View Full Version : General talk Working Ladies' Point of View.

02-05-2015, 09:18 PM
Hi Guys
Occasionally on the Forum we get reports of disappointing punts.
If this is due to the WL being Lazy, or a Time Waster or just not interested. Then there is no excuse.
They cannot be defended and hopefully they will not last long in the shop.

There are other occasions when it may not all be the WLs fault.
Usually, they do not respond to these "bad" posts possibly due to lack of opportunity or lack of English.

I have listed below some of the things that trusted WLs have told me about some customers.

On almost a daily basis they are hassled for sex without a condom. The customer often will not accept this and keeps offering more and more money.

More than one customer has tried to remove the condom when they were moving into Doggie position.

Some customers want the Lady to do Anal and get angry when she refuses.

One customer had the lights turned down very low. The Lady was suspicious and when she turned the lights up, his Dick was covered in a rash. He wanted BBBJ. He got angry when she refused.
This was not only unfair to the WL, but also to other punters. I always carry a bottle of mouthwash that I use and I like to see the WL use mouthwash before and during our sessions.

Some customers are rough. This can be with their Tongue, Fingers or Dick. Even when the Lady tells them that she is being hurt, some customers do not seem to care.
It would be a normal reaction for the Lady to "tighten up" or adopt a more "defensive" position to restrict access to her delicate areas.

Some customers are abusive. Their attitude seems to be that they have paid their money so the WL just has to do whatever the customer says.

Some customers want the lady to perform S&M on them. A WL I know, was physically sick after a customer insisted on her hitting his Dick harder and harder with cane.

Recently on this forum we have had reports of Customers trying to secretly take Photos / Video of the ladies.

There are probably many more examples of Bad, Dumb or just Inconsiderate behaviour by a small minority of Customers.

A lot of misunderstanding about the services that WLs perform can be avoided if the Customer reads the Shop Information about the WL or if they ask the Receptionist.

I think that the large majority of punters on this Forum are decent guys and always try to do the right thing.

I may cop a bit of flack about this post, that is OK.
The Forum provides the opportunity for Spirited debate.

02-05-2015, 09:33 PM
I can only empathise these ladies.
I cant control other people's actions, but speaking for myself, I wont do the above to any WLs.

02-05-2015, 09:53 PM
And it depends on which shops, some areas are rougher than the others ...

02-05-2015, 10:52 PM
Its good that you have raised these issues, all bad behavior which should result in a ban from the shop.

02-05-2015, 11:12 PM
Thanks for your post, I would hope that any WL who is subjected to bad treatment would raise an alarm with the Mam/papasan and have the bad punter thrown out and banned for life (like Max is from Ginza) and also have his picture circulated to all other shops so he can be banned from them also. I hate bad punters.

02-05-2015, 11:34 PM
I know for a WL it is their job first and foremost. The oldest profession as they say.

It makes me extremely angry to hear that certain punters think because they paid $300 or x amount for an hour they own the girl and think she is obligated to do whatever they want.

You are paying for the service yes but more so a private audience with that girl. Whatever happens in that room is between you and girl but within reason and usually that is based on the shop rules and so on...

I can't believe people would ask for... let alone pressure these WL's to have sex without a condom to me that is unethical and also pointless.

Maybe I'm bias because I haven't had "sex" without a condom but these pricks need to give themselves an uppercut.

At the end of the day I hope those kinds of punters are filtered out and banned from these shops. The same goes for the WL's who'd be better suited to another job for their lackluster service.

03-05-2015, 12:19 AM
I get told a lot of stories by ML's and managers outside of the shop. Pretty much every girl has some really bad stories. This is from an ML's perspective, even though some of the same things happen to WL's.

- 90% of the bookings, guys ask for extras like DFK or fingering even if they say up front that they don't do them.
- Guys asking to pay $50 for anal.
- Guys asking them out.
- Guys asking them to be their girlfriend.
- Guys proposing on their first booking. Sounds really bizarre but it's happened with more than one client and with more than one ML.
- Drunk, belligerent guys.
- Stoned belligerent guys.
- Gansters.
- Guys that haven't taken a shower for a while.
- Guys that don't take no for an answer.
- Guys that ask the girl to act to call themselves their little sister coz that have this incest fantasy.
- Guys that hit the girls. One of these dickheads is on national TV.
- Guys that ask the girls to kick them as hard as they can in the nuts, etc.
- Guys that want to be pissed on.
- Guys trying to film them.
- Stalker guys. They get lots of these guys trying to stalk them on Facebook and from seemingly nice guys who expect something out of them.
- Scary guys who just swear and carry on all the time.
- One case of a customer trying to drown himself in the spa.
- Guys who steal the girl's makeup bag with their pay/tips.

And this isn't even including the weirder or creepier types.

Sadly, the majority of punters that they see are pushy, needy, lazy, feel entitled or a combination of all of them.

To a more recent incident. One new punter messaged me asking all sorts of questions about an ML, finally admitting that he has a "thing" for her. Funny coz that same week she just said to me that all of her current clients keep asking her out and that she's sick of it. She doesn't need any new friends - she has plenty of them...

I thought it was pretty rude that he kept trying to get info out of me but it all pretty much backfired on him. I'm pretty good at spotting the stalky types. All the ML said to me was that she hadn't seen me in ages and wanted me over there to have some fun. So, he knows who he is... thanks buddy and suggest you pull your head in or you're likely to get banned from the shop.

03-05-2015, 04:35 PM
I know that we are all different and enjoy different things when we are with WLs.

My thinking is probably very simplistic.
I just feel that if you treat the Lady with a bit of Respect and Consideration, then she responds positively and gives you much better service.
She is very happy to have you as a regular customer.
Win Win all round.
- WL is happy to have a good customer as a regular. = Regular Income.
- Shop Owner is happy with your regular custom. = Regular Income for the shop.
- You are happy with great service from the WL and enjoy some "additional benefits"

It works for me and keeps me going back. (Too Often Ha Ha).

carmen farquis
03-05-2015, 08:41 PM
I think you can also include the guys who hang around when their time is up, Once you're finished you shouldn't really be there.

Alsotwice while I've been waitlng at 533 I've seen some old guy try to walk into the girls room.

You don't have to be rough to be a fuckwit

03-05-2015, 11:08 PM
My thinking is probably very simplistic.
I just feel that if you treat the Lady with a bit of Respect and Consideration, then she responds positively and gives you much better service.
She is very happy to have you as a regular customer.
Win Win all round.

Agree 100% with this.

04-05-2015, 10:26 AM
Great thread guys
Anyone who has worked in customer service knows that the public generally are thoughtless and selfish
Unless they have worked in customer service

There are always a few people who think that paying money, entitles them to be unreasonably overbearing
But we all are capable of forgetting our manners, when we are impatient
I sometimes have to remind myself, when food at the restaurant is late, or a plane is delayed, not to adopt a sneering and sarcastic tone with the service people
Everyone deserves respect, not disregard.

But specifically related to this thread:
A woman has the right to go to work, without being subjected to undue aggression, unreasonable demands, or threats to their security

My 2 cents only

04-05-2015, 10:40 AM
Great thread guys
Anyone who has worked in customer service knows that the public generally are thoughtless and selfish
Unless they have worked in customer service

There are always a few people who think that paying money, entitles them to be unreasonably overbearing
But we all are capable of forgetting our manners, when we are impatient
I sometimes have to remind myself, when food at the restaurant is late, or a plane is delayed, not to adopt a sneering and sarcastic tone with the service people
Everyone deserves respect, not disregard.

But specifically related to this thread:
A woman has the right to go to work, without being subjected to undue aggression, unreasonable demands, or threats to their security

My 2 cents only

All those 2 cents have now added up to a small fortune. Very well said in this post.

My 2 cents is that I have never known a woman working in a brothel that wouldn't rather be somewhere else. Virtually all brothel workers hate their jobs.

04-05-2015, 10:46 AM
"My 2 cents is that I have never known a woman working in a brothel that wouldn't rather be somewhere else. Virtually all brothel workers hate their jobs"

Interesting perspective and observation. Virtually all ?

Upon reading a thread about a dud punt, we often get the comment, that "the lady should find another job if she doesnt enjoy what she is doing"

I am sure many of the premium incall / outcall workers, with a less onerous work schedule, may enjoy their work

Its an interesting point, do virtually all brothel workers hate their job ? (as compared to higher paid escorts)

Virtually all ? The majority ?

You are probably right bro.
The minority of men that are rude, obnoxious, aggressive and stalkerish would put a lot of women off going to work
Its a testament to their inner strength (and obviously financial hardship) that women survive in the industry

I doubt many employers would provide any type of formal counselling
The only counselling that exists, would be between the women themselves, if they share the same language

I've heard the opposite in some cases, women being exploited and having some of their hard earned money taken away or stolen from them
No specific names of course - that cant be justified on this forum, and its not the point of this thread

04-05-2015, 12:28 PM
There are plenty that don't hate the job itself, just the bad clients.

Most of what goes on isn't extreme for ML's, mainly annoyances that can be solved a number of ways - usually through the managers banning the client if it's really bad.

Most ML's I know like the flexibility of when they work and the fact that they can make as much in a day as they used to make in a week doing other customer service work like waitressing. Waitresses get a raw deal too.

A good looking girl waitressing will get hit on by guys constantly and in some cases sexually harassed by the employer and other staff. E.g. Getting felt up.

Most good looking girls have this happen all the time anyway so know how to handle themselves.

It is really simple, treat women with respect and you'll get it back. Unfortunately some guys still don't get it. The good news for guys that do is, the more jerks there are around, the more likely you are to stand out and reap the rewards for being a good guy.

04-05-2015, 03:46 PM
There are usually four major types of complaint from either WLs and MLs:

1. Rough play: especially for those who has a big gun - and the views from the ladies are not that these guys wanted to fuck hard to have a good time, they fuck hard to try to hurt the ladies !! and many of them would squeeze beyond rough on the ladies bodies parts !! and if their fingers made their way inside the pussy - good luck to the ladies !

2. Poor hygiene: ranging from no shower, bad BO, bad breathe, to smelly feets and cocks to dirty hands with black finger nails, as if they wanted to pass on their dirts onto the ladies because they think that they are "dirty".

3. Pushing the boundaries with the WLs and the MLs, for FS, they will try to push for BBBJ (if not standard), BBFS, anal...........etc. For MLs, they will push for BJ and or FS ! and the worst kind are the one pushing for more and unwilling to pay for it !! There are certain clients who walked into a RnT shop wanting free HJ with the basic massage or offering $30 tip for FS !

4. Tried to trick the ladies by removing condom during session or tried to video or take pictures of the ladies without notice and consent !!

It's a very tough job !! and so many bastards and nasty people out there ! :fire:

Let's be a gentleman and treat your working ladies with respect and decency !! :smile:
