View Full Version : General talk Sexy Women are Rinsing Men - Using Lust To Fund Lifestyle

09-05-2015, 06:38 PM
Girl Power !

The traditional definition of "rinsing" was to wash something, like rinsing laundry, or rinsing dishes
In 2015, "rinsing" has a very different meaning


When it comes to pretty young women who want to rinse men; they are not using clean water to remove soap, detergent, dirt, or impurities
Instead, they are using their charm to get luxury gifts or money, including having their bills paid for them.
For very little in return.

The specific principle insists, that in return, the men are definitely DO NOT receive sex.
And the men seem to go along with that principle.

All respect to women. And this breed are super savvy, and super opportunistic


This website is devoted to the issue:

And this is the documentary you have to see to believe:

09-05-2015, 06:43 PM
Fuck that...the bitches can pay their own bills!

Mr Bastard
09-05-2015, 06:44 PM
This has been happening since the orn of time

09-05-2015, 06:47 PM
The documentary shows how women in 2015, particularly famous women, can use social media to get far more than any women of previous generations
Its a totally new ball game now, for a select few women

09-05-2015, 06:58 PM
Good on them!
Nearly all societies are patriarchal; Western/Eastern, Traditional/Modern, Capitalist/Socialist, Muslim/Christian/Hindu/Secular, whatever.
Men are always the dominant sex; financially, socially, culturally, economically, politically, sexually etc.
So if some women can use the only weapons they have ie their looks, body, pussy, manipulative mind etc to achieve economic, financial and social advantages then good on them!
And the weak pussy whipped soft cocks who fall for them, well they just get what they deserve.
They are not worthy of calling themselves men.

09-05-2015, 07:00 PM
Rooter, you hit the nail on the head
I found the article and documentary, and it just took a bit of time to sink in
Including all the Twitter scamming and so on described in the documentary.

But you are totally right. These women are exploiting their beauty, before it fades
They have the power.
Good on them.

If I had really beautiful daughters in the future though, I cant recommend to them this behaviour
It just feels a little unethical

But life is full of grey, its not all black and white !

Of course, the problems arise when an unbalanced man confronts the women, expecting for a little more than just friendship

09-05-2015, 07:24 PM
There's always going to be the hunters and prey. I don't have a lot of sympathy for prey. It's natural selection.

Men as well as women work the system for their own advantage.

There's something completely hot about a strong, independent woman who knows what they want. And they're attracted to men who won't pay them off, but who can tell them to take it or leave it... The others, well they're just marks...

Mr Bastard
09-05-2015, 08:13 PM
some call it life......

09-05-2015, 11:35 PM
Anyone with an ounce of EQ who went to a co-ed school can smell a prick teaser from a mile off!
They usually go for nerds with money or losers.