View Full Version : General talk Casting call: the amazing puntCasting call: the amazing punt

15-10-2014, 01:21 PM
Cmk76 inspired a few of us with his impressive 15 punt session.

Some may have felt a stirring in their loins... Some may have talked about starting a "punting Olympics" - and reached out to like-minded men -appealing to our Masculine nature to overcome great physical challenges.

But, me, being the twisted bastard that I am, I'm going for the money - Japanese TV game show-style:

The project:
"The amazing punt"...

The pitch:
imagine ... 10 pairs of Bros race against each other to enjoy the full-spectrum of massage experience at 10 ML shops hidden in the city and suburbia.

The challenge:
The Bros have to solve problems and perform tasks to find the clues which show them which girl and shop they need to visit next ... And ... for boners points) what service they need to negotiate with the mamasan and girl.

Will they work together like a pack of lone wolves? (some of them have never looked at another punter before, let alone talk to them).

And ... they only have $200. It means they have to do things to earn more money to get the massages.

What nasty things will a Bro do to earn the money?

Where is that line between chasing the free extra and self-respect?

Who has what it takes to win the title of ..


(Spoken in a very deep voice.)

I'm thinking we could squeeze 10 episodes out of the first season at half a million per episode, with an option for 2 more and creative rights.

Anyone interested in helping me work up a pitch for Fox8?

16-10-2014, 08:08 AM
I think you'll need a good catch phrase. something like 'he who cums first, comes last' !!!

16-10-2014, 10:07 PM
DH, that's a brilliant concept! It has potential and the possibilities are endless... I particularly love these...

What nasty things will a Bro do to earn the money?
- Wow! Haha... My mind is pondering on all the nastiest sexual and non sexual services a punter will have to endure to get through and survive the race...

Where is that line between chasing the free extra and self-respect?
- Now this in particular is a conundrum. How far could a punter go to get the freebies without forking out the extra bills... Hmmm... it might work with some milfs, but then again... them city girls... smarter than your average bear... Alot of charm and persuasion would need to be used...

I think you would win the title for bagging the hottest ml with the least amount of tips offered...! What do you think? I'm sure that there alot of younger, hung, brothers who could sway an ml or 2 their way for some mutual action...!

16-10-2014, 10:27 PM
Hahah hilarious!!!

19-10-2014, 04:51 PM
I think the budget is a bit low. I think the contestants can do some other challenges and find clues to find the next shop then get a massage or service there then if they got the service at the correct shop with the correct girl then they get the next clue otherwise they have to do it all over again in a different shop with a different girl until they get the clues right. Maybe you can make penalties on how much money the teams spend and penalize those who spend too much. But not limit the budget since this will be going to the lovely MLs and WLs who will be participating in this excellent idea and something that I would buy in bluray when the first season gets released.