View Full Version : Other Nisha: Indian Princess Merrylands

Steven Seagal
19-07-2014, 09:12 PM
Nisha Indian Princess
Private at Merrylands
Phone: 0405810756

Howdy Mates,

This is a review of Nisha Indian Princess.

It took me awhile to get a handle on this review, but patience is its own reward.

To understand this punting experience I need to give you a bit of background. We are all sentient beings, that is we have feelings. Three feelings that come to mind that relate to this punt are anticipation, shock and disappointment. Now, if you look up these feelings in the dictionary you will find they all have different meanings, but being sophisticated beings, we can experience these almost at once.

How do I know this? Because I have both felt and experienced others feeling them and I saw it by the facial expressions they had.

First, I remember how anticipation, shock and disappointment manifested themselves on my face simultaneously. One time, before Xmas, my parents kept telling me that at Xmas day I would really enjoy music on that day. I interpreted that this meant I would get a hi-fi system that would blow your socks off. I looked forward to this and imagine the moment that I realised the music my parents referred to was an LP that was the musical soundtrack to the movie GI Blues starring Elvis Presley. At that moment of realisation my face showed briefly anticipation, shock and disappointment. There was no stereo system and only Elvis singing Frankfort Special.

Of course I didn’t see my own facial expression, but I did see anticipation, shock and disappointment on the face of my father after the following exchange when I was 11 years old::

Dad: What do you want to be when you grow up Steven?
Steven: I want to buy a monkey and be an organ grinder.
Dad: What?
Steven: An organ grinder with a monkey.

I will never forget ‘that look’ that contained anticipation, shock and disappointment in one and the same moment.

With my mother ‘that look’ was even worse. I went home on leave when I was in the Army and was of course in uniform when I arrived. While sitting down for dinner the following exchange occurred:

Mom: What do they call that hat you were wearing?
Steven: A cunt cap Mom.
Mom: A what?
Steven: A cunt cap.

In that moment she had ‘that look’, but we could also throw in to the mixture disgust and absolute hatred of me in that moment.

Now we come to Nisha the Indian Princess.

Nish advertises on Cracker two types of service. The first is full service for $100/30 and $150/60. She also advertises for a glory hole for $50.

Those of you ignorant characters out there may not know what a glory hole is. It is a hole cut in the wall and you stick your cock through it and a total stranger that you do not see or talk to sucks it on the other side.

I talked to P.Diddy and Diddy and I agreed we had to try this glory hole thing as it sounded quite exciting.

We made our way out to Merrylands and she is located a hop, skip and jump from the station. It is in her flat which is one of those typical redbrick, two bedroom apartments and, in this case, was located on the 1st floor.

Diddy has become both more knowledgeable and adventurous over the years. In the beginning he thought DFK meant ‘difficult to find knowledge’. Now he knows it involves joining gobs and tongues together. He has ventured from Caucs to Asians to trannies.

For me, Diddy is both a heroic and a mythic character. He is the guy who will have a punt on the way to a punt and then have a punt on the way home from a punt.

Diddy went in first. He is brave. He was gone about 20 minutes and came back with a smirk on his face. I asked what happened and he said for me to find out myself. I gripped him in a half nelson and he squealed everything. My experience was sort of like his.

When I got up to the first floor I was greeted by Nisha. She looked late 30’s, early 40’s, D cups that were not as firm as they used to be, shaved pussy and makeup that looked like it had been applied with a trowel. Her lipstick looked about 2.5 cm thick. Her Indian accent you could cut with a knife. She looked a size 12-14 and looked like the older auntie of an Indian princess.

She took me to the bedroom closest to the front door. It was partitioned off. There was a seat facing a metre square ‘hole’ cut into a partition that separated one part of the room from the other. The chair was in front of the square and to my right was a cathode TV screen with what looked like some 1970’s VHS porn. The detail was so poor I could only make out that it was a black guy drilling a blonde. (Not a pretty picture folks.)

She told me to get myself hard and then stick my cock through the square. First of all, I am 182 cm tall and the square was at my kneecaps level. I just physically couldn’t do it. I told her my cock wasn’t working and the square was too low. Further, I was disappointed the glory hole thing wasn’t anonymous. That’s part of the thrill. As soon as I realised what the set up was, I had ‘that look’.

I paid her another $50 for half hour full service. She then came behind the partition and led me to the 2nd bedroom. It was then I became aware of the powerful odour of curry and stale tobacco smoke. Both were big turnoff for me.

When we got to the other room it was in total darkness and what followed was an event so mechanical that I should be given the award of ‘wind-up toy able to orgasm sans (without any sexual feelings’.

An example of it being mechanical? Look at the following exchange:

Nisha: What is your name?
Steven: Steven.
Nisha: Nice to meet you Bob.
Steven: It’s Steven.
Nisha: Sorry about that Ron.

Folks, once movie critic Dorothy Parker said of a Katherine Hepburn performance “She could have phoned it in”. Nisha could have done that with me.

I am not into necrophilia (sex with the dead), but with her, she laid there like a cadaver in full rigor mortis. I wanted to hold a mirror to her lips to verify she was still alive.

It was pretty bad folks and I felt relief when I came and met Diddy outside again.

Diddy: How was it?
Steven; The best ever!
Diddy: You’re kidding!
Steven: No shit Sherlock.

So there you have it. My glory hole experience bit the dust. I was controlled by anticipation, then shock and finally disappointment and folks they were all in one goofy facial expression smeared on my kisser.

I have to go now.

Catch you again soon.

Until that time friends . . .until that time.


19-07-2014, 09:30 PM
Not the types of girls that I would see but the story is always fun.
Your always entertaining Steven.

19-07-2014, 09:42 PM
Always fun to read Bob, I mean Ron ... Oops Steven !!! ;) ;) ;)

19-07-2014, 10:32 PM
Very entertaining and informative cracker review, just as good as your Svetlana review. Does this indian lady have breast reduction surgery scars ?

Steven if you have the chance or time please do a review of ''just-turn-21 Cherry, Fairfield/Liverpool''.

20-07-2014, 09:04 AM
Another fun to read report? Did they teach you to write them like that in the army?

Steven Seagal
20-07-2014, 12:43 PM
No, I didn't learn to write in the army.

The army slogan was "Join the army and see the world. Meet interesting people and kill them"

Needless to say, I did NOT make the military a career.
