View Full Version : General talk Places of worship possibly worth visiting

28-09-2014, 10:44 AM
I thought I'd share these images as they gave me chuckle.
I suppose it proves what's in a man's mind :)

While I remain skeptical (it may be a case of false advertising) it seems there could be some churches worth visiting...

I especially liked the "Forgiveness is to swallow when you want to spit" :thirst:


I hope pastor Paul Myers' promise is directed to women. :cry:

28-09-2014, 10:53 AM
Most likely at least some of these were Photoshopped, to make a comedic point

Crosses the line of bad taste IMHO haha

28-09-2014, 10:55 AM
Received this posted message." It just happened to me.
There are members if ISIS going door knocking on homes. They greet you with "Salam Alaykom", and then pretend they are trying to collect money for orphans. They come with a black folder and ask you if you want to donate. I have just had one approach me at home just 2 hours ago. Please - do NOT Talk to them or open for them. Call Crime-stoppers or the crime hotline on 1800 333 000 immediately.
They are marking Christian houses. Please spread the word (not on Facebook) but via private texting or viber. They are going through the Liverpool area, and just now through the Revesby, Panania, Chipping Norton, Padstow area.'

28-09-2014, 12:44 PM
these churches really know how to catch ppl attention........

28-09-2014, 02:09 PM
doctorspock, wake up
This was an urban myth perpetrated late this week and thoroughly found to be a beat up
Some people are going around fundraising for orphans in the Middle East (strange and possibly dodgy, but true), and the story was turned in to something related to ISIS. It was an urban myth

I suggest you dont spread the fake news, clearly intended to increase anxiety in the community
Anyone repeating the myth is just trying to create mischief

30-09-2014, 12:31 AM

I don't mind if it's photoshopped but those were funny, "I'll fill it..."
