View Full Version : General talk Why the constant misrepresentation of age in shop rosters?

12-11-2014, 10:37 PM
i recently went to a well-known massage place with a big following. its thread has quite a few views. i'm not naming shops or girls on the public thread but will respond to pm.

reading from the description on the forum shop roster i chose the girl based on the age as i am a young guy & prefer seeing girls that are young & pay the charge to have that experience w said product.

but when get to the shop, am a little surprised that the description doesn't match-up. i wanted to honour the booking that i made cause that's the person i am. that way the girl & shop doesn't lose the money due to me walking & having trouble selling that time lost. into the room with the lights very dim, up close i could see the wear & tear on her face. she was not 21. why was i lied to & intentionally misled?

at the end of the session i broach the subject with the girl, enquiring about her age, stating an age that is slightly higher than what is advertised online & the girl says that she is MUCH older even than the higher guessed age.

so online is advertised as 21 but real age is 26!! WTF!

i'm interested in learning about chinese culture, have chinese friends & have dated one or two chinese girls. most are stand-up people & can be relied-upon in hard times or to do a favour when required. why do shops lie like this & misrepresent themselves & girls. isn't it like losing face? or is it a business practice done by many to hide the fact that their product isn't that good?

i know some of you guys will say its business, no one would see them if their true ages were advertised yada yada

its like shops take the approach "oh no! we cant be honest with our customers but we would rather misrepresent an inferior product but still sell it as a premium & promote it as something with a big difference"

its like in terms of buying a new car...
these are two Mercedes benz convertibles. both are Mercedes



BUT the big difference is that they are clearly diff year models & customers pay diff amounts for them.

if you saw an advertisement for a car online & it said 2014 model, brand new but made your purchase & got the much older produxt, you'd feel jipped that u didn't get the product u expected or paid for or what was advertised. why do we as bros accept this overt attempt at lying to our faces & shops considering us gullible punters that are there to be fleeced.

now i have met some mamasans in my time & all seem to be nice people but it would make smart business sense to not try to pull the wool over your customer's eyes cause yes you'd get the odd people to try out your wonderful merchandise & have one-off punters come in & business traffic good sampling new merchandise but return business would be very low or suffer.

when what you sell doesn't reflect reality, bros will leave w a sour taste in mouth & not try again cause anything further that you say i will not believe you or know u are lying to me again.

for someone to lie straight in their face is a sign of disrespect in the west. it shows poor character pure & simple. for me, i think that i will just play the game & now do walk-ins & see products on offer, waste the girl's & shop time & walk out without buying if that is the market conditions they are making me play in. don't hate the player, hate the game.

107 does it better but still ran into some instances of bros identifying misrepresentations & 107 came clean about it . they have some pics, hide the girl's faces & state more realistic ages of girls. are they the real ages? i hope they respect their customers enough to say yes.

all i & all you bros should be asking of shops is for them to honest of what you're selling, pure & simple.

does anyone else agree w this or have a different opinion? do u like having to take a punt?

on a side-note i want to learn more about a topic called leftover women. now chinese bros pls correct me if my understanding isnt accurate but as i understand leftover women are girls aged 28-30 where its their last chance to find a husband or they'll be considered undesirable & have a hard time finding a man to accept them or have to pay the male's family in taking her

12-11-2014, 11:05 PM
so online is advertised as 21 but real age is 26!! WTF!

So brother Matt, you went to see a ml advertised as 21 but her real age is 26!!

You have scored very well brother, why are you still complaining ???

12-11-2014, 11:07 PM
so online is advertised as 21 but real age is 26!! WTF!

So brother Matt, you went to see a ml advertised as 21 but her real age is 26!!

You have scored very well brother, why are you still complaining ???

That's right, sometimes the gap can be as much as 10 years.

12-11-2014, 11:13 PM
so online is advertised as 21 but real age is 26!! WTF!

So brother Matt, you went to see a ml advertised as 21 but her real age is 26!!

You have scored very well brother, why are you still complaining ???

No you skipped / missed some of the text & do not understanding what I wrote...

Clear and simple:
She didn't look nor was 21
I was duped
She was sold / promoted as being 21, but her real age was not and she DID NOT look 21

She looked MUCH OLDER than 21. The shop lied that she was 21

12-11-2014, 11:14 PM
You have scored very well brother, why are you still complaining ???

I scored nothing other than the annoyance enough to write a long post.

I'm complaining that shops treat customers like gullible idiots and think they can take bros for a ride and advertise girls to be MUCH YOUNGER than
1. their real age
2. What age they look like or what you might think she might be
3. they are openly & deliberately misleading customers

12-11-2014, 11:18 PM
No you skipped / missed some of the text & do not understanding what I wrote...

Clear and simple:
She didn't look nor was 21
I was duped
She was sold / promoted as being 21, but her real age was not and she DID NOT look 21

She looked MUCH OLDER than 21. The shop lied that she was 21

All shops lied on the age, some big time but a few try not to be too excessive.

Sometimes the girl themselves lie to the shop.

Age is not most important. If a girl is beautiful, she is still pretty at even 40.
But it's hard to find real beauties.

12-11-2014, 11:19 PM
so online is advertised as 21 but real age is 26!! WTF!

So brother Matt, you went to see a ml advertised as 21 but her real age is 26!!

You have scored very well brother, why are you still complaining ???

lol to be fair, if people complain about free range eggs not being free range, then our brother's complaint is a lot more justifiable.

I've always been irked as well by the inflated descriptions, but have (sadly) resigned to the fact that in this industry, much like used car salesmen and real estate agents, a few fibs will always be told, so take things with a grain of salt. Whatever the advertised age is, add 3-5 years.

12-11-2014, 11:33 PM
You need to know the industry and shops to fund the right age girl.

Fir example, FS shop priced at $160/hr usually would have girls in their 30s, sometimes there are exceptions of course. But younger girls would go to shops that has higher rates like escort agencies, etc.

For massage shops, you need to do some homework against owner ads to see how they classify their girls. Overtime you will get good idea what real age range they are referring to.

12-11-2014, 11:33 PM
Poor girl, first she's a 'product', she's showing wear and tear at 26 and god help her if she's not married by 28!

13-11-2014, 12:04 AM
No you skipped / missed some of the text & do not understanding what I wrote...

Clear and simple:
She didn't look nor was 21
I was duped
She was sold / promoted as being 21, but her real age was not and she DID NOT look 21

She looked MUCH OLDER than 21. The shop lied that she was 21

I hope you won't apply the same rule when your are dating: if you meet this girl she told you she is 21 and she looks 21 so you believe her and dated her and felt in love! only when you are marrying her and on the marriage certificate you found out for the first time that she is actually 31!

What you gonna do? Call off the wedding ??

13-11-2014, 12:08 AM
By the way, just a word of advise, if you ever punt a 18 or 21 year old girl and she looks 18 or 21! You better check her ID and make sure she is not underage ! You will be in a lot of trouble brother !

Yeah, lots of people love to fuck young girls , just make sure she is Not that young !!

Just my two cents


13-11-2014, 12:29 AM
In short, Ahlungor beat me to it ! 26 for 21 is very common and not considered outrageous enough to voice a complaint ! I'm surprised to see such a long post for this ! ;) ;) ;)

By the way, exaggeration of age has nothing to do with Chinese culture, it has more to do with the industry, regardless of race !

As you grow older and wiser, you wouldn't try to book a girl based on the advertised age, add 5 to 10 years on it ! Once you get to that stage, you wouldn't find that frustrating anymore ! ;) ;) ;)

13-11-2014, 12:36 AM
first she's a 'product', she's showing wear and tear at 26 and god help her if she's not married by 28!

That’s a precise cliffsnotes version of the life of an Asian ML / WL in Asia & maybe in Australia also. You summarised by point in one sentence. Thanks, much easier for the other bros to play catch-up with what’s being discussed.


13-11-2014, 12:38 AM
koreans do this stuff all the time. its so hard to tell there age, especially if they are asian.
imo i think its because girls think we care about that stuff too much.

one thing i never got is why some girls tend to overdo it.
one girl told me her age, and it was younger than mine. but i could tell straight away just by looking at her face
that she's gone a few more miles than me.

13-11-2014, 12:42 AM
By the way, exaggeration of age has nothing to do with Chinese culture, it has more to do with the industry, regardless of race !

I never mentioned that exaggeration of age was anything to do with Chinese culture. I mentioned that I was in fact very fond of Chinese culture, wanted to learn more about it, specifically the topics of left over women and the notion of face, saving face and when one or how one loses face.

Okay to be clear, and so that I understand it as a new and unexperienced punter, so whenever a girl is advertised as 21 on the forums I should then add another 5 years to her advertised age. Okay great.

But my question is... what happens when a girl who is IN FACT 21 starts to work at the shop?! How do they differentiate her from the others?

"New girl... REAL AGE is 21!! Not fake 21 + 5 years"...

Or taking the underage approach as mentioned by Ahlungor earlier: new girl... only 16 years old***! New to the industry!

(*** "just use the +5 method to know she is 21 and not doing anything illegal")

13-11-2014, 12:43 AM
I hope you won't apply the same rule when your are dating: if you meet this girl she told you she is 21 and she looks 21 so you believe her and dated her and felt in love! only when you are marrying her and on the marriage certificate you found out for the first time that she is actually 31!

What you gonna do? Call off the wedding ??

Bro, I’m not sure what does dating have to do with the issue that I brough to hand?
In response to your question, if I were to be dating the girl for a while before marriage, we’d go on at least one or two trips overseas to explore and make nice couple memories together. During the various times checking into flights, writing down details to travel agencies and online bookings for flights I’d get a glimpse of her true birth date. If it were as you suggested a 10 year difference, I’d be a little shocked that she lied to me this much and then start to wonder what else has she lied to me about? Does she have alterior motives & give her multiple chances to come clean and explain herself and her reasons as to why she’s done this and misrepresented herself to be something she wasn’t.

And, say we were to marry and decide to have children. If we met when she was 31 (she told me that she was 21 as you put it) and dated for maybe 5-6 years to really know that she is the one that I love and want to spend the rest of my life with I would then believe that she is 26? A healthy age to be having kids without any possible complications. Then I wouldn’t want to rush into having kids, allowing me more time to save-up my finances so that I can properly provide for my new family like any family man should and man-up and provide a good life for my wife. We wait 2 years readying our nest thinking that as she’s coming to be 28/9 we should start consider having kids.

But if she was in reality now 38/39 close to 40 in actual physical age, there is a much higher chance of any kids we’d have would possibly suffer from downsyndrome, or other birth defects due to the mother being older. I would feel hurt, not for myself being lied to but to my children.

13-11-2014, 12:43 AM
By the way, just a word of advise, if you ever punt a 18 or 21 year old girl and she looks 18 or 21! You better check her ID and make sure she is not underage ! You will be in a lot of trouble brother !

Yeah, lots of people love to fuck young girls , just make sure she is Not that young !!

Just my two cents


I would take in good faith if a girl is working at a shop, that the mamasan or boss has followed the due diligance and ensure that no underage girls are working at their shops. If she is advertised as 21, or even 18. Unfortunately the buck stops with the shops. What is the normal procedure when shops are interviewing the girls? Do they ask to see identification to prove they are above 18 or only take their word for it?

If I were to be in a shop and had a similar discussion with one of the girls, similar to the one I had mentioned earlier and it was identified that they were infact in high school age! (17 years or younger) I would therefore contact the police department and report the matter. I’d also see if they were being held against their will & assist them in taking any prosecution matters against their employer. Child trafficking is a serious crime in Australia and one that we all as bros should work together and report any crimes occuring in shops to ensure the safety of the girls.

13-11-2014, 01:02 AM
But my question is... what happens when a girl who is IN FACT 21 starts to work at the shop?! How do they differentiate her from the others?

"New girl... REAL AGE is 21!! Not fake 21 + 5 years"...

Or taking the underage approach as mentioned by Ahlungor earlier: new girl... only 16 years old***! New to the industry!

(*** "just use the +5 method to know she is 21 and not doing anything illegal")
That girl doesn't have to differentiate herself from the exaggerated 21 yo, it's the job from the punter. As I said earlier, when you get older and wiser, you wouldn't lose any sleep or write long post to complain about this, that's how the industry works !

That said, the only way find a punt with the least exaggeration is to go to a higher priced agency, such as outcall agencies where they specialized in younger girls, then the exaggeration is kept at the minimum, but still it seldom the truth !

13-11-2014, 07:13 AM
That's right, sometimes the gap can be as much as 10 years.

10 years is about the average there are girls around that you need to add 20 years to.

Not that it worries me too much but I can understand if a 22 year old punter doesn't want to see a 40 something lady.

13-11-2014, 07:38 AM
Why do they lie? TO GET YOU IN! None of them care about honesty. They just want MONEY and don't care how they do it!

Since when has the brothel industry ever shown itself to be honest on the whole? Never, and never will.

13-11-2014, 07:57 AM
Why do they lie? TO GET YOU IN! None of them care about honesty. They just want MONEY and don't care how they do it!

Since when has the brothel industry ever shown itself to be honest on the whole? Never, and never will.

We have to ask ourselves because punters keep going despite the false ads. So there's no need for them to change.

13-11-2014, 08:03 AM
I mentioned that I was in fact very fond of Chinese culture, wanted to learn more about it, specifically the topics of left over women and the notion of face, saving face and when one or how one loses face.

Here is some face saving info:

13-11-2014, 08:07 AM
I went and saw a girl advertised as 18 a while back, and she really was 18, I think they said "genuine 18 year old"!

13-11-2014, 08:21 AM
I went and saw a girl advertised as 18 a while back, and she really was 18, I think they said "genuine 18 year old"!

We can't really tell if a girl is 18, 19 or 20 or even 21. Agencies like to advertise they being 18 because it connotes freshness and innocence. And as long as the girl has a cute look they will pass them as 18.

Some girl has matured look, so even if they are genuinely 18, they may look like 24.

13-11-2014, 08:27 AM
Long time viewer here, I dont post much but i'm getting very annoyed agencies like MOC's lately.

To be quite fair i've had 50/50 good/bad experience with them this year, last year was 90 good /10 bad.

apart from the age issue e.g. they say "19-23" yrs (on the website) when you look at the girl, she definately look just a little under 30 (I wont name who - theres actually 2 bad experiences here and one girl even admitted she was over 30!!!)
- On the website some girls have Mainland flag to show their Mainland chinese girls, but their actually from Taiwan
- 2 Girls (which I wont name who claim DTBBBJ or BBBJ, but both were a complete dud, one didnt give a BJ, the other one CJB, wtf? Thats false advertising)
- One claimed very experienced (I wont name who) but when I started talking to the girl she said its her first time in the industry..wtf?

I've been to Ginza Twice and both times, price was cheaper and the quality of the girls much better. Maybe I should start going to a Shop instead of Outcall because

atleast I can refuse the girl...

Misleading representation of age isn't the only problem.

13-11-2014, 08:28 AM
10 years is about the average there are girls around that you need to add 20 years to.

Not that it worries me too much but I can understand if a 22 year old punter doesn't want to see a 40 something lady.

Haha, brother One has got a good point here !

On one side of the coin there are all the MLs and WLs ranging from 18 to 50+

On the other side of the coin there are we punters who are also ranging say from 18 to what ever !

I think most punters would generally want to see girls between 20-30 years but in reality there just aren't that many available especially in the RnT market !

For me, I am usually older than most of the girls I have met, I may have to go back many many years in 30's that I would have met ladies that were older than me, I wouldn't know for sure as I never asked, if she looked good and had a great body, I'm usually ok with that, if she didn't look right, I just walked. There's probably less than five times in my entire punting life that I went ahead with an "older" woman because I was too horny and later regreted it, still, I only had myself to blame because I went ahead , I could have walked away !

But I can understand why brother Matt posted what he posted, if I am still in my 20's - I would prefer to spend my money on fellow 20's something too. Good luck with your future punts mate !

Btw, RnT probably worked a little different than a FS in which most of the MLs who can give a decent massage are MILFs (over 30's) and if you really want a sensual HJ - can you really expect a 21 yr old gal knows how to play with your dick ??

Just my 39 cents


13-11-2014, 10:55 AM
Btw, RnT probably worked a little different than a FS in which most of the MLs who can give a decent massage are MILFs (over 30's) and if you really want a sensual HJ - can you really expect a 21 yr old gal knows how to play with your dick ??

I don't think it matters wether its full service or RnT in 90% maybe more the best service comes from the experienced ladies, this is particularly the case I think with older customers when a wl gets to around late 20 and on she realises that to compete or get work she has to do a bit more than look good and lay there and let the cusromer get his rocks off so they tend to be more into it.

To be fair I have had one or two young ones that were really into it brings back memories of the 21 year old that was at 533 for a while and yes she was the only genuine 21 year old I have met at 533, of course they said she was 18 but hey that's young for any shop let alone 533. What else could they do can't say she is 13 can they!

13-11-2014, 12:18 PM
whats new? shops false advertising girls age, looks, services, fake pics, theres been plenty of threads on this topic.

I understand shop should try to be truthful and not trick the customers, but nothings gonna change in the near foreseeable future, that's punting!

13-11-2014, 12:28 PM
Brother mattemeiser

The RnT shop near where I live has only 3 girls, Chinese girl looks around 29, Korean girl in her mid 30s and a Chinese lady at her late 40s (highly experienced at Asian back massage). But they change names of these girls every day when they advertise on aus99 and reduce their age, for example: Today's roster, Sandy 21yo from Macau, Moji 24yo Japanese girl and Amy 28 yo from China.

Next day, the Macau girl will be 22yo from China, Japanese girl will be 23yo from Korea and Chinese lady will be a 26yo from Hong Kong and so on.

Frankly, when it comes to RnT, as long as the girl is your type and knows how to use her hands, you are a winner regardless of her age.

Maybe next time go in with less expectation and then be excited instead of high expectation and disappointment. When speaking of fairness, everyone here agree with you but remember how much you are paying.


13-11-2014, 12:53 PM
Brother mattemeiser

The RnT shop near where I live has only 3 girls, Chinese girl looks around 29, Korean girl in her mid 30s and a Chinese lady at her late 40s (highly experienced at Asian back massage). But they change names of these girls every day when they advertise on aus99 and reduce their age, for example: Today's roster, Sandy 21yo from Macau, Moji 24yo Japanese girl and Amy 28 yo from China.

Next day, the Macau girl will be 22yo from China, Japanese girl will be 23yo from Korea and Chinese lady will be a 26yo from Hong Kong and so on.

Frankly, when it comes to RnT, as long as the girl is your type and knows how to use her hands, you are a winner regardless of her age.

Maybe next time go in with less expectation and then be excited instead of high expectation and disappointment. When speaking of fairness, everyone here agree with you but remember how much you are paying.


That's very clever advertising !!

But hey, if the girls are hot and services are good, no one is getting hurt right ??


13-11-2014, 12:59 PM
whats new? shops false advertising girls age, looks, services, fake pics, theres been plenty of threads on this topic.

I understand shop should try to be truthful and not trick the customers, but nothings gonna change in the near foreseeable future, that's punting!

Nothing new of course !!

And that's why we have reviews in the forum, you read the reviews and decide who can be trusted, and then you can exchange notes with some of the other brothers, you have a better chance of finding the right girl with the right attributes and services that way.

And if you found the reviews are untruthful or the poster is unreliable, then at least you know.

Then again, if you have a nearby or local shop, support them and build some rapport with the shop owners or receptionist, I'm sure you will be rewarded accordingly.

But then again, nothing beats seeing and sampling yourself, I have found out long long time ago that even with my friends like Foxy, Coco and Nicole - can Not be always trusted when it comes to Cup size !! Alice and Vicky are much more reliable. there you go !!

And of course, don't trust anything I post, I am always very very biased and over hyped, only the real fans and true believers shall be benefited.................lol



13-11-2014, 06:23 PM
Long time viewer here, I dont post much but i'm getting very annoyed agencies like MOC's lately.

To be quite fair i've had 50/50 good/bad experience with them this year, last year was 90 good /10 bad.

apart from the age issue e.g. they say "19-23" yrs (on the website) when you look at the girl, she definately look just a little under 30 (I wont name who - theres actually 2 bad experiences here and one girl even admitted she was over 30!!!)
- On the website some girls have Mainland flag to show their Mainland chinese girls, but their actually from Taiwan
- 2 Girls (which I wont name who claim DTBBBJ or BBBJ, but both were a complete dud, one didnt give a BJ, the other one CJB, wtf? Thats false advertising)
- One claimed very experienced (I wont name who) but when I started talking to the girl she said its her first time in the industry..wtf?

I've been to Ginza Twice and both times, price was cheaper and the quality of the girls much better. Maybe I should start going to a Shop instead of Outcall because

atleast I can refuse the girl...

Misleading representation of age isn't the only problem.

MOC went downhill badly some time ago now, they are not even on my radar anymore ...

13-11-2014, 07:18 PM
- One claimed very experienced (I wont name who) but when I started talking to the girl she said its her first time in the industry..wtf?

Silly MOC !

They should have advertised that girl as first time in the industry instead of experienced, that should have brought her a lot more customers ! ;) ;) ;)

13-11-2014, 07:25 PM
And for other breaking news, apples advertised as "fresh" at Coles are actually picked 4 -12 months earlier and snap frozen
Coles state that these apples are still fresh, and will attempt to maintain their right to advertise apples the way they want to
If there is a potential customer, the aim is simply to get them in the shop
This is called capitalism

And more breaking news, what is advertised on tv informercials often looks better in the advertisement than in real life

Caveat emptor will always be the principle. Thats why there are forums

13-11-2014, 08:55 PM
Yes why can't they put the right age up. Full stop. Is it that hard.
Or none

13-11-2014, 09:01 PM
This subject depends on if the place is asking for premium prices, or standard, value for money prices
So which is it

If you want a higher price for younger people, that system is already in place, go to a higher price business

I agree, that accurate age is important when you are paying premium price

But when you are going to the nonpremium parlours, you cant expect cheaper price and the very young. Take younger age as a bonus

Debate all you like, it is the mug punter that believes photos or advertisements

Thats why forums exist, and no amount of discussion will change this

13-11-2014, 09:11 PM
Sometimes its nice to dream, but in reality marketing is marketing

Coles sell "fresh" fruit that was actually picked 6 months ago
Models like Miranda Kerr distribute photos of themselves that are actually Photoshopped so their legs look incredibly thin etc etc
McDonalds is well known for Photoshopping the photos of the burgers, to look thicker and taller
Its a well known fact that what you are advertised and what you find in your McDonalds burger dont look the same

You want truth in advertising. Business wants customers from advertising. The two parties (customer and business) will never have the same objective
Thats why CHOICE magazine also exists

Try going to Business School and teach a subject "Truth In Advertising" and then apply that to a business.
You will get your a** smacked by someone who actually understands how advertising really works

Marketing is purely designed to separate a fool from his/her money
Your assignment, if you choose to accept it, is not to be that fool

13-11-2014, 09:20 PM
Oneonone often says, the most important skill is to walk out if you are deceived - even if it means blue balls
The strength to do that differentiates you from the mug punter

13-11-2014, 09:22 PM
Anyone running a business has my respect. I bet it isnt easy
Business looks after a business
Customer looks after a customer

When a business looks after a good customer, and that customer looks after the businesss, then we have the perfect scenario, harmony, and alignment of the planets

Peace to all ! :)

13-11-2014, 09:26 PM
And for other breaking news, apples advertised as "fresh" at Coles are actually picked 4 -12 months earlier and snap frozen
Coles state that these apples are still fresh, and will attempt to maintain their right to advertise apples the way they want to
If there is a potential customer, the aim is simply to get them in the shop
This is called capitalism

Actually I believe that is called appletalism!

13-11-2014, 09:28 PM
CL you are branching out into stand up comedy now. Cheers

Do you like my line about Business ?

13-11-2014, 09:35 PM
CL you are branching out into stand up comedy now. Cheers

Do you like my line about Business ?

Not bad "Your Busyness"!

13-11-2014, 09:54 PM
I understand the connections that you are making to apples....lol but I don't understand why you as bros seem to be fine with this practice and appears you are trying to make excuses for the deception?

If Coles does it, it doesn't mean its the right thing to do and follow suit.

So in the end, why don't shops just remove the age of the girls then?

13-11-2014, 09:56 PM
Sometimes its nice to dream, but in reality marketing is marketing

Coles sell "fresh" fruit that was actually picked 6 months ago
Models like Miranda Kerr distribute photos of themselves that are actually Photoshopped so their legs look incredibly thin etc etc
McDonalds is well known for Photoshopping the photos of the burgers, to look thicker and taller
Its a well known fact that what you are advertised and what you find in your McDonalds burger dont look the same

You want truth in advertising. Business wants customers from advertising. The two parties (customer and business) will never have the same objective
Thats why CHOICE magazine also exists

Try going to Business School and teach a subject "Truth In Advertising" and then apply that to a business.
You will get your a** smacked by someone who actually understands how advertising really works

Marketing is purely designed to separate a fool from his/her money
Your assignment, if you choose to accept it, is not to be that fool

I think the OP's disappointment is in relation to his experience. Not saying you are wrong, in fact I agree with you 100% but in Coles or MacDonald's case, customer is buying products that has a tangible value but Maybe the op was after GFE which is an emotional desire that could only be satisfied by seeing a 21yo who reminded him of his past love or he himself is 21yo and will get turned off by older women. Maybe a closer example would be a travel agency advertising flights to Vegas but instead the flight lands in Dubbo! That is not acceptable by any advertising standard or gimmicks. Thats why I said to OP, for the money we're paying, 10 year age difference is totally ok as long as the ML is good at what she is doing. :cool2:

13-11-2014, 10:00 PM
"So in the end, why don't shops just remove the age of the girls then?"
Wow, that is a great concept

What do you think would happen mattemeiser, hypothetically, if you opened a businesss in January 2014, where you dont advertise womens ages
It is an interesting idea

I dont think you will get many customers in the door somehow

13-11-2014, 10:05 PM
I agree with you Djang0.
Respect your opinion
Im not justifying marketing methods at all
Just saying things the way they are, and always will be

Will end here with two principles

Any business that puts business needs above its customer needs, goes out of business

When a business looks after a good customer, and that customer looks after the businesss, then we have the perfect scenario


13-11-2014, 10:09 PM
I think the OP's disappointment is in relation to his experience.
It was more to do with the fact that she wasn’t 21 & I was openly deceived that she was 21 when she wasn’t.

Not saying you are wrong, in fact I agree with you 100%
Thank you for seeing my point of view from a customer & looking at it logically without any emotion.

Maybe the op was after GFE which is an emotional desire that could only be satisfied by seeing a 21yo who reminded him of his past love or he himself is 21yo and will get turned off by older women

Yes I am around that age you described but I wasn’t looking for GF experience. I just wanted to have my hands on the taught and toned body of a 21 year old as advertised. Nothing more, nothing less. Nope, no emotional connection with the girl was required. In regards to being turned-off by older women, before my educational experience with this thread and learning about practices that are the norm, I used to use the ages posted on shop rosters as a way to remove that from the equation when chosing a girl to see.

Maybe a closer example would be a travel agency advertising flights to Vegas but instead the flight lands in Dubbo! That is not acceptable by any advertising standard or gimmicks.

That is somewhat similar to the example I gave with the two Mercedes cars. But in terms of flights to Dubbo & Vegas, from their respective countries of origin they could be considered internal flights but if both originated from an Australian airport, I’d be furious & wonder WTF was going on.

Thats why I said to OP, for the money we're paying, 10 year age difference is totally ok as long as the ML is good at what she is doing. :cool2:

If a 10 year age difference is totally okay, then why put the age of the girl in the description at all? The whole purpose is now moot.

13-11-2014, 10:14 PM
"Maybe a closer example would be a travel agency advertising flights to Vegas but instead the flight lands in Dubbo!"
I can see your point. But I also disagree

Any airline company that is doing that is risking customer safety and welfare. And actually could be liable for kidnap charges, if it is a consistent business policy to take people to different destinations !

But your point is taken, that when you expect something, and that expectation is not met, it is disappointing. Im on your side bro

But its not going to change. Businesses need lots of people coming in, because the mug punter far outweighs the regular punter. Thats just the way it is

Be a good customer, be constructive in your complaints, and reward good service with some regular patronage

Easier said than done, but that is the best "customer model"

13-11-2014, 10:25 PM
My airline analogy is this

I remember waiting at Melbourne airport to get a flight home
Some airline, cant remember which one, was 5 years ago

Get to the departure lounge, and we are told there will be a 1 hour delay
Remember everyone getting outraged, angry at the manager, angry at the flight attendant at the counter

Did anyone lie ? Well, in some ways yes, because the airline advertised the flight as leaving at 5pm, and I have rushed to the airport at that time to be ready
Did I get angry? Yes
Did the manager get the message? Yes
Did the flight attendant get the mesage? Yes

Did me getting angry make a difference? No
Was there better coordination of flights in the future ? Maybe not. That is the flight industry

Looking back, I reckon it would have been better I didnt get angry.
I regret losing my manners at that time
I chose to deal with an airline that offers reasonable prices. I end up getting value for money when things go well, which is always my main goal

If I had paid premium price, and business class, and was late for a critical business meeting, then of course I would be right to be very indignant
But I hadnt paid premium price, hadnt chosen business class, and was not going to a critical business meeting

Shit will happen sometimes, and getting angry wont change things

Could I walk away from Melbourne airport that day. NO, I had no other feasible way to get home

Could the OP walk away without parting with money, and do it with class ? YES.

OP has the opportunity to decline the deal, be polite, and leave.

13-11-2014, 10:26 PM
Any business that puts customer needs above business needs, goes out of business

Very wise.

If a 10 year age difference is totally okay, then why put the age of the girl in the description at all? The whole purpose is now moot.

They have to include the age to get more clients. Having said so, Asian women look 10 years younger than they look anyway!

"Maybe a closer example would be a travel agency advertising flights to Vegas but instead the flight lands in Dubbo!"
I can see your point. But I also disagree

Any airline company that is doing that is risking customer safety and welfare. And actually could be liable for kidnap charges, if it is a consistent business policy to take people to different destinations !

We all need to follow Oneonone's advice. Customers can walk. And complain. But the best customers just find businesses that take best care of them

My example with the airline was simply a funny way of showing what a tangible product would look against a paid intangible experience. I didnt mean it literally.

And yes bro as you said we all have to learn to walk out and may God give us more blood so that we can use our brain when we're horny! haha

13-11-2014, 10:28 PM
But I hadnt paid premium price, hadnt chosen, business class, and was not going to a critical business meeting
Getting angry wont change things

Perfectly put!

13-11-2014, 10:34 PM
"women look 10 years younger" than they are

And I thank the power of nature every day that some women hold their beauty so well

Lets all cherish when nature is generous to women, its something to be very grateful for

Women are judged by their beauty, I think that is grossly unfair, but I didnt write the rulebook nor design our hideously short life spans

Im not arguing, again I do see your point. But I am also offering you a different perspective

Peace :)

13-11-2014, 10:37 PM
Heres to many more discussions with differing perspectives. Respect mattemeiser

13-11-2014, 10:39 PM
"may God give us more blood" Haha. True !

A wise man once said "never discuss the subject of a woman and her age in the same sentence"

Thats the standard of a true gentleman

13-11-2014, 11:20 PM
After all these discussions I think you guys have missed out on a very important point: to put things into perspective :

And you always have to compare apple with Apple and perhaps within the same shop:

For example:

If 5 Star advertised Milo as 24 years old and Nicole as 21 years old . This is not necessary meant that they are in fact 21 and 24 yr old respectively. But I am quite confident that Nicole is probably a few years younger than Milo, you get the point ?

And in the same RnT shop: if they advertised Vicky as E Cups, Gigi as DD Cups and Yuri as D Cups ! Again that doesn't necessary meant that the Cup sizes of the three MLs are E, DD and D Cups respectively but again I am comfortable to assume that Vicky should have a bigger pair than Yuri and Gigi is some where in between !

But then again if you assume when Shop A said Jenny is 21 and Shop B said Amy is 21 then the two girls must be the same age then you must be too naive !

Get my point??

Just my three cents


Ps. Just use the descriptions provided by the shops as a guide only - everything should be relatively speaking - so when some shop said they are the best massage shop in the CBD or they provide the best services then a dash of salt should be taken along !

But of course, when I said so and so is the most beautiful Japanese massage girl I have ever seen - that is something you can trust ...........lol

As I have only seen about half a dozen - and she was indeed the most beautiful - I never lie, I just tell it as it is..........haha

14-11-2014, 12:38 AM
As I have only seen about half a dozen - and she was indeed the most beautiful - I never lie, I just tell it as it is..........haha
This should be revised to read " and she was indeed the most beautiful - I never lie, I just tell it as I see it...........haha "

;) ;) ;)

14-11-2014, 12:42 AM
This should be revised to read " and she was indeed the most beautiful - I never lie, I just tell it as I see it...........haha "

;) ;) ;)

Better still:
"and she was indeed the most beautiful I saw - I just tell it as I see it...........haha "

14-11-2014, 02:42 AM
Another shop advertised a wl as the age of 18. I came there, no booking, saw some other girls who say hello while my 18 yo was busy. Wait for abt 40 mins, then realize she is not young as 18 yo, the actual age is 25. I think this is normal here, butcher want to sell meat. :thirst:

14-11-2014, 07:04 AM
Yes why can't they put the right age up. Full stop. Is it that hard.
Or none

I think its because the shop think all us guys only go there for the chance to fuck a young girl if your 40 are you going to pay to see a 40 year old.

The answer is probably yes but you probably would have not gone there if you new she was 40 now they have you in you will probably stay.

To be fair even the 40 year olds look pretty good in the Asian shops mind you have has seen some shockers in non Asian shops and working privately, its a good place to go if you want to learn how to walk it makes it so much easier when you say.

You; Can I meet the girls
Her: I am the only one available
You: Ok I will come back later.
Her: With fag hanging out her mouth what's wrong with you your not so young yourself!
You: I know but I am the one paying!

And you leave, yes that's how the conversation with this woman at an old house in Padstow went one evening.

14-11-2014, 04:38 PM
You; Can I meet the girls
Her: I am the only one available
You: Ok I will come back later.
Her: With fag hanging out her mouth what's wrong with you your not so young yourself!
You: I know but I am the one paying!

And you leave, yes that's how the conversation with this woman at an old house in Padstow went one evening.

Bro you gotta take some of us punting as an excursion and teach this on the spot!

Oneonone: C'mon kids, we're walking out!


14-11-2014, 05:13 PM
Walking away is probably the best thing that has saved me from bad punts. Asking questions up front is a close second.

14-11-2014, 05:14 PM
Very wise.

They have to include the age to get more clients. Having said so, Asian women look 10 years younger than they look anyway!

When "she" is in the industry for more than 2-3 years... wear and tear will show and bite! 30ys old can't and won't look like younger , as 20s!
For girls that shop advertise girl as young as 18/19 .. punters has to take the "PUNT". Known a few Asian ML who have been in the industry for 3 years, the shop still advertised them as "19"!. To punt ,adventure and trust your personal experience (as people always bias )

14-11-2014, 07:31 PM
Bro you gotta take some of us punting as an excursion and teach this on the spot!

Oneonone: C'mon kids, we're walking out!


Well bro I can tell you when I first started punting many years ago now there was no internet so it was all pot luck.

For about the first 2 years I was not game to walk.

I fucked some ugly old women.

Then one day it was too much this old woman I though she was the cleaner walked in fag in mouth you want to fuck she said

No thanks I said and that was the first time I walked after the first time it became easier to walk.

Since then I have got to see some great ladies and have some great punts its your money don't be frightened to walk and above all go with your gut feeling and have fun.

21-11-2014, 04:42 PM
Anyone running a business has my respect. I bet it isnt easy
Business looks after a business
Customer looks after a customer

When a business looks after a good customer, and that customer looks after the businesss, then we have the perfect scenario, harmony, and alignment of the planets

Peace to all ! :)

i've been a long time lurker but i think i am getting the feeling that because of the above, there are some customers here who are defending the bad practices of some shops. These people know who they are.

But yes, on topic, it is false advertising. It sucks, as the credibility of the content of these forums only suffer as a result.

21-11-2014, 06:41 PM
Just for the record Im not defending anyone.

Its just that saying "Oh, I wish these businesses would tell the truth about age" is a bit like asking "I wish business always put accurate photos up for everyone Im gonna meet in the place"
I agree with the sentiments, but it just aint gonna happen, so no point getting uptight about it

But pay premium price, then you have more to expect, and then I am totally on your side. Paying premium price and getting budget class is plain UNFAIR

As Oneonone says, this is why we use forums

Mark Roberts
26-11-2014, 10:14 PM
Just for the record Im not defending anyone.

Its just that saying "Oh, I wish these businesses would tell the truth about age" is a bit like asking "I wish business always put accurate photos up for everyone Im gonna meet in the place"
I agree with the sentiments, but it just aint gonna happen, so no point getting uptight about it

But pay premium price, then you have more to expect, and then I am totally on your side. Paying premium price and getting budget class is plain UNFAIR

As Oneonone says, this is why we use forums

My latest WL 'best punt' described as a....

21 year old is actually 37 years old and if I hadn't actually sighted a document with her birthdate I would never have believed she is 37.

"Real" 21 year olds have so often been disappointing but maybe that's because I could be their father!

Being 'lied to' (at age 55) is not so bad provided the 37 year old/21 year old treats me like a young 20 year old something.

After all, when I was in my young 20's I was not having as much bedroom fun as I am now in my 50's.

05-12-2014, 12:59 PM
so online is advertised as 21 but real age is 26!! WTF!

So brother Matt, you went to see a ml advertised as 21 but her real age is 26!!


These 25 plus :

You have scored very well brother, why are you still complaining ???

AGLUNGOR! How are you? Here and there..whenever your presenting same as the weather yesterday hot, stuffy...my son needed a ventolin- puffs...but ..God bless us! raining ...yes...!! Cool the hot air down...still humid...next ..thunderstorm..wow! Really helpful.