View Full Version : Complaint Forum spam getting out of hand again

19-08-2014, 08:58 AM
This morning there were 13 posts by a certain agency, all about the same girl ...
What happened to the limit of 5 posts ?
If this continues other shops will feel left out and start to increase their advertising spam as well ...

19-08-2014, 09:31 AM
So you think the admin is Not checking anything at all, or they know exactly what's going on and do nothing!

I think it's the later !

They know and see everything here and if they choose to, they act very quickly !!!

Very very quickly .........haha

Money talks that's all!

So you can save your breathe and leave this !

It's their forum and they can run this whichever way it suits them.

Take it or leave it brother .

Just my two cents


19-08-2014, 09:41 AM
Yamada and 7Cowper have always been the worst offenders !!!

19-08-2014, 09:43 AM
So you think the admin is Not checking anything at all, or they know exactly what's going on and do nothing!

I think it's the later !

They know and see everything here and if they choose to, they act very quickly !!!

Very very quickly .........haha

Money talks that's all!

So you can save your breathe and leave this !

It's their forum and they can run this whichever way it suits them.

Take it or leave it brother .

Just my two cents

Yeah ! I think they act even quicker for deliberate cheating !

And you know who's the worst offender for that ? ;) ;) ;)

19-08-2014, 10:08 AM
I like how they've just ignored this thread and continued spamming lol.

19-08-2014, 12:43 PM
Haha I might as well bump this thread up to the top too.

19-08-2014, 12:55 PM
its disgraceful, especially when they advertise in the private section!
yeah you know who you are!
it just comes across as being desperate, which means no business, which means no customers.
what does that tell punters about the shops doing this?

19-08-2014, 01:02 PM
Surly it would make sense to restrict shops to a seperate thread - as in the rosters. Why are owners even allowed to participate in discussion and AR sections?
The more they spam, the less we are likely to visit. That's an idea!! Boycott the shops of spammers.

19-08-2014, 01:34 PM
+1 - numerous messages about the same people/shops is unnecessary.

19-08-2014, 01:50 PM
I suggest one thread per shop !!!

What say you ??

19-08-2014, 01:51 PM
I suggest one thread per shop !!!

What say you ??
Go to Auxxxreview !

19-08-2014, 02:38 PM
I'm not that fussed about some shops posting in the private section. Especially those massage shops which are under the radar, they can hardly post in the open sections. TMC is just ridiculous, one girl working only and 11 threads getting bumped daily, and then basically just posting in every other thread on the site about the same girl anyhow.

19-08-2014, 02:43 PM
I'm not that fussed about some shops posting in the private section. Especially those massage shops which are under the radar, they can hardly post in the open sections. TMC is just ridiculous, one girl working only and 11 threads getting bumped daily, and then basically just posting in every other thread on the site about the same girl anyhow.
Imagine when he has 5 girls as planned ! ;) ;) ;)

19-08-2014, 02:53 PM
Go to Auxxxreview !

I think if only they would go after the Asian shops market, they will give a good run for the money with Aus99 !

I still like it here better because I can post XXX rated photos in my RnT thread, over there I have to post in the Gold Members section only !!

At least people have a choices:

Spams or NO SPAM !!


19-08-2014, 02:57 PM
I think if only they would go after the Asian shops market, they will give a good run for the money with Aus99 !

I still like it here better because I can post XXX rated photos in my RnT thread, over there I have to post in the Gold Members section only !!

At least people have a choices:

Spams or NO SPAM !!

Cheersyou wouldn't say so when you were able to spam yourself !

Actually more zealous than Yamada back then !

19-08-2014, 03:30 PM
you wouldn't say so when you were able to spam yourself !

Actually more zealous than Yamada back then !

Well, I'll say I did spam a little bit - most of those older days were before the dedicated Roster section, and because I am not a shop owner, I can't post in the roster section, so I have no choice but continue to post in the open sections. And it used to be just the one master thread for Snow Lotus, one or two for Silver Fox, just the one for Burwood and ..................

yeah, you can just about put the blame on me for all the spams from any massage shops these days, right - but I'll still say, one thread per shop is the fairest thing !!

Just my 1 cent today.



19-08-2014, 03:39 PM
Well, I'll say I did spam a little bit - most of those older days were before the dedicated Roster section, and because I am not a shop owner, I can't post in the roster section, so I have no choice but continue to post in the open sections. And it used to be just the one master thread for Snow Lotus, one or two for Silver Fox, just the one for Burwood and ..................

yeah, you can just about put the blame on me for all the spams from any massage shops these days, right - but I'll still say, one thread per shop is the fairest thing !!

Just my 1 cent today.


Your one thread per shop idealism only works if part of the intention is to promote yourself as the hero of that thread, but it doesn't work for shops that have multiple girls to promote !

Moreover, when you said one thread per shop, you can and you had found ways around it just by creating more threads with different titles, problem solved ! ;) ;) ;)

19-08-2014, 04:13 PM
What about setting some sort of daily or hourly post limit? That would lower the "flood" aspect of the promotions, and the same threads being bumped multiple times per day.

19-08-2014, 04:19 PM
What about setting some sort of daily or hourly post limit? That would lower the "flood" aspect of the promotions, and the same threads being bumped multiple times per day.
There are limits ! And most advertisers abide by the rules !

19-08-2014, 06:01 PM
Let them go hell for leather in the Shop Roster Forum.
But the AR FORUM should be run by the punters and the shops with best and most interesting reviews will make their way to the top naturally.
Spamming all 3 forums is just bad business in the long run.
You can be yesterdays hero quite quickly if you let greedy shop owners have their way.
I myself take the site far less seriously now due to the spamming and crap.
No need to mention the shops ill never contemplate visiting.

19-08-2014, 06:07 PM
I created the similar thread last weekend, and got deleted straight away.. Probably I was too harsh in making my point. But yep, I'm sick of that spam as well. When I go to AR section, I wanna see and read a new review that some bros has sacrificed their time to write in order for the greater good, not to see some bloody old reviews being bumped up by the business.. It's really pissing me off....

19-08-2014, 06:15 PM
Same occurence here

19-08-2014, 06:15 PM
We are actually doing it for the benefit of the forum.

19-08-2014, 06:16 PM
Not just to complain because we are fussy or unappreciative

19-08-2014, 06:17 PM
Not just to complain because we are fussy or unappreciative

I guess the admin doesn't see it that way.. Very unfortunate..

Vaders Fist
19-08-2014, 06:43 PM
I have to agree, far too much spam. AR section should be for AR's and subsequent discussion in the comments. If he shops had something relevant to say in the comments to further discussion I have no issue with that, but just posting rosters etc constantly is unacceptable in book. There is a roster section, post there. Somehow the actual purpose of this forum to discuss experiences etc has been lost in a sea of spam. I've actually asked questions of one particular shop about one of their ML's however no response. That indicates to me that the shops themselves aren't even reading their own posts...

19-08-2014, 07:01 PM
I guess the admin doesn't see it that way.. Very unfortunate..
You're right, the forum doesn't see it that way, as a matter of fact, this format is the reason why this forum is the most successful of all. With more people online anytime of the day, and more importantly, more paying advertisers than any other forum !

It's been working under the same format for 10 years, from day one, so don't bother to change things for the worse here !

19-08-2014, 07:41 PM
You're right, the forum doesn't see it that way, as a matter of fact, this format is the reason why this forum is the most successful of all. With more people online anytime of the day, and more importantly, more paying advertisers than any other forum !

It's been working under the same format for 10 years, from day one, so don't bother to change things for the worse here !

May be there are some pioneers the forum should thank for it's success today ??

19-08-2014, 08:02 PM
its disgraceful, especially when they advertise in the private section!
yeah you know who you are!
it just comes across as being desperate, which means no business, which means no customers.
what does that tell punters about the shops doing this?

I agree it comes across as desperate ...

19-08-2014, 08:31 PM
May be there are some pioneers the forum should thank for it's success today ??
Pioneers didn't make it a success, you should know it ! 3-4 years ago, it wasn't even half as popular, and most reviews were like statistics of the girls !

It became more popular when the reports became blow by blow accounts of the punts, like erotic stories, then the report writing culture changed and so the participants multiplied !

And also, like it or not, forum stoush attracts a lot of curious viewers too since the Cici of Newtown saga !

It's just the controlled chaos that made it a success !

19-08-2014, 09:22 PM
Lack of a good alternative is a contributor

19-08-2014, 10:07 PM
The post count from that agency as at 8:39pm for today for the one girl is 31 and counting ...

Vaders Fist
19-08-2014, 10:25 PM
Absolutely ridiculous.

19-08-2014, 11:10 PM
Lack of a good alternative is a contributor
There are more than 10 forum available out there !

19-08-2014, 11:15 PM
There are limits ! And most advertisers abide by the rules !

Most..... I think that's the issue here. I don't see how relentless multiple bumps for the same people in multiple areas serves anyone. If people are abusing the system, drop their post count ability to a more reasonable number. They can still promote, but will just have to be a little more selective about it....

19-08-2014, 11:38 PM
Pioneers didn't make it a success, you should know it ! 3-4 years ago, it wasn't even half as popular, and most reviews were like statistics of the girls !

It became more popular when the reports became blow by blow accounts of the punts, like erotic stories, then the report writing culture changed and so the participants multiplied !

And also, like it or not, forum stoush attracts a lot of curious viewers too since the Cici of Newtown saga !

It's just the controlled chaos that made it a success !

Who is Cici ? Was it not Ricci ?

19-08-2014, 11:41 PM
Who is Cici ? Was it not Ricci ?

So it was Ricci ! I don't remember, I've never seen her !

20-08-2014, 12:29 AM
The forum management don't worry about it as it helps with their rankings in google when someone searches for girls online.

An active forum for whatever reason be it paid or not brings in more punters and churns through higher rankings.

20-08-2014, 01:07 AM
There are more than 10 forum available out there !

Tell me 3?

20-08-2014, 01:21 AM
Tell me 3?

Auxxxreview, punter planet, hooker lookers !

20-08-2014, 08:25 AM
I agree, these spam adverts are getting out of hand.

Have you guys reported each post in question, or are you just sitting back and hoping the admins take action? If the admins are continually spammed with 'spam reports', i hope something will be done about it. If they are already being spammed with reports and still nothing is being done, it may be time to find a new forum to browse.

20-08-2014, 08:57 AM
Another 12 spams early this morning, all on the same girl ...

20-08-2014, 01:33 PM
Another 12 spams early this morning, all on the same girl ...

and counting....

20-08-2014, 03:13 PM
if admin doesnt do anything, then we bros can band together and not give any business (boycott) to these shops that are spamming the shit out of this forum until it stops.
But that needs the participation on many bros here for it to be effective.
What do you guys think?

20-08-2014, 03:17 PM
if admin doesnt do anything, then we bros can band together and not give any business (boycott) to these shops that are spamming the shit out of this forum until it stops.
But that needs the participation on many bros here for it to be effective.
What do you guys think?

No use mate,

The people who are making all the noises, only count for a very small portion of those shops client base. Don't forget, more than 90% of the members never posted or make any noise. and the visiting guests usually out numbered the members 4 to 1.

So you do the numbers, will they give a damn ??

just saying it.



20-08-2014, 04:18 PM
No use mate,

The people who are making all the noises, only count for a very small portion of those shops client base. Don't forget, more than 90% of the members never posted or make any noise. and the visiting guests usually out numbered the members 4 to 1.

So you do the numbers, will they give a damn ??

just saying it.


Exactly ! Those who call for boycotts are usually not the shops' customers anyway, for the fans of the shops, they won't be offended seeing the information of their favourite girls !

Try to tell Max Impact to boycott Yamada ? ;) ;) ;)

20-08-2014, 04:23 PM
No use mate,

The people who are making all the noises, only count for a very small portion of those shops client base. Don't forget, more than 90% of the members never posted or make any noise. and the visiting guests usually out numbered the members 4 to 1.

So you do the numbers, will they give a damn ??

just saying it.



The spam complaints are justified as you just seeing ads all the time and this has gotten worse over the last year or so. Compared to like the old forum where punters shop reviews and comments made this forum popular, it has made it worse. Hard to find a punter's review these days. It's useless to have ads on a site when less people view it or are off put by the constant ads.

In saying that, agree with Ahlungor that Admin will not crackdown on them as they are paid advertisers who more or less keep this site running. They aren't going to bite the hand that feeds them right?

At least it isn't as bad as some other sites where moderators would also comment positively on paid advertisers posts and write negative reviews or comments on others shops.

20-08-2014, 04:23 PM
Exactly ! Those who call for boycotts are usually not the shops' customers anyway, for the fans of the shops, they won't be offended seeing the information of their favourite girls !

Even the biggest fans of the worst offender here don't need to see that many threads for the one person. Any more than one thread per forum area per person is hard to not perceive as just spamming. Especially when the "update" is exactly the same content....

20-08-2014, 04:27 PM
Even the biggest fans of the worst offender here don't need to see that many threads for the one person. Any more than one thread per forum area per person is hard to not perceive as just spamming. Especially when the "update" is exactly the same content....
I'm not saying whether the fans need too see or not to see those ads ! I'm saying they won't join you in boycotting the shops ! For those non customers to boycott, the shops don't lose much !

20-08-2014, 04:41 PM
Exactly ! Those who call for boycotts are usually not the shops' customers anyway, for the fans of the shops, they won't be offended seeing the information of their favourite girls !

Try to tell Max Impact to boycott Yamada ? ;) ;) ;)

Fair enough, but the shops will lose out on getting any 'new' fans.
The main culprits spamming, probably only have a small 'fan base' anyways.
How many popular shops with many happy customers do you see on this forum doing that much spamming each day?...... They don't need to as they have plenty of customers each day (Ginza for example).

20-08-2014, 04:45 PM
Fair enough, but the shops will lose out on getting any 'new' fans.
The main culprits spamming, probably only have a small 'fan base' anyways.
How many popular shops with many happy customers do you see on this forum doing that much spamming each day?...... They don't need to as they have plenty of customers each day (Ginza for example).
I can assure you the dicks will overrule the heads overtime, they won't lose much ! ;) ;) ;)

20-08-2014, 05:27 PM
Well, if there are enough of us here making a big deal of it, the Admin did take some action like back in January this year !!

I think a memo PM was sent to all advertisers advising them that they can't spam the forums with no limits:

From memory, the new rules at the times was: each advertiser can post or update maximum 5 threads at a time - twice a day ! any excess posting and spamming will be deleted.

And I think it had worked for a little while until some shops broke rank and the return of Yamada !!!

Don't know what time of the day the moderator will be on line, they obviously have Not been policing their own rules, all it takes is for the moderator to take control and put the foot down and I am sure ALL advertisers will fall into line - well, the great majority of them do anyway !!

I would like to nominate brother Wilisno to be given either an extra Moderator log on or be given the Rights and Privileges of a forum moderator so that he can help and put some order back into the forum, nothing more, nothing less, just as the Admin had ruled last time.

I would be happy to volunteer my time and services, no big deal, plenty of times sitting on the train anyway ............haha, but since I am friendly with some of the shop owners, there may be a conflict of interest there, so to be fair, I think brother Wil is the most logical and respected candidate, that is if he doesn't mind helping ?

So for all those who agree with me, say I !



20-08-2014, 05:56 PM
Brother Ahlungor
Your posts are always free of anger or spite
You are one of the few seniors that can discuss isses without being personal or attacking others
You dont always have to have the final say
You dont give oxygen to posts by those who are here to create conflict

Your voice should be listened to

Peace :)

20-08-2014, 07:07 PM
ar !!

I think a memo PM was sent to all advertisers advising them that they can't spam the forums with no limits:

From memory, the new rules at the times was: each advertiser can post or update maximum 5 threads at a time - twice a day ! any excess posting and spamming will be deleted.


You think all these haven't been done ? Don't you notice some of their posts have been deleted ?

Just that some advertisers are like undiciplined little kids with ADHD, they're very absent-minded.

Maybe we should ask Admin to delete the excess threads for the day instead of deleting the excess posts !

Or better still, ban him for 24 hours so he can't post ! ;) ;) ;)

20-08-2014, 07:16 PM
Brother Ahlungor
You are one of the few seniors that can discuss issues without being personal or attacking others
You dont always have to have the final say
You dont give oxygen to those who register on the forum simply to create conflict

Your voice should be listened to
Some people would ask for their arses to be kicked, sometimes we have no choice but to do the service ! Like tapdat, pornoman, and 8inches etc. you don't want to join them do you ?

20-08-2014, 07:32 PM
Well I for one am all for one or two of our senior members having a word as Ahlungor said.limiting spam to shop roster. Bumping scaled back to manageable levels but allowing shops to introduce new girl bios and pic that have not been reviewed yet. To go in general comments. For that or as such Ahlungor And Wilsno be great candidates
As to Wilsno assertion that people calling for boycott don't attend the venues. . Speaking only for myself I used to frequent one of worst offenders shop very regularly now don't and won't go back. Make a difference to them no. But makes difference to me.

20-08-2014, 07:33 PM
You think
all these haven't been done ? Don't you notice some of their posts have been deleted ?

Just that some advertisers are like undiciplined little kids with ADHD, they're very absent-minded.

Maybe we should ask Admin to delete the excess threads for the day instead of deleting the excess posts !

Or better still, ban him for 24 hours so he can't post ! ;) ;) ;)

Break the rule once, all the threads that was bumped up got deleted ! I'll second to that.

Break the rule the second time, the shop owner got banned for 24 hr! Good call !

I don't think we need to go for three strikes ! Surely the lesson will be learnt after the temporary ban !

So, brother Wil, I think as soon as the put you in charge , we won't be having these complaints and conversation again !

People, this is it, lets show some support to brother Wilisno and stop the spamming !!


20-08-2014, 07:36 PM
We could also use reverse bumping and send our worst spammers into an apoplectic frenzy hehe

20-08-2014, 07:55 PM
I forgot .. my other pet peeve shops using fake photos. . Leave that at cracker. Surely admin should have some control of integrity of ads. Or is all as said previously .they don't care as long as $$$ rolling in

20-08-2014, 08:32 PM
So, brother Wil, I think as soon as the put you in charge , we won't be having these complaints and conversation again !


I'm not the one who gets paid, or the one who would lose money. So if I introduce all those tough measures, would I still be wanted you think ? :miao:

20-08-2014, 08:42 PM
I'm not the one who gets paid, or the one who would lose money. So if I introduce all those tough measures, would I still be wanted you think ? :miao:

Mate, I don't think this will be a full time job as such, the only reason why it is getting out of hand is because no one is taking charge ! And nothing was being enforced!

I bet you as soon as the shops who are the worst offenders know that you now have the power to act, they will behave straight away, knowing that you are on line watching the forum posts quite often ! Just like me........haha

And it is not as if you have to read every single thread and every single posts, it will cost you 3 min to have a quick look and you know what's going on and if any one is out of line !

Just do it brother , it will scare them all !

Ps, if it would be me, they will be scare of me too .......lol


20-08-2014, 08:44 PM
Mate, I don't think this will be a full time job as such, the only reason why it is getting out of hand is because no one is taking charge ! And nothing was being enforced!

I bet you as soon as the shops who are the worst offenders know that you now have the power to act, they will behave straight away, knowing that you are on line watching the forum posts quite often ! Just like me........haha

And it is not as if you have to read every single thread and every single posts, it will cost you 3 min to have a quick look and you know what's going on and if any one is out of line !

Just do it brother , it will scare them all !

Ps, if it would be me, they will be scare of me too .......lol

You still don't get what I mean !

It's easy for us to take any measures, because we're not affected financially, got it ?

Vaders Fist
20-08-2014, 08:46 PM
I thnk that with some shops, it's more than just being absent-minded, rather, active planned spamming. I use the Cherry Blossom shop as an example. Today alone in one thread (and they have more than one) they have posted every single hour since 7:01am. Every new post checked in at one minute past the hour until their latest post at 7:03pm. (7:01, 8:01, 9:01 and so on) Now I don't profess to be any sort of computer genius, but either someone at that shop is the most punctual person of all time, or there is some type of computer generated posting software at play. If it is the latter, I'm afraid that it is spam, not random posting to remind punters about the shop.

20-08-2014, 08:49 PM
I thnk that with some shops, it's more than just being absent-minded, rather, active planned spamming. I use the Cherry Blossom shop as an example. Today alone in one thread (and they have more than one) they have posted every single hour since 7:01am. Every new post checked in at one minute past the hour until their latest post at 7:03pm. (7:01, 8:01, 9:01 and so on) Now I don't profess to be any sort of computer genius, but either someone at that shop is the most punctual person of all time, or there is some type of computer generated posting software at play. If it is the latter, I'm afraid that it is spam, not random posting to remind punters about the shop.
Haha ! What a detective, so there are 3 offenders for now, not 2 ! :miao:

20-08-2014, 08:59 PM
Is there a correlation between the quality of the shop and the amount of spam ?

20-08-2014, 09:58 PM
Another 12 spams early this morning, all on the same girl ...

Well Bro CunningLinguist, the point I take from this is that the spamming must be working to generate bookings as she is the most reviewed girl on the forum. If there were no reviews on her then there wouldn't be an opportunity for Yamada to spam all the time. Also, the spamming may have resulted in some members reading the review, making a booking, having a great time with a girl that they otherwise might not have seen and then posting a review themselves - if this was always the cycle then I for one wouldn't mind the spam at all as there would be more reviews.

Instead of members whinging about spam they should spend more time writing reviews about the great girls out there and then there wouldn't be much of a need for all of the shops to spam.

20-08-2014, 10:18 PM
she is the most reviewed girl on the forum

I won't get into the details of your "logic" but I will pose this question since you "asked":
Apart from your Brothers review and a couple of others how many of the rest do you think are from real members as opposed to fake ids ...

20-08-2014, 10:52 PM
I won't get into the details of your "logic" but I will pose this question since you "asked":
Apart from your Brothers review and a couple of others how many of the rest do you think are from real members as opposed to fake ids ...

Come on Bro CunningLinguist, you start a thread and then don't want to get into a discussion about the details of other members that respond, you must be joking. It's really going to be a boring forum if the only posts allowed are one's that agree with the previous posts. I promise I am not easily offended especially on a forum so please feel free to shoot my argument down as I'm all ears and have lots of time on my hands as I have at least 16 hours until my next booking and before you ask it's not with the now famous 'Therapist'.

In regards to the 'real reviews' I know for sure that my brother Max's reviews are usually close to the mark. I asked him once how come his review quality and accuracy suddenly improved and his answer shocked me but at the same time made perfect sense. He has now started writing the review whilst he is fucking the girl. He gets his ipad out and every time they change position or she does something good he pauses to type in a new paragraph. That's why reading one of his reviews feels like you are there in the thick of the action. My reviews on the other hand (if anyone ever read one) are just like me and the train ride home - mundane and very boring, but accurate.

20-08-2014, 11:05 PM
Well Bro CunningLinguist, the point I take from this is that the spamming must be working to generate bookings as she is the most reviewed girl on the forum. If there were no reviews on her then there wouldn't be an opportunity for Yamada to spam all the time. Also, the spamming may have resulted in some members reading the review, making a booking, having a great time with a girl that they otherwise might not have seen and then posting a review themselves - if this was always the cycle then I for one wouldn't mind the spam at all as there would be more reviews.

Instead of members whinging about spam they should spend more time writing reviews about the great girls out there and then there wouldn't be much of a need for all of the shops to spam.

Shops are well entitled and should take advantage of a good report to attract more customers, and new customers. In fact, I always encourage them to do so !

But to achieve this, one thread frequently visible is more than adequate, multiple threads of the same topic too many times a day is pure spam, no if's or but's ! If every shop follow that pattern, that would be real chaos, especially shops that have many girls getting reviewed many times over !

20-08-2014, 11:13 PM
Shops are well entitled and should take advantage of a good report to attract more customers, and new customers. In fact, I always encourage them to do so !

But to achieve this, one thread frequently visible is more than adequate, multiple threads of the same topic too many times a day is pure spam, no if's or but's ! If every shop follow that pattern, that would be real chaos, especially shops that have many girls getting reviewed many times over !

I still wish that more members would write more reviews even if they are short reviews. My observation is that half a dozen new reviews a day would be normal but it should be so many more.

20-08-2014, 11:20 PM
I still wish that more members would write more reviews even if they are short reviews. My observation is that half a dozen new reviews a day would be normal but it should be so many more.
No argument about that. More reviews is good, by punters that is, not more reviews bumped at the same time by shop owners all day long !

20-08-2014, 11:58 PM
Wilisno, I don't know why you don't just say that this site is an advertising platform. There's no issue with that. Brothels, like all businesses, have to advertise and this site provides a venue. Everything else, including this forum, is simply an add on. This forum wouldn't exist it weren't for the advertisers: it's their gig.

Instead there is thus recurrent discussion about trying to control and harness the forum. That is ridiculous. You don't go into a shop and debate with its owners what their business model should be. You accept the confines of what they are selling and respect it for what it is. So too with this site. You accept that it is a method for various commercial sex sellers to spruik their merchandise to punters. The only obligation the site has is to define what is being sold. The obligation of the readers is to understand the same thing.

20-08-2014, 11:59 PM
You still don't get what I mean !

It's easy for us to take any measures, because we're not affected financially, got it ?

I always get it!!

There are only two parties here that are financially involved in this forum: the admin side who take payment and set up the advertisers, and the shops who pay to advertise here to market their shop!

And no one should be worst off if the forum rules are enforced !

On the admin side, I don't think the shop will stop advertising here if they are restricted to 5 threads at a time, twice a day, don't forget they can still update their roster thread as often as they please, plus all the flashing banner ! I don't think they will go away, especially the Asian shops !!

Now on the shops side , well, just read the above !!

And all the shop owners can listen carefully, this is Not to stop you from promoting your shop, just a time and frequency limits which the admin had set eight months ago but never really enforced !

I'll say now is a good time to enforce this !!

So to all those brothers who are sick and tired of the excessive spams, now is a good time to show your support for the general well being of the forum or if you dont care then shut the xxxx up !

Just my two cents!

Personally I am happy either way!!

The only annoying thing is I don't like my RnT thread got bloody pushed back to page three so I have to find new photos and post new stuff many times during the day, it's bloody so much hard works man........!

I'm happy just to post once a day !!!

If everyone will do less spams !


21-08-2014, 12:03 AM
It looks to me like the admins have taken some action!!!

Thanks Admins! Nice to see that our discussion here is being noticed.

21-08-2014, 12:55 AM
I remember there used to be more of a 'community' feel to the General section, but now when you visit, it's filled with ads. And stupid ads at that. Yes I know you can filter, but it's still stupid to see all those nonsense threads.

21-08-2014, 01:18 AM
I remember there used to be more of a 'community' feel to the General section, but now when you visit, it's filled with ads. And stupid ads at that. Yes I know you can filter, but it's still stupid to see all those nonsense threads.
It was because there weren't many advertisers then, it's a matter of course that the traffic will thicken, you can't have it all your way !

But if you don't want ads, once again, use Prefix and select General Talk, then no shop ads will appear !

21-08-2014, 01:24 AM
It was because there weren't many advertisers then, it's a matter of course that the traffic will thicken, you can't have it all your way !

But if you don't want ads, once again, use Prefix and select General Talk, then no shop ads will appear !

Even then, there is one particularly annoying shop which posts ads in the Gneral Talk threads. Talk about desperation.

21-08-2014, 01:24 AM
The solution to this is rather simple: each shop gets it's own sub-forum where they can do whatever they want, including spamming the fuck out of it. But they shouldn't be allowed to post in the review threads or the general chat threads unless it is to address a specific question or issue (i.e. no bumping of old reviews to tell us that the girl is available - we can check their roster for that info and if they have maintain a half decent sub-forum, they can have a thread directing us to reviews).

In any case, I refuse to visit any shops that spam these forums - partly out of principle and partly out of the knowledge that the ones that spam the most, tend to have the worst girls and habitually lie about the description and availability of their girls.

Of course, as usual, nothing will be done and the spamming will continue.

21-08-2014, 01:31 AM
The solution to this is rather simple: each shop gets it's own sub-forum where they can do whatever they want, including spamming the fuck out of it. But they shouldn't be allowed to post in the review threads or the general chat threads unless it is to address a specific question or issue (i.e. no bumping of old reviews to tell us that the girl is available - we can check their roster for that info and if they have maintain a half decent sub-forum, they can have a thread directing us to reviews).

Shops won't like that because they know most people visit the General Talk section, so they want to be where it is most populated. Like for me, I rarely if ever go into the rosters and ARs. I come here because I love you guys =D

21-08-2014, 01:34 AM
The solution to this is rather simple: each shop gets it's own sub-forum where they can do whatever they want,
I don't know how many times I have to say this, this doesn't work in this forum, it's a backward step to its success, and it's not the format of this forum.

For every one who refuses to go to a shop due to his spams, they gain 10 more due to the same spams, that's why they pay to be advertisers ! So boycott them all you like !

21-08-2014, 01:41 AM
For every one who refuses to go to a shop due to his spams, they gain 10 more due to the same spams, that's why they pay to be advertisers ! So boycott them all you like !

We've heard from the people who dislike it. I would like to hear from the people who have visited the shop after seeing the spam. If there's 10x then we should be seeing lots of responses.

21-08-2014, 02:24 AM
We've heard from the people who dislike it. I would like to hear from the people who have visited the shop after seeing the spam. If there's 10x then we should be seeing lots of responses.
Haha ! Do you know that it's less than 2 per cent of forum visitors who post ? Maybe I should say 2 per cent of forum members, and 10 per cent of visitors. And I said it again and again, negative comments are usually spoken louder, that's why you don't hear of those 10 ! The shop knows better from the content of their till, that's why they are doing it ! :miao:

21-08-2014, 09:04 AM
Chances are people who visited the forum for the first few times wouldnt dislike the spams.

Over time they'll get annoyed by it, especially if they happen to go and see somebody after reading one of these spammed ARs and then have a different experience to what they expected.
You know how to use Prefix ?

21-08-2014, 09:39 AM
Someone should keep a tally on this thread to alert Admin when a shop has reached the daily limits, so Admin can take action ! ;) ;) ;)

But as far as I know, it's 10 posts per section, not in total !

21-08-2014, 09:54 AM
Someone should keep a tally on this thread to alert Admin when a shop has reached the daily limits, so Admin can take action ! ;) ;) ;)

But as far as I know, it's 10 posts per section, not in total !

Why waste time debating ?

You can fix all these in 5 min !!

Delete all the extras threads and send a warning to the shop !

Worst offender will get a phone call or risk getting banned for 24 hr!

How hard can this be?

Everything will be in order in two days!

Just my two cents


21-08-2014, 09:56 AM
Why waste time debating ?

You can fix all these in 5 min !!

Delete all the extras threads and send a warning to the shop !

Worst offender will get a phone call or risk getting banned for 24 hr!

How hard can this be?

Everything will be in order in two days!

Just my two cents

You still don't get it !

The 2 cents remain 2 cents then !

password thief
21-08-2014, 09:57 AM
you can't blame the forum owner for accepting as many advertiser dollars as possible and you can't blame the advertisers for posting as many ads as they do either.

Sure the punters need to be considered in all of this too but if you compare the number of punters who have posted in this thread againt the total number of forum members you'll see its only a small vocal minority who are actually complaining.

tl;dr the site owner and shops are busy making money with this site so your complaints are falling on deaf ears - deal with it and move on

21-08-2014, 09:59 AM
you can't blame the forum owner for accepting as many advertiser dollars as possible and you can't blame the advertisers for posting as many ads as they do either.

Sure the punters need to be considered in all of this too but if you compare the number of punters who have posted in this thread againt the total number of forum members you'll see its only a small vocal minority who are actually complaining.

tl;dr the site owner and shops are busy making money with this site so your complaints are falling on deaf ears - deal with it and move on
You've got it ! ;) ;) ;)

21-08-2014, 10:00 AM
You still don't get it !

The 2 cents remain 2 cents then !

Please enlighten me brother !

21-08-2014, 10:02 AM
Please enlighten me brother !
I've already had ! Many times ! Or just read the post above you by password thief !

21-08-2014, 01:55 PM
doesnt look like you can stop them spamming.
a certain shop has a 'geek' or some auto spamming software that updates exactly every hour of the minute!

21-08-2014, 02:34 PM
are you expecting a "Rock Statue" could comprehend. $$$$ & business volume have priorities

You still don't get it !

The 2 cents remain 2 cents then !

21-08-2014, 04:33 PM
I don't know how many times I have to say this, this doesn't work in this forum, it's a backward step to its success, and it's not the format of this forum.

For every one who refuses to go to a shop due to his spams, they gain 10 more due to the same spams, that's why they pay to be advertisers ! So boycott them all you like !

How would you know it doesn't work? Has it been tried?

Seriously, I (and I would assume most others) come here to find out who is rostered on at the shops nearby and to read the reviews of the girls at said shops. The endless spam makes it hard for me to do that (i.e. hard to find new reviews amongst the endless stream of bumped older reviews), and therefore the usefulness of the site decreases.

If the spam is so popular (as you suggest) why can't we have a dedicated space for it. No-one is suggesting that it gets binned altogether, just that it should be kept out of the AR and General Chat sections. Surely there is a way to keep both punters and advertisers happy...

Oh, and BTW, using prefixes is all well and good on the desktop version of the site, but it's a royal pain in the ass on mobile (which I use more often than not).

22-08-2014, 08:20 PM
7 Cowper St. Good time

Max Impact
22-08-2014, 09:05 PM
The endless spam makes it hard for me to do that (i.e. hard to find new reviews amongst the endless stream of bumped older reviews), and therefore the usefulness of the site decreases.

This doesn't make sense. The shops are only bumping ARs of girls that are working in the near future. Isn't that what you want to see?

password thief
22-08-2014, 09:30 PM
Some shops bump the same review dozens of times. After you've read a review once it has no value to read again. It just pushes fresher reviews further down the page and into obscurity.

22-08-2014, 09:40 PM
How would you know it doesn't work? Has it been tried?

Yes, it has been tried, many times !

22-08-2014, 09:52 PM
If the spam is so popular (as you suggest) why can't we have a dedicated space for it. No-one is suggesting that it gets binned altogether, just that it should be kept out of the AR and General Chat sections. Surely there is a way to keep both punters and advertisers happy...

Why do you think department stores like David Jones and Myer arrange their floor space like a maze ? You have to negotiate a lot of displays before you can get to the department that you intended to shop ? It's for impulse shopping ! Customers might end up buying things that's not on their shopping list in the first place !

If you arrange the shops in their own area with an individual thread, people would only open their threads if they're already their customers, that's why they get a lot less views, and it's the fact ! In doing so, shops miss a lot of opportunities to gain new customers !

Again, you might ask how do I know, the answer is simple, check the number of advertisers here and compare it to other sites, then you'll know why !

23-08-2014, 01:54 AM
Yes, it has been tried, many times !

Well I've never seen it in the last few years of visiting (despite my low post count, I've been a long term lurker).

Why do you think department stores like David Jones and Myer arrange their floor space like a maze ? You have to negotiate a lot of displays before you can get to the department that you intended to shop ? It's for impulse shopping ! Customers might end up buying things that's not on their shopping list in the first place !

Probably not the most apt analogy - both of those stores are struggling to turn a profit now that customers, dissatisfied with poor customer service, have started to turn towards better and cheaper options. Both those stores thought they had the market all sewn up and could do as they wish. Then online retailing came along and stole their lunch. The lesson: ignore your user base at your own peril.

Anyway, I've had my say - I can see it's doing no good, so I won't bother pushing it any further. But hey, if anyone is thinking of starting their own forum, you could probably win a few fans by taking note of the concerns in this thread...

23-08-2014, 01:58 AM
This doesn't make sense. The shops are only bumping ARs of girls that are working in the near future. Isn't that what you want to see?

Not if it's being bumped day in and day out for months on end. I have no interest in reading the same review over and over again. I'd prefer to see new reviews not a sea of old ones. If shops want to alert customers to reviews of girls that are rostered on, the place to do that is in their roster thread (as a number of the good shops do).

23-08-2014, 02:10 AM
Anyway, I've had my say - I can see it's doing no good, so I won't bother pushing it any further. But hey, if anyone is thinking of starting their own forum, you could probably win a few fans by taking note of the concerns in this thread...

That's the most sensible thing you've said so far, if this forum's format is not what you prefer, there are many other forums around, people don't need to go through the trouble of starting their own forums !

23-08-2014, 10:38 AM
You know how to use Prefix ?

What's the point, really?

Look at this:

[General Talk] TMC therapy!!!
[General Talk] (@o@) Wow Amaxing Apple with5Photos... long legs 24 years old - plenty of energy TP64
[General Talk] Sugoi cheechee= nice boobs !!!
[General Talk] Ahlungor asked me to get more product.
[General Talk] Therapist: JUICY PUSSY (2)
[General Talk] Such a sweet graceful girl

Those are all currently on the first three pages, all started by a shop.

23-08-2014, 10:54 AM
What's the point, really?

Look at this:

[General Talk] TMC therapy!!!
[General Talk] (@o@) Wow Amaxing Apple with5Photos... long legs 24 years old - plenty of energy TP64
[General Talk] Sugoi cheechee= nice boobs !!!
[General Talk] Ahlungor asked me to get more product.
[General Talk] Therapist: JUICY PUSSY (2)
[General Talk] Such a sweet graceful girl

Those are all currently on the first three pages, all started by a shop.
Haha ! Good point ! I didn't know that, he just have no idea how to advertise, does he ?

But then you just have to live with it, and hopefully he will be kept under control as it seems to be the case in the last 2 days ! ;) ;) ;)

Max Impact
23-08-2014, 10:57 AM
I think it's called disruptive advertising.

23-08-2014, 11:01 AM
I think it's called disruptive advertising.
He needs to be kept on the leash !

23-08-2014, 12:03 PM
I think it's called disruptive advertising.

Thats very generous of you ... :)

23-08-2014, 12:25 PM
I have alerted Admin about it, those prefixes should be changed today !

23-08-2014, 03:54 PM
As an infrequent WL customer my eyes automatically scan past, oh the 1st page of posts, all bumped (and some of them started!?) by TMC haha. Everyone bumps posts it seems but I do have an issue with shops starting their own threads in the AR section. Might as well just hire a creative writing team and post amazing but vague reviews, rather like a horoscope page (surely they are recycled... who would even know?) which contain a lot of words but ultimately mean little.

On principle though, I've never been to QVB massage, as in the Shop Roster section instead of updating their roster thread like responsible shops, Ginza, Snow Lotus, Silver Fox etc, they insist on starting a NEW THREAD FOR EVERY ROSTER POST, often 2-3 times per day with exactly the same post! Look through the 4 PAGES (?) of rosters, and about 2 whole pages can be attributed to "dead posts" from QVB. Just annoys the hell out of me that other shops can do it right, but QVB gets it so so wrong....

2 cents finished. Maybe that was 3 cents.



23-08-2014, 04:00 PM
As an infrequent WL customer my eyes automatically scan past, oh the 1st page of posts, all bumped (and some of them started!?) by TMC haha. Everyone bumps posts it seems but I do have an issue with shops starting their own threads in the AR section. Might as well just hire a creative writing team and post amazing but vague reviews, rather like a horoscope page (surely they are recycled... who would even know?) which contain a lot of words but ultimately mean little.

On principle though, I've never been to QVB massage, as in the Shop Roster section instead of updating their roster thread like responsible shops, Ginza, Snow Lotus, Silver Fox etc, they insist on starting a NEW THREAD FOR EVERY ROSTER POST, often 2-3 times per day with exactly the same post! Look through the 4 PAGES (?) of rosters, and about 2 whole pages can be attributed to "dead posts" from QVB. Just annoys the hell out of me that other shops can do it right, but QVB gets it so so wrong....

2 cents finished. Maybe that was 3 cents.


Hmm... should alert Admin to give QVB a stern talking to ! ;) ;) ;)

23-08-2014, 04:13 PM
Hmm... should alert Admin to give QVB a stern talking to ! ;) ;) ;)

Sure, I think QVB is doing it all wrong and there is a good reason to it!

And the good news is, from 1 September , this won't happen again because Nicole is back from holiday !

At the moment, Vicky is updating the roster herself ,her English is not very good and not very familiar with all the posting especially using an iPhone, so for all the copy and paste , I think she is doing ok ! Just didn't quite understand when I told her she should delete the old post when she post a new one and no need to start a new thread very day !

Well, I could easily just help her out by doing it for her but at some point they all need to learn!

That's all!


password thief
23-08-2014, 04:32 PM
so spamming the boards is OK when your favorite shop does it but not OK when another shop does it??

Sure, I think QVB is doing it all wrong and there is a good reason to it!

And the good news is, from 1 September , this won't happen again because Nicole is back from holiday !

At the moment, Vicky is updating the roster herself ,her English is not very good and not very familiar with all the posting especially using an iPhone, so for all the copy and paste , I think she is doing ok ! Just didn't quite understand when I told her she should delete the old post when she post a new one and no need to start a new thread very day !

Well, I could easily just help her out by doing it for her but at some point they all need to learn!

That's all!


16-09-2014, 02:22 PM
I don't see much improvement so far ! :cry::cry:

16-09-2014, 02:48 PM
I don't see much improvement so far ! :cry::cry:

Lol were you really expecting it ;)

16-09-2014, 03:05 PM
I thought some founders + senior members must have some muscle, obviously, I am wrong.

16-09-2014, 07:05 PM
It is a constant battle, it may abate for a while then it starts up again, all it takes is one shop (which seems to be the same one each time) to start up again and the rest follow.

16-09-2014, 07:17 PM
What a bunch of moaning minnies you are - get over it for f@cks sake, it goes with the territory.

16-09-2014, 07:25 PM
If you look at a certain shops profile you will see this:

bump up thread.

16-09-2014, 07:29 PM
What a bunch of moaning minnies you are - get over it for f@cks sake, it goes with the territory.

Bloody 8inches again ??

16-09-2014, 09:25 PM
Bloody 8inches again ??

Probably... or it could be the other one very quickly reborn... again.

16-09-2014, 09:28 PM
Probably... or it could be the other one very quickly reborn... again.
Intriguing ... let's wait and see ! :miao:

16-09-2014, 10:11 PM
The spam are annoying.there should be an area where advertisers are banned from posting.

16-09-2014, 11:12 PM
The spam are annoying.there should be an area where advertisers are banned from posting.

Don't be fooled...advertising comes in many forms and is delivered in as many ways!

17-09-2014, 01:51 AM
Looks like any time there is good review of a girl that shop will just keep bumping up that review. Getting really sick of it so on the rare instance where I punt, I'd rather post a review somewhere else where it won't be abused.

The chatter and friendliness of this forum is a big factor in keeping bros coming back to read and socialise.

For my 2c, I'm going to say that I'm getting pretty sick of the new 107 Quay Street shop constantly bumping up the same threads. Some of their photos look like fakes as well. The backgrounds and floor and surroundings looks like random places and they don't match.

17-09-2014, 01:52 AM
One other thing, in frustration a while ago I posted the exact same message on every spam thread asking the shop why they were spamming. All my comments got deleted.

17-09-2014, 11:18 AM
Golden rules number 1 for successful business: The customers are always right !!

Golden rules number 2 for successful business: If the customers are wrong, see rule number 1 !!


18-09-2014, 05:07 PM
Alg, customer = shop owner?

18-09-2014, 06:10 PM
Alg, customer = shop owner?

Yeap, That's customers to this forum = the Shop Owners !!:cool:

18-09-2014, 06:48 PM
Spamming is a fact of life on any of these forums the fact is the advertisers pay money to advertise on here and so they can basically do as they like.

Its a shame but that is how it is.

18-09-2014, 06:53 PM
Spamming is a fact of life on any of these forums the fact is the advertisers pay money to advertise on here and so they can basically do as they like.

Its a shame but that is how it is.

You don't think a balance needs to be struck.
It's easy to see things in black and white terms but alot of things have shades of grey when you think them through.

Shall I put you down in favour of Yamadas far-fetched "fantastic" marketing and spam, or against ?

18-09-2014, 07:03 PM
I agree there should be a balance.
If a free to air tv has 10 mins ads every 10 mins, how many viewers will stay.

18-09-2014, 07:08 PM
I agree there should be a balance.
If a free to air tv has 10 mins ads every 10 mins, how many viewers will stay.

Good analogy!
Also newspapers and other periodicals know you need to strike a balance between ads and content, they have been doing it for years.
Some people are short-sighted and greedy and can't think ahead and only care about themselves and take advantage of others ...

18-09-2014, 08:38 PM
Good analogy!
Also newspapers and other periodicals know you need to strike a balance between ads and content, they have been doing it for years.
Some people are short-sighted and greedy and can't think ahead and only care about themselves and take advantage of others ...

Exactly, and we bring the content!!!
If we bring the content, we can take it away.

18-09-2014, 08:39 PM
for me its not so much how often yamada posts. I am bothered by what he says and his attitude in general. He is annoying and grubby. he has the mind of a 12 year child. His posts lower the tone of whatever thread he posts in

someone mentioned that he doesnt fit the mold of the stereotypical japanese gentleman. I agree. but I would also go further: Yamada is the sort of person that will never be accepted in any sort of civilised society.

18-09-2014, 08:54 PM
for me its not so much how often yamada posts. I am bothered by what he says and his attitude in general.
He is annoying and grubby. he has the mind of a 12 year child. His posts lower the tone of whatever thread he posts in,
someone mentioned that he doesnt fit the mold of the stereotypical japanese gentleman. I agree. but I would also go further:
Yamada is the sort of person that will never be accepted in any sort of civilised society.

I'm guessing you don't like him, but opposites can attract - he could be the perfect partner for you.

18-09-2014, 09:18 PM
I'm guessing you don't like him, but opposites can attract - he could be the perfect partner for you.

Hmm join today and already seem to know what everyone's gripe is about.

18-09-2014, 09:25 PM
Hmm join today and already seem to know what everyone's gripe is about.

He's joined and been banned so many times, that of course he knows.

He is just not willing to learn.

18-09-2014, 10:03 PM
Opposites do attract, is a common truism isn't it?

By the way, I don't think anyone comes to the forum to learn?

Max Impact
19-09-2014, 08:36 AM
for me its not so much how often yamada posts. I am bothered by what he says and his attitude in general. He is annoying and grubby. he has the mind of a 12 year child. His posts lower the tone of whatever thread he posts in

someone mentioned that he doesnt fit the mold of the stereotypical japanese gentleman. I agree. but I would also go further: Yamada is the sort of person that will never be accepted in any sort of civilised society.

And this comes from the guy who asks why I want to put everybody down. Hypocrite!

19-09-2014, 09:30 AM
There should be limit to advertisers posting spam. Its important to advertise but when it turns to spam it starts to become a race to the bottom as other stores are forced to do the same thing.

19-09-2014, 02:12 PM
Agree, need Code of Conduct for Shop Owners.

19-09-2014, 05:29 PM
If all advertisers did the same As the few who take the piss .this forum would quickly become a ghost town . There has been a significant reduction in spamming. Only a couple of advertisers don't seem to get it. Why is just bumping 1 thread per girl on roster per day not enough. I don't understand the thought process beyond that

19-09-2014, 06:11 PM
If all advertisers did the same As the few who take the piss .this forum would quickly become a ghost town . There has been a significant reduction in spamming. Only a couple of advertisers don't seem to get it. Why is just bumping 1 thread per girl on roster per day not enough. I don't understand the thought process beyond that

How about we openly give praise to those good Shop Owners who Never spams but just keep updating their roster thread ??

I nominate Ginza, 316 Central, Bamboo Massage, Bellevue 12, Fivedock203, Choon Massage to name just a few

