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10-05-2015, 02:51 PM
I have had "special" relationships with a number of WLs

Almost like Boyfriend / Girlfriend.

It involved a number of meetings and activities away from their places of work.

Often we would go to hotels or motels.

I always provided food and drinks and paid for the accommodation.

I usually offered the Lady some money but they always refused to take it, because of our relationship.

They were all great times, some are still continuing ??

I do the right thing by the Ladies' work places by still seeing them there.

I had this type of arrangement with another WL.

She was keen for us to spend more time together on her day off work, so I booked a hotel.
We were there from approximately 11:00 am until about 4:00 pm. About 5 hours.

When we were getting ready to leave I offered her some money. She did not say "No"
I started slowly peeling off $50:00 bills, expecting her to say "that's enough" she did not.

When I reached $500:00 I stopped.
She said thanks and picked up the money.

I still see her sometimes and she has asked to me to book a hotel again.
I have made excuses not to do this.

My disappointment was not about the money, ($500:00 for 5 hours is great value), It was more the fact that she acted like a WL.

The next time that she asks, I guess that I should ask her if she wants to go to the Hotel as my "girlfriend" or as a WL.

That would clarify the situation.

Lesson Learned ???

10-05-2015, 03:13 PM
U got the money and you got her in the hotel , i think nowdays No free Meal bra :) :)

10-05-2015, 03:13 PM
Do you mean to say you will never give money to your GF or wife?
Say you just had sex with your wife and she says she needs some money to buy groceries. Does that trigger the same reaction as what you just wrote?
There's nothing wrong with what the girl did in my opinion. I think there's something wrong with you and how you associate sex & money with punting.

10-05-2015, 03:41 PM
You got called on your bluff and are sour about it. You shouldn't have offered and pulled out your wallet if you didn't want to part with your money.

10-05-2015, 03:47 PM
You got called on your bluff and are sour about it. You shouldn't have offered and pulled out your wallet if you didn't want to part with your money.

When showing off goes wrong!

10-05-2015, 03:53 PM
Like you said bro $500 for a 5 hour session is great value.
Don't worry about it, you had a good time, just put it down to experience.
Plenty of other girls around if you don't want to see this one again.

10-05-2015, 04:31 PM
May be the girl saw it as an opportunity to get some money so she would not have to go to work the next shift and see other customers!

WL work for one thing money! Some like the work and seeing lots of different men others would prefer to just see men they like and so are happy to take your money and so not have to see someone else.

It all depends on the girl and also on what your after are you only after free sex ( I say free but no sex is completely free) or are you truly interested in the girl.

If you like the girl discuss it with her if you don't then its only fair you paid her.

10-05-2015, 05:03 PM
Why didn't you just give her $200 or something? You decided $500 was fair and gave it to her. You think she is going to say 'oh keep the money, I don't want it' lol

10-05-2015, 05:24 PM
Why didn't you just give her $200 or something? You decided $500 was fair and gave it to her. You think she is going to say 'oh keep the money, I don't want it' lol

$500 for 5 hours was fair or even a bargain so if it was a wl arrangement he was a winner.

10-05-2015, 05:30 PM
He wanted the girl to say no as they had a special relationship lol... I go to the same ML regularly and I give her extra tips that I wouldn't give to other ML... She says that there's no need but obviously she still takes it. Part of the game. Think of that girl as a WL. Pay for the sex and don't take it personally or get emotional attached

10-05-2015, 05:52 PM
Mate u just got hustled.

10-05-2015, 09:33 PM
Thanks for the feedback guys.
I have no problems with any of the comments.

I guess that I was a bit disappointed that she took the money when the other ladies did not.
They were happy to spend time with me without payment.

I have moved on.

10-05-2015, 10:20 PM
I have had "special" relationships with a number of WLs

Almost like Boyfriend / Girlfriend.

It involved a number of meetings and activities away from their places of work.

Often we would go to hotels or motels.

I always provided food and drinks and paid for the accommodation.

I usually offered the Lady some money but they always refused to take it, because of our relationship.

They were all great times, some are still continuing ??

I do the right thing by the Ladies' work places by still seeing them there.

I had this type of arrangement with another WL.

She was keen for us to spend more time together on her day off work, so I booked a hotel.
We were there from approximately 11:00 am until about 4:00 pm. About 5 hours.

When we were getting ready to leave I offered her some money. She did not say "No"
I started slowly peeling off $50:00 bills, expecting her to say "that's enough" she did not.

When I reached $500:00 I stopped.
She said thanks and picked up the money.

I still see her sometimes and she has asked to me to book a hotel again.
I have made excuses not to do this.

My disappointment was not about the money, ($500:00 for 5 hours is great value), It was more the fact that she acted like a WL.

The next time that she asks, I guess that I should ask her if she wants to go to the Hotel as my "girlfriend" or as a WL.

That would clarify the situation.

Lesson Learned ???

Disappointed that she acted like a WL? Bro, she is a WL!

10-05-2015, 10:32 PM
Disappointed that she acted like a WL? Bro, she is a WL!

Answer : Completed :)

10-05-2015, 11:17 PM
This reminds me of a scene from the movie Breakup Buddies (Xin Hua Lu Fang).. I may have to upload the scene on youtube.

The money thing at the end is a test, so you can confirm if what just transpired was real desire? I suppose she failed it..

For me if I genuinely asked a ML/WL that I get on with to hang out sometime (not necessarily to just mess around) and they didn't want to which is fine or brought up payment and such then I couldn't be bothered.

The shop is their place of work and you are paying x amount upfront split between the girl and the shop to see them but if they DON'T consider you high value enough for their own time then I don't think it's worth the energy.

11-05-2015, 12:41 AM
If she had been your wife, would you have expected her to say no? More than likely, she would have asked for your wallet and if you were lucky, left you $50 and taken the rest.

11-05-2015, 12:51 AM
I had a WL (from a brothel) ask me over to her private unit once, when I arrived she said how long do you want to stay, I said an hour or so, then she told me the prices ...

11-05-2015, 12:56 AM
Wanting a special relationship with and "seeing" WLs outside of their work rarely ends well. I've seen plenty of posts with bro's upset with the difference between what they wanted or hoped for and the outcome. As MAX so clearly pointed out, you must not forget that they are WLs.

11-05-2015, 01:02 AM
Seeing a WL outside of work is like hiring a video, after too many viewings it starts to get real ...

11-05-2015, 04:43 AM
I found this a while ago and I thought it was appropriate

11-05-2015, 08:41 AM
I found this a while ago and I thought it was appropriate

Those girls got you boys by their fabulous acting haha :)

11-05-2015, 09:38 AM
She was keen for us to spend more time together on her day off work, so I booked a hotel.
We were there from approximately 11:00 am until about 4:00 pm. About 5 hours.

Was that all your "date" consisted of? No breakfast/lunch/dinner/socialising? If so, little wonder she treated it an outcall session and let you pay for it.

11-05-2015, 11:19 AM
Thanks for the feedback guys.
I have no problems with any of the comments.

I guess that I was a bit disappointed that she took the money when the other ladies did not.
They were happy to spend time with me without payment.

I have moved on.

Without any details of what are the nationality, ages and look and quality of the WLs who had gone out with you and shared free sex and company vs. that one lady who took your cash, may be there are some differences ??

Look mate, you obviously had some good run and enjoyed the gf/bf feel with some of the WLs as stated, but it will be unrealistic to expect ALL WLs will feel and do the same "freebie" stuff with you, sooner or later you will run into someone who will take the money on offer !! If you feel that you enjoyed the company and $500/5 hours is good value, go for it again, or as you said, you have moved on.

You can stick with those WLs who didn't take money but I have a feeling that you are the kind of hunter who will continue to hunt and try to capture as many "freebies" outside the shop as you can.

Good luck to you brother, I wish I am still single and probably do the same too..................haha

Have fun and don't take it too seriously when your money is accepted ........lol


ps. Sorry to say this, but what you did there: offering money to the WL but deep down you were hoping that she won't take it !! is exactly the same act like having dinner with a group of friends and pretending to fight for the bill where you were hoping someone else will win the fight and pay for the dinner. ;););)

11-05-2015, 11:26 AM
Was that all your "date" consisted of? No breakfast/lunch/dinner/socialising? If so, little wonder she treated it an outcall session and let you pay for it.

Personally, if I would have a similar situation where I dated a WL/ML outside of the shop, wine and dine and sex her in a hotel room and she refused my money. I will feel great too, but I won't take it for granted, I will buy her a nice gift with the similar value of the money I would have paid her.

As a married man for the past three decades, of course I have NEVER dated any WL/ML outside of the shop - that would definitely be CHEATING in big time, just saying what I would have done IMO. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
