View Full Version : Bellevue 12 Sophia, high school and Jessica

Steven Seagal
30-11-2014, 06:05 PM
12 Bellevue Street
Surry Hills

This is a review of Sophia.

Before I get into this review I need to give you a bit of an historical context so you will understand part of it.

It has always mystified me that there are a lot of folks out there who hate my guts. I write mystifies me because my Mom always liked me and I thought she was a good judge of character.

Anyway, I have been disliked, despised and even hated. Take Artesia Coors, for example, she couldn’t stand the sight of me. I guess she had her reasons. She liked a friend of mine named Horatio Silva and told me to put in a good word for her. Well, I sort of did as the following exchange shows.

Seagal: You know Horatio, that Artesia Coors is a real cunt.
Horatio: I knew that and I know she has bad breath too!

Well, Artesia’s friend Fatima overheard this and told Artesia. The next day in the school cafeteria, in front of everyone, the following exchange occurred.

Artesia: You’re a rotten son-of-a-bitch Seagal. No one likes you.
Seagal: Montague Bacon likes me.
Artesia: Montague? He’s a congenital idiot.
Seagal: What about Effie Poovey?
Artesia: Effie? She’d fuck a duck if it would give her an egg.
Seagal: I don’t see autograph hunters chasing you either.
Artesia: Steven, go fuck yourself.
Seagal: I don’t think I can physically do that.
Artesia: Why don’t you spend a couple of years trying?
Seagal: Sorry I am too busy.

From then on she was my sworn enemy. For example, Artesia had the following exchange with our history teacher Mrs. Woods.

Mrs. Woods: Winston Churchill’s father, Lord Randolph, died of syphilis.
Artesia: He probably got it from Steven Seagal.

The feelings of hatred were mutual.

This brings us to Sophia.

Sophia is Chinese and not Greek and does not do greek as far as I know.

I saw Sophia on her second day and I think she has been imported from the sister shop in Newcastle.

Sophia looks to be mid to late 30’s. She has B cups with nice, responsive nipples. She has a trimmed pussy, a bit of a belly and I think a pretty face. Her English is functional. I liked her.

Except for anal she seems open to just about anything you can think of. She is energetic and really tried to make you happy. She is very service oriented.

Her ‘I don’t do list’ seems to be anal and pretty much everything else is on the table.

I booked her for an hour and wound up extending an additional 30 minutes as I was really having a good time. She is affectionate, does a good bbj and if you like being rimmed she is your girl. The only fly in the ointment is she dishes out some FOAM (Fake Orgasm and Moaning.)

She is one I will see again and I think she likes me.

After I finished I went down to where the ladies wait and talked briefly to Wendy and LaLa.

I have not been to Bellevue for a little while because of a disagreement with Jennifer and Jennifer now hates me.

Others who hate me here include:

Candy: I have not reviewed her favourably, nor enjoyed listening to her personal problems and complaints about other punters.

Vicky used to hate me because I complained to the owner Tom about her and Jessica short timing me 15 minutes from an hour double. I complained to Tom with Vicky present, while Jessica skulked in the back room. (I sorted things out with Vicky.)

Jessica still hates me for the Vicky incident. How do I know this? While I was with Wendy and LaLa, Jessica came out and the following exchange occurred:

Seagal: Hi Jessica. (silence) Don’t you remember me?
Jessica: No, I don’t.
Seagal: You’ve forgotten me?
Jessica: (frown on her face.) I can’t remember everyone.
Seagal: I love me.
Jessica: Good for you. (turns and leaves.)

Maybe my mother was wrong. Maybe I am not so wonderful. Is this possible? Is Mom’s judgment suspect? Perish the though.

Oh well, time to go now.

More review to write including Amy and Peggy.

See you again soon.

Until that time friends . . .until that time.


30-11-2014, 11:07 PM
Nobody here hates you sensei. We all love your reviews. Another classic.

01-12-2014, 06:21 AM
Always enjoy your reports bro SS well done again!!

01-12-2014, 05:51 PM
Haha Steven. Great AR as usual. I nearly picked Sophia last time I was there, thought she was most attractive in the lineup, but went for your old favourite Jennifer.