View Full Version : General talk Girl Sizes - shops lie about it?

04-12-2014, 04:15 PM
Hey guys long time lurker here,

The topic of the sizes of girls always bothered me... Now I know everyone prefers something different, some like small some like it big.

I for one like them small, fit, and lean. So I basically only ever go for size 8 and under.

However it seems like, every shop Ive been to, including agencies, size 8 is like...pretty big? I know size 8 girls in real life and they are no way near the size of the girls that are advertised as size 8 in shops...that has made me only ever want to goto shops when size 6 girls are on, because they are definitely small girls.

So do shops always under report girl sizes as well as ages...?

I'm also on the hunt for girls who are like ones found in this thread http://forum.aus99.com/showthread.php?14860-18-Years-Old-Beautiful-Teens-Hardcore-Photos-HQ

Ive frequented Liaisons and picked a few size 6 girls who were similar... who knows where I can find WL who are basically really lean bikini body?

Ive seen the professional photos of those private escorts and they look amazing but when the description reads size 10 I'll never ever go there because I've had bad experience with someone who advertised as size 8, and was way too big to be 8... because of that I don't even trust size 8 anymore...

Steven Seagal
04-12-2014, 05:38 PM
Hi All,

Shops lying about girls sizes?

Perhaps we'll even hear porkys about their ages.

The next thing is they will start putting fake pictures on their websites and Mamasams will no longer be trustworthy.

What is the world coming too?


04-12-2014, 08:04 PM
Hi All,

Shops lying about girls sizes?

Perhaps we'll even hear porkys about their ages.

The next thing is they will start putting fake pictures on their websites and Mamasams will no longer be trustworthy.

What is the world coming too?

Haha ! We all need something to complain about, don't we ? ;) ;) ;)

If all runs out, there is still the weather, too hot, too cold, too windy ...