil's advocate, and I ain't done anything like that myself - though you wouldn't know that from Gucci! But I was provoked to comment on this by cmk76's report which seemed to describe behaviour that was working for both of them, and yet still falls outside your critieria of acceptibility.

If that was an exception, a fact, a report, where it was working for both of them, how many other exceptions may there be too? That is all I mean by nuance. Surely that is a reasonable thing? (Cmk is taking a low profile while I do all the hard theroretical legwork!)

I can certainly understand though, how you would be influenced in your consideration by your experience with that girl you helped. I can see how you would then think of all such ideas as a slippery slope downwards.

Sorry fancy word guy your story too long...do you agree "no means no" because there is no grey area. Or are you still saying "no means yes"???

07-01-2013, 11:39 PM
You're a tenacious bugger Sextus, I'll give you that!
If they're ever gonna pull the plug on me, I want you in my corner.
You're fighting a losing battle here. Let it go mate, let it go ...

08-01-2013, 12:48 AM
Sorry fancy word guy your story too long...do you agree "no means no" because there is no grey area. Or are you still saying "no means yes"???
That's the main point! Can't see why people think no means yes

08-01-2013, 02:22 AM
You're a tenacious bugger Sextus, I'll give you that!
If they're ever gonna pull the plug on me, I want you in my corner.
You're fighting a losing battle here. Let it go mate, let it go ...

Rooter, if they ever try to pull the plug on you just call on me. Because I've got itchy keyboard fingers....

But you are right. I've got to do much more mating with females, and much less talking, especially about micro subjects like this one.

I can't retire from this thread without saying that I do have a bit of a conscience about it. It seems to be hard to have a discussion on a serious topic on this forum without people considering a counter-view as if it is a personal attack on them, when all it is is an exchange of ideas. I've never used a bad word to describe anyone on the forum, or even used sarcasm, I've always tried to keep things on an even keel.

But under the unconscious influence of Gucci's suggestion that I would be "first in line on that bus" I may have come across as dismissive and arrogant in my one line response to it. Unfortunately gucci is a bit of a firebrand and my response stoked his coals even further. So I must, despite myself, have some human weakness in this regard.

The second thing that is playing on my conscience is that Wayne had been very helpful to me in the past in pm's, as well as volunteering personal information, and I want him - despite my enthusiasm for uncensored debate on the open forum - to know that I remain grateful for it.

Just can't let any of that get in the way of a good debate!

08-01-2013, 09:46 PM
So thinking and writing fancy makes it ok to be a rapist? Getting high means you have no imagination to do it from pure thought... sad.

While your high does that make it ok to force your hand where ever it wants to go? Or does being high give you another excuse to be a rapist???

Way out of context... accusation or implication that:

1. While your high does that make it ok to force your hand where ever it wants to go?
2. Thinking and writing fancy makes it ok to be a rapist?
3. Being high give you another excuse to be a rapist?

Never did Sextus implied or stated that it was ok to the above acts..

08-01-2013, 10:01 PM
No need to call someone out in the forum. Just spread the word to your favorite WL or shop... "hey watch out for this guy he thinks no means yes." These are the customer's who ruin it for other punters because they only see their reality where they are king and can do what ever pleases them.

Is this a 'hypothethical' example you are giving or is this an assummed accusation/implication of someone.. I wonder...

08-01-2013, 10:06 PM
Sorry fancy word guy your story too long...do you agree "no means no" because there is no grey area. Or are you still saying "no means yes"???

Sextus, could you answer truthfully. In simple terms to Gucci's questions above? (to quell his fiery or firey states) I can answer for you, and I know your answer, but I'm too hot and bothered (and lazy) to scroll back to posts to back up your answers here.

08-01-2013, 10:11 PM
That's the main point! Can't see why people think no means yes

After reading that line over and over and over again, a marketing line that was presented to me by an ex, "no means not now..."

08-01-2013, 10:42 PM
Sextus, could you answer truthfully. In simple terms to Gucci's questions above? (to quell his fiery or firey states) I can answer for you, and I know your answer, but I'm too hot and bothered (and lazy) to scroll back to posts to back up your answers here.

Ahahaha I liked the part where he dragged you into this thread by reposting your AR and then name dropped you and kickass a few times as like minded souls you cmk were quite for abit but now your out guns blazing defending your boyfriend sextus.

It was a simple question but answering yes or no is below Mr fancy words so he wrote another long story that put me to sleep.

Your right it is hot and you must be lazy because he was implying all over the place that he gets high before punts and even begged ahlungor to get high before his next massage.

Ohh and I might as well drop this bomb to...anyone remember when he did negative AR on a girl who gave him bad service??(I won't mention the shop but its there for all to check) why he got upset with girl?? He wanted bbfs, she said no then his ego plus his dick got deflated. "Wait do you know who I am? I'm sextus I've done a million AR for this shop do as I say" she said no a few more time to his requests for bbfs. That's why I want to know if he in particular thinks no means yes?

08-01-2013, 11:05 PM
cmk76, please leave it. This guy is extreme.

08-01-2013, 11:48 PM
cmk76, please leave it. This guy is extreme.

Wow this is the shortest reply in your history of posting. Tell everyone I'm a liar and see what else I know.

09-01-2013, 12:44 AM
I first read this thread after quite a few post and was then trying to leave it live it's own life and die, but it's now too hot to do anything else, so...
(temperature is hot, not the thread)

Absolutes and shades of grey...

Firstly, NO means NO.
Secondly, nooohhh, giggle, giggle, hmmm... nooohh, usually means "I'm playing coy and inexperienced, so you better try harder and get the pineapple out the wallet".
Thirdly, sometimes yes means no. In some cultures (Japanese comes to mind) it is really impolite to say no. Even when that is what they really mean.
Fourthly, sometimes there is a language barrier, so the other person does not know what she / he is saying no or yes to. Gestures and handsignals come to play.

And finally a question to Gucci...

If someone asks you: "Have you stopped beating your wife yet?"
Would your answer be yes or no?

09-01-2013, 12:47 AM
I first read this thread after quite a few post and was then trying to leave it live it's own life and die, but it's now too hot to do anything else, so...
(temperature is hot, not the thread)

Absolutes and shades of grey...

Firstly, NO means NO.
Secondly, nooohhh, giggle, giggle, hmmm... nooohh, usually means "I'm playing coy and inexperienced, so you better try harder and get the pineapple out the wallet".
Thirdly, sometimes yes means no. In some cultures (Japanese comes to mind) it is really impolite to say no. Even when that is what they really mean.
Fourthly, sometimes there is a language barrier, so the other person does not know what she / he is saying no or yes to. Gestures and handsignals come to play.

And finally a question to Gucci...

If someone asks you: "Have you stopped beating your wife yet?"
Would your answer be yes or no?

Powerful ...

09-01-2013, 12:59 AM
I first read this thread after quite a few post and was then trying to leave it live it's own life and die, but it's now too hot to do anything else, so...
(temperature is hot, not the thread)

Absolutes and shades of grey...

Firstly, NO means NO.
Secondly, nooohhh, giggle, giggle, hmmm... nooohh, usually means "I'm playing coy and inexperienced, so you better try harder and get the pineapple out the wallet".
Thirdly, sometimes yes means no. In some cultures (Japanese comes to mind) it is really impolite to say no. Even when that is what they really mean.
Fourthly, sometimes there is a language barrier, so the other person does not know what she / he is saying no or yes to. Gestures and handsignals come to play.

And finally a question to Gucci...

If someone asks you: "Have you stopped beating your wife yet?"
Would your answer be yes or no?

Yeah, I agree with all that too. I think your second point is where the nuances are. Thanks for putting it so well :D

09-01-2013, 05:45 AM
And finally a question to Gucci...

If someone asks you: "Have you stopped beating your wife yet?"
Would your answer be yes or no?

Wow 1st its no, 2nd its may be, 3rd its yes, 4th it's sorry me no english??? Ahahaha yep I think you covered all the answers, but its sad how you generalize the topic instead of having the balls to give a definite yes or no answer.

My answer would be no, well she giggles when I do it so may be, you know what I changed my mind, yes I have finished...sorry what was the question? My english not to good.

Your name is licker? Lick these(now imagine my hand holding my nuts).

09-01-2013, 05:50 AM
cmk76, please leave it. This guy is extreme.

Another short reply with out the long story I like your new style buddy. I'm "2extreme - more than words" get it??? Good song.

09-01-2013, 11:35 AM
I also think no is no.

Think about this. What if responded with $100? $1000? Is there a price for everything? I think so; at least for sex workers as they are quite keen on money.

09-01-2013, 03:12 PM
Gucci thinks my writing is boring. Here are some alternative opinions about various reviews and posts:

“Sextus, brilliant reporting.” Wizard

“Super review.” Naturalism

“Incredible review. Simply stunning in its vivid detail..” River

“Bravo! Simply brilliant.” cmk76

“I have nothing more to say...
It was that good.” jimmyk

“Yes, its not often that I feel shivery when I read a review, but I did that time. Magnificent.’ Boater

”Stellar review, I'm nodding away and thinking not just adoration and addiction but hedonism and appreciation.” Igloo

“Truly the mark of an educated man.” Bracket.

“Without a doubt, front runner for review of the year for the forum IMHO!!” AhLungor

“Everytime one of your posts come up, I often think, "What's he got to say now? To say the least, you are amusing, entertaining and intelligent.” cmk76

“Lovely, you cantankerous old bastard you :-)
Lovely.” Boater

“God dam double thumbs up bro epic review!” Evolution troll

“Classy reporting. Thanks Sextus.” KickAss.

“You have a talent in a way of metaphorically describing an act with very visual words. Very entertaining and almost 3D like in my mind.” Cmk76

“You have always been straightforward Bro, that's why your reviews can be respected and followed - it's always good to know someone who is willing to share their good times and brave enough to write about their bad experiences.” Deep Impact

“Damn brother!
This was a fantastic read that would easily win the penthouse letter of the month award.” MeaningOfLife.

“Great humour and reading.” Iexperiment

“In the name of humour Sextus, I salute you!”

“I'm peeing myself laughing right now. Not sure what is more entertaining, Sextus words or herecticx wrong assumptions afterwards!” Ilovefs

“This is one hell of an erotic review! Omg - I need a cold shower after reading your review Sextus. hot hot...” CommanderM

“Sextus, great report. I had to read it 2 or 3 times ...!” The Tiger.

“Another winning post right there.” AhLungor

“Sextus I think I need to pour a bucket of water over me right now
That is one Horny read.” Wizard

“This is one of the best piece of literature ever posted on this forum!
You sir, is a profilic writer and deserve a big round of applause!” Sergeant Brody

“Gee Sextus your setting the standard high with these great reports.” Littlewonder

“This is classic.” Silverfox1985

I suggest you take each of these comments above with a teaspoon of sugar gucci. It will help them go down better.

And argue, if you must, with all of those who wrote the comments above please, and not with me. They are their comments, not mine. I feel humble gratitude to those that made them, and I'll try to maintain the standard if I can for your reading enjoyment.

BTW people,do any of these comments from all of you accord with the filthy lying fictions about me that gucci posted above? He did of course, have nothing left to offer beyond that, lies were the only thing left rattling around in his empty noggin' like a pea in a whistle. Anyone notice he brought up the word "liar" before I ever did? Freudian slip that if ever there was one. And speaking of psychiatrists, he sure needs one. For anger management at least.

09-01-2013, 03:33 PM
Wow you should get a trophy your like a word smith super hero. Its true what they say "you are what you eat" you've eaten so much pussy, you actually became one...couldn't fight on your own so you drag a few names into the mix "hey super buddy's can you help me out I'm getting bullied by a villainous hand bag"

09-01-2013, 03:46 PM
Feeling a bit isolated now are you, you lying ****?

Happens to all trolls.

09-01-2013, 04:09 PM
Feeling a bit isolated now are you, you lying ****?

Happens to all trolls.

The girls said at the beginning you were "a nice man" then when your status started growing you became a monster making all sorts of bbfs demands. Dont worry I still think your a nice man.

the wizard
09-01-2013, 04:48 PM
This thread is now officially out of control..
It's become a very nasty and vicious slagging match between two people.

I'am not taking sides and not interested in joining the debate as i know
where I stand and that's all I really care about, as well as the well being of the girls.

Can any of the accusations made be substantiated, I would hate to be accused
of something that may not be true.

There is no more benefit to the rest of us.

Admin should take appropriate action now....

09-01-2013, 05:05 PM
Yeah, Wizard, I've already contacted admin about it.

Up until yesterday he'd never even heard of me, never a peep from him, but now he suddenly has a detailed background dossier on me from multiple sources that he has been sitting on for months? And it just happens to come out at the end of a long thread about something else. Har Har hardy fucking har.

Like any lie, he is now trapped in it.

You are right about false accusations mate, they are a disgrace to the worth and value of this forum. So are the lying ****'s that make them.

09-01-2013, 05:12 PM
no always mean no, then no argument and case close thread close

09-01-2013, 05:57 PM
Wayne, I know we had a robust debate in that thread, but you will recall how conciliatory I was to you at the end. And also how civilised my discussion was throughout the thread. I'd appreciate it if you could acknowledge my pm's to you on the 5th and 6th of December 2012 where I expressed shock and horror to you about BBFS, about the very the idea of it. The subject came up randomly when we were talking about something else, it was private, and meant for no-one else's eyes. That in fact is what makes it so genuine.

We had opinion differences in this thread sure, and that is why your testimony here would have so much weight. Not only does that give it weight, but more importantly, it has the most weight because it is also the truth, you only need to look at your pm's again to see that.

I should say that it would be enough to get this defamatory liar off the forum, a forum that he doesn't respect or deserve the privilege of being on.

09-01-2013, 07:35 PM
Yeah, Wizard, I've already contacted admin about it.

Up until yesterday he'd never even heard of me, never a peep from him, but now he suddenly has a detailed background dossier on me from multiple sources that he has been sitting on for months? And it just happens to come out at the end of a long thread about something else. Har Har hardy fucking har.

Like any lie, he is now trapped in it.

You are right about false accusations mate, they are a disgrace to the worth and value of this forum. So are the lying ****'s that make them.

Never heard of you? You were all over the forum last year with your beautiful AR's. Girls like talking about customers especially the famously disgusting ones. Yeah admin close this thread already I grow tired. Good bye "nice man".