View Full Version : General talk Do you agree that WL who repeat her name when you leave is wishing your revisit?

25-04-2015, 02:57 AM
This assumption come up to my mind after a bad session just now. The WL was speechless with really cold emotion.

WL usually introduce her name with greetings when first meet.
But only few of them will repeat their name when I am going to leave.
Only had one experience that revisited a WL who did that to me about months ago. And her reaction was very happy and said "you finally come back".

25-04-2015, 08:28 AM
Oh yeah so u will come to visit her again , all about money bra :)

25-04-2015, 08:29 AM
I usually find its the ones with bad service say that to you on the way out, if the girl is any good you remember her name or if your not sure you ask her on the way out so they don't need to tell you their name.

Mind you if she is bad I find it handy as I make sure I get the name right when I put it on my list and mark it don't see again.

25-04-2015, 08:32 AM
I've found a lot of girls DON'T introduce themselves at all, I have to ask them their names.

But a few do repeat it at the end of the session(if they think you are a "good customer") and even empahasise what days they work. But it can work against them. If the service was bad, I know what days to avoid going to the shop in future.

25-04-2015, 09:08 AM
If you are an OK guy in that you treat a girl well, then of course she will want you as a regular.
Most girls rely on regulars for at least a couple of their bookings every shift.
It's a sure steady source of income and it's a better session for them too because they know who you are, they feel safe with you, they know what you like etc.

25-04-2015, 09:51 AM
If you are an OK guy in that you treat a girl well, then of course she will want you as a regular.
Most girls rely on regulars for at least a couple of their bookings every shift.
It's a sure steady source of income and it's a better session for them too because they know who you are, they feel safe with you, they know what you like etc.

Also most shops expect the girls to attract regulars so in most cases no return customers no work!

25-04-2015, 10:19 AM
If you are an OK guy in that you treat a girl well, then of course she will want you as a regular.
Most girls rely on regulars for at least a couple of their bookings every shift.
It's a sure steady source of income and it's a better session for them too because they know who you are, they feel safe with you, they know what you like etc.

I don't think this has happened to me that often !

First of all if I get a good ml I tend to stick with her and do my repeats. For WL , I don't see them that often any way and almost always with a booking - like after reading about her big big tits in the forum ! So the girl will know that I know of her and come specifically for her so there will be some initial connections there.

From memory, on a very few occasion that when I was a walk in to either a FS shop or massage , the lady did tell me her name again I think and I really can't remember whether they were good or not , it was a long long time ago.

Having said that, to repeat your name to the customer is very good customer services and if the girl in any good, she is very likely to get a repeat customer !

Some smart ml would even write her name on the loyalty card as well !

But believe me, as a punter, if you like the girl or in my case, fallen in love with her big tits ! You will make damn sure that you got her name and which days she works !!

Just my two cents !


25-04-2015, 10:21 AM
[B]Most of our Beauties don't remember their own names

Still the received $50/ $100 tips....:love:

Where are you Max ..../B]:cool2:

I will never forget the M and M of 5 Star !

That's Maya and Milo !

25-04-2015, 12:42 PM
I find when you click with a WL she asks you to SMS, they usually ring your number while you in the shop, as I blind as a bat without my glasses they put there name in my phone, sometimes they put there real name as well, this way its easier and you can look forward to some sexy texting in the night, I find very entertaining, I call it extra service
if you don't see them in a couple weeks they stop replying & sometimes they will send you a sexy photo, but that has only happened on a couple of occasions.
Still it is all fun. keeps me going back, I find there is nothing better when the WL says your name when your in a passionate embrace A huge turn on for me.

25-04-2015, 03:25 PM
I find when you click with a WL she asks you to SMS, they usually ring your number while you in the shop, as I blind as a bat without my glasses they put there name in my phone, sometimes they put there real name as well, this way its easier and you can look forward to some sexy texting in the night, I find very entertaining, I call it extra service
if you don't see them in a couple weeks they stop replying & sometimes they will send you a sexy photo, but that has only happened on a couple of occasions.
Still it is all fun. keeps me going back, I find there is nothing better when the WL says your name when your in a passionate embrace A huge turn on for me.

Single brothers have all the funs and benefits !!

25-04-2015, 04:45 PM
Single brothers have all the funs and benefits !!
Why can't you have it ? Because you know the wife would consider it cheating ? ;) ;) ;)

Just tell the wife she's just a girl whom you do bareback Spanish with, no vaginal penetration ! ;) ;) ;)

25-04-2015, 11:11 PM
Ahlungor , that's why I tell them to
SMS , not ring me , it's funny I sometims got the misses lying next to me I just tell her it's work
Related Ha Ha

27-04-2015, 08:35 AM
Lol! I completely agree though. If she likes you she'll figure out a way to have you remember her.

I find it funny when they tell me their real name, I tend to remember that and forget their stage name. So when I go into the shop and they bounce up to me and call me loudly by name I have to call them "Stunner" or some other nickname until I remember their stage name.

27-04-2015, 09:41 AM
Why can't you have it ? Because you know the wife would consider it cheating ? ;) ;) ;)

Just tell the wife she's just a girl whom you do bareback Spanish with, no vaginal penetration ! ;) ;) ;)

Say what you like brother Wil !

Just wait until you get married !!

27-04-2015, 10:07 AM
I find it funny we are on a punting forum and people are judging each other haha
Look up the word 'sanctimonious'

27-04-2015, 01:18 PM
Say what you like brother Wil !

Just wait until you get married !!
I've been married ! I've got kids too ! I never punt when I was in the relationship !

While I'm not commenting whether it's right or wrong to cheat, I'm commenting that there's no need to make up an excuse to cheat, we're on a punting forum anyway !

27-04-2015, 01:22 PM
I find it funny we are on a punting forum and people are judging each other haha
Look up the word 'sanctimonious'
Wait till you understand what it's all about before you give your 2 cents, I don't want to retire too early !

I'm not judging anybody here, I'm commenting on AHLUNGOR's comment on what is not cheating !

Understand the difference ?