View Full Version : General talk Do all WLs have a cover story?

22-01-2013, 06:56 AM
Let's say they meet someone who doesn't know about their work - do you think any WL would be frank enough to say what they do, or do you think ALL will have thought up a cover story, maybe even before they got into the industry?

22-01-2013, 07:44 AM
I think most of the girls that work in a parlour or for an agency have a cover story. The tend to not want everyone to know what they do. Like us punters lots of them have family etc and there are always the idiots that would harass them if they were to find out.

22-01-2013, 09:09 AM
Let's say they meet someone who doesn't know about their work - do you think any WL would be frank enough to say what they do, or do you think ALL will have thought up a cover story, maybe even before they got into the industry?

I think it's fair to assume that most WL/ML live a double life!

The working life and a "normal" life, I know quite a few Thai girls who do massage and also work in restaurant - so I guess for her family and friends, she's a waitress!!


22-01-2013, 09:22 AM
I think it's fair to assume that most WL/ML live a double life!


Aren't we the same ?

22-01-2013, 09:25 AM
Aren't we the same ?

Absolutely, I told all the WLs/MLs I first met that I am an accountant!

Which in a sense I am........haha


22-01-2013, 09:27 AM
And surely you can't tell your wife you're Ahlungor on Syd99 !

22-01-2013, 10:29 AM
I had a WL once who had a fake tattoo on her back, I said to her "thats a fake tattoo" she denied it was fake and told me "its real", its hard to fool me as Im covered in tattoos and know what a real one looks like, she eventually admitted it was fake and said it was incase somebody ever seen her in public with family and claimed to have met her in the brothel and said she has a tattoo on her back, she could then say no I don't "look" you've got the wrong person.. This is no joke, thats how paranoid this girl was, fair enough too, WL's should try to work a long way from where they live to avoid exposure to friends and family..

22-01-2013, 01:43 PM
Understandably yes most if not all do. Problems arise of course, like the girl who had to explain on the phone to her dad why her car was parked near his clients office (outside a brothel) in Rydlemere when she was supposed to be a shop assistant in Chatswood.. To which I said she should have asked what the hell was he doing looking at a brothel car park, while showing him her cars (newly purchased) stickers when she got home...
Its a tough game and both sides have to be smart about how they operate if they seriously want to avoid being found out.

24-01-2013, 05:04 PM
Most would have a cover story. A couple of girls will not work in Sydney. Few days of study and few days of work etc.
Some of these girls are very creative with their stories. Scary how convincing they can be. If one of them is your girl, you may not even know!