View Full Version : Anyone tried Moonny @ MOC?

21-12-2014, 12:14 PM
I would love to know if anyone has tried her. I love the idea of an extremely pretty young girl who is chubby with large breasts. But is she too chubby? Is she as pretty as advertised? What is her service like? It's a bit of an investment at $350. Not many of the MOC girls get reviewed.

21-12-2014, 02:39 PM
i have thought exactly the same thing.i would love to try a young, curvy girl with big boobs but for me, $350 is a bit too much to gamble.

21-12-2014, 11:07 PM
MOC used to be as safe as houses, now they put a hole in your trousers ... :)

22-12-2014, 07:44 PM
Yep you were right they put a hole in my trousers. Moonny was a major disappointment (just did an AR). I remember when MOC was great. I used to visit PorYa and fuck me was she good.

Max Impact
22-12-2014, 09:03 PM
They were lucky to get Porya. It's that simple.

I saw her on a promotional poster recently at a pub in Thai Town. She is a model now I believe.

23-12-2014, 10:37 AM
They were lucky to get Porya. It's that simple.

I saw her on a promotional poster recently at a pub in Thai Town. She is a model now I believe.

Any chance we can track her down and see if she'll do some work on the side?