View Full Version : GINZA ? Any Tips some1?

10-01-2013, 11:12 AM
Hey every1 , just wondering Is there any tips to book popular girl at Ginza or just me unlucky always book out?

Or Ginza mgnt keep the girls to regular customer ? or whatever?

This is the 3rd time already .

So , any idea ? Idk whats going on there.

Abit dissapointed though.

10-01-2013, 11:14 AM
even today , they just comeback from holiday. And just met a call 4 girls on the roster , 2 of them already book out. sigh*facepalm*

the wizard
10-01-2013, 12:32 PM
Or Ginza mgnt keep the girls to regular customer ? or whatever?

No that doesn't happen at Ginza
Ring Wilson and he will try to accomodate you- no worries .

10-01-2013, 04:44 PM
I've tried to ring Wilson so many times but is it just me or it is so hard to make a booking. No answer on the phone or he's busy and said he will call back (would not call back). SMS also no reply. Is there any code or am i doing anything wrong here??

the wizard
10-01-2013, 05:27 PM
I just rang him just 30min ago and he picked up straight away- and made a booking
What no. are you calling ?

10-01-2013, 06:28 PM
Its their first day back after the holiday break so I imagine they are flat out busy today that's all.
A lot of horny guys after the break ;)

10-01-2013, 07:16 PM
well they don't have a direc competition or shop similar in price/service/location.

and that is same as 5* since no.1 ceased

10-01-2013, 08:07 PM
i don't think its that easy. otherwise there be shops everywhere.

10-01-2013, 08:10 PM
they sure don't.... but how hard can it be though....you rent an apartment...pay off the building manager....hire some good looking but desperate international student and you are in business...am I missing something???....because the more I think about it, the more I think it's not exactly "rocket science"....

It's a lot harder than that spartan. If it was as easy as you say we would all be managing our own agency rather than punting.
You have to find the right girls (and hold on to them), constantly find new girls, build up a reputation, keep the girls happy, keep the punters happy etc. All these things I mentioned are not as easy as they sound.

10-01-2013, 08:32 PM
I know this place has a lot of "fans" on this forum but not returning the calls, not responding to SMS is just a shit customer service, busy or not....unless someone does it with their number blocked...This place seems to be the best value for money around but I think they could do with some direct competition...

Dude , were you an angry customer or have a bad session with a worker maybe you are banned ?

10-01-2013, 09:30 PM
No Dude, believe it or not...I've actually never been there....so I haven't had a chance to get banned yet....however, this doesn't sound like a legit operation anyway...so if they tired to "ban" me.....well, good luck to them...

Spartan, if we just rewind to your original complaint it was that your calls or SMS were not returned. I can understand you being pissed off about that, but like I said it's a busy shop and today being their first day back after the break would have been their busiest day of the year.
So it's not surprising that a call or SMS could be missed or go unreturned. Try again tomorrow, and see how you go would be my advice.

the wizard
10-01-2013, 11:13 PM
Most of the criticisms about Ginza over countless threads time and time again have not been about

-the quality of the Girls
-their young age
-the value
-the setup
-the management

It's seems to nearly always focus on the fact that certain people cannot contact them and make a booking.
They get frustrated (understandable) and post their disappointment, when they should be trying to ring again, use sms, pm, or maybe avoid ringing on the hour
as Wilson would most likely be greeting and organising his customers as they walk in.

Yes today would have been a busy day.
He has a receptionist, but the phones would have been running super hot, you need to make an allowance for that, any understanding person would.
How many times have you not been successful contacting your bank or a retail shop especially during the sales

I got through within apprx 4 rings this afternoon and I don't have "commissioner Gordons bat phone" connection to Ginza
In fact the only time Wilson couldn't answer the phone, he sent me a text me soon after to tell me he was driving and he would call me in 15 min, which he did.
That is what I call good customer service and I am not anyone special, just another punter there

Yet some who couldn't contact them decide to tread through that very familiar path seen many a time before and start to bag them.....

ps- the competition would never survive !!

10-01-2013, 11:15 PM
Keep trying, eventually you will be answered. That happened to me when I started going to GINZA.

the wizard
10-01-2013, 11:21 PM
I remember Clinton, but It all worked out in the end......

11-01-2013, 01:12 PM
Thats right. you need to fill the void.
I think in one of Ahlungor's business model he suggested you can make100k a week (or was it month). so even if u scale down the operation and make a fraction of it u are still making a killing.

11-01-2013, 06:46 PM
Most of the criticisms about Ginza over countless threads time and time again have not been about

-the quality of the Girls
-their young age
-the value
-the setup
-the management

It's seems to nearly always focus on the fact that certain people cannot contact them and make a booking.
They get frustrated (understandable) and post their disappointment, when they should be trying to ring again, use sms, pm, or maybe avoid ringing on the hour
as Wilson would most likely be greeting and organising his customers as they walk in.

Yes today would have been a busy day.
He has a receptionist, but the phones would have been running super hot, you need to make an allowance for that, any understanding person would.
How many times have you not been successful contacting your bank or a retail shop especially during the sales

I got through within apprx 4 rings this afternoon and I don't have "commissioner Gordons bat phone" connection to Ginza
In fact the only time Wilson couldn't answer the phone, he sent me a text me soon after to tell me he was driving and he would call me in 15 min, which he did.
That is what I call good customer service and I am not anyone special, just another punter there

Yet some who couldn't contact them decide to tread through that very familiar path seen many a time before and start to bag them.....

ps- the competition would never survive !!

Now I know at last what "Super Fans" means!

11-01-2013, 06:52 PM
100K a month?!?!?! (I'm not even going to think about $100K a week)....I make about that much a YEAR!!!....following up every possible lead....returning ALL the phone calls....for about 10% net margin, if I"m lucky......that's AFTER tax....and then I see these tax dodging "businessmen"....sh@#ing all over their customers and still making a fuk$#% killing....can you blame me for being a little bit envious???

Let me work this out. Makes 100K a year on 10% margin. Wow! $1,000,000 p.a. turn over for a sole trader who has to answer his own phone and make his own calls. That is a pretty popular business, if I have interpreted your figures correctly.

I agree, though, it mightn't be as good as spending your days in a perfumed Japanese hareem, able to fuck any of the girls at a moment's whim. And not even having to fly a plane into a trade tower to earn it.

12-01-2013, 07:00 PM
The way wilson runs ginza is second to none. He doesnt have that much help so it would be hard to answer every call and remember to call back everyone you missed. Wilson has the best customer service ive ever experienced and has provide some of the hottest Wl's in sydney.. In my opinion.

Its a shame youve had a bad experience..

Ive always respected him from the start and he's always been fantastic as a pappasan to me. And will continue to be. And like wiz, im no gold customer, just a regular, who survives on a very standard income where theres not a lot to spend on punting.

12-01-2013, 10:02 PM
The way wilson runs ginza is second to none. He doesnt have that much help ...MrSeven, I think that Wilson has a lot of help from Yuki. It looks to me that while Wilson keeps the customers happy, she hires the girls and keeps them happy. After all, she is the name on their recruitment advertisements. I suspect she has a lot of say in the running of the place. I don't know any of this for sure, so I could be wrong.

13-01-2013, 12:39 AM
sorry i meant not much help other than from yuki.. just the two of them.. it'd be tough to manage for the best of us!

the wizard
13-01-2013, 08:10 AM
sorry i meant not much help other than from yuki.. just the two of them.. it'd be tough to manage for the best of us!
A very cute young shortish girl let me in to the apartment yesterday- would that have been Yuki - haven't seen her before- mean't to ask

13-01-2013, 08:27 AM
Yeh thats yuki - very short indeed wiz

the wizard
13-01-2013, 05:23 PM
kind of business model shouldn't be that hard to copy....unless they have some real heavy hitters behind them but if they did, they wouldn't have gotten f$%^ over the way they did when they were Tokyo Cats, right?

I don't know of the Tokyo cats history, maybe some one can elaborate - pm if they prefer

13-01-2013, 08:11 PM
i think ur the only one lucking out spartan
have you established a good working relationship with wilson?

13-01-2013, 08:18 PM
i think ur the only one lucking out spartan
have you established a good working relationship with wilson?

Spartan isn't actually the guy who couldn't get through.
The original poster who couldn't get through was "foresaken" ;)

13-01-2013, 08:20 PM
i'm guessing he might have rubbed someone up the wrong way... or just bad timing...

14-01-2013, 09:28 AM
Where is this place located? I'm in the CBD.

14-01-2013, 11:53 AM
Where is this place located? I'm in the CBD.

Its a 5 minute walk from wynyard station.

14-01-2013, 12:31 PM
even today , they just comeback from holiday. And just met a call 4 girls on the roster , 2 of them already book out. sigh*facepalm*

My take on things:

* Ginza is very well run place and has excellent girls
* Due to that the place is very popular with those who have been there
* They have just returned from the holiday close down
* They would be flooded with requests for appointments
* A lot of those would be former customers who have been waiting for Ginza's return
* It currently is not a drop in brothel like other places

I suggest that those impatient folks just wait a while and be patient as they will be flat out for the next week I should imagine. The wait is really worth it.

I could imagine that there have been hundreds of people ringing and trying to get an appointment so be realistic.

15-01-2013, 01:42 PM
Guys I'm also trying to secure a booking with Ginza but my question is about the ease of parking
I have a good idea about where its at and I know train seems to be the best way to go. But I'm always driving to work and I want to ask if any of you Bros have experience with parking?
What is the best advise if I had to drive? Is there street parking's?

15-01-2013, 02:06 PM
To be honest. Don't. I know it's not answer you look for. But it's mid city with mid city parking problems. Easiest would honestly be to park at a train station outside of the city and take a train the rest of way.

15-01-2013, 02:23 PM
Go into a paid carpark nearby, or if you want to park in the street in the busiest part of the CBD, go after 10pm.....after they close :shout:

15-01-2013, 02:47 PM
Thanks guys

Would a night time booking (7-10pm) booking make it any easier for parking?

the wizard
15-01-2013, 04:19 PM
Maybe park at Darling hrbour and walk to king st wharf.
Have a bite to eat and a drink at the cargo bar before or afterwards

black knight
15-01-2013, 08:24 PM
I couldn't bother driving, I'll just train it in for my booking tomorrow

16-01-2013, 01:26 PM

What is the address of the place or are you meant to phone and they tell you?

the wizard
16-01-2013, 04:59 PM

What is the address of the place or are you meant to phone and they tell you?


16-01-2013, 05:02 PM
I couldn't bother driving, I'll just train it in for my booking tomorrow

Black Knight, you must be "a long way from home."


16-01-2013, 10:01 PM
Nice song Sextus....back to the subject....am I the only one who finds it degrading and demeaning to have to keep calling, waiting, "being patient" to get my nuts drained for $150 or more?....I'm sorry for being blunt....I don't mean to offend anyone, I'm really curious...my natural reaction is something along the lines of "you are too busy to answer my call....you don't need my business?... fine, f#$% you, I'll spend my money elsewhere...does anyone else feel like that?....Look, I get that at times any business could be overwhelmed with calls and inquiries but in most cases, they get back to you.....however, this place and some other establishments in the "punting industry" seem to say to us, F@#$ you!!!....we don't need you and your money, we can treat you like s#$% and we'll still make a killing anyway....am I being too "sensitive"???

Yep real sensitive, if this was the only shop in Sydney I'd be with you...but there's practically dozens in the city. Are you obsessed with Ginza??? Because you should be its the best shop hands down. You should go to Happy Angels they are 100 times better than Ginza.

the wizard
16-01-2013, 11:14 PM
It seems to always happen, some people have trouble making a booking and it's bash Ginza time.
Abusing the shop owner certainly won't get them past the front door.............

17-01-2013, 12:07 AM
Dunno mate. I booked via text message and had no problems. I was told who was available and what slots. Booked my slot and 6 hours later went and had a good time.

17-01-2013, 01:28 AM
My Ginza tips.

This post isn't gonna cure Spartans problems, but I hope it's helpful for other newer members or customers wanting to visit Ginza. I'm a fairly regular visitor to Ginza, would be more regular if there was a Maroubra branch. haha. Hopefully the new premises is in a good location. Anyway, I've never had any dramas with replies to texts or phone calls. I think Wilson does a very good job, he must take hundreds of calls and messages a day. I guess if you're a new customer, have some patience, and if you build up a regular patronage like some of us have, perhaps in a bit of time your calls and messages will be answered sooner. Remember it's pretty much a one man operation, taking calls and texts, answering the door, collecting money, organising advertising and who knows what else needs doing to keep things running smoothly.

As far as making a booking goes, check the roster the day before and send a text outlining who you would like to see, and be willing to be flexible about your times. Who know's I may have beaten you to the time you wanted :D Whenever I message hoping for a quick booking, the girls are generally already booked up, so I at least try to have 4 or 5 hours notice.

To the guys asking about parking vs train. If you're going in the middle of the day and not already located in the city, take the train and walk down from Wynyard station. Street parking in the day is hard to find end a rip off, Parking stations start at about $15 hr for the first hour for a cheap one in the city. Keep in mind if you're even a minute past the hour on your ticket the price goes up to around $20-25 hr. I was 2 mins late once after a booking I recall my ticket costing me about $60. Bastards! If u really wanna drive and pay good luck!