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View Full Version : General talk Psychologist Undertaking Survey of Sexual Behaviour - Your Input Is Very Welcome

20-09-2014, 01:03 PM
I'm currently undertaking a large anonymous survey of the impact of sexual behaviour on individuals and society.
This punting forum is one source of ten being used to establish some basic statistical data.

1. Why do you pay for sexual services?

2. Do you regard paying for sex as your hobby or addiction?

3. Do you have a girlfirend or wife?

4. When was the last time you had sex without paying for the service?

5. Do you have any hobbies/addictions that require significant amounts of your time and money?

6. Do you enjoy, on a long-term basis, paying for sexual services?

7. Do you believe sexual gratification provides contentment or satisfaction in your everyday life?

8. How often do you pay for sexual services?

9. What is your gender - male or female?

10. What is your age range: 20-35, 36-50, or 51 +

Thanks for your co-operation.


20-09-2014, 01:49 PM
While I'm willing to participate - I think using surveymonkey may be more efficient.

20-09-2014, 02:03 PM
Are there any incentives like going into the draw to win a free punt? :smile:

20-09-2014, 02:11 PM
More information about the survey? (eg who commissioned it? what is its purpose?)

20-09-2014, 05:36 PM
I'd be very surprised if these questions were actually passed by an ethics committee. There are too many of these questions that are value-laden and don't back up the premise of being about gathering "basic statistical data". I'd also question the method, as the questions demonstrate a potential bias in what the research is trying to show.

Please provide more information. This looks bogus to me.

20-09-2014, 07:38 PM
She must be doing a uni thesis lol:smile:

20-09-2014, 08:50 PM
He forgot to ask our annual salary ...

This is totally bogus.

20-09-2014, 08:57 PM
This is the second or third attempt so far ! ;) ;) ;)

20-09-2014, 09:09 PM
Here is a similar thread a while back:

20-09-2014, 09:46 PM
Myself and two colleagues are currently undertaking a large anonymous survey/study of the impact of sexual behaviour
on individuals and society. Though your input is not crucial to the study, (this forum is one source of ten being used to
establish some basic statistical data) it is nevertheless very welcome.


Mr. Who
20-09-2014, 10:53 PM
If your study gets published one day, will you include an acknowledgement like "We thank punters from forum.aus99.com for their generous input"?

20-09-2014, 11:05 PM
Smells like doodoo to me.. Replying to a survey of this type should be anonymous.

20-09-2014, 11:18 PM
Myself and two colleagues are currently undertaking a large anonymous survey/study of the impact of sexual behaviour
on individuals and society. Though your input is not crucial to the study, (this forum is one source of ten being used to
establish some basic statistical data) it is nevertheless very welcome.


Is your name Chris Seage or Eamon Duff ?

21-09-2014, 01:14 AM
1. Why do you pay for sexual services?
Answer: If I use sexual services, I pay for them for the same reason why I pay for any other service (like a meal in a restaurant); they are not provided for free. Wouldn't everyone?

2. Do you regard paying for sex as your hobby or addiction?
Answer: Neither. The act of paying for sex is neither, much the same as paying for a cup of coffee is neither.
Had the question been do I consider sex an addiction or a hobby, the answer might have been different.

3. Do you have a girlfirend or wife?
Answer: Yes.
Before marking this as "using sexual services while having a partner" in your "basic statistical data", consider the fact that you have thus far no knowledge of that.

4. When was the last time you had sex without paying for the service?
Answer: Never.
I had sex yesterday and I did not pay for it. But, wait for it... I did not consider it as a "service". It was mutual enjoyment.

5. Do you have any hobbies/addictions that require significant amounts of your time and money?
Answer: Yes, ah, NO.
It takes a significant amount of money, and while it happens every month, I can't really call it an addiction as it is mandatory.
And typically you receive some sort of enjoyment from hobbies.
So paying taxes is thus really neither.
What does this have to do with the "Survey of Sexual Behaviour"?

6. Do you enjoy, on a long-term basis, paying for sexual services?
Answer: Please refer to answers 1 and 2.
The act of paying does not really give me enjoyment short or long term (whether it be sex, coffee or anything else)

7. Do you believe sexual gratification provides contentment or satisfaction in your everyday life?
Answer: Yes.
And I would assume that this is the case for most people, be it with their partners, casual sex partners, paid partners or just with their hand.

8. How often do you pay for sexual services?
Answer: Not very often. There was a time when it happened more often.
How does this help you assess "the impact of sexual behaviour on individuals and society"?

9. What is your gender - male or female?
Answer: Male.
But... Looking at question 3, I believe you have already made the assumption that all answers would be from men, right?
Or where is the question "Do you have a boyfriend or husband?"?

10. What is your age range: 20-35, 36-50, or 51 +
Answer: Somewhere there.
What if I was 18? How would I answer this question?

I believe bro duksta has made a valid assessment on the questionnaire.
The above answers are more to the potential enjoyment of the members here (and they are free).
In the event that he is wrong, may they serve as potential learning material for you.

I'd be very surprised if these questions were actually passed by an ethics committee. There are too many of these questions that are value-laden and don't back up the premise of being about gathering "basic statistical data". I'd also question the method, as the questions demonstrate a potential bias in what the research is trying to show.

Please provide more information. This looks bogus to me.

Your post says: "Psychologist Undertaking Survey of Sexual Behaviour"
Sexual Behaviour is a very broad term. It seems to me that your questions cover but a small fraction on the human behaviour that falls under that topic.

Thus I must ask a few questions:
Who are you doing this survey for? Surely not solely for your own amusement.
Since you say "Psychologist", does that mean that you are a practicing psychologist with a degree?
Or are you doing this as a uni thesis?

Either way, previously when I have seen survey requests like this, there has been more information on the purpose of the survey.

In the unlikely event that you are a uni student and really want to do a thesis that has some merit, please reconsider some of your questions, unless you have already decided what you want the outcome of the survey to be. (Which would not pass as a scientific study then)

Some of your questions are right there with the example I've used before of a really bad poll question:
Have you stopped beating your husband already? Yes or no?

21-09-2014, 01:31 AM
He forgot to ask our annual salary ...

This is totally bogus.

I have a feeling Yolanda is a man:

I couldn't agree more, and well spotted CL!

21-09-2014, 01:57 AM
I'm currently undertaking a fairly large anonymous survey of the impact of sexual behaviour surveys on individual psychologists.
This punting forum is one source of many being used to establish some basic "statistical data".

1. Why don't you declare your qualifications ?
2. Why don't you declare what institution you are doing this on behalf of ?
3. Do you regard doing sex surveys anonymously as your hobby or addiction?
4. Do you have a girlfirend or wife?
5. When was the last time you ran an anonymous sex survey without disclosing your qualifications or institution ?
6. Do you have any hobbies/addictions that require significant amounts of your time and money?
7. Do you enjoy, on a long-term basis, running sex surveys anonymously ?
8. Do you believe getting genuine responses to these surveys provides contentment or satisfaction in your everyday life?
9. How often do you run these surveys ?
10. What is your name and gender - male, gay male, bi male, female, gay female, bi female, other ?
11. What is your age range: odd number, even number, prime number, other ?

Thanks for your co-operation.


21-09-2014, 11:45 AM
The survey/study is being conducted with complete anonymity, both for respondents (from all ten sources involved) and for us the designers.
Either we embrace anonymity or we don’t. Accordingly, I cannot interact on any specific questions pertaining to the study.

I can say that the survey has been deliberately kept brief, reducing from 30 questions to 10, in order to provide only a minor disruption to the
respondent’s time. In addition, the 10 questions have certainly been designed to target, focus and crystalise the respondent’s answers, thereby
assisting in yielding valid answers, as opposed to the spurious answers often given in these circumstances.

We will keep the survey open for another three days. Though your input is not crucial to the survey, (this forum is only one source of ten being used),
it is nevertheless very welcome.

Regards, Yolanda.

21-09-2014, 11:55 AM
The survey/study is being conducted with complete anonymity, both for respondents (from all ten sources involved) and for us the designers.
Either we embrace anonymity or we don’t. Accordingly, I cannot interact on any specific questions pertaining to the study.

I can say that the survey has been deliberately kept brief, reducing from 30 questions to 10, in order to provide only a minor disruption to the
respondent’s time. In addition, the 10 questions have certainly been designed to target, focus and crystalise the respondent’s answers, thereby
assisting in yielding valid answers, as opposed to the spurious answers often given in these circumstances.

We will keep the survey open for another three days. Though your input is not crucial to the survey, (this forum is only one source of ten being used),
it is nevertheless very welcome.

Regards, Yolanda.

Ok I will answer your questions if you answer mine :)

21-09-2014, 08:36 PM
While I'm willing to participate - I think using surveymonkey may be more efficient.

We thank you.

Your response, via private message if you prefer, will be very welcome.

22-09-2014, 01:14 AM
The survey/study is being conducted with complete anonymity, both for respondents (from all ten sources involved) and for us the designers.
Either we embrace anonymity or we don’t. Accordingly, I cannot interact on any specific questions pertaining to the study.

I can say that the survey has been deliberately kept brief, reducing from 30 questions to 10, in order to provide only a minor disruption to the
respondent’s time. In addition, the 10 questions have certainly been designed to target, focus and crystalise the respondent’s answers, thereby
assisting in yielding valid answers, as opposed to the spurious answers often given in these circumstances.

We will keep the survey open for another three days. Though your input is not crucial to the survey, (this forum is only one source of ten being used),
it is nevertheless very welcome.

Regards, Yolanda.

Hi there Yolanda !

First of all, if you could some how prove that you are in deed a lady and not a Yolando ! Then probably more punters here will response to your survey.

Especially if you can provide more information about yourself , you want to sell your survey, well only Sex sells well here :

This is only relevant if you are not a Yolando !

1. What is your age ? 18-25? 26-39? Over 40+

2. What is your marital status? Single , married, divorced

3. Sexual orientation ? Heterosexual , bisexual , lesbian ?

4. How often you have sex? Daily or as often as you can ? few times a week, once a week, once or twice a month, once in a blue moon

5. What is your favourite sexual position ?

6. Do you swallow?

7. Do you like it up your ass ?

8. Do you do one stand after clubbing ?

9. Have you ever paid for sexual services

10. Have you ever engaged in 3P or 4P ?

11. And what nationality are you ?

12. Last but not least, what is your vital statistics ? Sorry, it's just me, just like to know if you have got big tits ? If you do, what is your Cup Size ? And are they natural ?

If you answer all these questions truthfully, then we will treat you as one of us and I for one will do your survey immediately !!

Just my 12 cents


22-09-2014, 11:12 AM
The survey/study is being conducted with complete anonymity, both for respondents (from all ten sources involved) and for us the designers.
Either we embrace anonymity or we don’t. Accordingly, I cannot interact on any specific questions pertaining to the study.

I can say that the survey has been deliberately kept brief, reducing from 30 questions to 10, in order to provide only a minor disruption to the
respondent’s time. In addition, the 10 questions have certainly been designed to target, focus and crystalise the respondent’s answers, thereby
assisting in yielding valid answers, as opposed to the spurious answers often given in these circumstances.

We will keep the survey open for another three days. Though your input is not crucial to the survey, (this forum is only one source of ten being used),
it is nevertheless very welcome.

Regards, Yolanda.

22-09-2014, 12:19 PM
The survey/study is being conducted with complete anonymity, both for respondents (from all ten sources involved) and for us the designers.
Either we embrace anonymity or we don’t. Accordingly, I cannot interact on any specific questions pertaining to the study.

I can say that the survey has been deliberately kept brief, reducing from 30 questions to 10, in order to provide only a minor disruption to the
respondent’s time. In addition, the 10 questions have certainly been designed to target, focus and crystalise the respondent’s answers, thereby
assisting in yielding valid answers, as opposed to the spurious answers often given in these circumstances.

We will keep the survey open for another three days. Though your input is not crucial to the survey, (this forum is only one source of ten being used),
it is nevertheless very welcome.

Regards, Yolanda.

You dont seem to be able to answer any questions directed at you so i hope no one will provide feedback to your SURVEY, as im seriously concerned on how you could possibly misuse any responses.

22-09-2014, 02:30 PM
I have a feeling Yolanda is a man:

I can confirm that it is not me. Though I usually wouldn't feel like I need to defend myself, I will in this case since I think any research into the sex industry is important in bringing the industry from the fringe into mainstream consciousness.

The thread you linked to was me getting a feel for the interest of the community has in taking part in an anonymous survey, mainly to satisfy my own curiosity. I decided that there was very little interest (read: great skepticism) in relation to my post so I didn't go ahead with it. Why, after posting that, would I then create a fresh account to make a post about a survey I am doing, when this account would appear to be more credible considering my post history?

Again, I wouldn't normally bother defending myself, but I am all for research into the sex industry (no matter how small). It brings us closer to a world in which we don't have to pretend we're checking our emails 2 doors down from a brothel entrance to make sure the coast is clear before entering.

22-09-2014, 06:49 PM
I can confirm that it is not me. Though I usually wouldn't feel like I need to defend myself, I will in this case since I think any research into the sex industry is important in bringing the industry from the fringe into mainstream consciousness.

The thread you linked to was me getting a feel for the interest of the community has in taking part in an anonymous survey, mainly to satisfy my own curiosity. I decided that there was very little interest (read: great skepticism) in relation to my post so I didn't go ahead with it. Why, after posting that, would I then create a fresh account to make a post about a survey I am doing, when this account would appear to be more credible considering my post history?

Again, I wouldn't normally bother defending myself, but I am all for research into the sex industry (no matter how small). It brings us closer to a world in which we don't have to pretend we're checking our emails 2 doors down from a brothel entrance to make sure the coast is clear before entering.

Fair enough, I have changed my post to reflect this new info, sorry about getting you confused with Yolanda.

The problem with these sorts of surveys is that there are media people always looking to take a cheap shot at the industry and use any quotes or answers out of context, so none of us want to be a part of the media hype, hence the skepticism ...

22-09-2014, 10:56 PM
I'm currently undertaking a large anonymous survey of the impact of sexual behaviour on individuals and society.
This punting forum is one source of ten being used to establish some basic statistical data.

1. Why do you pay for sexual services?

2. Do you regard paying for sex as your hobby or addiction?

3. Do you have a girlfirend or wife?

4. When was the last time you had sex without paying for the service?

5. Do you have any hobbies/addictions that require significant amounts of your time and money?

6. Do you enjoy, on a long-term basis, paying for sexual services?

7. Do you believe sexual gratification provides contentment or satisfaction in your everyday life?

8. How often do you pay for sexual services?

9. What is your gender - male or female?

10. What is your age range: 20-35, 36-50, or 51 +

Thanks for your co-operation.


Your inputs are very welcome.

The survey/study is being conducted with complete anonymity, both for respondents (from all ten sources involved) and for us the designers.
Either we embrace anonymity or we don’t. Accordingly, I cannot interact on any specific questions pertaining to the study.

I can say that the survey has been deliberately kept brief, reducing from 30 questions to 10, in order to provide only a minor disruption to the
respondent’s time. In addition, the 10 questions have certainly been designed to target, focus and crystalise the respondent’s answers, thereby
assisting in yielding valid answers, as opposed to the spurious answers often given in these circumstances.

We will keep the survey open for another two days. Though your input is not crucial to the survey, (this forum is only one source of ten being used),
it is nevertheless very welcome.

Regards, Yolanda.

22-09-2014, 11:00 PM
So what are the other 9 sources?

22-09-2014, 11:06 PM
Your inputs are very welcome.

The survey/study is being conducted with complete anonymity, both for respondents (from all ten sources involved) and for us the designers.
Either we embrace anonymity or we don’t. Accordingly, I cannot interact on any specific questions pertaining to the study.

I can say that the survey has been deliberately kept brief, reducing from 30 questions to 10, in order to provide only a minor disruption to the
respondent’s time. In addition, the 10 questions have certainly been designed to target, focus and crystalise the respondent’s answers, thereby
assisting in yielding valid answers, as opposed to the spurious answers often given in these circumstances.

We will keep the survey open for another two days. Though your input is not crucial to the survey, (this forum is only one source of ten being used),
it is nevertheless very welcome.

Regards, Yolanda.

22-09-2014, 11:20 PM
Why do the designers require anonymity?

22-09-2014, 11:32 PM
From http://www.nhmrc.gov.au/book/chapter-5-6-handling-complaints

"Institutions may receive complaints about researchers or the conduct of research, or about the conduct of a Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) or other ethical review body. Complaints may be made by participants, researchers, staff of institutions, or others. All complaints should be handled promptly and sensitively.

We have detected that JavaScript has been disabled in your browser. Some features on this site have been disabled as a result.
Chapter 5.6: Handling complaints

Institutions may receive complaints about researchers or the conduct of research, or about the conduct of a Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) or other ethical review body. Complaints may be made by participants, researchers, staff of institutions, or others. All complaints should be handled promptly and sensitively.

The Australian code for the responsible conduct of research describes ‘research misconduct’ and specifies institutional processes for dealing with it. Where complaints about researchers or research raise the possibility of misconduct fitting this description, they should be dealt with under those processes.


5.6.1 To handle complaints about researchers or the conduct of research, institutions should:

identify a person, accessible to participants, to receive these complaints; and
establish procedures for receiving, handling and seeking to resolve such complaints."

I would like to raise a complaint about the conduct of this research - if this is real, there is an obligation to provide details on how I can raise a complaint.

If this is BS or badly constructed research, then you'll ignore this, and we'll know this is bogus.

23-09-2014, 12:35 AM
Your inputs are very welcome.

The survey/study is being conducted with complete anonymity, both for respondents (from all ten sources involved) and for us the designers.
Either we embrace anonymity or we don’t. Accordingly, I cannot interact on any specific questions pertaining to the study.

I can say that the survey has been deliberately kept brief, reducing from 30 questions to 10, in order to provide only a minor disruption to the
respondent’s time. In addition, the 10 questions have certainly been designed to target, focus and crystalise the respondent’s answers, thereby
assisting in yielding valid answers, as opposed to the spurious answers often given in these circumstances.

We will keep the survey open for another two days. Though your input is not crucial to the survey, (this forum is only one source of ten being used),
it is nevertheless very welcome.

Regards, Yolanda.

Your anonymous inputs are welcome. The study has been designed to ensure complete anonymity for all involved. The study is open for two more days.


23-09-2014, 12:55 AM
Is your name Chris Seage or Eamon Duff ?

Clearly, due to the lack of response from the OP about legitimate questions put to them, and the fact that they simply cut and paste previous answers (showing their laziness as a typical modern "journalist") then they are either one of these two losers, or working for them.

No questionnaire or survey EVER, and I mean EVER is conducted without basic disclosures of:

1) Who is conducting the survey
2) Who the survey is being conducted for, and
3) The reason for the survey

In addition, it is very poor form for "Yolanda" to post this without first getting permission from the forum owners to do so.

Yolanda's lack of knowledge and acknowledgment of such basic guidelines for academic research is disturbing.

Any survey without these disclosures is a bogus, crap and garbage fishing expedition and should be consigned to the bin immediately.

On another note, why are some posters suggesting that if "Yolanda" proves herself to be female they would feel more comfortable in answering the questions? Why is a female more trustworthy than a male? Take each post at its merits, regardless as to the sex of the poster and you will be far more secure in your posting life.

23-09-2014, 01:07 AM
Your anonymous inputs are welcome. The study has been designed to ensure complete anonymity for all involved. The study is open for two more days.


Since you have completely ignored my questions and your only responses are copy and paste of your previous text. So I have sufficient suspicious to declare that you are just a :

Robo-Yolanda !

Your so called survey should therefore be totally disregarded !

23-09-2014, 08:03 PM
We will keep the survey open for 1 more day. Though your input is not crucial to the survey, (this forum is only one source of ten being used),
it is nevertheless very welcome.

1. Why do you pay for sexual services?

2. Do you regard paying for sex as your hobby or addiction?

3. Do you have a girlfirend or wife?

4. When was the last time you had sex without paying for the service?

5. Do you have any hobbies/addictions that require significant amounts of your time and money?

6. Do you enjoy, on a long-term basis, paying for sexual services?

7. Do you believe sexual gratification provides contentment or satisfaction in your everyday life?

8. How often do you pay for sexual services?

9. What is your gender - male or female?

10. What is your age range: 20-35, 36-50, or 51 +

Thanks for your co-operation.


23-09-2014, 08:27 PM
Am I being paranoid?

The OP joined and posted the following day after the poet troll was banned the last time.

23-09-2014, 09:02 PM
Am I being paranoid?

The OP joined and posted the following day after the poet troll was banned the last time.

The way the OP is ignoring our posts and repeating "her" posts over and over fits the profile of the poet troll ...

Mr. Who
23-09-2014, 09:04 PM
Also the OP is using all sorts of strategies. I'm sure that no professionals will say in the survey "your input is not crucial to the survey, (this forum is only one source of ten being used)".

23-09-2014, 09:35 PM
Time to ask admin if Yolanda's IP address has been used before by another member, or banned member ?

23-09-2014, 09:40 PM
Time to ask admin if Yolanda's IP address has been used before by another member, or banned member ?
If not posting at the same time, the IP's are most probably different anyway ! Can't prove anything ! But other signature clues work well everytime ! ;) ;) ;)

23-09-2014, 09:58 PM
We will keep this forum open for one more days, and then your input is not crucial... So don't waste your time answering this questions...

23-09-2014, 10:02 PM
Maybe the troll is trying to collect personal info about people so he can threaten to expose them to their employers again ..

23-09-2014, 10:58 PM
We will keep the survey open for 1 more day. Though your input is not crucial to the survey, (this forum is only one source of ten being used),
it is nevertheless very welcome.

1. Why do you pay for sexual services?

2. Do you regard paying for sex as your hobby or addiction?

3. Do you have a girlfirend or wife?

4. When was the last time you had sex without paying for the service?

5. Do you have any hobbies/addictions that require significant amounts of your time and money?

6. Do you enjoy, on a long-term basis, paying for sexual services?

7. Do you believe sexual gratification provides contentment or satisfaction in your everyday life?

8. How often do you pay for sexual services?

9. What is your gender - male or female?

10. What is your age range: 20-35, 36-50, or 51 +

Thanks for your co-operation.


The survey will close in 24 hours - ie at 10pm on Wednesday 24th September.


24-09-2014, 01:03 AM
Good riddance.

I doubt you got many replies, and any that did reply to your questions are fools for doing so.

Also, a simple search discloses that this was the only forum you posted these questions to. Not ten as you claim.

What a loser.

24-09-2014, 01:34 AM
Am I being paranoid?

The OP joined and posted the following day after the poet troll was banned the last time.
I think you're not being paranoid ! ;) ;) ;)

24-09-2014, 11:38 AM
The survey/study will close today at 10pm.

Though your input is not crucial to the survey, it is nevertheless very welcome.

(note: this forum is one source of ten being used - ie Public Service Employees , Tradesmen, Legal professionals,
General Management, Factory Workers, University Students, Policemen, Private Sector/White Collar Employees (various),
General Practitioners (Doctors), Aus99 Adult Forum Members. The following subset of questions is asked to all respondents who
have confirmed they pay for sexual services. We have assumed that most Aus99 members pay for sexual services).

1. Why do you pay for sexual services?

2. Do you regard paying for sex as your hobby or addiction?

3. Do you have a girlfirend or wife?

4. When was the last time you had sex without paying for the service?

5. Do you have any hobbies/addictions that require significant amounts of your time and money?

6. Do you enjoy, on a long-term basis, paying for sexual services?

7. Do you believe sexual gratification provides contentment or satisfaction in your everyday life?

8. How often do you pay for sexual services?

9. What is your gender - male or female?

10. What is your age range: 20-35, 36-50, or 51 +

Thanks for your co-operation.

The survey/study will close today at 10pm.


24-09-2014, 11:51 AM
The survey/study will close today at 10pm.


Great, so we won't see your post ever again !! :cool2:

24-09-2014, 11:56 AM
nah, it's not smiling giraffe. I have an idea to whom he might reincarnate into.
I think more like a journalist fishing for ideas for cheap stories to write about.

24-09-2014, 02:15 PM
The survey/study will close today at 10pm.

Though your input is not crucial to the survey, it is nevertheless very welcome.

(note: this forum is one source of ten being used - ie Public Service Employees , Tradesmen, Legal professionals,
General Management, Factory Workers, University Students, Policemen, Private Sector/White Collar Employees (various),
General Practitioners (Doctors), Aus99 Adult Forum Members. The following subset of questions is asked to all respondents who
have confirmed they pay for sexual services. We have assumed that most Aus99 members pay for sexual services).

1. Why do you pay for sexual services?

2. Do you regard paying for sex as your hobby or addiction?

3. Do you have a girlfirend or wife?

4. When was the last time you had sex without paying for the service?

5. Do you have any hobbies/addictions that require significant amounts of your time and money?

6. Do you enjoy, on a long-term basis, paying for sexual services?

7. Do you believe sexual gratification provides contentment or satisfaction in your everyday life?

8. How often do you pay for sexual services?

9. What is your gender - male or female?

10. What is your age range: 20-35, 36-50, or 51 +

Thanks for your co-operation.

The survey/study will close today at 10pm.


24-09-2014, 04:00 PM
nah, it's not smiling giraffe. I have an idea to whom he might reincarnate into.
I think more like a journalist fishing for ideas for cheap stories to write about.
Turning a deaf ear to all the questions and criticism and keep repeating the same post is the signature move of the poet troll ! ;) ;) ;)

24-09-2014, 09:20 PM
nah, it's not smiling giraffe. I have an idea to whom he might reincarnate into.
I think more like a journalist fishing for ideas for cheap stories to write about.

Well, if we look critically on how scientific research is done, then this is NOT a model example.

Where can you find a researcher who posts a survey to a public website 4 days before deadline?
(seriously, sites like these forums can have members who don't log in during that time).

Those would typically be researchers who need to meet a deadline before the weekend's paper goes to print and need to get some sort of story cooked up.

24-09-2014, 10:34 PM
The survey/study will close today at 10pm.

Though your input is not crucial to the survey, it is nevertheless very welcome.

(note: this forum is one source of ten being used - ie Public Service Employees , Tradesmen, Legal professionals,
General Management, Factory Workers, University Students, Policemen, Private Sector/White Collar Employees (various),
General Practitioners (Doctors), Aus99 Adult Forum Members. The following subset of questions is asked to all respondents who
have confirmed they pay for sexual services. We have assumed that most Aus99 members pay for sexual services).

1. Why do you pay for sexual services?

2. Do you regard paying for sex as your hobby or addiction?

3. Do you have a girlfirend or wife?

4. When was the last time you had sex without paying for the service?

5. Do you have any hobbies/addictions that require significant amounts of your time and money?

6. Do you enjoy, on a long-term basis, paying for sexual services?

7. Do you believe sexual gratification provides contentment or satisfaction in your everyday life?

8. How often do you pay for sexual services?

9. What is your gender - male or female?

10. What is your age range: 20-35, 36-50, or 51 +

Thanks for your co-operation.

The survey/study will close today at 10pm.


The survey will be closing at 10pm tonight. Thanks for your time and assistance.


24-09-2014, 10:56 PM
The survey is now closed.

Thanks & goodnight,


24-09-2014, 11:01 PM
Thank god it is over ...

24-09-2014, 11:07 PM
Game, set, match, yeah baby ! ;) ;) ;)

Mr. Who
24-09-2014, 11:54 PM
Op will you re-open the survey tomorrow due to the high demand to answer your questions?

27-09-2014, 02:21 AM
I'm very curious to know how many people participated...

My guess: zero!

But if you guys are right about this Yolanda just being our troll then don't be surprised if he fabricates some stats and then he will likely critique his own fabricated data...

That man is special (but not in a good way).

27-09-2014, 10:41 AM
I replied to the Interview questions, as they were all very reasonable questions, in a legitimate survey, which will be used for good purposes

My answers were "None of your business" for all 10 questions

27-09-2014, 11:01 AM
I replied to the Interview questions, as they were all very reasonable questions, in a legitimate survey, which will be used for good purposes

My answers were "None of your business" for all 10 questions

Nice one!, what a shame the deadline has passed :)

14-10-2014, 10:41 AM
This is just a clever shop wanting more information I think. LEL.

14-10-2014, 06:30 PM
This is just a clever shop wanting more information I think. LEL.

Did you mean to say "clever" ... :)

21-10-2014, 02:12 PM
Did it finish?