View Full Version : General talk Jennyk appeal: Another thank you to these shops for their support

04-09-2014, 07:57 PM
Vicky from Snow Lotus

http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l5/waveflows/cherryblossoms_zpsad58ce00.jpg (http://s92.photobucket.com/user/waveflows/media/cherryblossoms_zpsad58ce00.jpg.html)

http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l5/waveflows/snowlotus2_zpsb85f479a.jpg (http://s92.photobucket.com/user/waveflows/media/snowlotus2_zpsb85f479a.jpg.html)

Linda from Silver Fox

http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l5/waveflows/silverfox_zps17ad6a86.jpg (http://s92.photobucket.com/user/waveflows/media/silverfox_zps17ad6a86.jpg.html)

Vicky from QVB

http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l5/waveflows/Smll_Sydney_QVB_Building_WFR6361_21-11-2009_zps02562b75.jpg (http://s92.photobucket.com/user/waveflows/media/Smll_Sydney_QVB_Building_WFR6361_21-11-2009_zps02562b75.jpg.html)

http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l5/waveflows/qvb2_zpsb6b31221.jpg (http://s92.photobucket.com/user/waveflows/media/qvb2_zpsb6b31221.jpg.html)

Coco from Stanmore

http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l5/waveflows/rainbow_zpsb1e4cda3.jpg (http://s92.photobucket.com/user/waveflows/media/rainbow_zpsb1e4cda3.jpg.html)

Sam from 5* Five Star
http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l5/waveflows/five-star_zpsf447c164.jpg (http://s92.photobucket.com/user/waveflows/media/five-star_zpsf447c164.jpg.html)

Wilson from Ginza

http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l5/waveflows/mountain-mount-fuji-cherry-tree-peak-snow-japan-1024x1280_zpsa600eb8b.jpg (http://s92.photobucket.com/user/waveflows/media/mountain-mount-fuji-cherry-tree-peak-snow-japan-1024x1280_zpsa600eb8b.jpg.html)

http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l5/waveflows/japan_culture_0701_zpsaf139cbe.jpg (http://s92.photobucket.com/user/waveflows/media/japan_culture_0701_zpsaf139cbe.jpg.html)

Ginza has generously contributed $1000 plus the $100 I offered to add to the next shop that contributed, ie they have contributed a total of $1100. Thank you so much Ginza, that is a wonderful gesture of support. However my offer to add $100 to the next shop who contributes still stands.

On Jenny's behalf, thanks again to the above shops. :red_heart:

The girls have to make their way to and from shops at all hours of the day and night, and so I am sure their safety is always on the minds of shop owner's.

04-09-2014, 09:04 PM
To make it more convenient, here's the account details for donation :

Name : S. Kim
Bank : Commonwealth Bank
BSB : 062-016
Acc. no. 1075 6113

04-09-2014, 09:29 PM
PS. If any other shops have helped Jenny but have been too modest to say so, please let us know and I will add a pretty photo graphic to this thread for you too! :D :D

04-09-2014, 10:04 PM
This is the most amazing thread ever made in this forum , thumbs up

TMC (free cage girl)
05-09-2014, 03:49 PM
I'm thinking to help!

Sextus keep up this thread!!!

05-09-2014, 04:36 PM
Yamada, if your shop can help Jenny I would love to add a very nice and pretty acknowledgement to join the very welcome list above. Not only Jenny would be grateful for your kindness but I am sure the whole forum would too. :D :cool:

05-09-2014, 04:49 PM
I'm thinking to help!

Sextus keep up this thread!!!

Hey, Yamada San,

This is a good thing to help out Jenny, please do SIR !!


05-09-2014, 04:52 PM
I'm thinking to help!

Sextus keep up this thread!!!

Do it sir. Every cents count

TMC (free cage girl)
05-09-2014, 05:26 PM
Yamada, if your shop can help Jenny I would love to add a very nice and pretty acknowledgement to join the very welcome list above. Not only Jenny would be grateful for your kindness but I am sure the whole forum would too. :D :cool:

Hi sextus.

Im going to ask donate for This lady from our Customers.
You don't mind If i make new thread for this lady of donation?

also After we finish the renovation of TMC new palace. we ask for donation from TMC Club Member.
We have 8 Porno actress will start work at New place. We organize party and we can ask them.

TMC group and Members and JAV porno actress will promote your thread is ok?

I always talk about SEX and PUSSY and MY SGF, etc on the forum.... so I was feel not comfortable for comment on this thread, as i write letter to you by PM message.
But, personally i can help above the way to support the Lady and your activity!

If you can comment here very appreciate and also you can ask by PM message too.

05-09-2014, 11:43 PM
Good Work Sextus, you are a top bloke, thanks to all those shops, if i get the chance, i will visit some of these shops.

06-09-2014, 12:06 PM
Hi sextus.

Im going to ask donate for This lady from our Customers.
You don't mind If i make new thread for this lady of donation?

What a disappointing response - the shops listed above gave their own money to support this good cause. Instead you choose to take money from customers and ask for donations. Surely reaching into your own pocket with all the work that you're doing would be the least you could do to support - people who are your customers started this cause and have already supported it with their own cash.

06-09-2014, 02:46 PM
I don't want to see TMC using the tragedy to promote their threads.

Yamada, if you want to help her just made a cash contribition.

TMC group and Members and JAV porno actress will promote your thread is ok?too.

06-09-2014, 04:32 PM
What a disappointing response - the shops listed above gave their own money to support this good cause. Instead you choose to take money from customers and ask for donations. Surely reaching into your own pocket with all the work that you're doing would be the least you could do to support - people who are your customers started this cause and have already supported it with their own cash.

A boss/owner asking the customers and working ladies for donations really reflects poorly on the boss/owner. I agree with duksta, if anybody wants to support, just do it yourself, a boss is usually more wealthier and better off than their 'employees' or 'ladies' working for them.

TMC (free cage girl)
07-09-2014, 05:12 PM
I don't want to see TMC using the tragedy to promote their threads.

Yamada, if you want to help her just made a cash contribition.

We message each other and we talk about this. as you can see my comment above.

he PM to me and i did. so you don't need to suggest me to do your way.

What i can say is i was busy couple days for renovation and New palace organization.

TMC (free cage girl)
07-09-2014, 05:15 PM
What a disappointing response - the shops listed above gave their own money to support this good cause. Instead you choose to take money from customers and ask for donations. Surely reaching into your own pocket with all the work that you're doing would be the least you could do to support - people who are your customers started this cause and have already supported it with their own cash.

I thinks you has poor personality. I have contact to Sextus by PM messgae.
we talk about this each other. so why these poor guy comment like this?

I shouldn't like this these guys but, as i said I did with new thread. Sextus appreciate to this. Sextus is good guy.
you have very bad personality. should understand what is donation activity.

but I'm still on Sextus side. when we open the New PALACE for TMC MEMBER. we will help Sextus activity.

TMC (free cage girl)
07-09-2014, 05:22 PM
A boss/owner asking the customers and working ladies for donations really reflects poorly on the boss/owner. I agree with duksta, if anybody wants to support, just do it yourself, a boss is usually more wealthier and better off than their 'employees' or 'ladies' working for them.

I born with wealthy so. I work for company and community. i asked help for his activity for community and company.
i was going to help.you miss understand or you just don't understand what reflect your comment for other.

my purpose is not bad way. we have a lot of TMC customers and I hope they will support for his activity.

07-09-2014, 05:31 PM
If it works out better for JennyK I don't mind how people or shops choose to help her. So long as she comes out ahead. And I'm glad this thread is up there and the shops that have helped her are getting plenty of good vibes from punters for their support.

I have it in mind to make a post soon that should have everyone crawling over broken glass to help her, if they haven't already. Maybe I haven't quite expressed properly yet what a personal tragedy this has been for her. When we are all looking in the mirror cleaning our teeth, it is still our own face that looks back at us. How lucky we are.

07-09-2014, 06:12 PM
If you decide to make a cash contribution Sextus will upload a TMC image so everyone knows!

Until then please don't advertise your shop in this thread.

Shops like Snow Lotus and 5 star made cash contributions without all this song and dance. They deserve our attention and praise, not you!

I born with wealthy so. I work for company and community. i asked help for his activity for community and company.
i was going to help.you miss understand or you just don't understand what reflect your comment for other.

my purpose is not bad way. we have a lot of TMC customers and I hope they will support for his activity.

07-09-2014, 06:29 PM
I thinks you has poor personality. I have contact to Sextus by PM messgae.
we talk about this each other. so why these poor guy comment like this?

I shouldn't like this these guys but, as i said I did with new thread. Sextus appreciate to this. Sextus is good guy.
you have very bad personality. should understand what is donation activity.

I have no objection to you running something in your new palace to support this cause. But it shows a distinct lack of class that you won't put your own money into supporting this cause AND that (unlike the other shops here) you choose to use this as another way to promote your shop. The other places listed here had the good grace to support this cause with sensitivity and humility, and without using it to promote themselves.

I understand exactly what donation activity is, I've donated and supported this cause. Please refrain from personal abuse - the fact that you choose to attack me personally and not address the issue says everything that I could possibly say in return to your comments about bad personality.

07-09-2014, 07:57 PM
I have no objection to you running something in your new palace to support this cause. But it shows a distinct lack of class that you won't put your own money into supporting this cause AND that (unlike the other shops here) you choose to use this as another way to promote your shop. The other places listed here had the good grace to support this cause with sensitivity and humility, and without using it to promote themselves.

I understand exactly what donation activity is, I've donated and supported this cause. Please refrain from personal abuse - the fact that you choose to attack me personally and not address the issue says everything that I could possibly say in return to your comments about bad personality.
Correct !

For example, if Coles wants to do an appeal for the flood victims, they would say something like this :

Coles will donate $100,000 to the Queensland Flood Victims Appeal, and furthermore, Coles and CocaCola will donate $1 for every case of CocaCola purchased during this appeal !

Or Macdonald would say :

For every Big Mac purchased, Macdonald will donate 10c to the Ronald Macdonald House Charity Fund !

The money comes from the extra business generated from this appeal, not from the customers !

There's enough incentive for the customers already ! A guy can tell his wife : " Honey, I'm going out to do some charity work, be back in a couple of hours. What's for dinner tonight, love ? " ;) ;) ;)

07-09-2014, 09:44 PM
I have no objection to you running something in your new palace to support this cause. But it shows a distinct lack of class that you won't put your own money into supporting this cause AND that (unlike the other shops here) you choose to use this as another way to promote your shop. The other places listed here had the good grace to support this cause with sensitivity and humility, and without using it to promote themselves.

I understand exactly what donation activity is, I've donated and supported this cause. Please refrain from personal abuse - the fact that you choose to attack me personally and not address the issue says everything that I could possibly say in return to your comments about bad personality.

Well said duksta. Most members of syd99 are well educated and intelligent. We can easily see through someone who is 'fake' and using this opportunity to promote their business. It was also uncalled for to say duksta has a bad personality, imo duksta show humility and is saying something honorable and with reason. For me, If I have the chance, I will visit the shops above.

07-09-2014, 10:11 PM
The next shop that comes on board to support Jenny I will add a lovely photo and thank you to the list above.

I will also add $100 to their contribution. I'll post the bank receipt for it here.

08-09-2014, 01:55 AM
Well Said. Don't take advantage of this "special meaningful event" to promote own interests .
Please do make contribution from your own pocket to show your heart!

I have no objection to you running something in your new palace to support this cause. But it shows a distinct lack of class that you won't put your own money into supporting this cause AND that (unlike the other shops here) you choose to use this as another way to promote your shop. The other places listed here had the good grace to support this cause with sensitivity and humility, and without using it to promote themselves.

I understand exactly what donation activity is, I've donated and supported this cause. Please refrain from personal abuse - the fact that you choose to attack me personally and not address the issue says everything that I could possibly say in return to your comments about bad personality.

TMC (free cage girl)
08-09-2014, 03:50 AM
If you decide to make a cash contribution Sextus will upload a TMC image so everyone knows!

Until then please don't advertise your shop in this thread.

Shops like Snow Lotus and 5 star made cash contributions without all this song and dance. They deserve our attention and praise, not you!

ok, will not do it again. also i delete the comment from here.

you right, we can ask the clients and clients ask donate to her account. I never play with money of someone.

as i said above comment. Sextus explain properly. or i can attach the PM message comment here.

TMC (free cage girl)
08-09-2014, 04:17 AM
I have no objection to you running something in your new palace to support this cause. But it shows a distinct lack of class that you won't put your own money into supporting this cause AND that (unlike the other shops here) you choose to use this as another way to promote your shop. The other places listed here had the good grace to support this cause with sensitivity and humility, and without using it to promote themselves.

I understand exactly what donation activity is, I've donated and supported this cause. Please refrain from personal abuse - the fact that you choose to attack me personally and not address the issue says everything that I could possibly say in return to your comments about bad personality.

you sounds like suspect you don't know the person. it's poor things and nothing relate by comment here for positive way.
If you understand the donate activity, what you need for donate. what my things is donate party need place and organization.

that i though we can provide for him. i understand you get angry by my comment but, you can not say and suggest me anything.
this thread for this donate activity from Sextus. I respect what he doing is very good things and i contacted him by pm message. we discuss about this.

so i response quick and i give him idea for this. as i say my 1st comment say replay or PM for sextus so. i didn't comment on public thread.
but What i understand is you are good guy. you support him and you lecture me. normally i don't accept someone's lecture.

but you will see my best support him. sorry about i said poor thing and bad personality.

TMC (free cage girl)
08-09-2014, 04:31 AM
Well Said. Don't take advantage of this "special meaningful event" to promote own interests .
Please do make contribution from your own pocket to show your heart!

my suggestion to sextus is i can ask more people from outside forum, $100 from person is for me is easy. but for from someone's might be hard.
What important for this thread is who has good heart for support this lady. so im on the Sextus side for support. so we can help this woman.

i don't like suspect someone's if i don't know that person. so he shouldn't suspect me without know my personality. $100 for promote business by this donate.
i think that is good idea for business. but, i find way to support sextus activity is takes time little bit time and more amount.

I though better do both way to support. anyway i will leave this thread.

08-09-2014, 11:59 AM
you sounds like suspect you don't know the person. it's poor things and nothing relate by comment here for positive way.
If you understand the donate activity, what you need for donate. what my things is donate party need place and organization.

that i though we can provide for him. i understand you get angry by my comment but, you can not say and suggest me anything.
this thread for this donate activity from Sextus. I respect what he doing is very good things and i contacted him by pm message. we discuss about this.

so i response quick and i give him idea for this. as i say my 1st comment say replay or PM for sextus so. i didn't comment on public thread.
but What i understand is you are good guy. you support him and you lecture me. normally i don't accept someone's lecture.

but you will see my best support him. sorry about i said poor thing and bad personality.

Thank you - it takes integrity to acknowledge and accept when you've overstepped a line, I appreciate that you took the time to take back the personal aspect and consider this objectively. I hope whatever fundraising activity you plan is successful, and that you will match any/all contributions you raise.

08-09-2014, 04:12 PM
The geezer TMG probably meant he asked people if they would like to donate too
Just like I asked my sister. And she did

09-09-2014, 07:49 PM
The next shop that comes on board to support Jenny I will add a lovely photo and thank you to the list above. I will also add $100 to their contribution. I'll post the bank receipt for it here.

I know most of the active posters here, like me, have already contributed, but does anyone else want to match my offer above? (Per shop.)

Ps. I have information of another shop that has been kindly generous and contributed anonymously, and I don't know who it is, but I'd post a thank you to them if I find out! :D :D Ps. the lovely shop below is a new one though!

09-09-2014, 11:01 PM
Wilson from Ginza

http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l5/waveflows/mountain-mount-fuji-cherry-tree-peak-snow-japan-1024x1280_zpsa600eb8b.jpg (http://s92.photobucket.com/user/waveflows/media/mountain-mount-fuji-cherry-tree-peak-snow-japan-1024x1280_zpsa600eb8b.jpg.html)

http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l5/waveflows/japan_culture_0701_zpsaf139cbe.jpg (http://s92.photobucket.com/user/waveflows/media/japan_culture_0701_zpsaf139cbe.jpg.html)

Ginza has generously contributed $1000 plus the $100 I offered to add to the next shop's, ie they have contributed a total of $1100. Thank you so much Ginza, that is a wonderful gesture of support. :prettiness: However my offer to add $100 to the next shop who contributes still stands.

09-09-2014, 11:11 PM
duplicate post..

10-09-2014, 11:46 PM
Well done Ginza!

12-09-2014, 12:46 PM
I've bought myself a new outfit for the job of gently persuading more shops to come forward to help Jenny :shout:

http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l5/waveflows/cassock-matrixjpg1_zps578691bd.jpg (http://s92.photobucket.com/user/waveflows/media/cassock-matrixjpg1_zps578691bd.jpg.html)

12-09-2014, 03:27 PM
My name is Keanu ;)

12-09-2014, 07:27 PM
I've bought myself a new outfit for the job of gently persuading more shops to come forward to help Jenny :shout:

http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l5/waveflows/cassock-matrixjpg1_zps578691bd.jpg (http://s92.photobucket.com/user/waveflows/media/cassock-matrixjpg1_zps578691bd.jpg.html)

Some prominent ..... are conspicuous by their .......

13-09-2014, 11:15 PM
Don't forget Jenny

15-09-2014, 01:11 PM
Vicky from Snow Lotus

http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l5/waveflows/cherryblossoms_zpsad58ce00.jpg (http://s92.photobucket.com/user/waveflows/media/cherryblossoms_zpsad58ce00.jpg.html)

http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l5/waveflows/snowlotus2_zpsb85f479a.jpg (http://s92.photobucket.com/user/waveflows/media/snowlotus2_zpsb85f479a.jpg.html)

Linda from Silver Fox

http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l5/waveflows/silverfox_zps17ad6a86.jpg (http://s92.photobucket.com/user/waveflows/media/silverfox_zps17ad6a86.jpg.html)

Vicky from QVB

http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l5/waveflows/Smll_Sydney_QVB_Building_WFR6361_21-11-2009_zps02562b75.jpg (http://s92.photobucket.com/user/waveflows/media/Smll_Sydney_QVB_Building_WFR6361_21-11-2009_zps02562b75.jpg.html)

http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l5/waveflows/qvb2_zpsb6b31221.jpg (http://s92.photobucket.com/user/waveflows/media/qvb2_zpsb6b31221.jpg.html)

Coco from Stanmore

http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l5/waveflows/rainbow_zpsb1e4cda3.jpg (http://s92.photobucket.com/user/waveflows/media/rainbow_zpsb1e4cda3.jpg.html)

Sam from 5* Five Star
http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l5/waveflows/five-star_zpsf447c164.jpg (http://s92.photobucket.com/user/waveflows/media/five-star_zpsf447c164.jpg.html)

Wilson from Ginza

http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l5/waveflows/mountain-mount-fuji-cherry-tree-peak-snow-japan-1024x1280_zpsa600eb8b.jpg (http://s92.photobucket.com/user/waveflows/media/mountain-mount-fuji-cherry-tree-peak-snow-japan-1024x1280_zpsa600eb8b.jpg.html)

http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l5/waveflows/japan_culture_0701_zpsaf139cbe.jpg (http://s92.photobucket.com/user/waveflows/media/japan_culture_0701_zpsaf139cbe.jpg.html)

Ginza has generously contributed $1000 plus the $100 I offered to add to the next shop that contributed, ie they have contributed a total of $1100. Thank you so much Ginza, that is a wonderful gesture of support. However my offer to add $100 to the next shop who contributes still stands.

On Jenny's behalf, thanks again to the above shops.

The girls have to make their way to and from shops at all hours of the day and night, and so I am sure their safety is always on the minds of shop owner's.

I'd love some more shops to come forward and support Jenny, as I said, I'll add $100 to whatever they would like to contribute - so long as it is more than that - ha ha! In the meantime however, I'd like to give these shops another clap.....erm, sorry, wrong choice of words... some more applause! :D

19-09-2014, 09:06 PM
Really appreciate the warm hearts of these shops. :prettiness:

06-11-2014, 01:11 AM
Roger from 45 George! Thank you! :D :D

http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l5/waveflows/45rpm1_zpsf9e4aeac.png (http://s92.photobucket.com/user/waveflows/media/45rpm1_zpsf9e4aeac.png.html)

http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l5/waveflows/45rpm2_zpsa874a1dc.jpg (http://s92.photobucket.com/user/waveflows/media/45rpm2_zpsa874a1dc.jpg.html)

06-11-2014, 06:00 AM
I can see this thread has been very active!!!! Thank you very much for ur donation!!!!!

Let's keep this up guys :cool2:

06-11-2014, 06:43 AM
Where's mine, bro sextus?

06-11-2014, 10:49 AM
This is a shop thread to encourage those businesses to donate. But as you have donated $2000, :miao: :cool2: don't worry I will figure something out for you too.


06-11-2014, 12:08 PM
This is a shop thread to encourage those businesses to donate. But as you have donated $2000, :miao: :cool2: don't worry I will figure something out for you too.


Just a joke. You dont need to. :cool2:

06-11-2014, 01:07 PM
Where's mine, bro sextus?

It depends on where and what you are taking your user name Escort from?

Like Jabba the Hut Escort Service Pictures


Or Ford Escort ??


Or Escort - Cocaine Blues


or Just a good old Escort Service Ads ??


So, which direction is more to your liking brother Escort ??

06-11-2014, 03:41 PM
It depends on where and what you are taking your user name Escort from?

Like Jabba the Hut Escort Service Pictures


Or Ford Escort ??


Or Escort - Cocaine Blues


or Just a good old Escort Service Ads ??


So, which direction is more to your liking brother Escort ??

I love all of them :love:

06-11-2014, 04:19 PM
I love all of them :love:

And if you have got an Avatar, it will make it a lot easier for brother Sexus to do his appreciation post for you Brother !! :smile:

ps. no prize guessing what I like, is there ?