View Full Version : Other midas- Nikki oh Nikki what an attitude

26-11-2014, 03:19 PM
this is a second time i tried to book Nikki. i saw her a split second glimpse at line up and she seems to be good looking (i might be wrong). first time confirmed booking, i drove all the way to marrickville and managed to find parking spot which was quite hard durind day time. after all anticipation went in to see receptionist just Nikki just decided not to come to work that day.. Second time i tried to book Midas manager told me to call again on the day as apparently Nikki has well known attitude of not sticking to agreed roster or schedule.... Now, as a punter do you think i will risk giving this lady business ? no way thanks, she might just take the money and give shit service.
surely in any job, there should be etiquette and professionalism? Midas management is unwise to let her work there as she will just ruin Midas brand and bad for business reputation. As fellow punter, my advise... Avoid!! save your money for Ginza girls :)

28-11-2014, 07:22 PM
this is a second time i tried to book Nikki. i saw her a split second glimpse at line up and she seems to be good looking (i might be wrong). first time confirmed booking, i drove all the way to marrickville and managed to find parking spot which was quite hard durind day time. after all anticipation went in to see receptionist just Nikki just decided not to come to work that day.. Second time i tried to book Midas manager told me to call again on the day as apparently Nikki has well known attitude of not sticking to agreed roster or schedule.... Now, as a punter do you think i will risk giving this lady business ? no way thanks, she might just take the money and give shit service.
surely in any job, there should be etiquette and professionalism? Midas management is unwise to let her work there as she will just ruin Midas brand and bad for business reputation. As fellow punter, my advise... Avoid!! save your money for Ginza girls :)

Nikki is fine. She's young and still coming to grips with her job. Treat her nice and you'll be happy. Just saw her yesterday and she was on all day.

29-11-2014, 03:31 PM
Nikki is fine. She's young and still coming to grips with her job. Treat her nice and you'll be happy. Just saw her yesterday and she was on all day.

Does Nikki has a tattoo on the back shoulder?