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26-04-2015, 10:25 PM
People who have sex twice a week, earn 4.5 per cent more, than those who don't

April 22, 2015

Happy days: The study found sexually active workers had higher wages

A boost in the bedroom could mean a boost in the boardroom – with new research showing workers who have more frequent sex earn more money.

The study found that employees who have sex two or three times a week earn 4.5 per cent more than those who are less sexually active.
Overall, the Greek research found a clear link between higher earnings and more frequent sex.
But the study did not establish whether more sex improved work performance work performance, resulting in increased earnings - or whether those on higher incomes were more likely to get lucky.

"Maslow's Need Hierarchy Theory claims that the happier and more fulfilled individuals are in their lives, the more productive and successful they will be in their work, translating to higher wages," the study leader said.

The effect of sexual activity on wages will be published in the International Journal of Manpower.


27-04-2015, 01:30 AM
I pretty much agree with this. When I went back to punting after a long break, I was nervous just getting into the room and stripping down.

After I built some confidence, suddenly I was getting freebie extras and my income and productivity raised (despite spending on punting).

27-04-2015, 01:35 AM
Agree but i better save up for my future too :) time for merried maybe ? :)

27-04-2015, 01:42 AM
I'd never get married again. I just go with FwB now. It also means that I don't get bored with one woman.