View Full Version : Circumcised / Uncircumcised ?

16-01-2013, 10:18 PM
Are you cut? If so, was it by your own choice or was it at birth?

Also, do you think cut or uncut looks better in porn movies?

16-01-2013, 10:32 PM
cut! it's for hygiene. less possibility being infected by STD


16-01-2013, 10:52 PM
^^^^^^^^^ Umm thats BS, the countries in north africa and the middle east who currently have the highest rates of HIV are countries where circumcision is practiced for religious reasons, it hasn't stopped or even slowed the rate of transmission, the science is flawed.. Whereas North Europe where nobody is circumcised has the lowest rates of transmission, you do the math, hygiene too, how hard is it to shower daily????

Max Impact
16-01-2013, 11:13 PM
Here we go!

Hey Dannyboy, I guess you are uncircumcised. Shall we ignore the following from the World Health Organisation?
"There is compelling evidence that male circumcision reduces the risk of heterosexually acquired HIV infection in men by approximately 60%."



Yes, as 1000 women know, I've been chopped.

17-01-2013, 12:47 AM
You seriously believe what the "WHO" put out, you's are making out as if the science is settled on this, look your circumcised because your parents decided to do it, don't make out as if it was your choice, Im not hostile at all, just please open your minds to the BS your buying into, if circumcision was the answer what about africa where it is very common, again nobody can answer these questions, Im not against it, if your Jewish or Muslim then its your religious tradition and thats fair enough, but to say its for cleanliness, showers anybody??, what too hard to wash your cock???

Here is some facts, its always a good idea to know there are alternative opinions and what one scientist puts out doesn't mean that the debate and science is settled..



Max Impact
17-01-2013, 07:18 AM
You seriously believe "Intact America" Dannyboy? Lol..,

17-01-2013, 07:53 AM
It seems to me that this is or can be an emotional subject for some people.
I think that the forskin was put there by someone a lot smarter than us for a reason.
Its a real shame that the medical profession cant look at the pros and cons and give a factual answer.
A lot of the decissions to circumcise at birth are made by women and they tend to go that way if their partner is circumcised.
In modern society cleanliness should not be an issue but as a young boy are we taught how to was our penis properly or just left to our own devices.

To be honest about it if there is a good reason to be circumcised then I am all for it. If there is not I am against it.

Religion is not a good reason to be circumcised.

I dont know for sure but I would guess more male are circumcised than are not in the world today!

the wizard
17-01-2013, 07:54 AM

Though from Wiki, so needs to be taken with a grain of salt.

The more touchier subject is female circumsion- or mutilation- very prevelent in the middle east, and that is mainly for religious, cultural reasons and to suppress
sexual urges of women- totally abhorrent

17-01-2013, 08:36 AM
Chicks prefer cut. you just have to ask them

17-01-2013, 09:00 AM
Anyone know where to have adult circumcise in Sydney ?

17-01-2013, 09:45 AM
Get a referral to a general surgeon..

Circumcision does reduce chances of infection, but is far less prevalent than regular washing, condoms, regular testing, ie things we have in the western world.. Doctors no longer recommend circumcision here. The negative of it is reduced sensitivity, which i would've thought was a big one for people on this forum?

17-01-2013, 09:50 AM
get it done looks much better and you dont have to deal with the painfull foreskin pulling back when u have intercourse. you can get it done for free if you have a medicare card but the waiting line is long

17-01-2013, 10:06 AM
get it done as an adult lol ^^^^, great advice from Dr Bevis90, its a known fact it reduces sexual pleasure, why would you want to reduce sexual pleasure, in regards to more people being cut then not cut, 3/4 of the world are uncut, thats a fact..

17-01-2013, 10:10 AM
does that mean circumised ppl last longer if theyre not as sensitive ?

17-01-2013, 10:14 AM
Anyone know where to have adult circumcise in Sydney ?

Just ask your local GP

17-01-2013, 10:16 AM
get it done looks much better and you dont have to deal with the painfull foreskin pulling back when u have intercourse. you can get it done for free if you have a medicare card but the waiting line is long

If you have pain when you draw back the foreskin then that is a reason to get circumcised, but not everyone has that problem.

17-01-2013, 10:19 AM
Chicks prefer cut. you just have to ask them

If your cut and you ask them they probably say prefer cut. If your not cut and you ask them they probably say uncut or don't care.

Who you going to ask a wl. She knows where her next dollar is coming from. Tell them what they want to hear.

17-01-2013, 10:32 AM
better test would be to ask non WL.
lets all go and ask 5 female friends and see what they prefer.

17-01-2013, 11:02 AM
in China 99% of people are uncut as is most of asia except for Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore where there are large Muslim populations, some girls may have a preference but for the most part they probably don't care, I don't know of any girls who refused to marry there boyfriends because they were uncut.. At the end of the day its down to parents to decide wether they want to subject there children to such a painful barbaric tradition.. I know plenty of guys who were cut, but there wives refused to have there children cut because they believe its not right..

17-01-2013, 11:08 AM
more facts I found online..

"As a continent, Africa has the highest percentage of circumcised men, over 60%. Africa also has -- as most people know -- the highest prevalence of HIV/AIDS, with South Africa housing the world's largest HIV-infected population. In countries like Nigeria and Kenya, (the latter being one of the countries where the study was conducted) over 80% of males are circumcised, yet they contain the second and fourth largest HIV-infected populations in the world respectively.

Among industrialized nations, the highest prevalence of HIV/AIDS is in the United States, which has the 10th largest HIV-positive population in the world. And yes, the USA also ranks number one among all industrialized nations in its number and percentage of circumcised men: 56% as of 2003, compared to countries in Europe, where circumcision is markedly less common -- as is the prevalence of HIV/AIDS.

Finally, let's address a question that seems to have been largely overlooked: what about the women?

Well, last month, The Lancet -- which refused to publish the male circumcision trials due to certain ethical concerns -- published a study led by Dr. Maria Wawer at the Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore, concluding that circumcising men did not reduce HIV transmission to their female partners.

Actually, it's quite possible that circumcised men are more likely to give their female partners HIV/AIDS than uncircumcised men. Dr. Wawer found that 18% of the women in her study contracted HIV/AIDS from circumcised men, compared to 12% of women who contracted it from uncircumcised men."

17-01-2013, 11:28 AM

Though from Wiki, so needs to be taken with a grain of salt.

The more touchier subject is female circumsion- or mutilation- very prevelent in the middle east, and that is mainly for religious, cultural reasons and to suppress
sexual urges of women- totally abhorrent

Sorry Wiz, I cannot agree with you on this one, whilst Wiki is not necessarily always accurate, it is in this case. The WHO have done extensive epidemiological studies and concluded it is effective in reducing the rate of infections. http://www.who.int/hiv/topics/malecircumcision/en/

Dannyboy, Being circumcised does not mean that you will never get infected by being stupid. That is why Africa is a major problem as there is a great level of multiple partner unprotected intercourse. It would be worse if the majority of those men were not cut. The site you quote http://intactamerica.org/learnmore is an activist site similar the lunatics who are against immunisation, so is not scientific.

If you know anything about elementary biology it stands to reason that an enclosed area, like the uncut head, has growth materials, is moist and all it needs is a source of infection and reproduction occurs rapidy.
So IMHO I think that maybe WL would prefer a circumcised head than not as it would have a better chance of being clearer.

Female circumcison is another issue altogether and should not be condoned unless there are good medical reasons reasons which would be very rare.

Best done a week after birth when the pain sensitivities are less developed.

As to dom.peter80's original question, yes I am, but I have no opinion on porn as I do not watch it and anyway when the penis is erect it is not so obvious.

17-01-2013, 11:52 AM
dannyboy I suggest you get some proper facts. Do not just cut and paste whatever you find on the internet as in #22.

Look at slide 4 in this link http://www.unaids.org/en/resources/campaigns/20121120_globalreport2012/epislides/

17-01-2013, 12:01 PM
I can't believe people believe the World Health Organization, they are known for producing BS statistics in regards to alot of things, jeez so many sheeple on this forum.. Read this article by Ali A Rizvi and he explains everything including how the WHO came up the bullshits stats on circumcision.. If circumcision is such a great preventative why doesn't its work in Nigeria and Kenya, somebody explain it, how is it safer then being uncut, its nonsense wake up people.. Do some research people, why didn't the WHO adopt the theory from a study done in New Zealand that proved circumcision increases HIV transmission rates??? They have an agenda its BS and people buy into, babies have died from circumcision and many are left with permanent irreversible damage to there penis..



17-01-2013, 02:10 PM
Dannyboy, The WHO and NIH look at all the evidence, not just a single trial. Science is about total accumulated evidence not some isolated piece.

If you read the Maria Wawer's Lancet article you mentioned earlier, http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(09)60998-3/abstract, you can see the design was to deliberately try to infect non infected women with HIV. It also was not a "double blind" trial.

" Methods
922 uncircumcised, HIV-infected, asymptomatic men aged 15—49 years with CD4-cell counts 350 cells per μL or more were enrolled in this unblinded, randomised controlled trial in Rakai District, Uganda. Men were randomly assigned by computer-generated randomisation sequence to receive immediate circumcision (intervention; n=474) or circumcision delayed for 24 months (control; n=448). HIV-uninfected female partners of the randomised men were concurrently enrolled (intervention, n=93; control, n=70) and followed up at 6, 12, and 24 months, to assess HIV acquisition by male treatment assignment (primary outcome). A modified intention-to-treat (ITT) analysis, which included all concurrently enrolled couples in which the female partner had at least one follow-up visit over 24 months, assessed female HIV acquisition by use of survival analysis and Cox proportional hazards modelling. This trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT00124878."

This is something like deliberately throwing a person into a pond with 100 crocodiles to see if he survives. Would you participate in such a trial?

I suspect you know little about medicine, clinical trials etc so do not expect you to understand the terminology but read it and the other references I have given.

You may trust activist groups and newspapers but most of us trust legitimate science and medicine.

On the balance circumcised men have less risk of being infected than uncircumcised. I state again unless you did not understand that being circumcised is no guarantee of not contracting STDs.

17-01-2013, 03:09 PM
Still doesn't explain Africa, 80% of men circumcised yet has highest rates of transmission, whereas Denmark lowest rate of circumcision yet lowest rates of transmission, it just doesn't add up, the science is flawed and most scientists around the world today now agree..

17-01-2013, 03:50 PM
Get urs circumcised if you want chicks to offer you bbbj like a Hoover ;)

17-01-2013, 03:57 PM
Get urs circumcised if you want chicks to offer you bbbj like a Hoover ;)
Don't know where you get that theory from, not true! :shout:

17-01-2013, 03:59 PM
Never had a girl complain about my cock, anyways when you get a hard on it looks just like its circumcised..

17-01-2013, 04:04 PM
Africa is extremely high due to the trucking routes, poor education, lack of fidelity and bareback sex which is prevalent. Whereas Denmark is a country where education level are high and most people are sensible enough to use condoms

Dannyboy if you insist, all scientists and medical practicioners and anyone else who does not agree with you are ignorant if that is what you believe so be it.

I have looked at your 444 posts on this site and your 20 on Punter Planet where you stated in one of them that you are a member and threatened to retreat to when you did not get your own way. All I see is comments or questiions, never an After Report of your punts. I also noted you seem to like trannies.

I think that you have nothing to do but play on sites like these and be provocative.

17-01-2013, 04:15 PM
WHO puts out some serious BS. Makes no damn difference to STD spread whether you are cut or not. Risk of infection higher with uncuts simply because of hygiene/cleanliness etc. All those who think circumcised dicks are less prone to STD - stick yours into a diseased pussy and tell me if will not get infected. I am cut and had this discussion with a female doctor friend years ago. (No, I did not get to do her, but was bloody tempting).

17-01-2013, 04:17 PM
WHO puts out some serious BS. Makes no damn difference to STD spread whether you are cut or not. Risk of infection higher with uncuts simply because of hygiene/cleanliness etc. All those who think circumcised dicks are less prone to STD - stick yours into a diseased pussy and tell me if will not get infected. I am cut and had this discussion with a female doctor friend years ago. (No, I did not get to do her, but was bloody tempting).

Can't be fairer than this !

17-01-2013, 04:20 PM
Guailo is spot on, these pro circumcision people think they have some sort of anti std shield covering there cock, its fucking ridiculous..

17-01-2013, 04:21 PM
Totally - every chick i have ever been with has said they were glad i was cut.

17-01-2013, 05:23 PM
I agree what guailo says but from hygiene point of view circumcised cock is better... People who had a chance to self circumcise by pulling your foreskin back until gland of your cock popped out would know that theres heaps of gunk under the foreskin. all those dried up pussy juice and cum stains trapped there... eww

Max Impact
17-01-2013, 05:42 PM
You'll look at your dick, see if its curcumcised or not and then gather the "facts" that back your status and ignore the facts that don't.

It's human nature, happens all the time.

Max Impact
17-01-2013, 09:57 PM
I'd rather lick and poke vaginas. But there is always downtime to argue with ignoramuses.

17-01-2013, 11:32 PM
Are you cut? If so, was it by your own choice or was it at birth?

Also, do you think cut or uncut looks better in porn movies?

I am not gay enough to comment on which looks better. :question:

Sometimes I even prefer watching girl on girl action. :cool2:

cut! it's for hygiene. less possibility being infected by STD


Predating the religious reasons and even today in areas like sub-Saharan Africa, yes circumcision was and is done for hygienic reasons.
In countries where clean water is available there is no medical reason (apart from some conditions like Phimosis) for circumcision.
And yes, those sub-Saharan countries where WHO recommends it for HIV prevention clean water is not often available.

These countries also have a high prevalence of HIV infected (often 20 to 50% of population and 50 to 80% of prostitutes).
Even there WHO is not recommending circumcision as a solution to the situation rather than an additional measure.
The major effect comes from the fact that information of safe sex and the use of condoms (not to mention that often this is the first they hear of HIV and other STI's and the fact that they actually are sexually contracted) can be passed to those who come to the operation and the follow-up checks.

18-01-2013, 12:04 AM
But to say circumcision prevents STD's is ridiculous, look at Europe with the lowest rate's of circumcision <2%, is there health system under extreme pressure due the widespread out breaks of STD's, come on people have to wake up..

18-01-2013, 12:16 AM
But to say circumcision prevents STD's is ridiculous, look at Europe with the lowest rate's of circumcision <2%, is there health system under extreme pressure due the widespread out breaks of STD's, come on people have to wake up..

I thought I was agreeing with you.
"Even there WHO is not recommending circumcision as a solution to the situation rather than an additional measure."

It is education, not circumcision that lowers the risk of STI's.

18-01-2013, 12:48 AM
I was cut fairly recently, 3 years ago (due to medical reasons, not religious). Sex definitely feels better, no so-called loss of sensitivity, if anything, its even more sensitive and chicks digg it more. It's a win.

dannyboy, no-one is saying being cut gives you an STD shield. All the results of the studies have indicated that being cut does show signs of reduced risk of catching and STD. That's not to say circumcision WILL reduce risk.

If you're comparing regions, it's not a battle of circumcised vs uncircumcised, its a matter of condom, or no condom. High rates of STD and HIV transmission in Africa are due to the lack of protection practiced. They're largely Christian and scumbag Pope decided to ban the use of condoms in a continent ravaged by AIDS. Lower rates of STD in Denmark are due do a secularism and higher standard of sex education where use of contraceptives are encouraged.

Look, if you're wearing a condom, doesn't matter whether or not you are circumcised.

The US is still has a Christian majority in terms of demographics, many who teach abstinence, no pre-marital sex, and anti-prostitution. Some schools within the Bible Belt have even removed sex education altogether in the school curriculum and many teens are not properly taught about safe sex practices. Prostitutes operate illegally without regulation and often have unprotected sex with clients, thus spreading diseases. And of course you know what happens when you tell teens not to have sex... they have sex! Without proper knowledge about protection, they don't use it, and some from the more religious persuasion will do anal sex as a loophole to retain the girls virginity.

I spent a majority of my childhood in Atlanta, GA which is within the Bible Belt, and I have witnessed this first hand. The less you teach about sex, and the more you restrict it, more irresponsible sex will happen.

21-01-2013, 12:41 PM
I thought people had already realised that most of the crap being posted about reasons to get circumsized were junk... A lot of doctors refuse to do it these days, apparently like 80+% of doctors dont want to do it unless there is a medical reason to as all the religious stuff pushed as science was debunked. By the way that WHO report was pushed by 1 guy who created that article out of a lot of lies including removing a lot of facts that he found out but didnt support his view point. He has been pushing circumcision for a long time due to religious beliefs. Sorry guys but just think sanely....Why would you cut a piece of skin off? Why? i mean are you saying that evolution or god who ever made us the way we are...made a mistake?

Do things go wrong, sure at which point do what needs to be done but for the vast majority there is no sane reason to get it done. Reasons why it gets pushed so hard these days is pure religious beliefs, never had anything to do with science. Judasim, islam both really push it. I am a god father to one of my best mate's kids, he is of islamic background and so 2 of his kids had it done at the age of 3 and 6...man it look so damn bad and they were crying and out of it for 2 weeks...Also a small percentage incur problems like one of them was not able to pee and had to go back into hospital for surgery etc etc....

Circumcision does mean that you are less sensitive and can last longer which is a good and a bad thing i suppose. Also means its easier to clean / less sweat / smell on the head as its uncovered. Its like walking around with your arms down or your arms always up. Since the head is uncovered, less sweat buildup etc.

But all this is easily fixed through hygiene and whenever you shower or wash, you pull back the foreskin and wash..takes like a few extra seconds... Some people believe cutting it means less STIs...i know i have read the articles but comeon why..? because there is skin there. i have always read articles which state the exact opposite because the foreskin actually has bacteria and special properties that help fight off STIs.... so go figure.....

AT the end of the day i think its barbaric personally, i am fine with it for medical reasons but i just dont know why anyone would do that to their kid for any other reason. I was disappointed my god son had to go through that but i am not the parent so thats fine, i will respect their beliefs. I just think if i came out today and created an article or religion that pushed the cutting nipples off at birth or cutting finger tips off etc etc..people would scream at me as being some evil cult etc etc. But going to such a sensitive area, removing part of the sensitive nature of the penis but cutting off the foreskin...thats perfectly fine...? please.And then hiding behind "science".... when really its religion and / or just a family done thing from generation to generation.

The reason why a lot of porn stars have it done is because 1) they are American and it is very common there due to religious beliefs as well as a generational thing and 2) generally circumcised means they can go for longer and have more control as they are less sensitive hence its perfect for porn. But you get porn from other countries and you see different sides of the story. I mean most japanese porn dont have circumcised people...does that mean now i have to go make assumptions of how superior it is...?

21-01-2013, 07:49 PM
Spot on Lonewolf, there are just as many studies that suggest uncircumcised people have less STDs, it's just these Jewish DR's on a mission to justify reasons for circumcision. In regards to porn, if people watch Euro, Asian or Brazilian porn virtually everyone is uncircumcised.

Max Impact
21-01-2013, 08:10 PM
Dannyboy, it was just a matter of time till one of the hundreds of members finally agreed with you!

It's all fun Bro!

You are both welcome to give your claims a reference point. Or is it just old wives" tales?

21-01-2013, 08:54 PM
Dont know what all the fuss is about what ever you got make the most of it keep it clean use a condom and you should be Ok.

Max Impact
21-01-2013, 08:59 PM
I'm not sure what the argument is either. I think it's just people holding their positions. But that ok!

21-01-2013, 10:41 PM
What girls really think of foreskin....:startle:

22-01-2013, 12:19 AM
My position is children have no choice in being subjected to genital mutilation, if there is a health problem that warrants it fair enough, otherwise its an unnecessary Jewish/Middle eastern tradition..

123Kid, really asian girls don't like it, thats funny considering that most asian countries apart from malaysia and indonesia practice it, its a jewish/muslim thing..

22-01-2013, 01:04 AM
You guys always make me laugh I mean you guys pay for them to suck on it BBBJ style so why worried unless you dont get BBBJ than you can say that you have two dicks :) actually they might even enjoy it like two ice cream :)

22-01-2013, 01:19 AM
First time I've looked in this thread, and I admit I didn't read most of the text about Who statistics, blah, blah...

But can I ask this of anyone out there?

I, and one of my best friends, were never cut. But after puberty, both our cocks grew, but the foreskin didn't grow as long as the cock. Hence, when on the slack, what is left of the foreskin covers about 1/3rd of an inch over the ridge at the beginning of the head.

So I am neither circumcised nor uncircumcised. Just like one of my friends is. Does that mean this phenomenon is common, or rare, and it is a very big co-incidence that one of my best frends just happens to have this too.

Anyone else in this category?

(These days I wish I still had maximum sensitivity.)

22-01-2013, 10:23 AM
^^^^^^ Its probably more common then you think Sextus, there are alot of Dr's doing foreskin restoration for circumcised men..

22-01-2013, 10:53 AM
Spot on Lonewolf, there are just as many studies that suggest uncircumcised people have less STDs, it's just these Jewish DR's on a mission to justify reasons for circumcision. In regards to porn, if people watch Euro, Asian or Brazilian porn virtually everyone is uncircumcised.

Dannyboy you haven't mentioned the CIA yet, surely they must be involved in promulgating these lies too!

22-01-2013, 04:20 PM
Nope just a Jewish conspiracy to justify a totally unnecessary medical procedure, CIA may have some involvement

Max Impact
22-01-2013, 05:20 PM
Dannyboy, you are like a dog with a bone. I'll give you that.

22-01-2013, 06:56 PM
Max impact, basically I don't care, I just have an issue with BS studies by the WHO

Max Impact
22-01-2013, 07:05 PM
15 posts and counting. You do care!!

22-01-2013, 07:26 PM
Hahaha not really, I have my views though

Max Impact
22-01-2013, 07:32 PM
16! kkkkkkk

22-01-2013, 08:57 PM
16! kkkkkkk

Max, have you counted your posts on this thread?
Do you care????

Max Impact
22-01-2013, 11:02 PM
I haven't counted them licker. Could you count them for me?

23-01-2013, 12:16 AM
I haven't counted them licker. Could you count them for me?

Na ah, I don't think I care enough.
I think I'll use my time more "productively" and have a wank. It's too late to punt :spook:

23-01-2013, 12:19 AM
I think I'll use my time more "productively" and have a wank. It's too late to punt :spook:

How can wanking at home be productive ? Unless you do it at a sperm bank ! :miao:

23-01-2013, 12:31 AM
How can wanking at home be productive ? Unless you do it at a sperm bank ! :miao:

That's why the "productively" was in quotes, bro :sweat:

Though spanking the monkey beats counting Max's posts hands down. Pun intended :cool2: