View Full Version : General talk Cmk Finally Exposed By Numerous WL/ML's!!! Now They All Know...

03-07-2014, 01:00 AM
11.00 pm 3 July 2014

It was only a matter of time that my reviews would be finally uncovered by the ladies themselves. I think a lot of the repeat reviews may have established a pattern and the intimate details have undeniably been tracked back to me! Like I had commented on a post in the general thread, I should stop collecting numbers of ladies and maintain communication. I know where I stand, as a client between the ladies as service providers. However, there are always exceptions to the rule. And rules are meant to be broken. Where would the fun be if we stuck to the straight and narrow all the time...

Firstly, I would like to apologise to the ladies whom I may have caused a little trouble or embarassment from what they have read by chance. I won't single out names but there are quite a few at the moment that have discovered who cmk may be. True to my word, I have and will remove details of those that have been offended by. I have been grateful that the ladies involved have been understanding and reasonable about my actions. After all, the reviews paint each and every one of them in an outstanding manner in looks, services and performance. In hindsight, I realise that the unwanted advertising may have caused a barrage of unfamiliar queries that they were not ready for. On behalf of the ladies too, could the punters NOT make them uncomfortable by requesting services that may have been read from my reviews...

Secondly, could I request punters who have read my reviews in the past and present to take it with a grain of salt. A gentle reminder to all that discretion is of paramount importance. Exercise this action frequently, especially in all your punts. This would also be my personal advice to those that may not have the experience. I know that information may accidentally leak in the presence of a lady. As they say, slip of the tongue or putting your foot in your mouth. Which ever the case may be, please be mindful. From experience, to avoid awkward moments and to be guaranteed a successful punt, treat every session as a new exciting adventure. Even when repeat visits or rapport has established. This attitude should almost certainly keep things fresh every time. Complacency is an absolute mood killer. Never have preconceived expectations on what you may have read of the lady. As always, this will lead to a predictable dissapointment. And you will only have yourself to blame!

Numerous pm's have been sent to me regarding a large number of individual ladies and their performance. I was then happy to share but have been cautious of late, especially with new members. No offence, gents! I still couldn't work out how new members with low post counts and no access to the private massage section would know about ladies that I have only featured in the said section?! To protect the ladies and myself, I would be polite and refer them to the general advertised number of the shop. I am not concerned nor do I have a grudge with the individual(s) who may have inadvertently offered information about my sessions. I do not want to speculate or suspect any one on the forum, as I have no desire to do so...

Until recently, recurring callous use of information that I have divulged on this forum, has reached to the unbeknownst ladies. To my surprise, a litter of texts were sent in succession and in haste! It was very peculiar that they arrived in a similar fashion of approach. Consequently, I had to tell them the truth, and confirm my reviews of them. However, my identity remains unanswered. As we know too, to ignore and to delay is a probable yes or no to an unwanted question...

Unfortunately, as much as I love to write and describe my adventures in graphic detail, I have withdrawn myself to hibernate from writing reviews indefinitely. In lieu of what has happened, it has inspired me to continue exploring my writing in other challenges and topics. Thank you all again for your time and understanding. Happy punting...


03-07-2014, 01:10 AM
Totally understood brother !

Xxxxxxx. Xxxxxxx. Xxxxxxx

03-07-2014, 01:40 AM
understand completely.

03-07-2014, 02:05 AM
Thanks for the memoir-ies cmk!

03-07-2014, 02:39 AM
Can you tell us what your username means ?
Chuck Manuel Kwong born 1976 ?

03-07-2014, 08:42 AM
Is the date a typo or back to the future stuff? Lol
Jk bro, totally understood

11.00 pm 7 July 2014

It was only a matter of time that my reviews would be finally uncovered by the ladies themselves. I think a lot of the repeat reviews may have established a pattern and the intimate details have undeniably been tracked back to me! Like I had commented on a post in the general thread, I should stop collecting numbers of ladies and maintian communication. I know where I stand, as a client between the ladies as service providers. However, there are always exceptions to the rule. And rules are meant to be broken. Where would the fun be if we stuck on the straight and narrow all the time...

Firstly, I would like to apologise to the ladies whom I may have caused a little trouble or embarassment from what they have read by chance. I won't single out names but there are quite a few at the moment that have discovered who cmk may be. True to my word, I have and will remove details of those that have been offended by. I have been grateful that the ladies involved have been understanding and reasonable about my actions. After all, the reviews paint each and every one of them in an outstanding manner in looks, services and performance. In hindsight, I realise that the unwanted advertising may have caused a barrage of unfamiliar queries that they were not ready for. On behalf of the ladies too, could the punters NOT make them uncomfortable by requesting services that may have been read from my reviews...

Secondly, could I request punters who have read my reviews in the past and present to take it with a grain of salt. A gentle reminder to all that discretion is of paramount importance. Exercise this action frequently,especially in all your punts. This would also be my personal advice to those that may not have the experience. I know that information may accidentally leak in the presence of a lady. As they say, slip of the tongue or putting your foot in your mouth. Which ever the case may be, please be mindful. From experience, to avoid awkward moments and to be guaranteed a successful punt, treat every session as a new exciting adventure. Even when repeat visits or rapport has established. This attitude should almost certainly keep things fresh every time. Complacency is an absolute mood killer. Never have preconceived expectations on what you may have read of the lady. As always, this will lead to a predictable dissapointment. And you will only have yourself to blame!

Numerous pm's have been sent to me regarding a large number of individual ladies and their performance. I was then happy to share but have been cautious of late, especially with new members. No offence, gents! I still couldn't work out how new members with low post counts and no access to the private massage section would know about ladies that I have only featured in the said section?! To protect the ladies and myself, I would be polite and refer them to the general advertised number of the shop. I am not concerned nor do I have a grudge on the individual(s) who may have inadvertently offered information about my sessions. I do not want to speculate or suspect any one on the forum, as I have no desire to do so...

Until recently, recurring callous use of information that I have divulged on this forum, has reached to the unbeknownst ladies. To my surprise, a litter of texts were sent in succession and in haste! It was very peculiar that they arrived in a similar fashion of approach. Consequently, I had to tell them the truth, and confirm my reviews of them. However, my identity remains unanswered. As we know too, to ignore and to delay is a probable yes or no to an unwanted question...

Unfortunately, as much as I love to write and describe my adventures in graphic detail, I have withdrawn myself to hibernate from writing reviews indefinitely. In lieu of what has happened, it has inspired me to continue exploring my writing in other challenges and topics. Thank you all again for your time and understanding. Happy punting...


03-07-2014, 09:41 AM
I think that we all have something to learn, If as a punter you see a lady and get on really well with her and treat her right then she may give you her best service or service that she does not give to everyone.

So its fair to say that because one punter gets xyz from a lady doesn't mean that the next guy will automatically get it.

I try to write my AR to reflect the session without putting the lady in a position where another punter will request a service that the girl may not want to offer.

Punting is for me a personal thing and the relation ship I have with the ladies becomes special all punters should go into a punt with an open mind treat the lady right and not expect too much or anything out of the ordinary. For me this works best and we both nearly always enjoy each others company and end up having a great time together without pushing any thing that may be out of bounds.

Best punts are had when the girl relaxes and enjoys herself, she needs to trust you and feel safe with you, if you can get to this stage then punting has a whole new avenue to explore and enjoy. If you can get these experienced girl to make love to you then you will be taken to a new high in love making.

Go enjoy and look after the lady you will be rewarded.

03-07-2014, 10:31 AM
Take it easy bro cmk, and enjoy the punts while you're at it.

Imho, you should keep on writing erotica but not publishing them. Let those creative juices flow if it is what you like and what you're good at.

Thanks for the ARs and hopefully when things mellow down, we will get to read your hornier stuff again.

03-07-2014, 12:33 PM
cmk bro that's understandable and I have similar experience before. Ladies who find their name on it especially who are very sensitive about this and newbies or brainless guys mentioned about this forum and asked ladies for extra or something unusual services and keep pushing them with rude manner. Since then I deleted all my AR in private section and don't post anymore. Seriously one of my favourite girl at RNT joint left the shop after she found her name on different forum site and seriously mentioned me that she will even stop serving me rather than any standard even if I see her again at any shop.
Cheer up bro your ARs have been inspired and really helpful and I also thank you to guided me to find good girls.

03-07-2014, 01:37 PM
A crying shame cmk.....maybe create a new account??

03-07-2014, 06:28 PM
cmk, your reviews and writing style will be deeply missed.

It does seem yo hen hotly writing after reports. Maybe continue to write but not name the shop or the girl. Brothers will read it purely for erotica, I know I would.

Max Impact
03-07-2014, 06:48 PM
The girls know that I write reports and they seem happy? Last one that found out was MOC Tedy. When I said sorry she said she was happy about it.

09-07-2014, 04:04 PM
I realise that my comments regarding cmk's posts were a bit intemperate and I have apologised privately to him for for that. I didn't enjoy his reviews because I am not interested in the graphic details of other people's punts but I can see that many other members enjoy them.

It might apply to ML's if the report includes extras, but it will not do any harm to WL's with a detailed report !

I never have any problems writing detailed blow by blow reports of my punts, simply because I asked the girl's permission before I post it, to make sure she's ok with it.

Some girls might have some personal issues that they want to fly under the radar, we have to respect that, so, ask for permission first !

09-07-2014, 04:39 PM
I think there is a line in the sand between review FS vs RnT!

For all the standard services in both shops obviously !!

And I agree with brother Massageboy that any extras that you know is not generally available to general public should be treasured and respect and therefore shall be kept between yourself and the lady !

Just my two cents


Ps. having said that, I did benefited by knowing certain services are available in certain shops and I went for it and had many great punts - thanks to all the pioneer who did that for the forum but it was a normal and natural business transactions , I asked for it, pay for it and enjoyed it, no pressuring and no hackling ! I think ultimately respect is the key and no means no ! Especially in RnT shop! Sure , some mls may provide say a CBJ but if she doesn't like you for whatever reasons she didn't have to do it and we should just back off, no offense !

09-07-2014, 04:50 PM
It might apply to ML's if the report includes extras, but it will not do any harm to WL's with a detailed report !

That is the point I was going to raise while reading these posts. Obviously ML's are in a different category than FS shops when it comes to review details. With full service, extras aren't extras.

Is this saying that ML reviews should NEVER be detailed reviews? Just brief sketches and vague hints?

09-07-2014, 05:03 PM
I never have any problems writing detailed blow by blow reports of my punts, simply because I asked the girl's permission before I post it, to make sure she's ok with it.

Some girls might have some personal issues that they want to fly under the radar, we have to respect that, so, ask for permission first !

Exactly. I ALWAYS ask a lady if I have her permission to write a review and if there is anything she doesn't want shared. It is common courtesy :)

09-07-2014, 05:40 PM
If a ML gives me special service and asks me not to tell anyone then I don't write about it.

Business Class
09-07-2014, 06:48 PM
Really I find this as no surprise. Cmk76 has relentlessly exposed a number of MLs to to the principled and less principled members of this site with his smug and tedious narrations of every single aspect of his punts. To give away information about sessions with MLS who he obviously has a very close relationship with is both disrespectful and potentially harmful to these ladies. Good riddance to those reviews, I say.

The bigger issue for the ladies is that some members get a little too creative when writing reports and include details that only happened in their imagination and give others the impression that there is more on offer. So the ladies get bombarded with requests for services that they are not willing to offer and maybe never offered to anyone.

Too much creativity or bullshit eventually gets found out.

09-07-2014, 08:55 PM
If a ML gives me special service and asks me not to tell anyone then I don't write about it.

I agree.

And if she swallows then both our lips are sealed.

09-07-2014, 09:20 PM
I agree.

And if she swallows then both our lips are sealed.
I thought her lips are sealed to be able to swallow ? :miao:

09-07-2014, 09:28 PM
cmk76, if you are still out there, the long OP in italics makes it hard to read.

09-07-2014, 11:04 PM
I thought her lips are sealed to be able to swallow ? :miao:

That too. And my lips are sealed to her other lips :grimace:

11-07-2014, 11:53 AM
The bigger issue for the ladies is that some members get a little too creative when writing reports and include details that only happened in their imagination and give others the impression that there is more on offer. So the ladies get bombarded with requests for services that they are not willing to offer and maybe never offered to anyone.

Too much creativity or bullshit eventually gets found out.

Yes, but sometimes this gets found out immediately rather than eventually.

Like the barrage of cynical rubbish (and not much else) you've posted since joining the forum.

You were found out right away (indeed from your very first post) You just can't help yourself can you??

Let's see how long you last in this incarnation...