View Full Version : Non-curable treatment-resistant gonorrhea on the rise

09-01-2013, 10:26 PM
Treatment resistant strains of gonorrhea have been emerging. Be careful, get tested routinely and seek treatment immediately.




Second article is perhaps more alarming as it is a more resistant strain and more relevant geographically. Don't mean to cause alarm but do take heed.

10-01-2013, 01:06 AM
Caution is always advisable.
Condom is the best protection (abstinence parred).

Your thread title "Non-curable treatment-resistant gonorrhea on the rise" however is a "bit" inaccurate.
Was that on purpose or by mistake?

10-01-2013, 01:50 AM
Your thread title "Non-curable treatment-resistant gonorrhea on the rise" however is a "bit" inaccurate.
Was that on purpose or by mistake?

On purpose I'd say, just check his posting history, all on the same subject !

10-01-2013, 10:39 AM
Nevertheless the articles are correct. Drug resistance to many organisms is on the rise due to many factors but mainly due to the over use and abuse of antibiotics in the developed world (demanded by patients and given by medicos for non recommended indications) as well as incorrect dosages being used in third world countries (either due to poor knowledge or lack of money). The same thing is happening with malaria, TB and other diseases we thought had been eliminated.

Wilisno, I have read the 6 posts made by nsjmore and agree all are STD related. Most of what he said is accurate so I do not think he should be knocked.

10-01-2013, 11:09 PM
Wilisno, I have read the 6 posts made by nsjmore and agree all are STD related. Most of what he said is accurate so I do not think he should be knocked.

bill_100, have you read the post by Licker that I quoted ? I was responding to his question. Is my answer illogical ? Knocking nsjmore ? I can't help it if that's the way you think !

10-01-2013, 11:38 PM
I probably should have included this in the first post, but those articles are from over a year ago (the Japanese strain in the article was actually discovered in 2008). Medical reports like these are checked, rechecked, criticized and edited repeatedly so the time of reporting is often very far off from the initial research. Since that time, there are been many more cases of these new strains all over the world (new cases mainly in mainland USA where doctors prescribe treatments a little too freely). In terms of accuracy, Australian standard treatment of Gonorrhea which is the sort of last resort oral or injectable Cephalosporins (ceftriaxone or whatever commercial name it maybe given), most of the new strains are completely unaffected by this treatment (whether single or multi dose). So maybe 'incurable' may not be completely accurate but that's the way it's going to be if the new strains spread and no new methods are found in time.

10-01-2013, 11:55 PM
I probably should have included this in the first post, but those articles are from over a year ago (the Japanese strain in the article was actually discovered in 2008). Medical reports like these are checked, rechecked, criticized and edited repeatedly so the time of reporting is often very far off from the initial research. Since that time, there are been many more cases of these new strains all over the world (new cases mainly in mainland USA where doctors prescribe treatments a little too freely). In terms of accuracy, Australian standard treatment of Gonorrhea which is the sort of last resort oral or injectable Cephalosporins (ceftriaxone or whatever commercial name it maybe given), most of the new strains are completely unaffected by this treatment (whether single or multi dose). So maybe 'incurable' may not be completely accurate but that's the way it's going to be if the new strains spread and no new methods are found in time.

Good on you bro ! Probably you belong to some organization or something that you keep posting this sort of warnings, but you're fair to post follow-ups too ! That's exactly what I had in mind when I responded to Bro Licker's post, no knocking intended !