View Full Version : General talk Our vulnerable reputations on this forum

09-01-2013, 10:38 PM
I know that from one view in the recent Yes / no thread it may have been considered a mere “slanging match.”

But brothers, this is a much wider issue than that. Do you know that all of us, all of our reputations on this forum, are vulnerable to having false and unsubstantiated slurs made against us? All it takes is a virus like gucci to infect the forum for this to happen. And you know what we in the punting world should think about viruses.

So just for a moment, put yourself in my place, as Wizard has already done out of sense of his own decency. Are you happy that we should all be vulnerable to defamation without recourse? Ok, it is only my reputation now that has been defamed, but we all call each other brothers on this forum and I hope that is as much in spirit as it is in mere name.

Do you find your own reputation’s vulnerability to random low acts like this acceptable or not?.

However nice the people in a house are, it only takes one pig living in it to make it a pig sty. And that is something I don’t want to live in. Do you? Is the forum better for having me in it, or a virus like gucci in it? Forum Elders, don’t you have custody of the fragile value of this forum too? And the custody of your own valuable, but vulnerable, reputations?

Can you put aside the false complacency that “it isn’t happening to me - at the moment anyway - so I don’t give a fuck?.”

After all the great comments most of you active posters have already made about me, can you offer me your support on this? If I can’t get any support from any of you now, after all this, after all your knowledge of my forum contributions and of my real character and humour revealed in them - even the very comments you have made about me on record - I will retire from active participation in this forum.

Because I am a lot less welcome than I thought I was.

What do you think admin? Don’t you have a responsibilty of care to all of us on this forum? I know there are rules in place to prevent or punish acts like gucci’s. Will you apply them or not? If not, why not? I know he is only a flea on the side of an elephant, but if he wakes it up he is still liable to get crushed.

All that is the big picture, fellas, this danger to our reputations applies to ALL of us. So it is much more than a “slanging match” between two people. (Sorry, I’ll re-phrase that, between one person and one flea.) That is why there are already forum rules against gucci’s defamatory acts. Why aren’t they being applied?

Look, all I want is your support now, on record, and gucci can go back to sucking his tiny drops of blood out of the side of the elephant for all I care.

He has now said the same defamatory lie, about me constantly demanding bbfs, three times, expanding on the detail of it each time. But now wants to stop, not because he can defend or prove it, but because he is “too tired.” Man, he has got a conscience so flatlined, not even electric heart paddles could bring it back to life. You’ll remember, his accusation came at the end of a long thread about something that we had separate opinions on, and then he “suddenly remembered” the dossier he has apparently been collecting on me for months.

The only two girls in all of Sydney that even know that I am Sextus are Eva and “Emerald” from 64, and they only know this because I had to collect my review prize - a double with them. So they can be the only girls in Sydney - because they are the only ones that know that I am Sextus - that could say that I demanded bbfs. These therefore could be the only girls gucci is quoting as saying this. Little Wonder, Wizard, Ilovefs, Jimmyk, all of you who have seen these girls, please ask them about this next time. But 64 ALREADY KNOWS IT DIDN’T HAPPEN. They would have since come down on me like a ton of bricks!

Wayne also has proof in his pm’s between us from a month ago about my discussing my shock and horror at the very idea of BBFS.

This directly contradicts, in documentary form, gucci’s defamatory lies. As does 64’s silence, as does Eva’s and “Emerald’s” silence.

Wayne doesn’t even have to acknowledge he has this pm correspondence. He only has to deny it he has it. Which he can't. In which case, I’d post it myself.

Do you realise that gucci’s vicious lies could badly affect my punting life? Just as a disease spreader like he is could affect yours? Is your compassion or empathy with me, or is it with a proven liar who is just as likely to keep doing it? And maybe to you next time. Why? Because he doesn't like your point of view.

Fellas, if you don’t care about this big picture, that goes to the heart of the honest value of this forum, well, I’ll join you in that too, because I’ll no longer care myself, and it will be a very sad bye bye from me.

09-01-2013, 10:53 PM
Ok Bro Sextus pls lead me in the direction of what you are referring to so I may be able to make my own opinion on it!
Thanks in advance.

09-01-2013, 11:09 PM
The last 15% or so of the "Does no mean yes" thread mate. Sorry if it gets a bit intemperate, passion rules with all of us career fucksters I guess.


It is only the last 15% of it that is relevant (to all of us), plz don't get bogged down in the first 85% of it.


Ps, If gucci comes into this thread I PROMISE I will not respond to him. This is about a bigger issue.

09-01-2013, 11:42 PM
Sextus, I have no idea what you are talking about. I haven't read the thread you are talking about. And yes, I remember our pm exchange when you first joined this forum about how common bbfs is. I don't have it any more but it was something along the lines that prostitution is all about supply and demand; so when there is a demand there will be a supply; and so there are always girls willing to offer bbfs services to ensure they remain suppliers. Chill out, this place is just a few warriors with nothing better to do than wank over their keyboards. The allusion of friendship here is as fragile as in the brothels. But please don't threaten to publish confidential messages. There is something in the telecommunications act that covers that and it is actually a crime.

09-01-2013, 11:56 PM
I just read the whole thread - I had become bored with it after the first page - and I see Sextus' point. He is being unfairly smeared. These blokes used to post pictures of ladyboys on this forum. Now they just play the village clown. But Sextus, don't take it all so seriously. Judging by the time dockets on your postings you are losing sleep over it. Better to do what all addicts are counselled to do: work out a strategy to wean yourself off the compulsion to respond to impulsive behaviour.

10-01-2013, 12:04 AM
Bro Sextus, Sorry for what happened to you. You have my full support.

10-01-2013, 01:27 AM
Chill out, this place is just a few warriors with nothing better to do than wank over their keyboards. The allusion of friendship here is as fragile as in the brothels.

Wayne, this is the first public forum I have ever been on. So, just as as I am constantly stating in my sexual matters, I am largely inexperienced with these public forums too. But I do recall some poor girl who suicided because of anonymous online trolls, and others who had breakdowns and so on. Believe me, I am no teenager, and there is no chance of any of that at all! Some may have picked up however, that I am a writer (although I earn most of my living in a different creative field) so my heart is never far away from my pen. It is an open one in other words - otherwise I couldn't do what I do.

So that inclines me to think that these forums are also about some kind of friendship and loyalties just as we enjoy in our private lives. However, as I am still learning about them, they may be a much colder place, as you say, than my inclinations believe - or want to believe, just like Muldar from the X-files. I appreciate your advice and caution about this very much and will keep it with me.

I will not abuse your trust about our pm's either, thanks for the heads up.

Ps. But if any of you do feel this forum is a friendlier place than that, I'd appreciate your comments too.

10-01-2013, 01:37 AM
I just read the whole thread - I had become bored with it after the first page - and I see Sextus' point. He is being unfairly smeared. These blokes used to post pictures of ladyboys on this forum. Now they just play the village clown. But Sextus, don't take it all so seriously. Judging by the time dockets on your postings you are losing sleep over it. Better to do what all addicts are counselled to do: work out a strategy to wean yourself off the compulsion to respond to impulsive behaviour.

What I want to happen then, for the health of this forum, is that everytime gucci makes a post, his status - if you can call it that - as a lying, destructive troll is commented on. That this status defines his whole presence on the forum. If admin won't do this for us, we can all easily accomplish the same thing together.

(Thanks Clinton, for your supportive words, much appreciated. :D)

10-01-2013, 02:17 AM
Take it easy Sextus it started as a missunderstanding and took it the wrong way. Both of you need space and give it a rest.

10-01-2013, 02:42 AM
I appreciate your calming words Iexperiment, and all contributions to this thread, which is about lying, reputation trashing trolls, an issue which concerns all of us on an online forum.

I am taking it easy, and if any one cares to check my link above they'll see that no misunderstanding occurred. Instead gucci invented and then repeated three times a defamatory lie about me. Who will he do it to next time? Therefore, everyone on this forum has a self-interest in commenting on his non-status every time he makes a post. This is a bigger issue than just he is fellas.

10-01-2013, 05:41 AM
Take it easy bro , there will be negative , positive , misundrestanding comment and even wrong comment . Just take the positive one . Just let it go , cheer up for a new day

10-01-2013, 06:33 AM
I appreciate your calming words Iexperiment, and all contributions to this thread, which is about lying, reputation trashing trolls, an issue which concerns all of us on an online forum.

I am taking it easy, and if any one cares to check my link above they'll see that no misunderstanding occurred. Instead gucci invented and then repeated three times a defamatory lie about me. Who will he do it to next time? Therefore, everyone on this forum has a self-interest in commenting on his non-status every time he makes a post. This is a bigger issue than just he is fellas.

2 ways to go about it.
trend like the united states and sue everyone.


just be happy, true to yourself and let what goes around come around.

10-01-2013, 08:39 AM
Without the full details I wouldn't want to form a concrete opinion, but it seems to me that Sextus has been unafirly treated. It seems Wayne has confirmed that a private message was sent by sextus stating his distaste for bbfs, so it seems highly unlikely sextus would be demanding it so strongly as suggested.
From the other side, gucci may have the right facts but applid to the wrong person. Girls would get harassed for bb services ALL the time, and would probably hear every day "I am this shops best customer" or "My reviews have brought heaps of business", whether true or not. I do know of one shop where girls were 'encouraged' to give BB services once a punter became regular, thankfully that shop is looooong gone.
I understand wanting to defend your integrity, afterall on a forum such as this it's almost all we have, we have no way of proving who we are or are not and what we have or haven't done, so if a member flippantly tarnishes said reputation with untruths, whether it be of a fellow poster, a WL or a shop, it shouldn't be tolerated. At the same time there must be some way of determining said indiscretion. I would recommend in this instance that gucci be warned off making those accusations again when I see little possibility that he has at hand the 'full facts' of the claims, and let it be a lesson to all that if you don't have a full story, best not to make claim, and that applies to shops and workers too.
Just my 2 cents..

10-01-2013, 09:21 AM
I think the issue is the futility of reasoned discussion on a forum such as this. Seem to remember a NSW education report that 50 percent of school leavers couldn't, or wouldn't, comprehend modal sentences. You shouldn't assume your readers understand linked notions. And then, there are always the Tony Abbott type wreckers with their wilful ignorance. They will always peddle their particular hatred and prejudices on forums. Just keep language simple and discussions one dimensional. Then these sorts of emotional flair ups are avoided.

10-01-2013, 10:37 AM
general rule of internet is TRUST NO ONE!

live and learn sextus and dont take anything to heart thats said on here.

10-01-2013, 10:48 AM
Sextus, Gucci may be mistaking you for another member of this forum who was banned for asking for freebies from Ginza? I have no details of it so can't really comment beyond that. If the industry workers like the papasans, mamasans, ML's and WL's know you as a regular punter (even if they didn't know you as Sextus) then in all likelyhood, they wouldn't believe the B.S. someone is saying about you anyway. I for one am pretty sure some of the punters know what I look like IRL and I'm pretty sure some of the SF girls know who I am but I've never told them.

Both of you, I've read some of your posts and I appreciate both of your opinions. Sextus, it was your posts that had me venture 1 hr out of my way to see 64 Taren Point and I'm glad I did - had a great time! I was going to write an AR two days before you won to try to give you a run for your money but yours was so good and you've done so many good ones that I felt that it was not my place to even compete. Gucci, I've enjoyed your posts too. Some of your comments on the Ginza girls are probably the reasons why I'll be booking this year for my first visit to Ginza. Gold class all the way! I know you what you were trying to say but it was out of line to liken Sextus to those rapists in Delhi. And I'm not sure about other punters but I for one know that with ML's and WL's some behaviour like trying to kiss them or touch them is a game that they know well. If they don't like it, they will let you know, if they do and they let you, what's the big deal?

What I can say is, sometimes it is better to err on the side of caution both with what you ask of an ML/WL and also what you accuse other punters of doing.

If you really want to work out who is right, I propose you use the Cartman, South Park method. "I'll rosham bo you for it." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WcVI64IbkIs

the wizard
10-01-2013, 05:43 PM
Sextus, Gucci may be mistaking you for another member of this forum who was banned for asking for freebies from Ginza? I have no details of it so can't really comment beyond that. If the industry workers like the papasans, mamasans, ML's and WL's know you as a regular punter (even if they didn't know you as Sextus) then in all likelyhood, they wouldn't believe the B.S. someone is saying about you anyway. I for one am pretty sure some of the punters know what I look like IRL and I'm pretty sure some of the SF girls know who I am but I've never told them.

Both of you, I've read some of your posts and I appreciate both of your opinions. Sextus, it was your posts that had me venture 1 hr out of my way to see 64 Taren Point and I'm glad I did - had a great time! I was going to write an AR two days before you won to try to give you a run for your money but yours was so good and you've done so many good ones that I felt that it was not my place to even compete. Gucci, I've enjoyed your posts too. Some of your comments on the Ginza girls are probably the reasons why I'll be booking this year for my first visit to Ginza. Gold class all the way! I know you what you were trying to say but it was out of line to liken Sextus to those rapists in Delhi. And I'm not sure about other punters but I for one know that with ML's and WL's some behaviour like trying to kiss them or touch them is a game that they know well. If they don't like it, they will let you know, if they do and they let you, what's the big deal?

What I can say is, sometimes it is better to err on the side of caution both with what you ask of an ML/WL and also what you accuse other punters of doing.

If you really want to work out who is right, I propose you use the Cartman, South Park method. "I'll rosham bo you for it." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WcVI64IbkIs

I think the freebees where sought from TMC ,Admin did not waste time to take action

10-01-2013, 07:18 PM
I don't know how much experience in this field you had, doubt it is a lot otherwise you wouldn't be asking that question. I personally always respect a lady's wishes, just because she gets paid to engage in sexual acts on men, doesn't give anyone the right to not respect her as a person.

My true contribution here isn't about Sextus himself and that whole situation, but about us men in general who go to these establishments and just because the shops advertise the whole "feel like a king" slogan, doesn't mean "you ARE the king". There's a difference there.

It saddens me when I've heard of a story from a certain ex-working lady who had told her that during a blowjob the customer just slapped her in her face, I've heard of stories where the guy would disrespect a woman just by throwing money on the ground acting like he is the king shit. It annoys the hell out of me, and at the same time makes me laugh at these men who persuade girls to do acts like swallow, or receive CIM, and when the girl doesn't do so, they throw tantrums.

Think of this, everyone has moral and ethics, at least most people who are allowed to walk the streets. If someone paid you a certain amount of cash and ask you to let them shit in their mouth because there's no toilets around, would you do it? I certainly won't. It's almost the same principle here for these working ladies.

Just because you have money, it doesn't mean you are the shit. In fact those people are the most insecure. Money the make the man, man make the money, and it takes a strong attitude to make money. A man can be rich as fuck, but if he is going to have a cry or tantrum about a working girl not doing something they don't feel comfortable doing, he has no respect in my eyes.

So I'm going to now respond to the thread before, When does no mean yes? In that situation described in that other forum, NEVER! Maybe during the act described by cmk, I am assuming the two were quite acquainted before, her "refusals" with her body movements may be just a sign of nervousness. I don't know, I wasn't in the room with him and I don't want to be in the room with him when something like that happens. If it was a stranger or someone she has seen once or twice, maybe her subtle refusals was probably her being scared to say something about it and finally just accepted it, she could probably pulled a fake smile and then said goodbye to her client and then cry right afterwards. I personally can't live knowing that happened.

I personally would go for "play" like this when I really really really really am close with the girl, and most likely never with a working girl, because to me, there's still a barrier between us... even if I have known the girl for 2+ years.

There's something called sexual experiments, but it has to be done on a mutual agreement.

People misinterpreted you Sextus because you were asking questions about something that seemed to be disrespectful to girls and people got a little too sensitive.

There was really no need to continue the argument and let your ego trip out like that... on an internet forum (I'm only saying this because this is how I perceived the situation to be)... just let it go.

On an internet forum!???????

10-01-2013, 07:35 PM
Thanks so much for taking the time to consider this, it is greatly appreciated.

After you read all of the material, I've quoted from the above summarising your conclusions.

"Sextus is being unfairly smeared." - Wayne

"Sextus has been unfairly treated." - AsiaFever

"Gucci is out of line" - Jelly Shots

"On a forum like this [our integrity] is almost all we have." - Asia Fever

"A member flippantly tarnish[ing] said reputation shouldn't be tolerated." - Asia Fever

"What goes around [will] come around." - Punted till munted

"You have my full support." - Clinton

"Gucci should be warned off." Asia Fever

Your considered views and support means everything, thanks.

My request for this in my opening has been granted in spades, and my faith in the forum strengthened. I'm an online forum newbie people, yet this kind of pitfall you all must be much more knowledgable of.

I hope, given this collective opinion, not just by the posters, but what would be a similar proportion of all the readers of this too, will cause gucci to restrain himself in the future. If not, my sole response to that will be a link back to this post.

When I thought I was fighting for the integrity of the forum on my own, my language above was of a field artillery level that I really didn't want to use. In fact, I feel a little dirty, a little tarnished by having had to express it.

So guys, to exorcise this from me, I am going to write and post a longish, but not too long, comic anecdotal episode that occurred to me - like the one about the lady doctor reaming my arse out with her lubed finger - so you can all get back to knowing what my true nature is.

Thanks heaps guys.

Sextus. :grimace:

10-01-2013, 08:13 PM
Lol @ Sextus

There is too much sand in your vagina bro. Try cleaning it out after your BBFS

10-01-2013, 08:19 PM
Here we go again...

10-01-2013, 08:20 PM
"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men.
Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children.
And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy My brothers.
And you will know My name is the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon thee. "

I thought this quote would be fitting in here, as it is as fictitious in nature as is this forum. :)

Nobody take offence, please.
And if you haven't seen Pulp Fiction, please do so!

the wizard
10-01-2013, 08:26 PM
"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men.
Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children.
And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy My brothers.
And you will know My name is the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon thee. "

I thought this quote would be fitting in here, as it is as fictitious in nature as is this forum. :)

Nobody take offence, please.
And if you haven't seen Pulp Fiction, please do so!

Licker, how fitting is this quote

I could almost hear Samuel L's voice as I was reading it.......

Tarantino is a legend...

10-01-2013, 08:38 PM
Don't sweat over the small stuff Sextus and a forum in life perspective is certainly small stuff.

10-01-2013, 08:53 PM
Don't sweat over the small stuff Sextus and a forum in life perspective is certainly small stuff.

Agree with DI. Don't sweat it dude. There are better things to use your spare CPU cycles on.
I personally look forward to yr ARs so keep doing what u do, and ignore the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.

10-01-2013, 09:04 PM
Don't sweat over the small stuff Sextus and a forum in life perspective is certainly small stuff.

Good point Deep Impact. I think those of us who read and post on this forum sometimes can't see the forest for the trees.
To put it in some sort of perspective lets say there are 5 million people in Sydney, lets say half are males so thats 2.5 million, let's say half again are aged 18 to 50 so thats 1.25 million, and lets take a really conservative guess and say 1 in 10 men punt; thats 125,00 punters.
At any given time on this forum there are around 300 punters. Thats around 0.25% of the total punting population of Sydney - only one quarter of 1 percent! And if you narrow it down to the 50 or so regular posters on this forum its more like 0.04% of the total punting population of Sydney.
Kind of reminds you of the Galaxy Song in he Monty Python Meaning of Life movie

10-01-2013, 09:16 PM
Now that you mentioned it Rooter.

"Whenever life gets you down Mrs. Brown
and things seem hard or tough
and people are stupid, obnoxious or daft
and you feel that you've had quite enough!

just remember that your standing on a planet that’s evolving
revolving at nine-hundred miles an hour
its orbiting at ninety miles a second
so its reckoned
a sun that is the source of all our power
the sun and you and me
and all the stars that we can see
are moving at a million miles a day
in an outer spiral arm at forty-thousand miles an hour
of the galaxy we call the Milky Way

Our galaxy itself
contains a hundred billion stars
it’s a hundred thousand light-years side to side
it bulges in the middle
sixteen-thousand light-years thick
but out by us it’s just three-thousand light-years wide
were thirty-thousand light-years from galactic central point
we go round every two-hundred-million years
and our galaxy is only one of millions of billions in this amazing and expanding universe.

The universe itself keeps on expanding and expanding
in all of the directions it can whiz
as fast as it can go
the speed of light you know
twelve million miles a minute and that’s the fastest speed there is
so remember when you’re feeling very small and insecure
how amazingly unlikely is your birth
and pray that there intelligent life somewhere up in space
cause there’s bugger all down here on Earth. "

10-01-2013, 09:21 PM
I'm still new to this forum so I hope I'm not out of line by saying.... "Brothers"!!! lets not turn this thing into a sewing circle...

Sextus, in my short time on this forum I have found you to be one of the most articulate and intelligent people on here but let me be blunt....you need to grow much thicker skin....this is an internet forum....no place for fragile egos....
no offence, just my "2 cents"

Yeah, good point, and it was referred to by splash too. Can I just say this that everyone might want as a keeper. Our egos, or a more accurate name for them our self-respect or our self-belief, is the only thing that enables us to accomplish whatever it is that we do manage to accomplish in life. (Skyhooks had a bit to say about that too.) Jesus, for example, must have had an "Hell" of an ego to believe in himself so much to accomplish the things that he did accomplish. (Just an historical observation, I'm no Christian.) Here in Australia egos are particularly looked down on, but what I just said above is the truth, nevertheless. So don't listen to naysayers that say you can't do something, listen to yourself first and foremost, that is, listen to your own ego.

I apologise now though for posting those reviews of my reviews in the other thread - it was a separate irrelevancy, and I only did it under the provocation of gucci's lies. I must have been in a heavy artillery mood to call them in - a weakness yes, I agree, and I will look out for it in the future. In the same vein, what I said in the first paragraph about your own egos remains true.

Even when gucci compared me to a rapist several times, I still didn't provoke, and didn't even refer to it directly. Even when he, frustrated, then crafted that lie about me, I still ignored it. It took two more goads from him to finally awaken the Samuel L Jackson in me. My friends, it must be 15 years since I have last been forced to be like that.

The comments and support I have got on this thread though have drawn the venom from me like a poultice.

I recognise much more now that gucci is a young man in his twenties, for whom English isn't a first language, and I confess that I felt a stab of conscience when he called me the "fancy word man." If I tried to debate in Chinese with, I don't know, some kind of Chinese university tutor, I can see frustration happening to me too.

Gucci, a young man, in a moment of human weakness, therefore resorted to lying as a weapon that he knew he'd have good chance of getting away with, and once in the lie he was trapped in it. The unfortunate consequence for him, ironically, is his own reputation on this forum. Not the first young man to make an impulsive mistake.

Just an internet forum, guys? The fact is we can make it ourselves as good or as bad as it can possibly be.

10-01-2013, 10:11 PM
Posted twice somehow.

10-01-2013, 10:13 PM
Good point Deep Impact. I think those of us who read and post on this forum sometimes can't see the forest for the trees.
To put it in some sort of perspective lets say there are 5 million people in Sydney, lets say half are males so thats 2.5 million, let's say half again are aged 18 to 50 so thats 1.25 million, and lets take a really conservative guess and say 1 in 10 men punt; thats 125,00 punters.
At any given time on this forum there are around 300 punters. Thats around 0.25% of the total punting population of Sydney - only one quarter of 1 percent! And if you narrow it down to the 50 or so regular posters on this forum its more like 0.04% of the total punting population of Sydney.
Kind of reminds you of the Galaxy Song in he Monty Python Meaning of Life movie

Fabulous perspective Rooter. Fuck, my own mind can be a prison sometimes!

Sometimes I must imagine invisible throngs watching and listening to us, as big as the audience of the Ben Hur chariot race.

Still value my reputation amongst you guys though, however small the grouping.

10-01-2013, 10:26 PM
Agree with DI. Don't sweat it dude. There are better things to use your spare CPU cycles on.
I personally look forward to yr ARs so keep doing what u do, and ignore the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.

That is great to know River. While I was writing that thing above, I missed out on the way this thread had lightened up so much in the meantime. The first part half of that Samuel L. Jackson video is a fucken riot in this context!

And then, still while I was pounding away blindly, even the GODS OF COMEDY and PHILOSOPHY Monty Python had been called in to the rescue. The ones who may be responsible for forming half the limited number of neurones I possess.

10-01-2013, 10:44 PM
here we go again ....
Don't take the bait Sextus ... deep breaths ... Aum .... Aum ....

10-01-2013, 10:48 PM
Hello punters - I'm new to the aus99 forum. This seems like a lively and dynamic community and I'm looking forward to becoming involved in some of the interesting discussions that I've been following as an unregistered visitor over the past few days. I'll start another thread shortly to introduce myself properly and also take the time to post a couple of ARs that I want to share.

For now though I really just want to comment on the substantive issues raised in the 'yes-no' thread, which is now locked.

I think it was Sextus who mentioned that recently, while he was busy tonguing a prostitute's anus, she pushed him away with her hand in an attempt to make him stop. Sextus says the idea of disobeying such a request appeals to him. In response to the plea of an unwilling sex worker, he says he likes the idea of using wrist locks and, on this particular occasion, of defiantly sticking his tongue more aggressively into her anus.

To be honest, I find these sentiments frightening and repulsive. Sextus - you talk about about your character being unfairly defamed by others, but it seems to me you have done a good job of telling everybody exactly what sort of a person you are. I don't know you at all, but from having read your posts in the previous thread I can honestly say that you sound like a certified psychopath!:surprise:

Jeez! did he say that??? I didn't even read!

10-01-2013, 10:51 PM
No Blackbird, it was just a devilish thought I briefly had and raised later on the forum as an agent provocateur.

Have never done anything but with willing ladies and never will do anything with unwilling ladies.


10-01-2013, 11:08 PM
Like Beetle Juice and Candy Man when you say my name enough times I will appear.

You wanted the other thread closed, so it was closed...then you open up another thread to talk about the same thing so you could get your limp ego stroked by your fans????

I saw a post done by you at 2:40am, thanks for your attention but I'm not interested. I just let you know, i know what you did. So you can go prancing around like nice man but I know what you are I and I couldn't give a monkeys anus who agrees or disagrees. The story that was told to me made me so furious but what can i do, that's the life she chose.

"did this guy ask for no condom f#cking?" Is an easy question to ask the answer is even easier.

This thread should be closed aswell.

10-01-2013, 11:13 PM
Sextus should stay in this forum and write more reviews for our fellow bros, lol

10-01-2013, 11:16 PM
Sextus should stay in this forum and write more reviews for our fellow bros, lol

And avoid kinky stuffs

the wizard
10-01-2013, 11:37 PM
guys - is it at all possible to just stop it here.....

please............................................ .................................................. ................................................

10-01-2013, 11:51 PM
Hope Admin will close the thread soon and hope Bro Sextus won't start another one !

11-01-2013, 12:00 AM
And avoid kinky stuffs


wilisno mate, I promise I won't.

Sextus :red_heart: