View Full Version : General talk Every time it gets funnier and funnier

05-07-2014, 01:16 AM
So guys, I've had a fair share of experiences but this experience tops it so far. So I call a shop and book a girl, and make it so clear not to stuff me around or make me wait. Receptionist says girl free in 10mins I say I'll be there in 20.

I wait in room and by chance the girl I book walks past. As I know her she comes for a chat and says I'm busy for half hour would u wait. I'm like I called to book you etc. she walks off and 2mins after receptionist lady comes in and says lady free in 2mins.

I'm like what the hell just happened. The girl told me she's going in for a half hour session and then receptionist tells me she's free in 2 mins.

I just cannot process in my mind what runs through their minds when they bullshit like this. It is so stupid and not even a effort to make a decent lie or story.

Do they think guys are that stupid?? Seriously.

So as I wait in the waiting room watching a dud porno I type this post. These punting stories get better and better every time.

Btw it's the shop in mccredie rd Guildford.

05-07-2014, 01:19 AM

05-07-2014, 02:07 AM
Nothing's gonna change because you still stayed. :) The moment most men walk in, they already got them by the balls. LOL

05-07-2014, 02:17 AM
Hahaha....Oops. Sorry mate:cry:

05-07-2014, 10:17 AM
I hate that. Us bros live by integrity and we expect the same.

One shop (12 Bellevue) do it all the time. I saw online the other day that they had 9 girls on for the day, didn't book but dropped by and there was only one old hag that was pushing 60. She said all others were busy and then she said she's only one there!!?? I noticed the next day on here that within 5 minutes of leaving it was posted that the so and so girl I wanted to see was available???!!!